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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Juliet Morrigan *Leila Zaki | setting= Drac..oh la la! | log='''''Scene transpired on October 19, 2023''''' '''Leila Zaki:''' Leila has been discreetly invited to the Dame Knight's workplace at the Equinox party. Discretion is a thing of the Kindred after all. She had arrived a bit early and elected to have some red wine at the bar to pass the time. She was in a well made dress, if simplistic, hair washed and jewlery acros...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:09, 2 November 2023


Drac..oh la la!


Scene transpired on October 19, 2023

Leila Zaki: Leila has been discreetly invited to the Dame Knight's workplace at the Equinox party. Discretion is a thing of the Kindred after all. She had arrived a bit early and elected to have some red wine at the bar to pass the time. She was in a well made dress, if simplistic, hair washed and jewlery across her neck and wrists.

Juliet Morrigan: Since this is Juliet's place of business, she has a slightly more "relaxed" style of clothing that she tends to wear around the club. This can range anywhere from upper class clubwear to a bit more business casual. Tonight seems to be slightly more business as she comes down the staircase. She makes her way over towards where Leila was sitting and stands next to the other for a moment.

"Hopefully your evening is going well tonight. The wine and music are to your liking, I hope."

Leila Zaki: Her Beast reacts to the other's. She was on an Elder's turf, she would be respectful. A soldier's habits brought her to stand when Juliet approached.

"Hello, yes I am enjoying the wine, it is excellent quality. Clubs are often too loud for me, but this area is pleasant. Not as overwhelming. Is your own night...well?"

Juliet Morrigan: "Well we do have classical nights, since it is one of my preferred genres of music. Sometimes I take the stage, personally and play, should the mood strike of course."

-She pauses and glances around before she continues with her current conversation-

"My own night is going well, the VIP section has places that are more accommodating to people with sensitive senses. If you would prefer that, we could move there."

Leila Zaki: "As you did with the violin. I was a tad too overwhelmed to remember to thank you for the performance. Thank you for the assistance."

She hesitated, but then nods with a smile.

"I would most certainly like that, thank you."

Juliet Morrigan: "I admit that my skill with the violin is not as good as my skill with the piano, but I digress. I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed the performance."

-She motions towards the stairs-

"Feel free to lead the way, it is just up the stairs and on the next floor. I will be right behind you."

Leila Zaki: "I have no musical talent. I did enjoy."

She does lead the way. As she herself is a warrior, she would likely notice Leila's careful gait as she leads the way, looking for traps and plotting escape plans even if this was peaceful. She was positioned to defend herself from behind should it be needed with Juliet behind her.

Juliet Morrigan: -If she is expecting some kind of attack from behind . . . well that never comes. To be fair, this was Juliet's establishment that she did her best to maintain. Since it was a neutral location for any kindred to attend and socialize at their leisure. There were even some places for hospitality if one was out a bit too late the night before.-

"Now if you will turn towards your left we can go into my office or simply stop by a booth on the way there."

-She offers- (edited)

Leila Zaki: It still does not stop a soldier's careful eye, but she does smile at the spots of refuge. She did know her options were largely 'run' or 'die' if Juliet truely wanted her dead.

"The office works, most certainly. I do not mind it."

She takes the left.

Juliet Morrigan: "Then I will need to take the lead here. Pardon me."

She moves out a head of Leila since she is needed to actually open the door to her office. There is . . . a ridiculous amount of security about that room. There are things that need to inputted before the door would even open. BUT eventually it does open and Leila sees quite the set up. Juliet moves to press a button and the glass of the office shades.

"Do not concern yourself with anyone hearing what we say here. The room is soundproofed and the windows are now shielded. If anyone attempts to look in they will only see black glass."

Leila Zaki: Leila lets her pass and kindly like the other way while it is being unlocked. Both so she doesnt see it and almost to act as security down the hall.

She nods and steps in.

"That is quite impressive. It is very advanced technology, more than I am used to."

Juliet Morrigan: "I believe in doing everything within my power to keep my guests safe. Especially if they plan on spending the entire day here. Besides, one's reputation can make or break you in a city. It is wise to make certain everyone knows you someone who can be trusted."

-She moves to take a seat and motions for Leila to sit anywhere she wishes. There is a couch and a few chairs-

Leila Zaki: (Oh, i should mention now cause i forgot. She has two paracord bracelets with dog tags on her right wrist. It does not fit with the rest of her outfit) [11:02 PM] "That is quite wise. So far you have seen quite trustworthy, and I am honored to be allowed within your territory, Dame Knight."

She hesitates as she sits in a chair.

"Is that the correct usage of your title? Formal titles are not my strong suit."

Juliet Morrigan: "It is an acceptable usage of my title. My full title is mostly used during court sessions and is not very well suited for practical usage. The court title would be "The Right Honorable, Alder Dame Knight, Juliet Anne Morrigan, The Marquise of Cardiff and Matriarch of the Morrigan family" so as you can see, not entirely suited to a more lightly based conversation." (edited)

Leila Zaki: She smiles at the final comment.

"It most certainly won't. It is an impressive title...I think. Instead of The Right Honorable, Alder Dame Knight, Juliet Anne Morrigan, the Marquise of Cardifg and Matriarch of the Morrigan family, what is a good way to call you in public and in private. I do not wish offense."

Juliet Morrigan: "Normally I will allow "Lady Morrigan or Lady Juliet" in public conversation. Whichever is easier for whomever is talking to me at the given moment. I try not to get too tied down on titles in public as it is more difficult to utilize them without drawing attention."

Leila Zaki: "I will use Lady Juliet then. Correct me if I need to be directed please. Change is difficult."

Juliet Morrigan: "Change is difficult but is also, sadly a part of all of our unlives at times. There are moments when it is welcomed and there are moments when it is unwelcomed. I will endevor to help you when I am able, though I know you have a sire for such moments as well."

Leila Zaki: "Alexander helps greatly. I am very glad to have met him, but I do appreciate the help."

She shifts slightly.

"It is easiest for me if you are clear and direct with your questions and requests. I am autistic, I struggle with nuance and change, but I try to work through that."

Juliet Morrigan: "I suppose the question here would be what exactly you are looking for then? If you dislike change then dabbling in another Covenant might be a little difficult for you without a proper mentor." (edited)

Leila Zaki: She blinks.

"I'm... largely just curious. Vincent is a friend of mine, and I recognize I have little clue how to interact with your covenant. This is a..."

She looks for her words.

"I'm not asking for Covenant secrets. I am asking to fix a weakness of myself. I avoided the Invictus across the Mediterranean, even when I was in Cairo, who has an Invictus as its Prince. I would appreciate pointers to not cause offense."

Juliet Morrigan: "You do not wish to cause offense so you avoid us. Do you not see how that in itself could be considered offensive?"

She asks curiously

"I do not divulge covenant secrets to anyone unless they meet a certain criteria."

Leila Zaki: She frowns.

"It is, yes. I wish to no longer offend, so I wish for help to be able to engage."

Juliet Morrigan: "I can give you pointers but unless you wish to court the covenant, there is little more you can do other than request to know someone's title. Most of the basic etiquette from the older days applies and can be used as a fall back."

Leila Zaki: She looks slightly disappointed.

"I see. I apologize for wasting your time then, Lady Juliet. Although the knowledge of titles is quite useful.: October 20, 2023

Juliet Morrigan: "The First Estate offers a clear order, even Knight Hood to those who would seek it out. But one of dual covenantship would never be able to rise to the highest positions in our covenant. The same as any other. If you wish to try . . . that is something we can experiment with."

Leila Zaki: She pauses again, looking ashamed.

"I am uncertain and worry others would not trust me, and I would have no allies rather than more allies. The order interests me. I do miss the military's structure at times. I always know who was above me and who was equal to me."

She pauses.

"I am a soldier. What does knighthood entail, and is that something I can achieve?"

Juliet Morrigan: "With the proper oath, it is a position you could obtain. It is known as a knight whose sole or primary duty is to serve in combat. Any professionally militant Kindred who belongs to a Knightly Order. Historically, this term was reserved for knights with other Invictus titles, but modern nights have seen the term applied to sworn combatants of other covenants who fight on behalf of the Invictus as well. The position of Soldier could also apply."

Leila Zaki: She tilts her head.

"I am hoping for a position of a warrior within the Crone as well. Our Mother has been busy. What is the difference between a knight and soldier then?"

Juliet Morrigan: "A Soldier is a professional warrior who is not sworn to an Order of Knights. Soldiers are not bound by detailed Oaths of Knighthood. Due to this, many become mercenary warriors or assassins. While they are not viewed with the same admiration, Soldiers are usually no less skilled than Knights and can trade a lower reputation for relative autonomy." (edited)

Leila Zaki: She frowns.

"Both have merit. I find myself unsure. Cold feet is a term I've heard before."

Juliet Morrigan: "A Soldier can always take an Oath and become a Knight at a later date if they find themselves feeling welcome within the Estate and wish to show their support. A Knight upon taking an Oath . . . well . . . Oaths are very import to the Estate and Oath breakers are not exactly people who remain in the estate." October 21, 2023

Leila Zaki: "I'm not a fan of breaking oaths, formal or informal. I'm interested but need time to debate with myself. I find myself leaning towards Soldier to experience things and then potentially becoming a Knight if I find it suits me."

She pauses.

"I am at the step in my requiem where I am self sufficent and have stepped out from the guidance of my sire, so I am experimenting to find where I belong, if that makes sense."

Juliet Morrigan: "Of course it makes sense. I do not think I have met a kindred that does not, at some point, reach that stage. Rarely do we ever wish to remain in the shadows of our Sire's accomplishments. If you do not wish to prove yourself to just our society, often you wish to prove yourself to yourself. It is healthy to have such desires."

Leila Zaki: "You do not have to answer, but I am curious. What was that moment within your Requiem?"

Juliet Morrigan: "Well my Sire and I were something of an item for several years. It was one of the reasons I was embraced, that and the fact that I have Royal blood. However, the latter was mostly a bonus. We made our way towards her home Country that is now known as Germany and we remained there for several decades. As a member of the First Estate and considering my station I, personally, always felt that I needed to stand out a little bit of her shadow anyways. However, we truly parted ways after I awakened my bloodline and was made a Knight of the Throned Wreath."

Leila Zaki: "I see. So it was natural for you to join the Invictus. As it was natural for me to join the Crone. Do you ever find anything you regret about joining the Invictus, it has it always been the best and only choice for you?"

A nod of her head.

"A bloodline is a good reason to step out of your sire's shadow. I like Alexander, I owe him much, but I am my own person too."

Juliet Morrigan: "Never."

-Is her immediate response to the question of regretting joining the First Estate-

"Despite what people think about the First Estate, they cannot deny that we take great pride in making certain that the Masquerade is upheld, since that is the first of the three traditions. The Traditions are vital to ensuring the safety and stability of all who live under umbrella that is the Masquerade. While everyone within the Estate desires power and control, there is one single rule that must never be broken. That rule is "personal advancement must not come at the cost of the establishment, or its great trust". With this in mind, we have maintained the traditions of Kindred society longer than any other standing covenant even our predecessor, the Camarilla."

"Despite being the longest standing of the covenants, we understand that you have to change to stay the same. As human power structures have changed, the First Estate has changed with them. We recognize that a ruler of a domain cannot be removed if their absence would put the age-old forms in danger; a subordinate cannot be disposed of if no one survives to replace them. A hierarchy must remain intact or else nothing but chaos engulfs us all and if chaos engulfs us? You can be certain that humanity will take notice of us and I do not believe that I need to say what will happen should our existence become mortal knowledge." (edited) October 22, 2023

Leila Zaki: She shakes her head.

"I much appreciate the traditions. They all make sense to me and I ensure to follow them. I lost some connection to my humanity last year in order to maintain the traditions. I've struggled but succeeded in regaining that connection."

She hesitates.

"May I speak freely?"

Juliet Morrigan: “You may. I do not normally prevent people from speaking freely. The only thing that I ask is that people do their best to speak respectfully to one another.” (edited)

Leila Zaki: "I will certainly do that. If I miss something with nuance, please assume I meant it in the best light."

She still hesitates.

"The Invictus here are not doing well. I believe that may largely be because many of its members are struggling to modernize like we discussed earlier. I believe them being more open with the other groups here in Philadelphia may give them an edge and make less Kindred anxious around them. Acting as mediators between Kindred society and these other groups for example. That gives the Invictus the 'control' they desire, but pushes them in a positive direction. I am not speaking specifically of you of course, but of the Covenant as a whole here in Philadelphia."

Juliet Morrigan: “I do not disagree. The Estate’s presence here is fairly minimal and by association, so is its influence. This is actually a discussion i have had before. Sadly i am not on the Inner Council in this city. As a Marquise, there are some things that i can accomplish without the need to fourth a proposal. For example, there are some titles which i can have issued without stepping on any toes.”

A pause

“I do my best to mingle with the other covenants to try and prove that any mistakes of the past remain there. In the past. It is imperative that everyone understands that we are moving in a new direction.”

Leila Zaki: "Which is why I think you are successful, whereas many within the Wright family are not. Harold Wright has not been out of Torpor long by Kindred standards and from what I understand, he would rather have the Invictus stay as they were before his rest. As you discussed earlier, the Invictus that are willing to change with the times have the chance to move ahead."

Juliet Morrigan: "The First Estate cannot project a united front if there are two factions with different ideals on how the Estate should move forward. The core ideals of my family are to attempt to do what is best for the First Estate first and foremost. However, like I mentioned earlier, I am not on the Inner Council here thus my "power" is somewhat limited. The more allies I have and the more people I can bring into the fold of the First Estate will however, prove that the path I believe is the correct one. This is one of the reasons that I am more than happy to learn about how the world currently functions, how the city functions, and how we can properly integrate this information into tweaking how the First Estate operates."

Leila Zaki: "Which is why Vincent is following your path and not the Wright family's, yes?"

She hesitates.

"I am attempting to not be presumptuous, but I'm struggling to word this. I believe I like your version better. It is something I like the sound of more than the Wright grouping."

Juliet Morrigan: "I believe Lord Drake follows me for this reason, yes. He is also my Vassal so it would make sense for him to change to the Morrigan family over remaining with the Wright family. I suppose I could always ask Lord Drake directly why he follows me. I do not like to assume people's reasoning for doing the things that they do, it can often lead to . . . unpleasantness. Lord Drake and I do however, have very different ideals for who should be called the Second Estate. To be frank, that is a discussion that wears on me. It is easy to say now why one thinks which covenant should be what to the First Estate but the fact of the matter is that our alliances were forged before I was even mortal."

-Juliet idly taps her fingernails on the arm of her chair before continuing-

"I will happily work with any covenant and any individual so long as they understand that the actions I take are to help show everyone that the First Estate is not a stagnate covenant. We do change. We do adapt."

-A small smile-

"I am happy to hear that you approve of my ideal, though joining my family has a single pre-requisite. Which would be: one must be a member of the First Estate."

Leila Zaki: Her eyes squint with unpleasantness.

"The Circle would not be fit for the Second Estate. I must admit im not a fan of the Second Estate. Overseas I was targeted multiple times by them, and driven out of a Domain. But ultimately the Circle would be a worse Second Estate, our beliefs are inconsistent for a reason, we value freedom to follow our own paths. The Lancea et Sanctum do not, which gives them structure."

She readjusts in her seat.

"I am curious about your current plans but I expect I will be left in the dark until I elect to formally join the Invictus. As for now, I will enjoy my stay in Touati. I'm more mechanically minded than artistically, but it serves me well." (edited)

Juliet Morrigan: "That is something I have attempted to inform Lord Drake of multiple times. However, I believe that due to having contacts within the Circle, that his view on their place in the Estate's structure is a bit . . . misguided perhaps is the best word for it. There are a few too many people in this city that recall the Circle Wars and are less than willing to let the past remain where it is. As I previously stated: I have no issue working with any covenant."

"I have moved on past the Circle Wars, though I admit it is easy for one such as myself to do that. I lost nothing, others were not as lucky as I was. Such people do have my sympathies. I have been asked what would I do if my beloved was killed and I answered the question honestly. I would mourn her death, then move on. Revenge is hardly something I believe my beloved would wish to consume me and guide my every move. I would wish the same to my beloved if I die. I would not wish for her to give into hate. I would want her to mourn my loss, then move on with her unlife and try her hardest to find happiness again."

Juliet does sound sincere and not the kind of sincere where someone just wants you to think that. It seems genuine. (edited) October 23, 2023

Leila Zaki: "I have attempted to as well. My sire has hinted at such things as well to him. I don't believe he will see it. I...frankly believe as a Harbinger, he seeks religious refuge within the Circle. Bastet is my patron, I believe he sees the city spirit as his own. Thus he struggles to see that others do not share his sentiment."

Leila hesitates for a long moment.

"I am assuming you reference Scarlett Woman Titania, unless there is another I am missing. I am young, I have only heard of the Circle Wars second or later hand, and often from the perspective of the Circle as that is where I reside. I have opinions but I do not believe they will be helpful to our conversation. Please understand that Scarlet Who- Scarlet Woman Titania, like many of the Circle, finds strength in her emotions. That kind of rage does not fade easily, and may act as a shield to more vunerable emotions. I hope she is able to release those emotions with time."

Juliet Morrigan: "Lord Drake wishes to maintain his humanity for the sake of his loved ones and his relatives. I do not believe it is in his best interest to continue down the path of the Circle. While I am not a member, I seem to recall that diving too deep into your magic places a certain "toll" on your humanity. That is not to say Lord Drake cannot or should not be spiritual, I simply believe it would be wise to walk the path carefully."

"You are correct on two accounts. I try to be open with people because most of the time it is the correct choice. People prefer an honest person to someone they have to fact check constantly to see if that person is being truthful or simply looking out for their own interests. With that said, I cannot fully divulge my various allies or exactly how I wish to accomplish my ideals. Secondly, yes I do believe it was The Scarlet Whore, normally I would not use such a name for someone but I recognize that this is a compliment within the Circle and to disregard it would be to insult the position and its holdings."

"I did not know that emotion tied into the power of the Circle's magic. Curious."

Leila Zaki: "It limits how close you can be to your humanity. I do not wish to divulge secrets, but it is an understandable concern."

She nods.

"I know you are uncomfortable with the term Scarlet Whore. Scarlet Woman is an alternative name, although far less common. It represents someone powerful who can stand on their own and is confident enough to offer their power for trade, and it is often a respected position, so I would prefer to acknowledge her by her title. However I do wish to respect your wishes, so I will stick to Scarlet Woman in your presence so you are not uncomfortable. Is that a correct reading of the situation?"

Asks the autistic gal who struggles with social cues.

"Without going into secrets, the Beast is tied to emotions, we are tied to our Beasts, so it is a source of strength. Many mortal occultists and sorcerers also claim their emotions can be a driving force in their magic or ritual. It forces a level of concentration you may not otherwise have."

Juliet Morrigan: "It is an acceptable compromise, yes. I understand that our beast is tied to emotions, however I do not like being controlled by those emotions. There are already things that I cannot control and that is something that I simply deal with. The Beast on the other hand? That is something within my ability to control, all I need to do is will it. There for I train myself whenever I am able and do whatever I can to tip the scale in my favor. I want to be in control of my own actions."

"I am unsure how to describe how I utilize "emotions". I share them when I believe they need to be shared, sometimes I release them on accident. That tends to happen when I give in to the music and let the inspiration take me."

Leila Zaki: "It is perhaps because I an young, but I find the Beast s a source of strength to call upon. I've been working on leashing it by Rising the Wave. Each Kindred sees it differently, some are afraid of it, some see it as a cautious ally, some see it as a tool. It is those that see it as a friend I am wary of."

She considers.

"When is the last time you felt anger or sadness?"

Juliet Morrigan: "Your beast is not your friend. You are right to be weary of such people. I am also familiar with that fighting style and understand it to some extent. I am even able to utilize it, though I seldom do. The last time I felt anger? Was within this past year, sometimes when people blatantly disregard the requests of other's, it does anger me. This is goes double when someone has been informed of the action repeatedly."

Leila Zaki: She nods.

"The emotion that bubbles inside your chest, it fills your veins in a very similar way to how vitae floods your muscles. All it takes is turning it outwards to utilize the emotion."

Towards the end she sounds like she is quoting someone."

Juliet Morrigan: “Something a mentor said to you in the past?”

-Her tone curious-

“From our conversation and my observations at the party, it seems that you are familiar with Lord Drake. Would that be an accurate statement? If so how long have the two of you known each other?”

Leila Zaki: "My sister, yes. She is still in Cairo."

There is a long hesitation there.

"We met online about...I want to say two and a half years ago. He and I are fans of similar shows and we became friends that way. "

There is a longer pause.

"How much are you willing to hear?"

Juliet Morrigan: "I am willing to listen to whatever you are willing to share."

She offers with a small nod

"If you do not want to speak about it, I will not pry any further." October 24, 2023

Leila Zaki: "Before I left for Greece, which was the start of my trip, I met him in person once. We had a nice night and I was rather enamored and drank from him."

She pauses, she didn't need to include a bit.

"He became a connection to humanity for me, and I had to direct a Frenzy away from the public eye when I discovered he had been Embraced."

Juliet Morrigan: “The way his embrace occurred was truly unfortunate. Especially if you manage to enter into a bloodline. It is extremely beneficial to have a Sire around who is the same bloodline as you are and can help you through that process. Help you understand the powers of the bloodline and the banes that follow it.”

Leila Zaki: There is a long hesitation there. (Feel free to wits+empathy/subterfuge+anything relevant. Ill be contesting with manip+Subterfuge+closed book)

"I'm certain it is, yes. Just as it is useful to have a sire or adopted sire of the same clan to teach you the basics of your requiem. I'm quite upset to find out he was brought in as an illegal embrace, but I'm slightly glad it was at least here so he was not sentenced to final death as well." [2:45 PM] (Only 1 suxx lol)

Juliet Morrigan: (Only 1s here too lol but handled ooc) (edited)

Leila Zaki: Its difficult to tell, but Leila seems to know exactly what Juliet means when she says its benefitial to have an Avus. October 25, 2023

Juliet Morrigan: "Your tone seems to imply that your own bloodline is not the same as your sire's. Interesting but not unheard of. Sometimes the childe ventures into a different direct than the sire. If all children acted exactly the same as their sire's I sincerely believe this would be an incredibly dull world."

-A moment of silent, quite almost literally. Then Juliet continues.-

"If not a subject you wish to speak on, consider it skipped. Though I may be of the same Covenant and Bloodline as my Sire, the two of us go about our obligations very differently. Her, for example, takes great pride in being a Knight. While I do enjoy being a Knight, I am a touch more concerned with the longevity of the First Estate as a whole and thus make certain the actions I tend to take lead towards the goal."

"While I have territory here, I have a significant amount of territory overseas and weigh in on various decisions that have helped shape the First Estate in a more favorable light over the past century. Though that is of course over there. We shall see what can be accomplished here with the help of others who share my vision of an Estate that is a bit more "inclusive"."

Leila Zaki: She hesitates, she had kept that largely a secret but it seemed pertinent now.

"I am a seperate bloodline from my sire. I'll reveal information about myself but not him as we are in good faith with each other and I do not wish to betray his trust."

She hesitates again, but elects to extend that olive branch.

"I joined my sister's Bloodline while in Cairo, she served as my Avus and teacher. I have chosen to join the Khaibit and help put an end to the terror of the stirges. I do believe the First Estate may give me forms of assistance to help accomplish this. They are known for their resources and social and political connections. This is something the Crone does not have."

She nods to Juliet.

"I like inclusivity as well, and I will admit the seemingly common thread of...bigots within areas of the First Estate have made me unsure. However, your vision of a more inclusive First Estate greatly interests me." (edited) October 26, 2023

Juliet Morrigan: “It has been some time since I have spoken with a Khaibit. I do not remember everything about them but I believe most of your powers revolve around fully embracing the shadows, yes?”

“I sincerely hope that you consider joining the First Estate. I could certainly use more like minded people who share and support my vision of the future.”

Leila Zaki: "I'm unsure as we are a largely secrative bloodline, but I don't believe there are any others in the city. You are one of four people within the city who knows of my bloodline and I'd much prefer to keep that number small."

She nods.

"I'd like to ask my sire for advice. I'd like to not ruin that connection within the city, or at all, but I am certainly interested in your view of the Invictus over others."

Juliet Morrigan: “We all value our privacy and I am inclined to keep most secrets if asked. Very well, i will tell no one.”

“I expect nothing less, gaining the perspective of others is important when making these types of decisions. Take what time you need, I am quite patient after all. When you get to be my age it tends to be something you need to pick up.”

She chuckles

“Do you have any questions or other topics you wish to discuss? I do not wish to hold you up if you have other plans.”

Leila Zaki: "I appreciate your willingness to keep secrets. My sire is very wise, I am glad I can go to him for advice. It was something I could not do with my mortal parents, so it is something I do often now. If I go along with this, I may ask you for advice often as well."

She shakes her head and begins to stand.

"Not that I may ask without formally joining the covenant. The power of your Oaths, certainly, and the ins and outs of the social dynamics. But that can all wait until I have made my decision, yes?"

Juliet Morrigan: “The properties of Oaths vary based on the oath being made. Which is of course rather obvious. There are probably some subjects that i would not consider to be Estate secrets and would be willing to speak about. Similar to how you speak on certain aspects of the Circle.”

Leila Zaki: "Yes, indeed Mi-....Dame Knight Morrigan."

She bows her head slightly.

"Am I free to leave, then?"

Juliet Morrigan: “If you wish to, certainly.”

-she stands and moves to escort Leila out!- October 27, 2023

Leila Zaki: (End scene?)