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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast=Aya Jabir<br>Kayla Sockum | setting=Soulwardens Sanctum | log= TheUserWin - She/They Kay manifested into the basement today, they're in the ghostly twilight state amidst their cloud of spores, making it possible for anyone to interact with her in a (somewhat) normal way. Their hair is hanging loose and braided, with flowers and berries growing from various parts. In lieu of eyebrows, there is moss, skin seems like the bark of a...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 22:05, 6 July 2023


Aya Jabir
Kayla Sockum


Soulwardens Sanctum


TheUserWin - She/They Kay manifested into the basement today, they're in the ghostly twilight state amidst their cloud of spores, making it possible for anyone to interact with her in a (somewhat) normal way.

Their hair is hanging loose and braided, with flowers and berries growing from various parts. In lieu of eyebrows, there is moss, skin seems like the bark of a tree, their clothes: A Halter top and a pair of black booty shorts. They are sporting relatively feminine features otherwise and bare feet with roots extending into the ground instead of toes. They appear to be meditating, but have responded to every inquiries so far, including a cat's meow when one decided to walk by.

This room is the Hallow of the Sanctum, it's power mournful and solemn, in-tune with the usual energies and vibe a Moros would be subscribe to. Couches are placed around the center, various gardening pots are growing mushrooms around the room.

@Jane/Aya - connie (she/her)

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya had come to the Sanctum to learn and practice, dressed in black and carrying a matching bag. After arriving, she made her way through, looking for Kay. Following what signs she could find, she eventually found her way to the basement. There, she smiled when she could detect her presence. She found a place to set her bag down for now and spoke, curious to see if she could hear her through Twilight, as the ghosts seemed to be able to for the last decade.

"I hope you have been doing well?" She asked, with her tone reflecting the uncertainty of her being heard.

TheUserWin - She/They Their eyes open and a smile appear. "Today is a day where I don't feel like listening to the body's whim and thus, I do without." Kay relaxes their stance and wander closer to Aya. "Also, you may wish to know that I do not claim to any gender at the moment."

"How are you? I hope your first few steps into this world are not too unpleasant?"

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya nods, tuning her own vision towards twilight, "I see!" If she was aware of the pun there, it wasn't discernible. "I've been doing well. I'm trying to take things a bit slowly, but it always seems there's new wonders to be found everywhere I look."

She goes to take a seat on the couch. "It's honestly a bit less unpleasant than it was when I had less control over how the Dead interacted with me. Compared to what I know and can do now, I probably was in a lot more danger than I'd realized at times. And to think there's.." She gestures towards Kay's ephemeral form, "..so much more to learn, along so many dimensions."

TheUserWin - She/They "Pacing yourself at the start is difficult. You see the things everyone can do around you and it's marvelous and you feel it within your reach." Kay makes a grasping motion, some spores of their aura dance around the grasping fist. "So you reach and you reach and eventually you fall flat on your face because you forgot to keep your feet on the ground."

"Build your foundation firmly so that the ground can support those fall." Kay says, a bit cryptically, before cracking a bit of a giggling. "Feel free to ask people if they can clarify the cryptic talk sometimes. It's not always helpful in the way we intend it."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I'm certainly in no rush to meddle with things too far beyond my reach just yet." She chuckles, simply enjoying talking with Kay and vibing in the Moros-friendly environment, "I like having my footing; I know rushing into things-- even great things-- out of desire or out of fear, or both, can be very dangerous. After about two months, I think I might be about ready to choose an Order."

"I think I've been able to get most of what people are saying. Some terms are different than the way they're used by Sleepers; my library is full of things I'm now recognizing as 'not quite correct', and a few things that are surprisingly true in ways I didn't understand before." (edited)

TheUserWin - She/They "Even if the library is not 'quite correct'. as you say. It is important to recognize the perspective it holds. The Wisdom of the Many outweigh the Will of the One." Kay says with a smile. "If a hundred sleeper say a thing about ghosts, then there is a reason their experience is shaped that way and we can learn from it. Even if we can know easier, with more precision, sometimes it can makes us presumptuous in our assessment."

"And I am happy to listen to the choice you've made."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya nods in agreement, "It's said that the Prophet Isa," she adds in Arabic 'Peace be upon him', "said 'seek and you will find'. And I find it true that when I look for wisdom or truth, I find it everywhere I look, and if I look for flaws, I find them too." She keeps up her smile, "I think I prefer looking for wisdom."

"As for Order, I believe the best place for me is with yours, with the Children of the Tree."

TheUserWin - She/They There is a moment of silence when Aya speaks of the wisdom she finds in her own spirituality. "You have taught me something today, thank you."

Then Aya speaks of her choice and joy claims every inch of Kay's expression, so much so that they return to a body of flesh, adorned in the same way as their ephemeral form was and they jump for joy as the transition completes. "YES!"

"Can I hug you!?" they ask excitedly.

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) She nods and smiles wide, "Yes, you can!" Her arms go wide!

TheUserWin - She/They Kay jumps for joy again, taking Aya into a powerful hug, lifting her from the ground for a moment. "I can't wait to see what kind of shoot you'll be!"

Kay set Aya down and take a step back, making no effort to show the mess of tears on their faces. "Damn it, I made my tears into sap again." they curse as, indeed, their tears seem to be rather sticky.

"Have you told anyone else yet?"

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Woah!" She says with a touch of surprise. When she's put down, she reaches into a hidden pocket sewn into her big loose dress sleeve to produce a handkerchief she offers to Kay.

"No, I only decided last night, and then I slept on it to be sure. So, you are the first to hear it."

TheUserWin - She/They Kay takes the handkerchief and does something to it with a bit of matter magic, slowly wiping away at the sap stuck to their cheeks and eyelid. Then they flap the handkerchief over a nearby bin and gives it back. It appears clean and now, free of magic.

"If you have any questions about anything, I can try to answer them. I'll probably need to poke Peacekeeper for the introduction."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya tucks the handkerchief back with a satisfied nod, "Well, the most important question I can imagine is if there's anything I need to expect, or what will be expected of me?"

TheUserWin - She/They "There's generally a ceremony with the available members and there's always a bit of a period for people to make their concerns known." Kay says. "Most of the Children tend to use that period to get to know you, test you in their own ways."

"We live by a few principles and they can be a little rough for newcomers to adapt to if they aren't already keen on it." Kay smiles. "The little test and getting to know you might be only a personal thing, but sometimes, they can be about these precepts."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "That makes sense, and sounds like most other forms of initiation. With its own unique character, of course." She looks to Kay, "I'll do my best. What can you tell me about Peacekeeper? I've heard little of the people in charge of things. Most of it from non-members of their respective Orders."

TheUserWin - She/They "Peacekeeper is a Maori woman that's been around the Children of the tree for probably way over 20 years, she is with the Cherry Blossom Cadre with other Order's military experts. As, formerly, she was our Warmaker." Kay explains.

"She's a musician, an aptly named Peacemaker and an excellent person to oversee any conflicts between people. She assumed the position after Elder Balm ascended last year." Kay says as their gaze wander upward, lost momentarily in thoughts.

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Ahhh.. a Peacekeeper of a military sort, but also a Peacemaker? I imagine we'd have a lot to talk about, though perhaps from two different sides given my own aversion to doing violence." Aya follows Kay's gaze, curiously, for a moment, before looking back to her.

"What other people should I know? Who replaced her as Warmaker?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Weaver replaced her, they are an Orphan of Proteus and their form his based off of a spider. If you visit the lodge and you see a spider, there is a chance for it to be Weaver just hanging out. It's why it's usually a good idea to carry the life spell that lets you speak with animals." Kay explains.

"In General, meeting Magis from the Orphan of Proteus legacy is... an experience I would not pass on. Even if it can get weird. It's the sort of weird that'll have you crying sap and freeing your mind from some of the limitation the fallen world may have placed upon it."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Truly, the experience is that special?" She nods, impressed, and then rubs her chin. "I should probably practice with that life spell, then, and it's a good thing I've no fear of spiders. Arachnophobia would've been an impediment while seeking out haunted places, anyway."

The hand rubbing her chin extends a finger to tap her lip as she considers further, "Any others I should meet?"

TheUserWin - She/They "It can be, It's not everyday you hear a suggestion to fix your third mother figure's fading eyesight would be to attach her arm airs to her aural nerve..." Kay explains, remembering that day for a brief moment. "Or when a prophecy tells you of a sexy pigeon and the first person you think is an Orphan of proteus who buried and mourn pigeons who helped us before."

"It's a wild perspective change sometimes and it was enough to alter how I approach several things with my magic, my life."

"Little Fox is another of the Orphans and Children you should meet. Mei, Aaron. Maddy, the wafflehouse owner are all children of the tree you should meet. Honestly, you should meet all of them." Kay chuckle. "I think another one would be... I think her name is C4 now, Little Fox's wife, that'd be an entirely different sort of experience."

"Phurba, or Pema as her human name, would be a good meeting too." a moment later, another name seems to rise to the surface. "Sparrow Everheart is my personal physician and she's part of the order, I trust her about the hardest thing to trust for me."

"Actually, I think Aaron is an Arrow."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) When Kay mentioned Aaron, she looked about ready to say something, but held off for now. Once she clarifies, Aya smirks. "I was about to say, I didn't know he'd changed," she gave a chuckle, "You know he's the one who found me after my Awakening? Probably among the best I could've asked for."

"That's a lot of people to know, and it sounds like each of them will be a pleasure to meet. It's hard to imagine someone as skilled and capable with magic as yourself needing a doctor, though."

TheUserWin - She/They "Well, since I don't know much about biology, sometimes, when I change myself into animals, or give myself some plant features. It can mess with some health issues. And it's always good to keep a mundane eye on issues, better not to get surprised by something."

"You don't have to meet them all, but it's more about you being aware of who to grab if you get the chance."

"I need to have a conversation or two with Aaron eventually."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Oh, no," She shakes her head, "I mean it as a good thing, that I have so many people of such depth I can meet. It's a 'cup runneth over' situation; I feel blessed to have the opportunity."

TheUserWin - She/They "Was there anything in particular you wanted to learn today? By the way?" Kay asks, her emotions fading slowly under the surface.

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya nods, "I'm hoping to develop my knowledge of Life some more; it's not quite the same natural thing to grasp as Death, and I've been having some trouble with.." She looks for the best word she can use for it, "..imagination? Visualization?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Forming the Imago can be difficult without input, which is why the first few things you learn is how to perceive the Arcane's secret." Kay explains and smiles. "I'll show you, If you want, I will cast a spell that will allow you to sense all life in this room. It's a good start to gain perspective on what you want to be doing."

Kay takes a seat in the middle of the room, on the ground. "Ours is a magical tradition of transition, transformation, transfiguration. It's often helpful to try and grasp things in that ways, I'll also weave a bit of death into it. The spells can be a bit overwhelming to keep up with, so don't be afraid to tell me to stop them."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya nods and joins Kay, taking a seat with her, "I would appreciate your doing so, yes. And whatever advice or a pointed direction to look."

She takes a deep breath, "I'm guessing I should prepare myself, considering your connection to fungi, to see quite a bit of life that isn't immediately evident."

TheUserWin - She/They "That is right, there is a lot of life in the room, there is also death."

The spell is crafted remarkably fast, a cloud of spore deposit its effect onto Aya's pattern and suddenly her senses come alive. Inundated with many, many points of data around them. There is a cat atop the stairs, and a ghost petting it from twilight. The mushroom in the gardening trays around the room, earthworms in some part of the soil.

An ant colony, beneath the floor, and at the edge of perception, like a crowd's forming a background buzzing noise during a coversaion at dinner time, microbial life. A few ants die as the spell settle, changing their spectrum from life to death. The colony picking their body up and moving them as they would.

"Take your time, it's alot of input, in a short amount of time."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) She gasps just a bit as it hits her, gazing around in wonder at it all. Her attention followed the ants, scrutinized the mushrooms and took in the earthworm's digging. She took in deep breaths through her nose, paying heed to the microscopic life floating in the air in small amounts, flowing through and around. The way she looks at it all is eager, but structured, sensing her way through all of it in a careful and methodical manner.

"Masha'Allah.. Even bracing myself for a lot, I am astounded," She manages to say.

TheUserWin - She/They "The ghost at the top of the stairs is a creation of mine and will probably try to prank you somehow, the cat is probably Sirius' cat, though it could also be one of my cadremate." Kay speaks gently, soft and calm, hoping to guide Aya's thought through the overwhelming amount of information.

"I learned of Life back in the day by witnessing the death of an earthworm through this method, I remember crying." Kay chuckles. "The ants I've lured beneath the house and leave them crumbs to feed them, the mushroom are edible, there's plenty in our meals. Most of them are Tass now though."

Kay smiles. "Life, as an arcana, can influence the small that you can now sense. You could learn how to understand the cat atop the stairs, let the ants guide you outside if you were small enough to go through their pathways. You could find food or medicine in the wild, if you just think of what you can't see immediately. Learn to perceive what isn't obvious to your senses."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) She looks in the directions pointed, listening and studying at each point, "Your ghost will have a bit of a time trying; many others have tried to prank me." She chuckled, joyfully moving on to the ants. "Ants are well-revered in Islam, if you didn't know. There's an entire chapter of the Quran named after them, An-Naml, and they are prohibited for people to kill."

"Bees, as well, though their benefit is more apparent through the medicinal quality and flavor of honey. But ants model so many of the same admirable qualities in behavior; their industriousness and unity of purpose." She lingers on the ants a bit longer, watching the end of the procession of the dead.

TheUserWin - She/They "She gets Hearth often enough." Kay chuckles. "Hell she even gets me. Mostly when I'm tired though."

"I had no idea about Islam and ants." Kay says with a bright smile. "Thank you for teaching me about that."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya chuckles as well, "Pranking while tired? Created ghosts behave as the ones you find in the wild, hmm?" She let her eyes drive around some more, trying to find less-obvious things with the senses imparted to her.

"My faith has always informed me on how important it is that life is respected as much as possible, from humans and our animal companions to the smallest ants. And I see the wisdom in the teachings now that I see all that I can see now."

TheUserWin - She/They "That is something the Children do try to teach, that wisdom can come from the smallest voices. It's the job of the Moros to make sure the voice of the dead are heard. Also, objects, but that's a different approach." Kay says, looking around the room for a brief moment. "Do you want me to turn off the magic? It can be overwhelming when kept up for a long time."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya takes deep breaths and continues to look around a moment longer, "It might be good if you would, I can definitely see myself getting a bit lost in this right now."

She looks to Kay, trying to refocus herself, "I think I can do my part; listening to the dead and aiding them has become a somewhat normal, if hidden, part of my life. For some time."

TheUserWin - She/They Kay forces the spell to end, letting it return to nothingness in a little puff of spores, unseen by most. "I try to when I can. Be careful that your magic doesn't make you see every problem as solvable by it. Hammer and Nail." Kay explains. "That can sometimes be a bit of a blind spot for powerful magi, myself included."

"So, to come back to learning about Life. The spell I had on you is an initiate level magic. It mirrors a similar ability with Death. It's a good focal point to reach up for Life."

"Our watchtower isn't hostile to Life, it simply host a different kind. Usually not the pretty and cute kind. But it is Life."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya nods, looking around and adjusting herself as the spell ends, "Yes, I've been trying to avoid getting too casual with magic, but reserving its use for learning or necessity. I've heard magic's potential likened to a nuclear bomb too many times to see it as anything but something that warrants respect." (edited)

TheUserWin - She/They "It's an easy comparison to make, because everyone knows what the nuclear bomb is." Kay explains. "There is wisdom in treating magic like a sacred thing to be kept safe, but it also shouldn't let you fall into complacency either."

"Secrecy's a pretty important topic too. One of the reasons I don't really go out around too much, unless there's other like us."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I've already a great deal of practice keeping things hidden with my previous set of abilities, though I understand there's a bit more to it when it comes to magic." Aya looks up for a moment as she tries to recall, "I believe there was something I was told early on about how Prime is important in hiding one's Nimbus and spells?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Yes, it's not entirely essential, but it makes things easier. All of my spells are typically hidden, my aura is hidden or modified. But there are plenty of ways with other magic to conceal yourself away." Kay says with a nod. "Mind can make people look away, force can bend light around you so you're invisible, Death can make you dead to the world, or make you go into Twilight where most folk can't see. Spirit has a whole world you can move through, the gauntlet to hide you and such."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya rubs her chin in thought as she explains different ways to use magic to stay hidden, "Hmm.. I hadn't thought about Death like that. What about for Matter? If Forces can bend light, can Matter be used to simply be.. non-reflective?"

TheUserWin - She/They "You could turn your clothes into something like camouflage, you could become invisible to machines Which includes cameras. I don't know for sure how your idea might work, but, it might make you look like a floating head or something." Kay chuckles.

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I think that's the opposite of what I need," she joins in Kay's chuckle, "I'd rather keep my face hidden while everything else stays visible. The face is what's on the books and in the YouTube videos, and sometimes it's better to not be seen when you have things you'd like to do without being gawked at."

TheUserWin - She/They "Well, Life does allow you to alter your features. It's a little more advanced but you could do that too. You need to be careful who sees the before and after too, otherwise, you'll have some explaining to do." Kay nods "Sometimes magic can cause its own problem like that."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya takes a moment to ponder that one. "I see. That makes sense." There was a further pause before she spoke again, pointing a finger in the air, "I know I enjoy the hospitality of your cadre here, but I will eventually need to find my own place of magical practice, and probably a good place for 'before' and 'after', away from prying or sleeping eyes. Is there anything I should know; what to avoid, what to look for, how to keep things good and hidden?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Getting your own Sanctum is something with a lot of little hidden things. There are laws of ours that govern that." Kay says with a little nod. "Familiarizing with those laws and such might be a good idea."

"Make a room where you do the magic stuff. No windows, sound proof, hard to breakdown door." Kay seems to think. "If you can figure out a way to guard your place with supernatural friend, make sure they don't go beyond a certain perimeter."

"Figure out a way to leave and return without being seen. Escape plans, routes and such."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Hmmm." Aya nods along as Kay gives her pointers, "I'll certainly mind the laws. And from the sound of things, my preference for somewhere underground will be an advantage."

She counts off the advantages on her fingers, "It's easier to avoid having windows and to be soundproof while below the surface, and to control for entrances and exits. A little difficult to make new ones, but I think I can solve that if I have to..." Thoughtful as she speaks, her tone practically solicits for collaborative input for anything she's missing.

TheUserWin - She/They "Matter will help you a lot in that endeavor. You can use it to make sure things wont collapse on you or find a way out if they do. We're made to go underground and abandoned caves and such." Kay grins. "I'd show at least a passing interest in architecture if you're going that way, it's not really easy to make a spell to make a structure sound when you don't know what makes a structure sound."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I had a casual interest in architecture in college, back when I thought I would be going into government, possibly public planning." Aya chuckles and shakes her head, "But I'm not sure if it counts, I was mostly interested in what makes buildings attractive than what makes them sturdy."

She rolls her eyes, "For a smart kid, I was sometimes a bit of an airhead." (edited)

TheUserWin - She/They "Hey, Design and Art is important, expressing that through your magic and interest is something that can lead you further up." Kay smiles "You can make your own space exactly like you and that can interplay with your magic."

"Not everyone maths out probabilities, not everyone generates spores to alter reality as it grows into the spell."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya smiles wide at that, "I'll look forward to finding what my space ends up looking like, then." She muses, "Self-discovery is often the best kind, especially when done through art."

Finally, she nods to Kay, "Thanks for.. everything, by the way." She adds, her smile changing to reflect a bit of nervousness, "And if I ever seem a bit too preachy, just let me know, it's a habit from doing a lot of preaching."

TheUserWin - She/They "So far, I have no complaints." Kay looks upward. "Do you want to get some tea? Or something to eat?" Kay stands up from the ground. "I'm sure there's stuff upstairs we can grab."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I would love to have some tea, and if you're hungry, I wouldn't mind joining you for that, either." She rises with her and nods.

TheUserWin - She/They "Alright then." Kay shooshes away some of the inhabitant on the stairs, namely the ghost and the cat, moving up toward the kitchen, whistling. Their form turning back into full human on the way there. "Most of the tea here is grown by Master Harmony, some is a gift from other cadre who grow their own tea."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya follows along, "Ooh, I'm looking forward to it now even more, being special tea. I love tea with a story behind it. Or just about any grown food with a story, really."

And suddenly, she laughs, "Ahh, so that is it, hmm? The journey of something through life and transformation through death in to something that goes back into life." (edited)

TheUserWin - She/They "It's a strong journey to make, to emulate through magic or actions, through your own creations. There are many philosophies out there that will find their ways across your mind. Some of them speaking to you, some not." Kay shrugs and opens the fridge, grabbing a pair of cupcake with yellow frosting on top.

"My experiences and early times as Mage kind of made me focus on things that made the life to death to life part... more meaningful."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I think I want to study Twilight and the Underworld, and to know more about the deeper nature of ghosts, and what exactly is happening when they cease to be." She smiles at the cupcakes. "Before, I was afraid of the idea of going there, or of even getting too close to one of the Gates.."

TheUserWin - She/They "It's very complicated to go there and one of the unsafest place I've felt. There are beings down there that frightens me by just thinking about their existence." Kay explains "And then there's the place where the Tree is in the underworld."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "What is that place like?" She asks with an eyebrow raised in curiosity.

TheUserWin - She/They "It's larger than what you'd imagine it to be. I don't think I could cast a spell large enough to affect the whole of the place it's in." Kay explains, eyes wandering a bit as they make some tea and offer the cupcake.

"It's inhabited by the ancestors of the First Nations, It's a difficult place to visit." Kay shakes her head as some of the sight comes to her, too easily. "Watched over by an entity that was ... I think, created by the Mother."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya was in awe of the description, barely managing to break out of it to accept the offered cupcake and give a nod to signal comprehension, "Is it difficult because of the journey, because of the entity, or both..?"

TheUserWin - She/They "The Journey, if you're not able to just make a gate there, is dangerous because there are beings out there enforcing powerful rules in each domain. And some of those rules are... complex and arcane to figure out. Hell, figuring one out with magic, could break the rule." Kay explains. "They know mages exist, they know what we can do and they don't seem particularly worried."

"The entity at the Underworld tree is... unique in that she can be helpful and even kind, if you've gotten into her grace." Kay smiles.

"What I was referring to as difficult was the ghosts that inhabit that domain. Not because they're hostile, but because it..." a deep breath. "It's a very, very difficult thing to see first hand what colonization did to the ancestors. It is emotionally challenging to understand the depth of the Mother's thoughtfulness that, in her act of defiance, she created something that would keep the dead safe."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I see," She bites her lip, "I believe you'd told me before, about those beings enforcing their rules, but now I hear it differently and it chills me to think about. As well, to consider the scars that would have been left in the wake of such sorrow." She looks down at the cupcake she's holding, "Is there more you can tell me.. or would you rather we switch to something more casual and light?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Maybe not today, but, if you wish I could share the memory of the trip we went through." Kay smiles faintly "That said, we could probably switch to something a little easier."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) She nods, and takes a bite of cupcake, "What kinds of things do you do in your spare time? Assuming you have some, I mean."

TheUserWin - She/They "I read or I watch something on the TV. I also, sometimes, play video games. But not like, big ones, those are usually just before I go rest." Kay explains. "There are other activities I engage with friends, cuddling, conversations and the likes."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Ahhh.. I love movies, myself. I don't watch much TV, aside from some news." She nods, smiling, "I don't think I've played more than a few minutes of any games other than the Sudoku on my phone."

"Have you ever done Karaoke?"

TheUserWin - She/They "Oh yeah, back when I was in my early twenties I was out pretty much all the time. I'm terrible at singing, but it's fun to let loose from time to time." Kay smiles and finishes her cupcake.

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "I'm thinking of getting some friends together for some. I've missed it since I left my academic residency in Indonesia. Jay's on board."

TheUserWin - She/They "Well, yeah, Jay singing is definitely going to make the trip worth it. Tho that will require some prep work." Kay says with a Duh-est of voice. "That said, could be good to bother him to sing something silly with one of the other guest."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) Aya smiles and finishes her own cupcake off, "Well, I wasn't thinking about making a big trip of it, just to a local place with friends. 'Yakitori Boy', he says it's called." She winks, "He will have to sing something silly, it is inevitable."

"Should I keep you informed when it's time to pick a day?"

TheUserWin - She/They "That would be great!" Kay smiles seems happy to have something in the plans now. "Thanks for doing the planing!"

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her) "Oh, I'm glad to. I just thought the other day about how I loved going to the KTV with my students in Tangerang, and started looking and asking around."

For her part, Aya seemed thrilled to add another friend to the Karaoke adventure!