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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Daniel Hawthorne *Titania | setting=Bellevue Hotel Elysium | log='''Titania:''' Titania was sitting at one of the tables of Elysium waiting for Daniel to turn up. They had an appointment and she was early. As always. She was wearing one of her long black Gothic dresses. Mei around her shoulders and Columba in her lap. '''Daniel Hawthorne:''' Daniel was also one to arrive early to meetings so Titania didn't have to wait lon...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:35, 14 July 2023


Bellevue Hotel Elysium


Titania: Titania was sitting at one of the tables of Elysium waiting for Daniel to turn up. They had an appointment and she was early. As always.

She was wearing one of her long black Gothic dresses. Mei around her shoulders and Columba in her lap.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel was also one to arrive early to meetings so Titania didn't have to wait long, the Haunt making his way into Elysium dressed neatly as was his wont with a black garment bag in hand. Upon spotting the elder Gangrel he gave her a respectful nod, heading to her chosen table. "Good evening."

Titania: Titania nods to Daniel. "Good evening Daniel. I trust you have been well."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I have been, thank you, and hopefully the same for you." After making sure the table was clear he gently laid the garment bag down upon it, allowing her to open it at her leisure. "This turned out to be more challenging than I expected, but I hope I did it justice."

Titania: "Im. Still walking the nights so take that as you will. There have been several reminders of things in the past few weeks."

She eagerly reaches forward to open it but is then very gentle. Almost reverent as she does. Her jaw drops as she sees it.

"Thank you. I. Thank you. You did amazingly." Her hand strokes the fabric softly. "This cant have been easy to source fabric so I thank you for that."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Better than the alternative, at least."

He stepped back to give her space as she opened the bag, a small but proud smile on his face at her reaction. "You're very welcome. It took some hunting but it was worth the effort."

Titania: "It was. I. Its been more than 50 years since I have seen this dress in once piece. Thank you."

She almost hesitates but continues.

"This is an error on my part but we did not discuss payment prior to your work. I know you run a tailor shop but that seems an innadequate payment for work such as this."

Daniel Hawthorne: "No payment is needed. The satisfaction of completing it to your standards is enough in this case."

Titania: "Are you sure? I could at least cover the material costs?"

A tilt of her head. Wary in her age.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'm certain." He replied with a quiet nod, his tone sincere. "Considering what that dress means to you, I couldn't charge you for it in good conscience."

Titania: A nod of her head and a smile.

"Thank you. I really do appreciate it more than this old and jaded soul is able to put into words."

Daniel Hawthorne: "You're very welcome." He said with a small smile of his own. "Glad I was able to help."

Titania: She smiles. "Well. Now that this is dealt with it should be a fair bit easier to. Process those wounds."

Daniel Hawthorne: "One can hope. If you need an extra ear for said processing I'd be willing."

Titania: She tilts her head. "The original wearer of this dress was my lover and Childe of over 600 years who I grew up with when I was still Human. She was murdered in the war."

Daniel Hawthorne: "You've mentioned that, along with what happened to it." He gave a small nod. "I meant more in general, if you need someone to listen while you're working through those past wounds."

Titania: "I met the creature that murdered her last night it. Was. Trying. She seems almost proud of what she did but also entirely emotionally removed from it."

She chews at her lip. "I dont know how to process that."

Daniel Hawthorne: His eyebrows went up a touch at that before he nodded. "I can imagine that would be difficult. Do you know why she was sent after your childe?"

Titania: "Because we were at war and she was on the other side of it."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...right." He nodded quietly. "I'd wager on her end it was more of a job to be done than anything, hence the detachment. Not that that would lessen the impact her death had on you, of course."

Titania: She nods her head. "Yes. It was. But. She doesnt seem to acknowladge the damage that this did."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It may be a 'not my problem' sort of thing, harsh as it may be." He watched her for a moment. "You've taken the time to reflect on your past actions and found the cracks that your Humanity has slipped through over the years. Perhaps she hasn't done that yet."

Titania: A nod of her head.

"She is still very focused on her role and usefulness to her Covenant. Rather than her impact as a not person on other people and not people."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I know that feeling, admittedly, bound as tightly as I was to the First Estate before and after my Embrace." He nodded quietly. "You taking that step back and trying to mend those wounds is a good thing, though, as hard as it may be at times."

Titania: "Before?" A curious tilt of her head.

Daniel Hawthorne: "My father's family served my previous regnant ever since his arrival in Boston in the 1700s, so I grew up around the Estate and learned from an early age what my role was to be in it."

Titania: "Ah. That sounds like a complex entrance to this world in its own right."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It was, although also comforting in a way. I had a path laid out ahead of me and it was one that I enjoyed walking, so that level of certainty in my life was oddly freeing." He smirked, wry little thing that it was. "Of course, that ended up being a path I wasn't meant to walk, but the one I've made for myself here has been much more fulfilling."

Titania: She nods her head.

"I can understand that. It was like that for me when I was a Ghoul."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Was your regnant your eventual sire as well? If you don't mind my asking, that is."

Titania: "She was. She's still around somewhere. Working with the Circle."

Daniel Hawthorne: He nodded, looking somewhat impressed at that little tidbit. "I served Lord Gardner as a ghoul for about three years before my Embrace, but was prepared for that service since I was in my teens. It was between my brother and I and I was the one chosen, much to his anger."

Titania: "I became a Ghoul and eventually a Kindred because my Family was starving and it kept them alive and safe."

Daniel Hawthorne: "A good a reason as any. Taking care of one's loved ones is always important."

Titania: "It is. That Bloodline is still around. Though I dont know any of them anymore. I stopped once they noticed my lack of agin."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Understandable. My family already being in the know helps on that front, although I only speak with my sister these days."

Titania: A nod of her head.

"That can make sense. Out living my grandchildren without aging is a bit weird if they dont know."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Mmhmm. One of the inevitabilities that I've started to play for as well, even though I'm just under a decade out. Eventually I'll need to step back from being the face of the studio before people start asking questions, but it's something Victoria and I have already discussed."

Titania: "Ah."

She nods her head. "Im glad that you can still be the face at least for now, it must be a benifit for your humanity."

Daniel Hawthorne: "As am I, and it is. It's a field that I've always enjoyed working in, and being able to make a name for myself on that front has been fulfilling."

Titania: "I have made a far less comfortable name for myself."

A chuckle and a shake of her head.

Daniel Hawthorne: "True, but there's always time to change that if you want to." He said with a small smirk. "That's one of the benefits of our state of being: assuming you do things right, all we have is time."

Titania: "I have taken up gardening. That has been satisfying. Im restoring a crumbling courtyard on my property at the moment."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah, nice." He nodded with a smile. "Being able to get your hands into a project and see the results is always a good feeling at the end, yeah?"

Titania: "Yes. This will take a long while. I might eventually restore the stone work too."

She shrugs.

"Its been nice to create not just destroy."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I bet. Rebuilding something from the ground up is always worth the effort, especially if it's yourself."


"That sounds genuinely uplifting and you know im not good at that part."

She says with a little laugh.

Daniel Hawthorne: "I had to have that hammered in for me as well, so I get you there." He chuckled. "I was in a bad place mentally for a while after my Embrace, and it took coming here and putting some hard work into rebuilding myself to feel anything close to normal. I had help from some of the others here, and I'm willing to pay that forward."


"The others here truly are kind. They genuinely seem to care. Even about one like myself."

She looks down at her hands.

"Whose hands are stained red."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Maybe, but to use a line from a recent movie we all have red in our ledger, so judging someone for exactly how dark a crimson it is isn't fair as I see it."

Titania: She nods her head.

"Perhaps I should try to look past it more than I have been."

Daniel Hawthorne: "May be worth a try."

Titania: She nods her head in thanks.

"Thanks for the advice and the dress. I should be getting home. Get this back in place."

Daniel Hawthorne: "You're welcome. Have a good rest of the evening."