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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Jeremiah Hamilton *Klaire Henriette | setting=The Green Room Studio | log='''Jeremiah Hamilton:''' It had been a hot minute since Jeremiah had invited Klaire over to the studio for some simple time together, what with her caseload and his running the cafe and the music production side of his work. He already had her usual drink from downstairs ready for her, playing idly on the piano as he waited for her arrival. '''Klair...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:47, 23 October 2023


The Green Room Studio


Jeremiah Hamilton: It had been a hot minute since Jeremiah had invited Klaire over to the studio for some simple time together, what with her caseload and his running the cafe and the music production side of his work. He already had her usual drink from downstairs ready for her, playing idly on the piano as he waited for her arrival.

Klaire Henriette: Tea, mmm.

She had come with Rook in his service vest, smiling and talking with the cashier at the front desk. She'd become a bit of a regular at her mentor's cafe.

It only takes her a second or two to find Jay in the crowd, heading over. Despite the bit of heat the northeast has had this week, she was still in a cardigan and jeans; not showing much skin.

"Hello Jay. How are things here?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jay was dressed casually in jeans and a grey t-shirt with a pan flag colored serpent design, giving Klaire a warm smile as she approached. "Busy but not in a bad way. How've you been?"

Klaire Henriette: She smiles faintly at the serpent.

"Busy as well. Which unfortunatly means its naturally in a bad way. Summer is...a time for me. More people out and about, especially late at night."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah, I bet." He slid over her tea so she could claim it, glancing upwards. "Want to head upstairs or talk down here? I'm good either way."

Klaire Henriette: And claim it she does! Hes probably figured out her preferences at this point, huh.

"Upstairs will probably be better. I have things to show off."

She pets the floof by her side.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Do you now..." He replied with a grin, sliding out of his seat and moving to lead the way up to the studio. Once there he claimed his usual seat on the piano bench, making an 'after you' motion. "What all have you been working on?"

Klaire Henriette: "That I do."

She follows upwards, Rook in tow, as they get up the stairs, he would feel some magic behind him as she activates Telekinesis, causing her mug to float alongside them.

"Largely this. I feel much stronger in it. Its helped greatly on my cases. Fine control like pressing buttons and stuff is still beyond me and I'm starting to wonder if thats just how it is."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He grinned as he spotted the mug floating beside her, giving a nod. "Very nice. That may be the case, admittedly. I know with our version you have to decide how to split the force between heavy lifting and fine detail when it's cast."

Klaire Henriette: "Ah. So I may only have the heavy lifting aspect. Which isn't the worst thing. I've also only had it for, hm, almost a year now I think."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds about right. I remember you setting things afloat in here when you were having a bit of trouble at one point." He nodded, looking her over. "Anything else new developed lately?"

Klaire Henriette: "I've gotten a bit better control over my emotions since then. Rook is most of the cause of that."

She pets the floof who has his head in her lap.

"No. Not that I've noticed. Ive just felt."

She considers

"Stronger? For a lack of a better term. Like i have hit a next step since advancing my telekenisis."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good to hear." He said with a smile, looking the pup over. He nodded as she continued, thinking a moment. "Not a bad thing, that. Are there any particular avenues on the psychic front that you want to experiment with and see what develops?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire frowns.

"I'm not quite sure what else there is to learn, if I'm being entirly honest. Up until now, things have just developed and I've worked to master them as I've figured them out."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "One thought would be to branch out on the telekinetic front and try for more elemental control. You can already handle one facet of kinesis, so expanding that further shouldn't be as hard since you have the groundwork in place already."

Klaire Henriette: "Two, actually. One just isn't as flashy. But I could likely focus in that direction, yes. I believe Canary and Phyx have some form of elemental control?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "True, and so I've heard. It's a thought, at least, and I have enough of a grasp on Forces to possibly help guide you with it as well."

Klaire Henriette: "I think the largest question is what type of elemental affinity I have. Or if it is something I can choose myself."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I would think that you could choose, but I suppose we'll see." He smirked. "I can see water working for you for some reason."

Klaire Henriette: "A mage may be able to, I'm unsure if I can."

A curious look.

"Water? Any clue as to why? Or just a feeling?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "More a feeling. You're quick to adapt to new situations, so it seems fitting."

Klaire Henriette: She ponders that for a moment.

"I'm trying to see if I'm feeling self-depreciating or I just genuinely do not think I am great at adapting. I'm not sure."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You may grumble about it, but you're also not one to shut down when adversity strikes." He replied with a smile. "You make things work in the end."

Klaire Henriette: "I would argue I'm very good at faking a calm demeanor. You often have to be in my job. But maybe. Water would certainly be useful."

She has to take a moment to facepalm.

"Tikkun, my intern in the firm. He's able to manipulate ice. I could easily ask him."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That you could." He said with a chuckle.

Klaire Henriette: "Don't tell him I said this, but he's growing on me. I think he is going to do well. Both within the investigator field and this side of things. He just needs to work on having patience."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Don't think I've actually met him yet...should fix that at some point." He nodded. "He'll get there in time."

Klaire Henriette: "Hes a Voter, originally from New York. I believe his mother was their Syndic, or is currently. I'm very much trying to not be on the bad side of two Syndics."

She shakes her head.

"But certainly, he's quite bright. I think you two would get along quite well."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah hah." He gave another nod, along with a reassuring look. "Look forward to it, then."

Klaire Henriette: "Anything you wish to know about him?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Whatever you're comfortable sharing."

Klaire Henriette: She thinks for a moment and shakes her head.

"I can't think of any pertinent info. Oh, minus that he's Jewish so figuring out kosher food is important. No pork, selfish or"

She winces

"Ah, theres something else on that list. Meat does have to be prepared a certain way, I think thats the major ones."

Shes trying, and she pays attention!

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Noted. Will keep that in mind." He smiled quietly. "How long have you two been working together?"

Klaire Henriette: She thinks back.

"I met him in I think April? I want to say April. Agreed to let him intern a month or two later."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good stuff. He's settling in well, then?"

Klaire Henriette: She pauses for a moment and makes a face.

"He's too sarcastic for me to tell."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah, one of those kind of folks." He nodded with a chuckle.

Klaire Henriette: "I'd like to believe he is settling in well, but I'm not entirly sure he would let slip if he was struggling."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Gotcha. Not one to open up much to others, I take it?"

Klaire Henriette: "Not that I've able to find. Granted I am his boss."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "True. Maybe I can get him to open up a bit. I'm told I'm rather personable when the need arises." He said with a smirk.

Klaire Henriette: "You may be able to. Ill see if he is interested."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds good." He nodded with a smile. "How are things with you and Ylva, by the way?"

Klaire Henriette: "Good. Ive enjoyed living at the polycule's house. Frankly I don't go to my place very often anymore, its a good meeting space but thats about it. Living with my family has been a blessing that I am glad I got over my nervousness of."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Glad to hear it. Being close to those you love is always a plus."

Klaire Henriette: "It is. How are you and Polly? I'm still invited to the wedding, yes?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Doing very well, and of course." He smirked. "We've both been busy but we make time for each other as we can."

Klaire Henriette: "I'm glad. That seems to be everything we can do. Spend time when we can."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mmhmm. I do make a point to make time, if only because I know how wrapped up in projects I can get if I let myself."

Klaire Henriette: "Same. There's reasons I have hours on my work, because otherwise I won't make that time, I'll get too invested in work. And it's not just Ylva and Astrid. It's sleep and everything else."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Right? So much to do, so little time to do it in." He nodded, chuckling after a moment. "Unless you cheat like we can, but even then that's not always enough."

Klaire Henriette: "And if I ever Awaken, I still think I'm going to stay away from Time. It hurts my head."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Understandable. It's one that I haven't really looked at either, and don't have any plans to do so yet. Working on Fate has been interesting on its own."

Klaire Henriette: "What can you do so far?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm still working my way up from Initiate, but even the base level things have been fascinating. Reading probability, minor blessings and hexes, knowing when a particular fate befalls the person the spell is focused on, that sort of thing."

Klaire Henriette: "Thats certainly useful. So you could, for example, see how likely it is for a coin to land on heads?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Fifty percent, usually, but yeah." He replied with a cheeky smirk, although the mirth smoothed out after a moment. "To be honest, though, being able to focus the Sight to see through what cloaks those like Polly and Ylva from the world was a big part of why I started studying it. I haven't done so without asking, of course, but having the option without having to go into the Hedge or put them at risk is a plus."

Klaire Henriette: "Id forgotten, but we did talk about that a while ago. And then life got busy. I would still very much enjoy it if you figure out how to do it on me."

Klaire looks distracted for a moment. A thought on their brain.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I should be able to, actually, through the same spell that Bones used on you to grant you the Sight before. It'd be on a short clock, though, since that spell can temporarily blind you if it's kept active for too long."

Klaire Henriette: She frowns.

"How long do you think I'd be able to handle it?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It depends on your strength of will, which I know for you is pretty impressive. If that falters while the spell is active then you'll have issues."

Klaire Henriette: She considers.

"Can you somehow add something on me to change how long I can last?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Possibly. I know it can probably go for at least an hour with the proper force of will. Beyond that it may need to be renewed."

Klaire Henriette: "Oh, I was assuming short clock meant minutes. An hour is plenty of time. I think Ylva would greatly appreciate that kind of thing. Especially since we can latch it to my soul to make it easier on you, yes?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That we can, yeah." He nodded, smiling. "Let me know when you two are good for it and we can make it happen."

Klaire Henriette: "Will certainly do. May be best to do at Maddys perhaps?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "We could, unless you'd rather it be somewhere more private."

Klaire Henriette: "Ah, well we could do it at my home. I just wanted to give you the option to leave or grab food if you needed and not feel awkward there."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm good with whatever is more comfortable for you two." He offered with a smile.

Klaire Henriette: "Sometimes I forget your anxiety isn't as bad as mine. I'm quite jealous of that."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It took work, as I imagine you know. To be honest I swung too far into the self-confident side of things to the point of arrogance before my Awakening and had to dial things back once I was on the mend."

Klaire Henriette: "I tend to swing between the extremes far more than I enjoy. The worst of both worlds."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Finding the balance can take some doing, that's for sure. Knowing you you'll get there, though." He said with a smile.

Klaire Henriette: "Thats the hope. What was the story again? The Lion, Stag, and Sage?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That'd be it, yep."

Klaire Henriette: "Where do you feel I am now? Has my position changed within the story?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You've made good progress, in my opinion." He said with a small smile.

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"Towards the Sage? Or towards something else?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Towards the Sage, I'd say."

Klaire Henriette: "Thats quite good to hear."

Klaire takes a second to float the tea around for a second and back to her hand.

"Where would you say you are? We are our worst critics after all."

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smirked as the tea went for a bit of a ride, then thought for a moment before replying.

"Still a work in progress, but that's not a bad thing in my opinion."

Klaire Henriette: "Progress is the goal? That is certainly a good mindset to keep."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "As I see it, at least. If you think that you've learned everything that you need to know then you get stuck in those mindsets and refuse to learn anything new."

Klaire Henriette: "Thats something I enjoy about my job. I can never know anything. There's a repetition to it, but its always a different case."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mmhmm. You never know what to expect when dealing with different people and their experiences." He nodded with a smile. "That's what I like about the mentoring I do as well."

Klaire Henriette: "Every person is different, yes. And every person has room to grow. I think thats a good lesson."