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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Augustus von Sturmfalke *Aurelio Menegi *Tonya Brooks | setting=Freehold Hollow | log='''Oogie:''' Oogie strolls through the Freehold, boots covered in mud, tan BDUs torn by brambles, a Carpenter's 158 t-shirt on full display, and bright flak jacket slung over his left shoulder. A dull brass sledgehammer rests in his right hand, and he whistles an old folk song under his breath as he goes. '''Tonya Brooks:''' Tonya mea...")
(No difference)

Revision as of 21:30, 18 July 2023


Freehold Hollow


Oogie: Oogie strolls through the Freehold, boots covered in mud, tan BDUs torn by brambles, a Carpenter's 158 t-shirt on full display, and bright flak jacket slung over his left shoulder. A dull brass sledgehammer rests in his right hand, and he whistles an old folk song under his breath as he goes.

Tonya Brooks: Tonya meanwhile was dressed casually, jeans and a comfortable shirt. She had finally started to adapt to modern dress. And hey, it was comfy. She was reading what looked like a book on Japanese basics.

Of course, one can't read too long when a tall fellow comes by whistling. Except...hey, she knew that song! It takes a second to place the right part but then

"My girl, my girl, where will you go? I'm going where the cold wind blows.

In the pines, in the pines Where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through."

Oogie: Oogie slows his stroll and looks over to the source of the singing. He stops and waves with the hammer. "Didn't think most people'd recognize that song this far North if it wasn't Nirvana playing it. How're ya this evening?"

Tonya Brooks: She smiles and wsves in return.

"My husband was from a bit further South. I do not know who Nirvana is, but I suppose I should thank them for keeping the song alive. I'm doing quite well, and yourself, sir?"

Oogie: "Not so bad! Quiet out in the hedge tonight, so I got to look for peppers. And Nirvana's a band from about 30 years ago. They're pretty big, or so I've been told."

Tonya Brooks: "Its always nice when its quieter. Happen to find any?"

She nods and takes out a small notebook to jot something down.

"Thank you. I'll have to look into that. Tonya by the way, Tonya Brooks."

Oogie: "Naw, no luck there. And they're a pain to grow, so I'm out of luck for hot sauce for a while." He puts the head of the hammer on the ground and it sinks half an inch BEFORE he rests on the handle.

"Oh, apologies. Augustus von Sturmfalke, but I usually go by Oogie. And..." He pauses, hard at thought. "He and him are my pronouns? Think I did that right."

Tonya Brooks: "Hot sauce hm? Well I do hope you find some soon then."

She doesn't quite seem to notice the hammer sinking in. Maybe not the most observant person in the world.

"A pleasure to meet you Oogie. Erm...just she and her for me. I'm still learning to catch up on that as well, so perhaps we can practice together?"

She smiles thoughtfully.

Oogie: "Pleasure's all mine Tonya. And that'd be nice. I've been out a while, but the whole pronoun thing's a bit new to me. Completely missed the memo on it." He scratches the back of his head. "But, better than what we had before with only assumptions!"

Tonya Brooks: "It's quite new to me as well. I am glad that others have a better way to express themselves. I've been around long enough to nod and acknowledge that I don't know the knowledge I should, but that is a chance to learn, not a chance to hate."

Oogie: "Always be learning something." He grins. "That's my grandma always said. And it's served me well since I remembered it. Is learnin why you're reading that book?"

Tonya Brooks: "Your grandma is quite wise. I am quite a fan of that mindset as well. Maybe it's just the teacher in me."

She looks down at the book and smiles.

"Oh, only in part. In this case it is because my daughter is Japanese, so this should make it easier on her. English is something she is struggling with."

Oogie: "Oh? What'd you teach? Unless that's a sore subject. And that's decent of you to meet her halfway like that. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to her. How old is your daughter?"

Tonya Brooks: "English and Literature. It was at Central High School, if you go look through the yearbooks, I'm still in there which is...a lot to process."

She nods and smiles.

"I hope so, she has been trying but is struggling to adjust. She's also Lost, and Escaped with myself and my other daughter in May. I should specify it is a found family, shouldn't I? Physically she is...late teens, possibly early 20's by my best guess?"

Oogie: "That is a kick in the teeth." He nods. "So, lot of reading and writing then? I coulda used your help when I got out."

"Should you? Family is family, and there aint a lot of stronger bonds than escaping together. You might be closer to her than she was to her bio momma.

Tonya Brooks: "Very much so. I couldn't sit in a classroom right now, being in an encloses space with Clarity issues? That is a terrible decision. I'm currently working at the library I founded last time I Escaped. Which has also been strange, but safer for me. Although, perhaps I could help teach for those that need the language help."

She considers these things for a moment.

"I'm not sure, and it would be rude of me to ask, I think? I'm glad they both trust me so much, even enough to start to form a Motley together, which has truely made my heart sing."

Oogie: "I s'pose that makes sense. I don't really like indoor work much, even if it's nicer in the winter. Which library?"

He gets a bit of a faraway look at the mention of motley, but it quickly passes. "Well that's sweet. Beautiful level of trust there. It's good having a support system like that."

Tonya Brooks: "I've always liked it a tad more inside. My father always called me more of a dreamer, which was never a bad thing. But in any case, it is the Fishtown Free Library of you have ever been in that area.

She gives a sad smile, guessing but not touching on the distant look.

"I've never been in one, but we do trust each other, and support each other as best as we can."

Oogie: "Oh. Can't say I know the area too well, but I've only been in Philly a little bit. I'll have to give it a look. If I can find where Fishtown is."

"It's a great experience. Nothing quite like it."

Tonya Brooks: "It's along the river. I'm still adjusting to modern day Philadelphia, but many of the older sections are here. What areas do you know? Maybe I can point you in the right direction."

She nods and smiles.

"Have you been in one then?"

Oogie: "Kensington mostly, and a buncha the gardens around the city. Ain't been here long, and I'm still learning my way around, so a pointer would be amazing."

The smile kind of fades, and turns wistful. "Yeah. We split up recently cause of... stuff. It was sad to see em go, but we had to do it or violate our oath."

Tonya Brooks: "Oh! Well you're in luck, Fishtown is just southeast of Kensington. Seems like we are next door neighbors. You have Fairhill on one side, Kensington in the middle, and then Fishtown, and then the river."

She gives a sad smile and a supportive look.

"Oh dear, I'm quite sorry it had to end like that. That's the major hiccup in our own motley. I'm the paranoid one of our Motley, so I'm trying to work out the oath from all angles."

Oogie: "Well hey there neighbor!" He laughs.

"A good solid oath is important fer sure. My Autumn was the one who set ours up, and made it so painless for us. That balance between all-encompassing and convoluted is a bit too much for me. Aint got the head for it."

Tonya Brooks: "I am my Motley's Autumn as well. My daughters are both Winter. I'm trying to make it easy on them as well, I spent far too long on Oaths while There. Both times in fact, I may as well use that knowledge."

Oogie: "You were There twice???" His eyebrows shoot up. "Christ above."

Tonya Brooks: She nods, a frown and less confident look crossing her features.

"I was, yes. Two different Keepers as well, so my Durances were quite different as well. I would not recommend it in the slightest."

Oogie: "Once was enough." He shivers slightly. "Sorry ya went through that. Glad ya got out both times."

Tonya Brooks: She nods.

"Once is more than enough. Any time at all is too much. But yes, I am glad I'm here. As much as I feel out of place, being from what is not considered the distant past has given me unique perspectives. And I am very glad I was able to bring some others out with me, including Hiroko and Lamp."

Oogie: "Yeah, that first year or so back is fun when you're trying to catch up on a century of history. I don't miss it, not one bit. Hiroko and Lamp your daughters then? Which one're you learning Japanese for?"

Tonya Brooks: "If it is not too personal, when are you from, Oogie? But yes, catching up to modern times is quite difficult. I do enjoy reading though, so its made a pasttime. Especially as I am working at a library and can just sit behind the counter and read during my shift."

She nods and smiles.

"They are indeed. Hiroko was the one that started calling me mom, and the dynamic stuck. But it would be Hiroko who I am learning Japanese for."

Oogie: "Right around 1918, last thing I think I remember was listening to the radio talking bout the 30th punching through the Hindenberg Line. And luckier than me, my Freehold shoved me into a public high school when I got back. Wish I coulda taken my time." He pauses, considering. "Though, I 'spose I would've just blown it all off and gone hiking more if I'd been left to my own devices."

"Well that's sweet." He says quite genuinely. "Love that for ya."

Tonya Brooks: She looks shocked for a second, racking her brain.

"I don't remember that broadcast, but I was Taken in early 1918 as well. For my first trip through There at least. So I got the chance to break it up slightly, but it is still a lot to learn."

She smiles.

"Thank you. I am trying my best to keep their admiration."

Oogie: "I think I got Taken early winter or late fall? I remember the leaves falling at least. Makes sense you wouldn't remember it if I'm remembering right."

He laughs slightly. "Well you're learnin another language for one of em, I think you're on the right track for keeping their admiration."

Tonya Brooks: She squints towards the distance.

"It's been so long that I don't remember exactly when I was Taken. But I don't think it was as late as late Autumn or Winter. But, quite interesting we were Taken so close together. It's nice in a way to have someone else from around the same point of time. Out of further curiosity, when were you born?"

She chuckles in return.

"Indeed. That would certainly be the hope. I do find myself hoping that some of the others managed to make it out as well."

Oogie: "1902? I was really little when it happened so I really don't remember much." He says without a gram of sarcasm or humor. "It is nice. Knowing someone else can relate to my memories is a nice feeling."

"Yeah. I keep hoping everyone made it out before or after I did. But..." He trails off there. "But I find it's better not to think about really."

Tonya Brooks: She frowns.

"So young, 16 then? I was born in 1895 so I had a little more time Before. Not all that much, but some. But yes, it is nice to have someone that relates. One of the Springs here, Aurelio, is another from about then. I think he was Taken slightly before I was born? So he is someone else you may enjoy a talk with."

She nods.

"That may be wise. I feel a sense of responsibility to them that I can't quite place. I believe it's memories stolen and muddled by the Thorns."

Oogie: "16, yeah." He says non-chalantly with a shrug. "I. Honestly don't think I missed all that much? From the history text books, my area got hit hard by a lot of stuff and then didn't get a lot of relief. And then the second world war..." He shakes his head. "But, Aurelio huh? Springs are usually fun, I'd like to meet him."

Aurelio Menegi: Speak of the Torrent and he shall appear, it seems, as Aurelio emerged from the gate with a slim messenger bag slung over one shoulder, dressed casually in all black as was his wont. Scanning the hollow he smiled as he spotted Tonya, giving the pair a nod as he headed their way.

Tonya Brooks: "I returned in 1964, amid the Vietnam War protests. Right in the middle actually. It was quite startling, I thought the protests were for World War 1 and was quite confused how the rhetoric shifted quite so much. World War Two being in there as well...it was quite a lot to process. All in all, I feel like more and less has happened in the last 50 years than the previous 50."

She nods.

"So I agree as well. I debated Spring for a time, but found Autumn the most like myself. He looks like- that actually."

Tonya waves.

"Greetings, Aurelio. Were your ears burning?"

Oogie: "I bet. And yeah. Can't believe we went to the moon. Like the moon in the sky. Just in the last 50 years.

Oogie waves to the newcomer. "That's a good description of him. 'Lo there Aurelio."

Aurelio Menegi: "They were a bit warm, yes..." He replied with a chuckle, his Italian accent one from the old country rather than what one often found around the city, rather unused to having to look up at others as he gave Oogie a proper once-over. "Speaking only good of me, I hope?"

Oogie: "Tonya was just sayin' you're from around our time period, and you'd be a good person to make friends with." He offers a large hand to shake.

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah, I see." He took the offered hand and gave it a firm shake, the chill radiating from his stony touch rather deep indeed. "Aurelio Menegi, good to meet you."

Oogie: "Augustus von Sturmfalke, but I usually go by Oogie. And I use he or him for pronouns." His own touch is warm, despite the stony exterior.

Aurelio Menegi: "As do I. Have you been in the city long?"

Oogie: "Two weeks now, but I've been out for 'bout 13 years. Came here by way of a small city in Kentucky. Yourself?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Venice, originally, although I have been here for about three years now."

Tonya Brooks: She smiles at the boys introducing each other.

"Of course I would only speak good of you, Aurelio. I still greatly appreciate your help that night."

Oogie: "Oh! Was this your first stop after you got out?"

He looks questioningly at Tonya and Aurelio at the mention of 'That night'.

Aurelio Menegi: "It was, yes. I spent a year or so adjusting to the times I found myself in, then came here in search of the family I had left behind. I was able to find them and continue the work I did before I was Taken, and I am quite happy with where I am today."

"Very welcome." He nodded to Tonya, giving her a brief curious look to see if she wanted to explain or if he should.

Tonya Brooks: "Out of couriosity, did you ever travel through D.C., Oogie?"

She similarly looked to Aurelio to see his thoughts, before answering.

"Clarity issues. I unfortunatly do not have the strongest of conmections to reality anymore, and Aurelio was luckily there to help me out of that. Speaking of, Aurelio, would you still be willing to trade me that Contract at some point? I'm trying to regain some of my lost knowledge now that I find myself more ingrained."

Oogie: "Yeah, I stopped by there for a little bit the other month. It was a tails when I flipped the coin."

"Oh. I see. What Contracts are you missing?"

Aurelio Menegi: "I would be willing, yes. I am no Joyeaux but I am happy to do what I can in times of need."

Tonya Brooks: "Ah, Lamp is from D.C., but I have never been. If there is anything you remember and are willing to talk about with her if you two meet, it may make her day."

She nods.

"It doesn't neccesarily need to be today, but I would definetly appreciate having it if I ever find myself in a similar situation."

She pauses and looks to Oogie.

"This is going to sound quite pretentious, and I assure you I don't mean it that way. When I Escaped the first time, I stole a fair bit of knowledge with me, and as such, I knew 6 of the Regalia in their entirety. I only know one Regalia and a few spare other Contracts now."

Oogie: "Yknow, I think I met her the other day actually. I'll have to bring up D.C. when I see her again."

"Well, that's still pretty damn impressive. Which one d'you know completely?"

He turns back to Aurelio. "And I don't think I caught what kind of work you do. Or is it a family secret?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Certainly. Let me know when and we can meet."

"Glass-blowing." He replied to Oogie with no small bit of pride in his voice. "It is an art that has run through my family for generations, and I have found a place here that carries on the old work."

Oogie: "Man, that's so cool." He says with sincere admiration. "Glass is such a cool medium, solid but liquid at the same time. And tough, it looks really hot to work with."

Aurelio Menegi: "Very. It is forgiving and not at the same time, depending on how much it's cooled. The challenge is always worthwhile, though, and what you can make of it is limitless with a steady hand and a keen eye."

Tonya Brooks: "Jewels."

She answers Oogie before nodding and listening to the conversation for a few.

Oogie: He nods his head. "A skilled glassblower at work is always a sight to see. The level of detail y'all can get in the smallest spaces is just insane."

Aurelio Menegi: "We do our best. I would show you some of my work, but I have been told that phones work strangely here so I will leave it be for the moment."

Tonya Brooks: "I'd also love to see some of your works, I am certain they are exquisite."

Tonya nods, pulling out her own and looking at it.

"I've noticed that. Sometimes they work strangely Ironside too. I've had calls where I say hello and no one responds, and then they just hang up."

Oogie: "I'd love to see it sometime. Do you exhibit it anywhere?" He asks hopefully.

"Uh, I think those're fraud calls."

Aurelio Menegi: "There is a gallery attached to the studio in South Philly. Murano Glassworks, if you ever find yourself nearby. I am there more often than not, and live nearby if needed."

Tonya Brooks: "Fraud calls? Ah, I see."

Someone is still not used to phones hehe. She pulls out her little notebook and writes it down, hesitates, and looks up.

"Murano? M-u...?

Oogie: "I'll look it up when I get Ironside then!"

"Yeah, they're testing to see if the number belongs to a human."

Aurelio Menegi: "M-u-r-a-n-o." He replied, nodding. "It is the name of the island in the Venice lagoon where the majority of the glassworks were based in the past, both for the safety of the city and to keep all of us in one place." The last was added with a small chuckle. "That was not so much the case by the time I was born, though."

Tonya Brooks: She writes it down and puts the notebook back in her pocket.

"Thank you for explaining that, Oogie."

She nods, gesturing towards Aurelio with her pencil like an academic might.

"Why were they trying to keep all the glassworks in one place? Would having them spread around not have made things easier on the population at large?"

Oogie: Oogie looks to Aurelio for the answer.

Aurelio Menegi: "When the city was still mostly wood the kilns and furnaces were a risk, so the studios were moved to the island. As time passed and our reputation as the best glassmakers in Europe grew we were given great status and rights within the Republic but were also not allowed to leave and take our secrets with us. Something of a gilded cage, as it were. That faded about a century before I was born, but the majority of the glassworks remain on the island to this day."

Tonya Brooks: "Aha. That is something I love about history and learning in general. Something will be some way, and just an off handed comment will make you wonder why something is that way. Then theres always an answer like that, one you wouldn't expect. And past that, tradition is born. I'm almost certain that very few glassblowers left that island for years, before others did it first."

Oogie: Oogie nods in agreement.

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. Most found what they were offered by the Republic to be enough, but some made their way into the rest of Europe, which eventually led to the city's stranglehold on the trade to fade. We are still the best known for it, though, and where I work now carries on those traditions."

Tonya Brooks: She smiles gleefully.

"Amazing. I would certainly predict other countries and groups would have paid vast sums of money to convince glassblowers to travel to their areas to have access to such a lucrative resource. I'm glad you are keeping up such a tradition."

Oogie: "Making somethin' like that in the same way as your ancestors is. Beyond my ability to describe, I think." Oogie hefts his hammer onto his shoulder. "But. I gotta get this patrol finished and write a report for Devon. Or get yelled at for writing a report that amounts to nothin', not sure about his leadership style yet. Nice meetin' you two though! Look forward to workin' with you."

Aurelio Menegi: "As am I. The thought of coming back to it kept me sane There, and being able to do so is both fulfilling and centering."

"Was good to meet you as well." He gave Oogie a nod. "Have a good rest of your day."

Tonya Brooks: Tonya waves.

"Goodbye Oogie, it was wonderful to meet you and I look forward to our next encounter already. Oh, and thank you for patrolling to keep us safe."

She nods.

"It is a wonderful anchor to have, an old hobby. I...vaguely remember..."

She squints as if struggling to remember details.

"Some conversation about holding onto those memories. I don't know with who, or what the conversation was like, but those memories help us immensely while There."

Oogie: Oogie waves and strolls off into the Thorns, whistling 'In the Pines' again.

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. The cold There took much, but what I held onto helped to guide me back home...even if it was much later than I expected."

Tonya Brooks: "That was the first thing I looked for when Lamp, Hiroko, and I got to Ironside and knew we were safe. When, and Where, we were. It hurts to know how much time has passed. But it is good we can support each other through it."

Aurelio Menegi: "Agreed. I have also met others now that I would not have if I had come back earlier, and while the loss stings what has been gained is worthwhile."

Tonya Brooks: She nods slowly, gently touching her right ring finger with her right thumb.

"There are always new people, yes. And it gives us a unique perspective over most. I am glad it has been worthwhile for you. I think I'm starting to get to that point too."

Aurelio Menegi: "Glad to hear it." He said with a small smile. "The city has been very welcoming for me, which I see as a blessing."

Tonya Brooks: "Philly is like that, isn't it? Welcoming? It has its problems, no doubt, but it has a level of support for itself that I appreciate. And hope to help continue as well."

Aurelio Menegi: "Very, and agreed. I like to do my part where I can."

Tonya Brooks: She nods.

"Speaking of, now that it would not be rude and exclude Oogie, would you be willing to teach me Fortifying Presence? I'm not sure if you have either of the Seeming Clauses either."

Aurelio Menegi: "I would be, yes, although not at the moment; I should be getting home soon. Let me know when you are ready, though."

Tonya Brooks: "Of course. Take care of yourself."