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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Alexander Tarek *Leila Zaki *Vincent Drake | setting=Bellevue Hotel Elysium | log='''Vincent Drake:''' Vincent was in Elysium, watching What We Do in the Shadows on his phone, never before did he relate so much to a show. He was wearing shorts and his 'sorry I'm teething' fangs shirt, he really didn't seem nervous in Elysium anymore, in fact the air he had was very, 'I really don't give a damn'. "Colin Robinson you magnif...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:40, 11 July 2023


Bellevue Hotel Elysium


Vincent Drake: Vincent was in Elysium, watching What We Do in the Shadows on his phone, never before did he relate so much to a show. He was wearing shorts and his 'sorry I'm teething' fangs shirt, he really didn't seem nervous in Elysium anymore, in fact the air he had was very, 'I really don't give a damn'.

"Colin Robinson you magnificent bastard." he muttered

Leila Zaki: Leila was Blushed tonight, in heels and a dress. As such the clicking of her heels accented every step as she made her way to the bar, ordering a glass of red wine and a cuba libre, before finally sweeping the current attendees, freezing as her eyes catch Vincent, and a small hidden chuckle at the shirt.

Vincent Drake: Vinny laughed at the show and pocketed his phone, heading over to the bar, his brow raised when he saw Leila.

"Evening stranger," he said, sitting next to her, "Damn, going to a gala later, ya look amazing." he complimented, ordering himself a bourbon, "So, how's the return been?"

Leila Zaki: She cocks her hip a bit, hand resting on the opposite one.

"Sometimes I just wish to dress nicer. That is all. I like how it feels."

She smiles, thanking the bartender for her drink and waited on the other.

"Ah, well. Frenzied twice over someone, but managing that, and learning ways to stop it from happening again."

She keeps that almost plastic looking fake smile, standing awkwardly as she sips her wine.

Vincent Drake: "You frenzied, twice!?" he whispered, who knows whose listening in Elysium, his hand went to her shoulder, "Jesus Christ, what happened, did someone insult ya, die, god I'm sorry, whoever it is must be important to you, are they ok?"

Leila Zaki: Her hand picks his from her shoulder gently, a slight 'dont' smile on her face.

"That's not a conversation I'm willing to have within Elysium, but yes, he is okay. Thank you for your concern."

Vincent Drake: he put his hands up, "Sorry, sorry, give them my good vibes," he said, "So...otherwise you doing good, it's good your learning to handle it," he sipped his drink, "So, everything the same as you remembered when ya left?"

Leila Zaki: Leila shakes her head subtly.

"Yes, I will. A friend of mine wishes to give you good vibes, by the way. And wishes you luck on your adjustment to the night."

Any other vampires here are likely trying to keep from laughing, aren't they.

"Everything is going well and I am readjusting to the Domain. It is nice being in one so open after spending so long on one that we're not. It is the same in some ways, and different in others. In some perhaps even for the better."

Vincent Drake: "Oh...oh," he went wide eyed, "I'm...er...sorry." he got real interested in his drink and just looked at it

Leila Zaki: She sips her own drink, letting the awkward moment pass.

"So, the shirt. It is wonderful. I'm certain you have been met with sighs, much to your, and my, amusement."

Vincent Drake: "Thanks, it was a birthday gift from a friend, one of the Lost even," he smiled, "I love it, like to be frank, I kind of love just making a joke of it ya know, sang I'm Not a Vampire a lot at karaoke."

Leila Zaki: "You are friends with several of the Lost it seems. Through your partner?"

She sips her drink and eyes the entrance.

"Be careful not to upset an elder with that. But wonderful music choice."

Alexander Tarek: That glance towards the entrance happened to be perfectly timed, as Leila would spot Alexander making his way into the Elysium, dressed casually although sans his laptop bag as tended to be the case when visiting. Dark eyes scanned the room and a ghost of a smile flickered across his face as he spotted Leila, giving her and Vincent a nod as he approached.

Vincent Drake: "I'm like friends with a few, aquatints through Avery, some don't trust me, some like me, one loves me, I'm a controversial figure," he chuckled, "But yes, even if they don't see it, I consider myself an ally of the Freehold and think they deserve to be left be, hell, I learned the Strix allied with their foes, so maybe one day a formal alliance should be in order, but hey, that's my opinion." he shrugged, and the Alexander came in and Vinny raised his glass to him in greeting

Leila Zaki: "So I've been told, but I've been told you are working on improving that figure."

The mention of the strix allying with enemies of the Freehold does pique her interest, but she stays quiet on that front. Instead, she delicately grabs the second drink on the counter and offers it to her sire.


Alexander Tarek: "Nehem." He replied as he took the drink, smiling a touch as he claimed a seat. "Good to see you as well, Mister Drake. How have your nights been as of late?"

Vincent Drake: "Good, good, things have been smooth, even if nights are short," he gestured to Leila, "Found out a friend was in the community, and your Childe no less, was a bit of a shock but a nice one." he smiled, "It's nice to have someone who I can relate to whom I'm already close to, it was a pleasant surprise."

Leila Zaki: She takes a seat next to her sire, smiling at the nickname.

"Pleasant is not the word I would use for the surprise of finding out."

Alexander Tarek: "So I've heard. I wager it was quite the shock for the two of you."

Vincent Drake: "Well, with her and Val, I'm just accepting everyone I know must supernatural." he joked

Leila Zaki: "Val?"

Her eyebrow raised, looking to Alexander if he had any idea.

"I think that would be quite dangerous in the long run. Auspex is a good way to tell as well."

Alexander Tarek: "The name doesn't ring a bell." He looked Vincent's way. "Are they part of the court or one of the other night societies?"

Vincent Drake: "My sister got Ghouled by Dagenham," he said, "It was that or bleed out by bullet, so he saved her I'll give him that, left a bad taste in my mouth for weeks but I'm cool with it now."

Leila Zaki: She looks less than impressed. Her opinion probably dropping a few steps.

"The Gangrel? I am glad her life was saved but that is a fair thing to have a bad taste about. I was also not aware you had a sister?"

Alexander Tarek: "Ah, I see." He nodded quietly. "Needs must and all that."

Vincent Drake: "Two actually, one by blood and one by bonds forged in fire and all that jazz," he was talking with his hands now, "Alice is my blood sister, she's in Maine for college right now, smartest girl you'll ever meet, Val is an Olympic Gymnast and is gonna go for gold in Paris, yes I come from a family of awesome, you may stand in awe."

Leila Zaki: "I believe that would be called a three man band in most literature."

She nods.

"From personal experience, being shot is not fun. I am glad she survived, I wish Alice luck on her studies and Val luck in her competition."

She sips her drink and responds.

"I take it Alice is also part of the community, seeing as everyone you know is part of it?"

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed, best of luck to them both." Alexander took a sip of his drink, eyeing Vincent at the question pointed his way.

Vincent Drake: His face got super serious

"No and I will make it a life mission that nothing on this side touches her, if anyone on this side so much as touches her this city will burn, my own final death be damned."

Leila Zaki: Hey eyebrows raise.

"We are all careful with our touchstones. They are important to us."

Alexander Tarek: A rare show of surprise also graced Alexander's features, those dark eyes searching the young Daeva's face. "A brother's love is not something to cross, that much is true."

Vincent Drake: he then immediately smiled

"She's my pride and joy," he said, as if he did not threaten the destruction of the Philadelphia All Night Society, "She was my only reason for living for many years, the proof I can do something right in this world, I'll watch over her and if she has some, her descendants as well."

Leila Zaki: "It is true. Although I would personally broaden it to siblings rather than simply brothers."

She nods, eyeing Alexander's surprise. Hand going to her hip to check for her sidearm and having a momentary flash of panic as it wasn't there, only to remember she left it at home to dress nice to come here.

"I am glad you supported her in life. I hope you continue to support her in death."

Alexander Tarek: Alexander continued to watch Vincent after that switch was so easily flipped back from the threat he had just made, slowly nodding at the end. "I have to ask, though: if her life path takes her through the shadows and she does so willingly, not forced or dragged into it as you and your friend were, will you be so fervent then?"

Vincent Drake: "If it was her choice, no, if she was Embraced under my circumstances or Mother forbid, became Lost....well, because of Avery I already consider myself a foe to Them, if they take my sister too...." he thought about it, "Well....we don't need to think about that yet." he smiled, "I care for mine, with all my heart and soul, family, friends, lovers, this City I will aid them in anyway I can, but if anything happens to mine, then even the gates of Hell will bar their doors to escape my wrath." the way he said it....he meant every word of it

Leila Zaki: She says something to Alexander in Arabic.

"Like I said, he is a good Scion. For better or worse."

She then finishes her first glass of wine, and goes to get another, eyeing the respective levels of the men's drinks to see if she needed to get a second for them too.

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed." He replied to Leila in the same tongue, then nodded to Vincent. "As long as your wrath remains focused on those who caused the harm, I see no fault in it. Personal vendettas that threaten the city at large will not be seen kindly by others."

Vincent Drake: "It's not kind to talk about people when they can't understand it," he said, catching the word Scion, then turned to Alexander, "As much as people believe otherwise, I wouldn't focus my wrath on petty matters, but if anyone harms this City or it's people, then it's my business." he said, sipping his bourbon, "I'm simply a steward, nothing more, nothing less." he smiled

Leila Zaki: She returns with the drinks, however many she needed.

"I was insulting you, clearly."

With a tone that suggests otherwise.

Alexander Tarek: "So you say." He nodded quietly, taking a sip of his mostly-full drink. "May it serve you well."

Vincent Drake: "So, what about you guys, what is it you two care deeply about?" he sipped his drink, "I spilled my soul."

Leila Zaki: "In Elysium?"

She eyes the other tables, someone was still used to being in other Domains.

Alexander Tarek: A small smirk came and went on Alexander's features at Leila's comment, leaning in for a quiet whisper before looking back to Vincent. "The preservation of knowledge, and ensuring that access to it is kept open for future generations."

Vincent Drake: "Sounds like a certain Mage I know, but I thought that was an Ordo thing...you two are Crones, right?"

Leila Zaki: She almost looks like she was about to say something back at the whisper, then pauses, letting this discussion fan out first.

"Why can't it be both?"

Alexander Tarek: "Is that so..." He seemed intrigued by the idea, smirking a touch as Vincent continued. "Indeed. I don't see why that would be confined only to the Ordo Dracul."

Vincent Drake: he shrugged, "Eh, more power to ya then, and that's a worthy goal," he looked at Leila, brow raised at what she was about to say and what made her want to say something, "So, let me guess, you guys do research on blood magic and the occult, like spirits and shit?"

Leila Zaki: She was about to say something to Alexander, to be clear.

"I am not at that level yet. I am still quite a novice when it comes to blood magic, and the occult as a whole for that matter. That is...one of my upcoming goals with my Requiem."

Alexander Tarek: "That is a part of it, yes. There is power in the blood beyond the disciplines know to the Kindred at large, and Cruac taps into it in various ways."

Vincent Drake: "Wonder if it can contact spirits, that would be kinda cool." he mused

Leila Zaki: "What do you want with spirits?"

She looks him over.

Alexander Tarek: Alexander looked to Vincent as well, taking a sip of his drink as he waited for the Daeva to respond.

Vincent Drake: "Nothing really, just always was a fan of things like Ghost Adventures and such, I was just musing." he shrugged

Leila Zaki: "I see."

She sips her drink, watching Alexander's reactions.

Alexander Tarek: "Be wary if you do deal with them. Unlike most of the supernatural forces that you've likely encountered they were never human, and treating with them does not always follow the same rules."

Vincent Drake: "I see, have to admit, reason I was interested in getting friendly with you guys and why I've found my new faith, when ya learn magic, undead, and spirits are real, can't be an atheist anymore can ya." he laughed

Leila Zaki: "You certainly can, many are. But for what it is worth, I am glad you have found your way towards a faith."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed." He nodded to Leila's comment. "The old gods have their lessons to teach and guidance to provide if you're willing to listen."

Vincent Drake: "I prefer my Goddess to be something man made, but to each their own." he smiled

Leila Zaki: She shakes her head, looking to her sire for his perspective on that.

Alexander Tarek: "Who's to say that the others haven't been shaped by their worshippers in kind? Some gods wear many mantles, absorbed from other minor gods as their home kingdoms took hold in new places."

Vincent Drake: he nodded his head, "Thought form, I can dig that," he shrugged, "I just think, and mind you this is just my own opinion, if I had to worship something that's some other being or something non human in origin, I'm no slave to some absentee sky father who tells me what's right and wrong, I have my own reasons to hate the Nordic eye patch man, but I'm not here to prostilitize, however if anyone is interested in the Mother's word, I won't turn them away." he sipped his glass

Leila Zaki: "Did you ever consider perhaps it is the Crone speaking to you, that she may be who is speaking to you as this Mother? The story does go Mother, Maiden, Crone."

Alexander Tarek: Alexander allowed himself a small chuckle at Vincent's response, shaking his head quietly. "Which Mother do you refer to, in this case?"

Vincent Drake: "The City, and no, I don't think it's the Crone Mother, from what I know of your faiths, I don't think she would be a very urban and human based being."

Leila Zaki: "That entirely depends on who you ask. Everyone has their own perspectives."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed. I've known those who worship the Mother through the guise of city patrons such as Athena or Bastet. I will agree that the city-as-concept does likely have its own spiritual reflection, however; anything with enough significance behind it tends to spawn such a representation of itself."

Vincent Drake: "Then why are we so aligned with the Estate and not the Crone?" he countered then smiled, "I am aware that the Circle has wanted one such as me for some time, and trust me I am flattered, however my status as Chorister and being Henevi's adopted Childe I hope is a fair concession." he spun his drink in his hand, "I do like the Crone I do, however the Estate always has things I agree with, Order, a way to shepard my community, connections to what really keeps a city running, I've made no secret how I think relations between our covenants should be, and how much those on both sides think such a thing is impossible, but this is Philly, anything is possible."

Leila Zaki: Leila shifts slightly at the mention of those particular goddesses, eyes flicking to her sire before back to Vincent.

"I can offer you a biased answer to that question, but you would not like it."

She looks at Alexander, a look saying 'stop me if you need to'.

"Humans see chaos and order as somehow opposite. They are not. Chaos can have its own order, and it can be beauty, and order has its machinations of chaos. Who is to say we do not have our own ways to be connected, or that we cannot move pieces when we need to."

Alexander Tarek: "Because, much as its predecessor, the Estate sees itself as the bastion of civilization, and lays claim to anything that bolsters that ideal." He replied, nodding quietly at Leila's response. "We all have our paths of influence, while they may take different forms."

Vincent Drake: "And you are free to disagree with my view, everyone does," he leaned against the bar, "Ever since I learned about the Camarilla, it sounded amazing, our precursor, centered on the Eternal City, home of a thousand cults, like the Circle, the values of Estate and Crone hand in hand led the Vampiric Golden age, why wouldn't I admire such a thing." he sighed, "But sadly, I was embraced after years of war and hostility, thus my dream of a reborn Eternal City must wait."

Leila Zaki: "If everyone disagrees, there may be reason for it."

She shakes her head, lots of unvoiced opinions on her face.

Alexander Tarek: Alexander remained quiet for a moment, taking a sip of his drink to fill the silence. "There are things there to admire, yes," he finally added, "but be wary of tales that only extoll it's successes."

Vincent Drake: "I'm not saying make an exact replica, merely observe what happens when our values align," he said, then looked to Leila, staring her right in the eye, "My choice of Covenant and my personal beliefs, they do not threaten our friendship I hope?"

Leila Zaki: Leila watches her sire for that silence, then turns back to the conversation. She doesn't look him back in the eye.

"I believe it depends on your actions rather than your Covenant, especially within Philly. So long as your beliefs do not hurt others, especially me and mine, we will be fine."

Vincent Drake: he smiled brightly, "That's a relief, I didn't want to lose someone I'm close to just because of silly politics," he chuckled, "Seriously, it's fucking great that I have someone who actually understands....this, in my circle of actual friends now, oh, wanna come over my place some time this week, really wanna show you Overlord." and like that, he's switched from borderline heretical Scion to that nerd who wants to show off anime

Leila Zaki: "Silly politics tend to matter a lot, and can easily become much less silly."

She shakes her head and comments to Alexander.

"A great or terrible member. Like I said."

Then back in English.

"Perhaps. I will try not to be too cautious within another's Haven that we cannot enjoy ourselves."

Alexander Tarek: Alexander replied to the comment with a quiet "Mmm," having another sip of his drink before looking back to Vincent. "Overlord...should I even ask?"

Vincent Drake: "Man is transported to a world based on a video game and becomes a Lich and reluctant dark lord, it's actually hilarious, and the season 4 opening song is so fucking bad ass." he beamed, "my one last say on Covenant things, I see the role of the Invictus and myself as noblesse oblige, to cultivate influence that can be used to protect and develop our City and its' Communities, I don't want power for it's own sake, it's merely a tool with which I can serve my City, I'm not a King, I'm a Steward." he said, his hand over his heart at the last bit, "But yeah, we got alot of anime to catch up on and to be honest, now I kinda wanna watch and riff on vampire anime, oh, it's not anime, but I need to show you What We Do in the Shadows."

Alexander Tarek: "Ah...interesting. I never got into that side of media, I'll admit, but to each their own."

"As you say." He added to the covenant commentary, letting the matter rest for the moment. "That one I have heard of. Rather amusing by all telling."

Leila Zaki: "As with animes based on modern military combat, I couldn't sit through one based on vampires. I'd be too distracted by the inaccuracies to enjoy it. But I may watch Overlord."

She sits there a bit awkwardly.

Vincent Drake: he nodded, "I can get that, ugh, I love it that your back, anime is something best to watch in a group, we can do it at my secondary haven," he texted her the adress of his town house, "I live with Avery and Maria, but I keep a man cave if you will in Midtown, where I entertain my Herd and other such guests."

Alexander Tarek: That awkwardness didn't go unnoticed, knowing his childe as well as he did. Rather than say anything at the moment Alexander gave Leila a reassuring look, polishing off his drink and setting the glass off to the side to be collected.

Leila Zaki: "I cannot describe to you how much calling something a man cave makes me not want to go there."

She sees the reassuring look, and looks away a bit. Hiding her face with her hair and taking a sip of her drink.

Vincent Drake: he laughed his ass off at that, actually falling out of his chair, "Oh, oh god," he wiped his eye, "Yes, that does have horrible associations don't it, what I meant to say it's where I go to just hang and chill with friends." he got up and brushed off his shirt, "I just want to pick up where we left off, two nerds chilling and enjoying badass shows." he said, then cocked his head at the face hiding, "You ok, fuck was the man cave comment that bad," he face palmed, "And this is why you should shut up around hot girls Vinny, they don't like the ner-wait, she is a nerd." he chuckled

Alexander Tarek: Alexander glanced down at Vincent as he fell to make sure he was alright, looking more amused than anything. The 'hot' comment earned a quick look at Leila, a small smirk in place.

Leila Zaki: Leila also looks concerned for a moment, and is looking increasingly embarrassed, now full on shielding her face from Alexander with a hand, which was just as incriminating. Aw was she blushing a little?

"I...would rather keep out of anything called a man cave. A space to hang out, yes, but not a man cave."

And a loooooong sip of her drink.

Vincent Drake: "Nerd Fortess, Secondary Location, Drakehold...oh fuck I actually like that one, the Drakehold, sounds cool and like a fortress you'd find dragons." he chuckled, "But alas, the night's are short and I must return home, I'll be seeing you two, Leila I'll be upset if you don't show up to binge shit." he chuckled and, upon spotting an opened window, walked over to it, turned himself into a raven and flew out into the night sky to return to the Disaster Penthouse, leaving Sire and Childe to themselves

Alexander Tarek: "Have a good evening, Mister Drake." Alexander nodded to the departing Daeva, an eyebrow arching a touch at the avian exit before looking back to Leila. "You two were closer than I thought."

Leila Zaki: She waves him goodbye, embarrassment on her face. Ya know, maybe Final Death wasn't so bad after all. Or at least Torpor.

She responds in a language that vaguely resembles Arabic, but was also fundamentally different. But it was something she was confident only the two of them spoke within that room.

"We were, yes. Quite close indeed."

Alexander Tarek: "Not a bad thing, that." He replied in the same tongue, that familiar ghost of a smile on his face. "Seeing a new facet of you in action was also enlightening."

Leila Zaki: She was confident in this tongue. Amira and her had used it as well.

"I had not thought you would care about that facet. It didn't affect anything else, it was simply a hobby. One that Vincent and I happen to share."

She was still quite red of face but was looking towards him now.

Alexander Tarek: "It is a part of you, and thus worth knowing."

Leila Zaki: She nods.

"I was embarrassed. Many see it as a hobby to laugh at."

Alexander Tarek: "Which is a shame. Other forms of entertainment are enjoyed without scorn, so why would this one be different?"

Leila Zaki: She gestures across the table.

"Because it is not uncommon for those entertained by such a medium to be..."

She searches for the right word.

"extravagant. And many see that as embarrassing for the person. I am outside the majority, in which I'm far more reserved."

Alexander Tarek: "Ah...I see." He nodded quietly. "Excitement for one's interests should be expected, as I see it. A shame others don't feel that way."

Leila Zaki: "It very much is a shame."

She nods, that faint blush returning.

"It still does not stop me from being embarrassed by him."

Alexander Tarek: "I did notice that." He replied with a small chuckle.

Leila Zaki: She shakes her head, playing slightly with the bracelets on her wrist.

"What else had you noticed from the interaction?"

Alexander Tarek: "You speak easily with each other, even when you disagree. His...idealism is charming on some level, but some of his comments did not sit easily with me."

Leila Zaki: "We communicated quite often over the internet, so that is likely part of it. It is quite charming, I will agree, but also...worrying now. Focused. I don't believe being a Scion is particularly good for him, but it is not like that can change. I am worried what paths he will be okay with taking."

Alexander Tarek: "Agreed. I have seen far too many 'stewards' turn into tyrants as their power grows. We shall see how he fares, I suppose."

Leila Zaki: "I was similarly worried about that. And his comments about a man made deity... were strange to say the least."

Alexander Tarek: "Very much so. A god made by man can be controlled by it, and I wonder if that is what he seeks in his city mother."

Leila Zaki: "To seek to control a god? That seems less of a steward and like you said, more of a tyrant."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed, although that is more of a possibility than a certainty. I am willing to give him time and prove himself the man he wishes to be."

Leila Zaki: "Thank you. I hope he knows what that kind of man is."

Alexander Tarek: "One can hope." He nodded, glancing at the night sky outside before looking back to his childe. "Do you have any other business here this evening?"

Leila Zaki: "Only spending time with you, Abi. I should likely spend time elsewhere as well if you are planning to leave."

Alexander Tarek: "Let us go, then." He moved to stand and offered her an arm. "The night still has some life to it yet."

Leila Zaki: She accepts the help up.

"That it does. Luckily the nights have started to grow longer once more."