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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Erik Samuelson *Leila Zaki | setting=Erik's apartment, Fishtown | log='''Erik Samuelson:''' After getting the message from Leila Erik had hemmed and hawed about where to meet with the Kindred for the cashing in of their arrangement, eventually inviting her over to his townhome in Fishtown. It was a three-story building, the white-painted brick making it stand out against the other buildings nearby with the sounds of the nearb...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:24, 2 November 2023


Erik's apartment, Fishtown


Erik Samuelson: After getting the message from Leila Erik had hemmed and hawed about where to meet with the Kindred for the cashing in of their arrangement, eventually inviting her over to his townhome in Fishtown. It was a three-story building, the white-painted brick making it stand out against the other buildings nearby with the sounds of the nearby Delaware River wafting through the air alongside the traffic. The Bound was waiting downstairs near the door, his spectral companion grumbling under its 'breath' as it floated nearby.

"It's going to be fine." Erik said in reassurance, which only elicited a huff from the shade.

Leila Zaki: Leila had obfuscated on the way over just in case. She could have saved the blood, but she wanted to protect her newfound friend, so this was the best way. She was dressed simply, jeans, a tshirt, and her sunglasses at night. She still wore those two paracord bracelets on her wrist.

It was odd, one second it was just another person walking down the street late at night, his eyes passed over her. Not Leila who cares. As soon as she got to his lot, it fades off like a shadowy mist and he was aware she was there.

Erik Samuelson: Erik had glanced her way once but paid her little mind initially, smiling a touch and giving her a nod as the shadows were dropped and she emerged into view. "Evening. Find the place okay?"

Leila Zaki: "Indeed, I am here after all. I quite enjoy walking at night while hidden, it is...relaxing? That is not quite the right word, but it is similar."

Erik Samuelson: "I can see that. Haven't picked up that particular trick myself, although I've thought about it." He opened the door for Leila, revealing a simply decorated living room area, with a couch and TV near the door, bookshelves along the back wall and wooden floors. "Come on in."

Leila Zaki: "Ah, you have a similar ability then? I really should get better at it, but I have been focusing on other things."

She steps in with a nod.

"It is quite homey."

Erik Samuelson: "Mmhmm. It allows us to enter into Twilight, among other things." He followed in after her and closed the door behind them, glancing around as she took in the place. "Thanks. I'm not here too often but I try to make it comfortable for when I am."

If she looked farther in the doorway on the back wall revealed a well-appointed kitchen, along with a staircase that led up to the next floor near the front door.

Leila Zaki: "That is quite useful. I can enter the Twilight but it is a different...wavelength of sorts than ghosts or spirits or the like."

A curious look.

"Why are you not here often?"

She sees the kitchen but ignores it. That's probably the least important and MOST dangerous room in a house for a vampire. At least with a gas stove.

Erik Samuelson: "Busy with work, more often than not, whether mundane or ghostly."

He thought a moment, then looked Leila over. "Would sitting down be better for this? Not sure what would be the most comfortable for you."

Leila Zaki: "I can understand that. I find I do not take others into my home very often. It...is made to block out the sun, which is alarming to many humans."

She considers.

"It may be. My goal, besides feeding of course, is to make this comfortable and pleasurable for you. You can tell me to stop at any point."

She looks around him for any subtle hint of the geist, knowing she likely wouldn't see it.

"I do not wish to upset you or your ghostly partner."

Erik Samuelson: "He's already annoyed with me, but he'll deal." He spared the shade a brief glance which was answered by the scent of ash hitting the air and a rumbling grunt, then made a 'shall we?' motion to the couch before taking a seat himself.

Leila Zaki: There was a flinch at the ash, perhaps some predatory aura rising to the surface that she stamps down.

"I would still not like to anger him."

She takes a seat, a caring tone. Genuinely wanting to make sure he was okay.

"I have a few questions as you are willing. Do you want it from your wrist, your neck, or elsewhere?"

Erik Samuelson: Spotting the flinch Erik said a quiet "be nice" to the shade, which led to it flickering out of sight rather than having to watch what was about to unfold.

Erik shook his head then looked back to Leila. "Wrist, I guess? Little bit easier that way, I'd suppose."

Leila Zaki: She nods.

"Thank you. I hope your companion will trust me in time."

She takes his hand gently, if he has long sleeves, rolling them back, closing her eyes for a second as she listens to his heartbeat.

"Do you want this quick, or drawn out. Or, if you wish, I can do it quick at first, and depending on how you feel, I can draw it out for a second pass. It can be anything you want."

Erik Samuelson: He was in a normal t-shirt for this particular visit, since he reckoned that would be simpler for either of the normal biting spots.

"Full bore should be fine, I think." He watched as she took his hand, an odd mix of nervousness and curiosity crossing his features.

Leila Zaki: She nods, gently feeling for his veins, gently dragging her fingers along his wrist.

"And finally, likely more important, how much are you comfortable giving? How many days would you be fine with feeling slightly fatigued, possibly light headed if you move too fast?"

Erik Samuelson: His hand flexed briefly as she traced along his wrist, more on reflex than anything. "I'm topped up myself at the moment so I can clear a good bit of damage if needed. How much are you needing?"

Leila Zaki: "Middling. I'd normally take this from two, maybe even three people. I try to take small amounts to not hurt others for long periods. I can find other sources, you don't need to give it all."

(5ish probably is what she needs. I havent been keeping a ton of track)

Erik Samuelson: "Gotcha. Let's got with what would be a heavy drink from one person for starters, then." (reckon 3?)

Leila Zaki: "Okay, I can do that. If you need to stop, just tell me. I will stop."

She takes his wrist and looks to make sure before she gently bites into his veins, not drinking yet, letting him feel.

(3 works)

Erik Samuelson: He let her take hold of his wrist without protest, letting out a quiet gasp as the fangs punched through. He sat up a little straighter on reflex but made no verbal comment, letting the sensation roll through him.

Leila Zaki: She listens to his heart to make sure to not hurt him. She slowly begins to drink, offering another hand to hold. She revels in the feeling of feeding. What does his blood taste like?

Erik Samuelson: Erik took the offered hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he rested his head on the back of the couch, eyes closed. His blood was normal, for the most part, with a faint aftertaste of ash and smoke.

Leila Zaki: Which meant it was nice, but afterwards she would certainly make a face as she processed it. Perhaps it was the Ashen Husk getting some subtle revenge. The drinking felt like it was taking forever, time stretched out and out and out, but it collapsed back in all at once as she gently licks the wound close.

"How are you feeling?"

Erik Samuelson: It took a moment for Erik to register that Leila had said something, eyes opening to look up at the ceiling but not really seeing anything just yet. Eventually he said a quiet "Incredible," turning his head to look at her properly.

Leila Zaki: She look slightly worried for a moment, about to shake him before he responds.

"I am glad you enjoyed. How do you feel physically? Did I take too much?"

Erik Samuelson: "No, feeling okay on that front." He sat up properly, looking over his wrist and going "huh" at the bite no longer being there. "That was...wow."

Leila Zaki: She nods to the wrist.

"Hard to be secret if we leave a mark. I am glad you enjoyed yourself."

She looks around.

"Is he still upset with me? Your companion?"

Erik Samuelson: "True enough." He nodded, then glanced around briefly. "He's...okay at the moment."

Leila Zaki: "Good. I hope that he can see I do not want to hurt you. Simply give you something to enjoy. I do want to thank you for gifting me some of your lifeblood."

Erik Samuelson: "You're welcome. And thank you for...that." He said with a small amused smirk, then sat up and stretched as he pushed the Plasm within to mend the damage done by the feeding. "Should be fully fixed up in an hour or so."

Leila Zaki: "Of course. Anytime you want. An hour? That is quite impressive."

Erik Samuelson: "Our healing abilities don't completely patch things up but can take even serious wounds down to simple bruises."

Leila Zaki: "I see. Vitae repairs our bodies to keep us functional. We do not heal naturally. Please do not overexert yourself while you heal, Erik."

Erik Samuelson: "I made a point of topping up before you came over so I'm good on that front. Thank you for the concern, though."

Leila Zaki: "Of course. I attempt to care, there are many of my kind that do not."

Erik Samuelson: "Good on you for doing so." He nodded, looking her over. "I'm glad I was able to help."

Leila Zaki: She pauses.

"I may be incorrect, but you were debating a comment there, yes? But yes, thank you for helping. I hope you are willing to do this again."

Erik Samuelson: "Briefly, yeah. I take it that some of your folks aren't particularly careful with the people they feed them?"

"I would be, yeah." He nodded, smirking slightly. "That was...an experience, I'll say that much."

Leila Zaki: "No. As their connection to humanity diminishes, they care less. Although eventually they can no longer drink from humans. The magic I am learning limits my connection to humanity, I can no longer pass as entirely human, but I still try to keep that balance. I would prefer to care."

A smile.

"I am glad. It is a wonderful experience for both. If you ever wish to stop, simply talk to me. I will stop. I can find other sources."

Erik Samuelson: "Ah hah. Good to hear that you're putting in the effort." Erik nodded, smiling in return. "Will do. Happy to help where I can."

Leila Zaki: She smiles at the compliment.

"Thank you."

A look at him.

"You will tell me if you need help. Yes?"

Erik Samuelson: "I can do that." He nodded.

Leila Zaki: She nods.

"Thank you. I do not wish to take up too much of your time."

Erik Samuelson: "Very welcome. Don't have much else planned tonight, so no worries there."

Leila Zaki: "Unless you have other things you wish to do, I should likely get going. There are only so many hours in the night."

Erik Samuelson: "Nothing I can think of off-hand." He moved to stand, taking a moment to steady himself before offering her a hand up. "I hope you have a good rest of the evening."

Leila Zaki: She hesitates, a tensing in her vitae filled muscles for if he fell. She then just takes his hand.

"Thank you, I hope you do as well. Get the rest you need, Erik."

Erik Samuelson: "I will." He said with a smile as he escorted her to the door, holding it open all gentlemanly-like.

Leila Zaki: She smiles when being escorted, nodding her head.

"I will see you again soon. We can talk about making this a regular thing if you want, but only after you feel the effects this has on your week."

She hesitates for a partial second, unsure if this was okay but trying it. She gently kisses his cheek and looks a tad embarrassed after.


Erik Samuelson: He paused at the unexpected peck on the cheek, smiling softly as he nodded. "You as well."

Leila Zaki: She looked ecstatic that he took it well, heading off into the night.