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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Arthur Franklin *Vincent Drake | setting=Underground Tunnels | log='''Vincent Drake:''' It had been a bit since Vincent set his people to map out the old tunnels, old subways, service tunnels, and even conncected basements snaked under the feet of everybody, like veins under the Mother's skin, keeping the life blood of the city pumping. Vincent considered that as he stood in what seemed to be an abandonded station, bit larger t...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:01, 9 December 2023


Underground Tunnels


Vincent Drake: It had been a bit since Vincent set his people to map out the old tunnels, old subways, service tunnels, and even conncected basements snaked under the feet of everybody, like veins under the Mother's skin, keeping the life blood of the city pumping. Vincent considered that as he stood in what seemed to be an abandonded station, bit larger then the junction he found with Faridah, large enough that the Daeva already had a plot for it. He called Arthur about an hour ago, gave him the proper instructions on how to navigate the tunnels to it, currently he was wearing jeans, a DnD t-shirt and a light coat. He seemed to be looking the place over, like a homeowner does when they enter a new house and start picturing how the furnitures gonna look.

Arthur Franklin: Arthur arrived in short order, dressed in a similarly casual fashion what with all the spelunking needed to traverse to the station in question. He gave Vinny a nod, looking around the space curiously as he moved to join him. "Found a new node for the network, I see?"

Vincent Drake: Vinny turned and grinned at Arthur, the amount of time they've been working together he would have comed to reconize 'Vinnyisms', tapping foot is anger and grinning like this, in the Daeva's mind he has a jackpot. "Node in the network is saying it, yeah." he nodded, "So, we've been using these tunnels to smuggle our goods, right, but I've been thinking, eventually we're going to have to push towards community work as it was, part of our goal is to gain respect right, become a trusted group to help keep the peace....community has to start somewhere," he looked over Arthur, "You're a salesmen, ye?"

Arthur Franklin: Arthur nodded as he listened, a sharp smirk crossing his features at that final question. "You could say that, yeah."

Vincent Drake: Vincent clapped, "Exactly, so, what am I supposed to do with a large space at an intersection," he hopped on a platform, "Which can by my guess, hold about a hundred people," he looked around, "Store room, enough space for some stalls, and want to form a community." he pointed dramatically to Arthur, "My good man, is it me, or is this fair city missing a Night Market!" he grinned

Arthur Franklin: The Wizened couldn't help but chuckle at Vinny's enthusiasm, looking over the space anew as the gears started to turn in the back of his mind. "It's definitely an idea. Would take some work to make the place usable, but it's doable."

Vincent Drake: "Sure, it's gonna take some time to set up," he agreed, "But if we pick our vendors right, people who have qaulity products, know to keep their mouths shut and stay off the radar, set some ground rules, well." he shrugged, "Honor among thieves, it may sound cheesy but it helps us survive, so I was thinking, you know this part of the trade better then me and you've been reliable as fuck about it, if your intrested, this venture can fall under your portfolio." he offered, "Your part of the organization." he smiled

Arthur Franklin: Arthur went quiet at that, his gaze nominally focused on a support beam across the platform from where they stood but his thoughts clearly elsewhere. Eventually he looked back towards Vincent, eyeing the Daeva. "I can handle the logistics, no problem. No way I'm getting into a booth myself, though."

Vincent Drake: Vinny nodded, "Wouldn't dream of it," he assured, "General Manager ain't the same as being behind the register...but you tell me if it is, I know you guys have things that set ya off and last thing I want to do is step on it." he said, sad smile on his face, "But yeah, figured with your connections and way with the numbers, this would be best left to ya...so, how much a percent do ya think would be fair to ask from the vendors?"

Arthur Franklin: "Will do. Feels a little itchy but I'll see what happens." He nodded, clearly appreciating the concern. "Fair question. How lucrative are you wanting this to be for us versus the community-building aspect?"

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded, "If it get's more then an inch, you say it full stop and someone else can handle it," he said, then had a pondering face, "Honestly, the Vice has been doing pretty good for the pockets and I've been working on getting my fingers in legitimate buisnesses....I'm thinking on hijacking the bitch that did this to me's power base and she had connection to bankers, bought time I looked into my inheretence, this place, I think the real reward here is the soft power we're gonna make with the connections, and becoming a hub for brokerage, so I say the money should be decent, but second fiddle the webs we're gonna be spinning, make sense?"

Arthur Franklin: "It does, yeah." He gave another nod, mulling. "20 maybe, then? Enough to keep the wheels turning but letting the folks selling get a good thing going."

Vincent Drake: "20 percent to the house, rest keep it, sounds good," he nodded, then snapped, "Reminds me, no kick up this month, let the others know, holiday season and all that crap." he waved his hands as if dismissing something, "Can I ask you something for real....how am I doing?" he asked, "Like...I know when we started this, you were weighing if I was real or just some kid trying to play gangster, but ya took a chance, how's the chance looking?"

Arthur Franklin: "Noted." He replied, smirking a touch at the follow-up question. "So far so good, I'd say. You're learning but you're taking it in stride as well, which is always a good thing."

Vincent Drake: Vincent smiled at that, "A year ago I was selling junk watches and pot, now I got people counting on me...and looking after so much more then myself, sometimes ya got to grow up." he shrugged, "And what about you, has life been working out since you got out, I know you missed a few years, how's the future holding up?"

Arthur Franklin: "Very true." He said with a nod. "Missed a good bit, yeah, but I'm catching up well enough. No major complaints so far."

Vincent Drake: "I'm waiting for megabuildings, like just entire cities in a single skyscraper," he chuckled, "What do you think we'll go, Cyberpunk or Star Wars in the future?"

Arthur Franklin: It took a moment for the unfamiliar phrase to click but when it did Arthur rocked his hand side to side in a 'so-so' fashion. "More the first, I figure. Much as I'd like otherwise I don't see us getting to the stars in that kind of way any time soon."

Vincent Drake: "Now hears something I've been musing with," he said rubbing his chin, "My Kith, we're the urban vampires, my...Avery said their called Frailties, I can't leave the City, if something is below a certain population point I get weaker, very weaker, so like, even if we sprea out int he stars, I can't well leave earth can I, I might actually die without a city."

Arthur Franklin: "That'd be a rough one, yeah. Might have to wait until there's enough of a population out there somewhere before going yourself."

Vincent Drake: "Exactly," he nods, "So my Kith, Scions of the First City," he touches the ground, "Every night, I need to reconnect with the city, I hear it...constantly," he takes a moment of silence, "Imagine if no matter where you are, who your talking to or doing, always in the background, either a small white noise or cacophony, the low hum of neon, the crackle of electrical wires, the blaring of gridlock traffic and the prittle prattle of pedestrians, every, single, second...but instead of torture, it's like a lullaby...and if you listen close enough, it spills all the dirty little secrets to you." he rose again smiling, "And that Arthur, is how I know we're doing what's right, cause the City itself is cheering us on."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur's eyebrow arched at the explanation but he gave a small nod; not like he hadn't heard stranger, after all. "Good to hear." He replied with a smirk.

Vincent Drake: "I don't think I asked, you got a Kith?, it's ok if ya don't want to share, just a bit curious."

Arthur Franklin: "I do, yeah. You familiar with Black Canary from the DC comics stuff? I can do something similar, but it can get away from me at times hence why I tend not to go front and center if I can help it."

Vincent Drake: "You mean like the sonic scream shit," he raised a brow, then chuckled, then laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, your just a man of few words, but now I see why I guess."

Arthur Franklin: "Exactly." He replied with a wry smirk. "When your voice is a weapon you tend to be careful with it."

Vincent Drake: "Oh my god your like, Mafia Black Bolt," he muttered, "Well, at least I know when the chips are down to cover my ears." he smiled, "Whereas I'm talking all the time, I know, I know it can be annoying but sometimes I can't shut up."

Arthur Franklin: "P...retty much, yeah." He chuckled. "I was the same way when I was your age, so I can't say shit on that front."

Vincent Drake: "In my own community, I'm seen as a joke," he shrugged, "For us, age is everything, so I'm like only a year old now, and did plenty of fuck ups, run my mouth, seen as the fool...which is perfectly fine with me." he smiled, "Because if I'm not taken as a player, no one see's the game I play."

Arthur Franklin: "That's one perk on our side of things, I guess. Time is so malleable over there that physical age doesn't really mean shit, and Lord knows we go through enough while we're over there anyway."

"Working under the radar can work if you play it right. Hope it goes well for you."

Vincent Drake: "Where as for me, it's a community of testy immortals," he shrugged, then gestured around the place, "But hey, I'm starting to think I was Embraced for a purpose...I don't know, I just feel like....somethings moving us along, call it the City, call it Fate, call it Destiny, but their is something at play....and I want to know what it is."

Arthur Franklin: "Could be. Stranger things, yeah?" He offered with a grin. "You're definitely gonna leave a mark, no question of that."

Vincent Drake: "Now your just trying to kiss up to the boss," he giggled, then shrugged, "Not bad for a boy from Hope Street...not bad at all." he muttered, "Speaking of, part of the legitement ventures I've been thinking...what do you know about being a Landlord?"

Arthur Franklin: "Not much, honestly. I've worked with them but never got into that side of things."

Vincent Drake: "Countries facing a housing cost issue, we're trying to look after the unhoused with Snowy, so I was thinking....what's one of the issues if not shitty landlords, I was thinking using some of the earnings, after putting in thru the laundry, and buying some apartments, affordable places with fixed rent?"

Arthur Franklin: "Definitely a thought. Would get you some good kudos built up as well."

Vincent Drake: "I'm doing this to make the city better, remember, Crime was just the door I had my foot in and one of the more pressing issues, I made the Stewards to help every aspect of the town we can." he smiled

Arthur Franklin: "Very true indeed." He nodded, smirking a touch. "And I'd say we're on a good path with it so far."

Vincent Drake: "But remember, I'm just a silly kid playing gangster." he chuckled, "Everybody's fool...oh my good I'm a good version of Master of the House."

Arthur Franklin: "...Les Mis, yeah? The girl I was setting at the time dragged me to that when it premiered in New York; wasn't half bad, but never really been a big showtunes guy."

Vincent Drake: "Honey whatcu waiting for," vincent gave a spin and waved his arms out, "Step into my caaaanndddy stoooore!" he shrugged, "I'm a fan." he giggled

Arthur Franklin: Arthur watched with a small smirk, more bemused than anything, then chuckled. "Not a bad thing, that. To each their own."

Vincent Drake: Vincent just plopped on the ground, "What about you, hobbies or intrests?"

Arthur Franklin: Arthur declined to sit but found a convenient support beam to lean against, looking the young Daeva over. "Always been a bit of a film buff, and 'tech head' I guess you could say. Was always getting the newest toy or gadget when they came out."

Vincent Drake: "Movie and tech, ok," Vincent nodded, making mental notes for possible Christmas gifts, "Favorite genre?"

Arthur Franklin: "Little bit of everything, honestly. I look more for the quality of the storytelling and cinematography than anything."

Vincent Drake: "Ever see the John Wick movies, it's not fantasy so I don't think it would trigger anything for ya, but damn it's some well choreographed gun-fu."

Arthur Franklin: "I haven't seen the newest one yet, but yeah." He nodded, smirking a touch. "Kinda reminds me of our stuff, I won't lie, doing what they do without the rest of the world seeming to notice."

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded, "After getting in and rewatching, I wouldn't say it's too far to think someone in the writers room was in the know, it kinda matches my side more then anything, my Court, it's basically the High Table, we're all about influence peddling and power building to keep things on the low....Avery said the best translation would be....Winter."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur thought on that a moment before nodding. "Gotcha."

Vincent Drake: "You guys are big into Halloween right, how was Samhain this year?"

Arthur Franklin: "It was pretty solid. Didn't get into too much mischief myself, but most folks enjoyed it."

Vincent Drake: "I was binge watching horror flicks for a bit, but like, we were watching Fright Night, and swear to god, I scoffed and was like 'please, that's not how that works'." he chuckled, "Like...I'm finding myself not enjoying vampire films as much."

Arthur Franklin: "Doesn't surprise me." He replied with a chuckle. "When folks take liberties with something you know well it'll tend to drive you nuts."

Vincent Drake: "Like, only some of us can turn into animals, only some of us can mind control, running water?, I enjoy a good shower, crucifex, my girlfriend has big 'bad catholic girl' vibes...it's kinda hot actually," he muttered before shaking his head, "Pro tip when dealing with a vampire, you'll never know what they might bring to the table."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur smirked at that little side comment, nodding. "Noted, and same with us, honestly. We have a lot of tricks up our sleeves, although they can be kinda niche."

Vincent Drake: "Avery explained, contracts and frailties," he nodded, "For us, our powers depend on what our Clan is...Seeming, I'm a Daeva...think legends of vampires as seducers and succubi, so I got speed, charisma, and strength," Vincent stood up and in the blink of an eye he was behind Arthur, in hist hand as a pipe he picked off the ground and gave it a tug, sure enough the string bean twink bent it.

Arthur Franklin: Arthur nodded, about to say something when Vinny suddenly appeared behind him with the pipe in hand. The air around the Wizened audibly vibrated as his head whipped around, his jaw clenched closed as he stared daggers into the young Daeva.

It took a long moment for the air to settle and the hum to fade, his shoulders sagging as the tension in his body released. "Don't. Do that again." He finally replied, the words firm but his focus clearly off-kilter.

Vincent Drake: Vincent immediatly held up his hands and went wide eyed, "Oh..oh fuck I triggered something did I," he hit his forhead, "Fucking jackass, ugh, ok, sorry, I deeply apologize and will never do that again, you've done nothing but right by me, never want to hurt you, I hope ya know that."

Arthur Franklin: Arthur nodded, letting out a slow breath as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. Just...don't surprise me like that."

Vincent Drake: "Sorry, I'm sorry," he offered, "So...is that like, your Bane then?" he asked, "I got two."

Arthur Franklin: "Something like that, yeah. Assuming you know we can go kinda...off? That's something that kicks it off for me."

Vincent Drake: "For us...so we have some things that are universal, a Bane for our Clan, a Bane for our Bloodline if we have it, and then something random, something unqiue to the individual, as I said, I can't leave a city that has a certain pop, that's my bloodline, if I feed from someone more then once, I start getting feelings for them, that's the Daeva, next time I lost a bit of my humanity, i'll get something that tailored to the Philly Incubus before you."

Arthur Franklin: "Gotcha." He nodded, filing that little tidbit away. "Ours get a little more rarified as we get stronger in the Wyrd as well, either something we have to do or can't do or something that'll hurt us if we come in contact with it."

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded, "Yeah...that tracks with what Avery's told me, well this convo got real heavy real fast." he chuckled

Arthur Franklin: "It happens." He allowed himself a small smirk, leaning against a nearby support beam. "No harm no foul, though."

Vincent Drake: "What was the original topi-oh yes, night market," he strecthched his arms and gave a spin, "So, I leave this to you, do with it as you well, we'll use it to build that wonderful tool that is soft power."

Arthur Franklin: "I'll do some thinking on it, see what I can come up with and run it by you." He nodded, looking over the space. "It's got some promise, I'll say that."

Vincent Drake: Vincent nodded, "I trust ya to handle it, well, night is young and I have alot of shit to get to, give me a call when ya got the ideas running, or if ya just want to chill." he smiled before gettimg smaller, forming into a rat and hopped down the rails, scurrying off