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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Aya Jabir *Jeremiah Hamilton *Klaire Henriette *Thespis | setting=Maddy's Wafflehouse | log='''Aya Jabir:''' Aya had taken a fair bit of time to get things in order since her Awakening. A lot had changed, and a lot of things needed to change. She hadn't made a public speaking appearance, her contributions to the Plain Blog had stopped, and she was able to remain isolated for a time with the help of food bro...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:10, 28 May 2023


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Aya Jabir: Aya had taken a fair bit of time to get things in order since her Awakening. A lot had changed, and a lot of things needed to change. She hadn't made a public speaking appearance, her contributions to the Plain Blog had stopped, and she was able to remain isolated for a time with the help of food brought over by concerned relatives and close friends. Now, she appeared through the portal into Maddys, dressed in black from head to toe, with the only color adorning her coming from ruby lipstick.

She gave a friendly wave and nodded her head to the staff with respect, and went to find herself a seat.

Thespis: Thespis had come into Maddy's for some coffee, black shirt, purple suit with an open jacket. After ordering his drink he saw Aya and walked over to her with a smile on his face.

"It truly does my heart warm to see you amongst our numbers, may I sit with you, I'm sure you have plenty of. . .questions?" he smiles

Aya Jabir: She looked to him, and smiled; it was not, however, the big warm smile she used to greet with but now something a little more subdued. She gestured to the seat across from her, "Certainly, you may. It is good to see you, as well. I have no end of questions, the answers mass-produce questions on an industrial scale." The smile became a bit of an amused smirk. "But the first is to ask whether you have been well."

Jeremiah Hamilton: As the pair talked Jeremiah bebopped his way through the portal, dressed casually in jeans and a black t-shirt with What A Wonderful Day to Respect People's Pronouns done in a bubbly font in a pastel rainbow of colors. He hung by the portal as though he was expecting someone else to be following behind, smiling warmly as he spotted Aya and giving her and Thespis a nod.

Thespis: "I have," he said, nodding to Jeremiah when he nodded to him, "I have been elated ever since I learned of you're awakening, prehaps it was Fate that I was dispatched." he sipped his drink, "Please, ask me anything and I shall do my best to answer."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire, and more importantly Rook, trotted through just after. The pup was in his service vest, and was happily trailing after Jay. Klaire however, looked in desperate need of caffeine.

"Hello Miss Aya, and Thespis."

A pause at that last sentence, looking to Jay for confirmation that he had heard the same thing.

Aya Jabir: "It's difficult to know where to start." She then looks to Jeremiah and waves, still with that smirky red smile, "Ah, it's good to see you as well!" And then with Klaire and Rook's arrival, the smile broadened some more.

"Someone must have put the word out that I've emerged from my cave," she says with a chuckle.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah perked up immediately when Thespis mentioned Aya's newly Awakened state, smiling brightly as he led the way from the portal to their table. "I'd heard about a new fruit on the tree but not who it belonged to. Glad to see you made it through."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire gently pets Rook as she figures out if Jay and her were going to join the others. She gives a happy smile for her friend.

"Congratulations, Aya. I must admit I have missed you these past few weeks."

Thespis: Thespis sipped his coffee

Aya Jabir: Aya says to Jay, "I am glad as well. It took some doing." She then nods to Klaire, "I needed to take some time, I'm sorry I wasn't around. I'm still working things out, but I think I'm ready to be sociable again."

And finally, back to Thespis, "Ahh, and I think I do have somewhere to start with questions! What is this about fruit on the tree?" She asks this with her gaze traveling between Thespis and Jeremiah.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It's the heart of the consilium here, a tree that sprouts new fruit when local Awakenings occur, among other things." He made a brief 'may we?' gesture with his hands, not wanting to assume that they could claim places at their booth.

Klaire Henriette: "No, no. No need to apologize. I am glad you took some time to yourself."

She scritches under Rook's chin, who happily leaned into it.

Klaire definetly looked like she had a million questions for Aya, but held back. Not wanting to overwhelm the woman. She also waited for the 'may we' gesture and watched for the answer. Jeez did she want strawberries right now.

"And I am certainly glad you are in one piece, and willing to be sociable. That can often be quite difficult."

Thespis: "I don't think I asked last time, what Path are you on?"

Aya Jabir: She nods to his 'may we', and puts in an order for blueberry waffles and coffee. "Please, join us. It's great to have company. And witness as that question's answer produces more questions: the tree must be a subject unto itself to be the heart like that." She says to Thespis, "Moros. Which I think surprises others a fair bit more than it does me. Hearing the Dead preceded everything else I could do."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Very much so. You'll have to come to the hall to see it at some point." Jeremiah took a seat once permission was granted, putting in an order for coffee and a home run scrambler before looking back to Aya. "That tracks for you, yeah."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire takes whatever available seat was left, giving some space for Rook. She ordered strawberry pancakes with extra strawberry on the side, and a plate of sausage for the goodest boi.

"The tree is quite impressive, I would certainly recommend it."

She took a deep breath as if she smelled something, then nods.

"Does it feel like you are returning to your roots then?"

Thespis: "Well, then you'll have a better time with Matter then me," he chuckled, "You'll need a new name, well, at least one you'll be known by in Awakened Spheres, a Shadow Name."

Aya Jabir: "I get the feeling I'll have a number of reasons to go to the hall, but I'll certainly make the time to see this tree." She shifts to Klaire and seems to think over her question with care before speaking, "I'm not sure; it feels right, that's the best way to put it. I have no doubt I am on the right Path."

She takes a sip of coffee before getting to Thespis, "And yes, I've heard of this and given it thought. I believe I have what will work for me."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Matter's not that bad once you have a good teacher for it." Jeremiah offered with a smirk, nodding to Klaire's question and Aya's response. "Don't remember if I told you mine before; it's Sirius, in case I didn't."

Klaire Henriette: "I don't think that it is something to rush. But it does offer some level of protection as well."

She takes a breath and is suddenly a bit more open, free with her movements, not as calculated.

"Mine is Psyche. I am quite glad it feels right. That is wonderful news."

Almost as wonderful as getting to pet Rook! She begins to take off the vest so he can be off work mode.

Thespis: "Thespis," he smiled as he sipped his drink, "So, now that you're in the know, I would like to regale you with a tale, if you don't mind."

Aya Jabir: "Then know me as Faridah." She said with a nod, then looked to Thespis, "By all means." And she prepares to listen by putting syrup on her fresh waffle.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Faridah it is." He nodded, thanking the server as his coffee was dropped off and adding a notable amount of sugar to it while turning his attention towards Thespis.

Klaire Henriette: "Faridah, that sounds wonderful."

She smiles as hers and Rook's food arrives. All three of the Mage's peripheral sight would flash as one of the sausages floats in the air and then down for Rook, who happily gobbles it up. She is showing excellent control! But also pays attention to Thespis's stories, knowing how they often go.

Thespis: "So, now that you're one of use, you should be filled on on the history," he smiled, "It all started with Atlantis, cause of course it does," he chuckled, "Once, mankind was able to study the Supernal, and those who did created the city of Atlantis, all, well most, of our Orders are traced back to this island city." he explained, "However, over time the Atlantean mages allowed their human nature to blind them with ambition, resulting in the creation of a ladder, which allowed the ruling magi to climb to the Supernal and become god like beings, the Exarchs, who are served by the Seers." he said, pausing for any comments or questions

Aya Jabir: Faridah listened with interest, simply taking a bite of her waffle during the pause.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked ready to say something but paused, taking a sip of his coffee instead as he let Thespis spin his version of the tale in peace for the moment.

Klaire Henriette: Psyche frowns and looks at the Guardian, advising but not stopping him.

"Don't overwhelm her. If you need to stop, just say so, Faridah."

Thespis: "The ladder collapse, a monument to hubris is always doomed to fail, but Atlantis sunk beneath the waves. . .personally, I think the whole sink beneath the sea thing is a metaphor, I suspect it did sink, just not in the physical," he shrugged, a small smirk when he noticed Sirius, "There are many who would seek, and have tried for, a second city such as Atlantis, however, the same fate seems to follow it one way or another, as if the world itself could not bear another mistake like it." he shrugs, "after that, I can only say what my own Order went through and evolved from," highly selective and edited versions, of course, "I suspect you can learn more of the Silver Ladder from Sirius."

"However, the harm was done, and the now god-like mages hold reality hostage, keeping everyone asleep in the Lie, enforced by their Seers, somehow for some reason, you, me, Sirius, we woke up and found our Paths."

Aya Jabir: She gives a soft smile to Psyche and says, "It's alright, I'm fine." She resumes listening to Thespis and at the end takes on a thoughtful expression and nods. "Hmm.. metaphor or not would not be mutually exclusive, either. I've heard some of this before, I think? I've learned a bit from so many, especially in the weeks leading up."

A look between Thespis and Sirius, "I have to admit I've not had much occasion to learn much about either of your Orders, except for what you've already told me each, respectively."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "The unity of focus that Atlantis provided is something worth striving for, in my opinion. We can agree to disagree on the specifics, though." Jeremiah smirked a touch, nodding to Aya as she looked his way. "At its core the Ladder sees magic as humanity's birthright, something taken from them by the machinations of the Exarchs, and we put our efforts into leading others to enlightenment to help loosen the chains of the Lie."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire doesn't contribute much to the discussion, she was still learning. She was also...starring at the extra strawberries, and makes half an uneasy face, like something might have been wrong. Maybe strawberry overload?

She doesn't eat and instead gives Rook another floating sausage and makes it float around his nose.

Thespis: "To humbly disagree with the Ladder, me and mine view magic as," he considered the words, "Well, you wouldn't want everyone to have a nuclear weapon, would you?" He asked, "Cause that what magic is, a dangerous weapon that's best kept secret and safe, lest humanity shoot itself in the foot."

Aya Jabir: Aya nodded to Jay's take, and then to Thespis', "There's likely wisdom to be found in both. As little as I've seen already, there's much potential for disaster or unintended consequences; in the hands of the power hungry, it could be catastrophic. But that also leads to the other side, apparent to anyone who has seen an unfree country."

She says to Thespis, "What is to keep you from becoming like so many military dictatorships in the world, wielding a sometimes rational fear of the people to justify an increasingly corrupt rule? How do you not become yet another oppressor?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "There are certainly some who would abuse it, but teaching them to use it properly is possible." Jeremiah added, smiling a touch at Aya's question before looking to Thespis for his reply.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire meanwhile was using her magic to have a sausage float lazily around Rook's head for his entertainment. Very dangerous. Yes I am being a little shit here intentionally.

Thespis: "Because we police ourselves just as much as we police others." he smiled, "Think of it, magic has the potential to manipulate reality as we know it, if everyone had that power, it would mean the end of the world, not to even mention the amount of Paradox." he sipped his drink, "That is the real threat, in my opinion, the Seers may be tyrants that must be pulled down, but compared to the Abyss they are manageable." he sipped his drink, "Every time some fool thinks he can play god, Paradox hits back and the Abyss get's a little bit bigger."

Aya Jabir: Aya chuckles at the sausage bonking Rook's head and says to Klaire, "He's a good boy, it's not fair to tease him." She then turns back to Thespis, "There is indeed a great risk. But I'm sure you can see why 'we can't be corrupt because if we became corrupt, we would un-corrupt ourselves' lacks reassurance? Military dictatorships also police themselves, they root out corruption and punish war criminals; but in practice, this means removing dissident voices and people who get in the way of the corruption. The KGB was a 'circle of accountability' that silenced anyone who questioned things, in the name of security."

She sets down her fork and leans forward, folding her hands, "And the corrupt rarely think themselves corrupt, their missions never changed. The targets changed, the rewards changed, but the mission is always to 'protect'. What is the unique factor that vaccinates your Order against the same corruption which can infect every other group of people in history?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah remained quiet, taking a sip of his coffee as he listened intently to the back and forth.

Klaire Henriette: "Fine, fine. I will be nicer."

She chuckles, letting Rook chomp it. She was similarly interested in the back and forth, a small smile on her face watching Thespis try to argue with the former Plain. She does finally eat a strawberry!

Thespis: "My Order has had it's problems, theirs no denying that, but we realize that and work diligently day and night, I've often found we're harshest to those in our own ranks who fall." he sipped his drink, "I will say, if we were as bad as the Seers, would the other Orders suffer us to live, do you think?"

Aya Jabir: "That question assumes a great deal, first, that the means exist for them to not suffer your Order. A great deal may be suffered if no alternatives exist," she says, sugaring her words with playful tone. "But the question isn't of what you are, but what you may become under the right-- or wrong-- circumstances, especially when one assumes a mantle of protector."

She looks to Jeremiah now, "So, what is the Silver Ladder answer to the dangers of magic in the wrong hands, or that of Paradox?"

Klaire Henriette: "Your selling point of 'well the others are okay with us' could probably use some work, Thespis."

Psyche floats another sausage down to Rook.

"Perhaps that you are working to protect Sleepers from malpractices of Magic as that could hurt them greatly if they are exposed to it. That may be a better selling point."

Psyche was supportive, that was part of the identity. She was also using that as a chance to practice.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Paradox is something to be concerned about, but can also be contained with the right preparations and tools in place. The same can be said about those who would misuse their abilities: most can be taught the ways of the Wise, despite the pessimistic view that some hold about humanity's character."

Thespis: "Have they proven us wrong?" he asked, "But yes, the primary mission of my Order is to keep people safe from rampant magic and to clean up the evidence of said magic."

Aya Jabir: She picks her fork up and cuts off another piece of waffle, and taking a bite. She takes a moment to think both of their answers over before asking her next question to Jeremiah.

"So, the key to things is right guidance? And how are you sure that you are not yourself misleading?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Regular introspection and the proof of our previous efforts paying out. More is to be gained by shaping those around us in a positive manner than barring them from experiencing it at all due to the possibility of something bad happening."

Thespis: Thespis sips his drink, "Oh, I have nothing against leading people to an Awakening, I live for it, however, the key is making sure they are ready."

Aya Jabir: "Hmm.." And now a look back between the two mages, "You both hold positions with merit. But what of the other Orders? What do you make of them and what they do?"

Klaire Henriette: Psyche smiles.

"The Guardians and Silver Ladder hold fairly opposite ideals. It may be more fruitful to ask member of those Orders for the full details, everyone has their sales pitch."

Its said like its from personal experience. It was. Looking at you Thespis.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "We all have our part to play in the grander scheme of things. The Arrows protect from without while the Veil protect from within, the Mysterium seeks out knowledge and the Free Council reminds us of the greatness at humanity's core while we strive to make a world where that spark can become the flame it's supposed to be rather than the faint ember the Lie forces it to be. As Psyche said you can get a larger picture from members of the orders themselves, though."

Thespis: "All are aspects of a single Dragon." he said before sipping his drink again, "Sometimes we disagree, but we all have the same end goal, one big mildly dysfunctional family." he chuckled, "Of course, you also have the Children of the Tree here." he admitted, "Also part of the family."

Aya Jabir: Aya smirks as she looks to Klaire, but waits until she gets her answers from the others before telling her, "Oh, I'm sure they all do. But sometimes, you get more truth about a group, by getting members of that group to describe people outside the group. I ask them about the others not to learn about the others, but to learn about them."

Klaire Henriette: A small smile from Psyche. She was confident Aya would do well.

"Of course. I am certain you will find the Order right for you in time."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Very true." Jeremiah nodded to Thespis at the mention of the Children. "They've been here for far longer than the Pentacle Orders have been, and taught us much by their own actions and sacrifices."

"Not a bad way to go about it." He said to Aya with a smile, taking a sip of his coffee.

Thespis: "As an outsider, I see the Silver Ladder as. . .optimistic teachers who mean well, but seem to give people too much hope and happen to love leadership roles, the Mysterium's curiosity is admirable, but 'they dig too deep', the Arrow is a honed blade, but a blade, the Free Council," a beat as he blinks, "They provide good practice in debating." he shrugs

Aya Jabir: "I as well," she says to Klaire before nodding to Jeremiah and then turning to Thespis, "I see, or at least, I think I do. But your answer didn't include much on the Children of the Tree? Are they a bit harder to describe?"

Klaire Henriette: She sighs a bit at the dismissal of the Free Council, feeling like it could use at least a little support here.

"The Free Council is diverse in its perspectives, and has a very 'everyone is equal' approach. They believe that humanity is inherently magical as well. It does give them a bit of a 'looser' feel, which has its own merit."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "From what I know the Children work in a more communal manner overall, delegating to those who have the most expertise and knowledge of the situation at hand. They work alongside the Diamond Orders to help better the city as a whole, aiding those affected by the sins of the past and present."

Thespis: "I honestly don't know the Children well, so I would not be a good source on them." he admitted

Aya Jabir: Aya raised an eyebrow and seemed intrigued by Klaire's additional information on the Free Council, "Aha. I'll certainly be speaking with them soon, to learn more." Thespis' honesty received an appreciative nod, and the additional information from Jeremiah gets a gentle smile.

"The Children sound rather intriguing, then." Another moment of thought as she finished the last bite of waffle. "I don't want to go in with preconceived notions, but I would estimate there's not much for me with the Arrows."

Klaire Henriette: "Aperture is the Liberine I know the best, but she is currently out of town. Ethos or Charleville are two that I have met before, and are good to know within the Order, as well as Drumheller, another Sleepwalker that is a man of many hats and skills."

A nod, it was Aya's decision who to join and Psyche would try to stay neutral.

Thespis: "That riot against the Marks, that was the Free Council, they are big into civil disobedience and protesting, even the more confrontational kind." another sip

Aya Jabir: "That would be the same riot that brought me here, I believe. I've been known to do my share of civil disobedience." The fork goes down as she reaches for her mug of coffee, "Though I think I'll still eschew direct violent conflict as much as possible now."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks a bit... well... put off by the mention of the riot.

"In their defense, it was the Marks that proved violent first."

Thespis: "It was the Marks that started it, but, in my opinion, such an acitivty brought Sleepers to something they where not prepared for, especially now we know they are Abyssally touched." he said, in the manner a school teacher would crituque a hasty exam, "It could have been done better, but what's done is done." he shrugged, "I prefer more subtle workings myself."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sometimes one needs to go loud to make a change, and in this case I think the Council did some good with that event. It got people thinking, and they were able to see the Mark units for what they were rather than the spin their creators push out to the masses."

Aya Jabir: "It certainly called me out from my residency overseas to pay mind to my home town."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire suddenly seems very interested in Rook, giving him some pets. He pays attention to her a lot more than anything else right now.

"Sometimes mistakes are made, but sometimes they have some beneficial outcomes..."

Thespis: "What I would do, take it to the media, start a journalism expose on the Marks, finde people in the department who don't like the change, have a proxy war withing the department, find who supplies them the Marks, they have to come from some tech or weapons company, expose them in Media and do a wet-work campaign." another sip, "That's my way of doing things anyway."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed." He nodded to Klaire, giving her a quiet "you alright?" sort of look. "I believe we have an idea of the who and the where, but I'll admit I'm not as involved on that front as others."

Aya Jabir: Aya nods to Thespis' idea, "I was working on things on the political side before Awakening. I may return to that, depending on how things go. My studies may come first, as I've certainly a lot to catch up on."

Klaire Henriette: "Perhaps you should bring up those ideas to the current Sentinel and see what can be done. I hear her Deputy is doing everything she can during the stalemate, and they could use all the help they can get."

Klaire's a little bitter, but waves a hand in an 'I'm fine' motion for Sirius.

"I do wish you luck with your studies, Faridah. There are many Masters within the city who can likely do wonderful at teaching you."

Thespis: "Youre path specialize in Matter and Death, though they are weaker with Spirit," Thespis commented, "Your ruling Arcana would be a good start, when I awoke, I focused on Mind and Space before branching out."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "If you need any assistance feel free to reach out. My cadre in particular specializes in helping the newly Awakened and Sleepwalkers to get their footing."

Aya Jabir: "Thank you," she says to Klaire, "I think I know a few, who I am keen to talk to. I just hope they aren't all busy." To Thespis, she gives a confirming nod, "I am particularly keen to deepen my understanding of Death, for sure. But I'm also curious about Time and Space." She shakes her head and shrugs, "There's.. a lot."

To Jeremiah's offer, she smiles, "We will have to talk some more about things, then. I have missed the Green Room."

Klaire Henriette: "The Soulwardens are quite nice to know, they have helped me greatly as well."

She didn't really have much to offer to help the new mage as she was not one herself.

Thespis: "What was it like, Stygia?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Would love to see you come by." He replied with a smile, eyeing Thespis briefly before looking back to Aya for her answer.

Aya Jabir: "Hmmm.. quiet, desolate, with 'Bone' as a very strong aesthetic." She sighs, talking on it proving to be something of a challenge for her as she tries to find the right words for it. "I couldn't call it dark, but I couldn't call it bright, either. I could see where I was going, but shadows were plentiful as well."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire sat there, a lot of curiosity decorating her face. Wanting to know more but also...having no clue what the hell to ask.

Thespis: "I always find it fascinating how we all see the lighthouses diffrent, even those of us on the same Path." he looked at Sirius

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed." He gave Thespis a nod, sitting back in his seat. "We all see it through our own lens, coloring the Realm as much as it influences us."

Aya Jabir: She nodded and added, "It certainly has an influence on me," without further elaboration. "I hope to have left some things behind, as well."

Thespis: "We all have things we leave at it, things that kept us asleep."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed." He offered another nod. "I was able to shed some of the less savory aspects of myself through what happened there, which I'm thankful for."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire keeps quite quiet at that bit, petting Rook, then enjoying a bite of her pancakes.

"If you do not mind me asking, what can you currently do? Just out of curiosity."

Aya Jabir: She looks to Klaire, "Honestly, I've not tried to do all that much yet, I'm trying to proceed carefully." She gestures her hand towards Thespis, "Safety first, when playing with nukes," was said with a grin. "Listening to and speaking with the dead, however, continue to be things well within my capacity. I am, it seems, also able to help them more than with just words and my ability to affect the physical world."

She looks at her empty plate, with the fork on it. "And speaking of physical world, I seem to have a knack for figuring out what things are made of now, and can manipulate it some."

Thespis: "Death and Matter," he chuckled, "When I was an apprentice, mind reading and wonderful sense of direction where my sudden skills."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Before you could just hear the dead, right?" He inquired, giving a nod as Aya continued. "I know from Kay that Death allows you to interact with them more thoroughly."

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"Have you tried any of your old abilities? Such as the apporation? Another former telepath told me her former powers stopped when she Awakened."

Aya Jabir: "I could hear, see, and speak to them. The latter two required a bit of effort-- fortunately-- but not so much as to be onerous," she answers to Jay before turning to Klaire, "When I returned to this world, I tried to Apportate since my feet were not viable and I did not have my phone. It was.. to no effect. I simply couldn't understand how to do it, in the same way?"

Thespis: "It was an eventful evening," he nodded, "Clean up went well at least."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It falls under a different sphere of influence as far as Supernal magic is concerned, so when you Awoke the previous paths you walked are no longer available. It's something you can learn how to do again, although the form may be somewhat different. How Klaire does her telepathy and how I do it through use of Mind magic varies in a few key ways, for example."

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"That would make sense then. Less so forgetting as you can't backtrack to less efficient methods."

She nods.

"Space lets you teleport as I can, and you once could, but that friction is no longer an issue. And the space is no longer limited with, well, Space."

A slight pause as she looks at Sirius with an idea.

"What would be needed for her to see the difference between how my telepathy and your use of Mind work? Is that something we would be able to show? If Faridah wishes, of course."

Aya Jabir: "Eventful, indeed." She agreed with Thespis and nodded to Sirius' explanation. "My ability to perceive the dead is different now, too. It's a bit more.. under my own control now."

To Klaire's suggestion, she shrugged, "I'm not against it?" She looked to Sirius, curious.

Thespis: sip

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm not opposed either." Jeremiah smiled a touch, eyeing Thespis briefly before nodding. "You care to go first, Klaire?"

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"Will she be able to see it? And should I join all 5 of us or just show it with one of us?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I could add the Mind sight as well, although that may take a little finagling. Up to you as far as solo versus networking is concerned."

Aya Jabir: Aya waits while the two of them figure out the details.

Klaire Henriette: "One person is a tad bit easier. Miss Aya- my apologies, Faridah. As you are the one learning here, would you rather me use the ability on yourself or Rook? I will not pry any deeper than surface level thoughts unless you ask me to."

Aya Jabir: "Since Rook and you know each other so well, and I'll be trying to observe, it seems that using it with him would be the best way forward."

Thespis: Thespis sips again, wanting to see where this goes

Klaire Henriette: "I will do so, then."

She gestures Rook over and gives him pets, getting him to sit down and be a good boi. And waits for the others, including Thespis if he wants, to be able to bring up Mind Sight and give her the thumbs up.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "The Sight wil be layered with Space as well, so it may take a moment to parse between the two." Jeremiah tugged out the necklace under his shirt to reveal the bronze snake pendant beneath, focusing on the spell before letting the magic flow around Aya.

Aya Jabir: "Space, as well?" Her eyebrows jumped for a moment and she grinned. "This is sure to be interesting.." She waited and watched as he worked his magic.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks a fair bit distracted down at her plate as the spell was cast, mmm strawberries.

Aya Jabir: She looked to Klaire as the spell was cast but once the sight kicked in, she looked around.. "Sure enough, it is.. interesting." She looks back to Klaire, "Are you alright?"

Thespis: Thespis noticed Klaires shift in mannerism a bit, a brow ever so slightly raised, but continued to sip his drink

Klaire Henriette: "Hm, what? Yes. Yes, I am fine. Just let me know when you are ready."

Aya Jabir: "I'm ready." She looks to Sirius, "Are you?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ready." The spell clicked into place, allowing Aya to see through the dual lenses of the Iron Gauntlet.

Thespis: sip

Klaire Henriette: Klaire's mind reached out to Rook's own, a thin line of connection. Her's was quite strong and just barely grazed over Rook's consciousness. She smiles as it took form, and after a moment, the connection pulses, and Rook stands up and walks over to Jay, tail wagging and asking for snugs. A face that says 'I was promised snugs!'

Jay however, would notice it being ever slightly different than the last times he had observed her signature ability. Whoever knows what it means

Aya Jabir: Faridah watches with fascination as Klaire makes the connection, "Hmmm.." She tilts her head with the pulse and she smiles, "So that's how that works? Interesting.. is it easier with Rook than others?"

Klaire Henriette: "Not necessarily. There are many factors that make it easier or harder to me, even so much as how much the person is paying attention to their thoughts. Typically it is easier if one does not guard their mind and gives me consent, which Rook and I have practiced enough that it comes naturally. But if I am too distracted or too rushed or any number of other factors, it can still be just as difficult."

Thespis: Thespis may or may not have gotten on the floor to snug Rook if Rook wanted, you have no proof

Aya Jabir: She thinks things over a moment extra before asking, "And how long have you been able to do this?"

Klaire Henriette: "Since I was 14, so around 15 years. This was the first of my abilities, and is among one of my strongest."

She smiles, glad to be able to explain and help along a new mage.

Aya Jabir: "Ah, did any event precede it, or was it just.. you woke up like that?" She chuckled gently and looked to Rook getting his much deserved attention.

Klaire Henriette: Rook was of course loving ALL the attention.

"It was subtle at first. I was convinced I was hearing voices for a bit, turns out I was. As I let my mind wander as a teenager, it latched onto those around me and read their thoughts. I had very little control over it at this point."

Thespis: "Whose a good boy, whose a good boy, you are."

Aya Jabir: "My own abilities to hear the Dead, I think I've mentioned, came with a traumatic situation-- life or death-- and I'm not sure if it caused it or if it just revealed it, honestly." She rubbed her chin, "Remains inconclusive."

Klaire Henriette: Rook bleps in response.

"I believe you have, yes. I am sorry that it happened, and certainly glad you are still with us."

Thespis: "So, Faridah, have you found a Moros to train under yet?"

Aya Jabir: "No, I've been laying low for the most part. Any suggestions?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You've already met my suggestion." Jeremiah said with a small smile.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire has no suggestions

Thespis: "I know of a Moros, but I should check if apprentices are something they would be looking for." he admitted

Aya Jabir: She nodded to Thespis and looked to Sirius, "I'll be looking forward to seeing her again soon, hopefully. But, I think I still have to see your demonstration of an equivalent magic to Psyche's, for comparison?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks to Sirius, and would end her own connection to Rook with two other little pulses to him, one to ask him to come back of course and eat his food. Her connection fades at that point.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That you do." He nodded, focusing his own will once again as he rubbed the back of the snake pendant with his thumb. After a moment the connection between his mind and Aya's took hold, slipping through her own mental fortitude by the slimmest of margins. She could sense his surface thoughts as they synchronized with her own, although it was more their presence than the actual thoughts until she heard a simple And there we go in his "voice".

Thespis: More sips of his drink and pets for Rook if Rook wants them, maybe a secret snack for Rook too, if doggo wants

Klaire Henriette: Klaire very much eyes Thespis, watching for those hidden treats. But Rook is a good boy and only takes the pats! The bestest boi!

Klaire does get minorly distracted again as the spell is cast, enough for a sneaky exchange.

Aya Jabir: She looks around a moment when she 'hears' him, "Ahh, yes, that does seem to work differently," she says aloud for the benefit of Psyche and Thespis. "Does this one benefit like hers, from one's willingness to be connected with?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It can with conscious 'permission', as it normally has to surpass one's mental fortitude." He replied, smiling a touch. "The supernal version is more...open, one can say, although it can be set up to ensure that those involved send only the thoughts they want to send across the connection rather than a constant flow."

Thespis: "If the subject is willing, makes the Spell easier."

Klaire Henriette: "Mine tends to be more private, theirs tends to be more diverse. If I remember correctly, raw emotions and pictures may flow across that version of telepathy. Mine is more limited to words and tone. I may hear some information as if someone were explaining it, but with Mind, you can picture exactly what they intend."

Aya Jabir: "So, it's a bit more 'high bandwidth', too?" She seems impressed by this, "And considering the broad nature of how these Arcana work, it seems Mind would be a very useful thing to study.." She looks up as she says this, seemingly making a mental note of that. "There's probably some fairly frightful uses I'll learn about or which seem obvious, but what are some other beneficial applications?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "For Mind in particular? Being able to split your train of thought onto two separate rails and focus on multiple tasks at once, for one, along with cloaking your general presence from the minds of others. It also touches on memory, language, increasing one's mental or social prowess, creating hallucinations...quite the mixed bag."

Thespis: "It's wonderful for working on multiple projects." he nodded, not going at all into the memory alterations, Illusions, or one of his Rote's being an endless mental loop, he would never do things like that. Never.

Klaire Henriette: Klaire, once again knowing next to nothing on the Arcana, stays quiet. But Ivy is enjoying the discussion.

Aya Jabir: "Thank you for the demonstration, Sirius." She says with a smile, "I'll probably have.. a lot more questions, for both of you, as I learn more." A look to Klaire, "And a few for you, as well."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Very welcome." He replied with a smile of his own, dropping both spells and relaxing in his seat. "You know how to get a hold of me."