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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Asbolus *Titania | setting=Guy's Gym | log='''Titania:''' Titania was at the Guym lifting weights. She was getting some frustration out of her system. Which meant she was currently bench pressing a steel gurder while looking bored. Wearing one of her more modern combat outfits with her hair currently dyed red and tied up. She was also blushed which appears to be a more common thing lately. '''Asbolus:''' Eventually the eld...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 03:43, 6 February 2024


Guy's Gym


Titania: Titania was at the Guym lifting weights. She was getting some frustration out of her system. Which meant she was currently bench pressing a steel gurder while looking bored.

Wearing one of her more modern combat outfits with her hair currently dyed red and tied up. She was also blushed which appears to be a more common thing lately.

Asbolus: Eventually the elder Gangrel would notice the presence of another in the gym as Asbolus emerged from the locker room dressed in a dark grey shirt and black workout pants, a towel slung over his shoulder and a water bottle in hand. Keen eyes scanned the room as he made his way towards the practice mats, pausing briefly as he spotted her to parse through his mental rolodex for where they had met before.

Titania: Titania brings a hand to her chin, whislt holding the gurder up with one hand, trying to think if she had met this one.

She shakes her head, placing the gurder in the racks before standing and heading over to him. Standing at the edge of the mats, a tilted head with a curious expression. Before a little wave.


Asbolus: "Good evening." He replied as she approached, giving a polite nod. "I believe we met briefly at the pool party here over the summer but I don't think I caught your name. Asbolus, a pleasure to meet you properly."

Titania: Titania smiles at that. "Ah. Yes. I knew your face but could not place it."

She extends a hand to shake. "Titania Sanguine."

Asbolus: "No Oberon around that I should be concerned about, I hope?" He offered with a chuckle, taking her hand and shaking it politely.

Titania: There is a raised eyebrow at that.

"Not that you need concern yourself with." Or at all but mysterious Mystikoi go brrrrrrr. "Are you here to work on your martial arts?"

Asbolus: "Forgive me, as a student of the Bard I couldn't help the reference." He said with a smile, giving a nod. "That was my intent, yes. Bladework to be specific."

Titania: "Would you like someone to spar against? I wont strike at you. But. I can be a good target."

Asbolus: "I won't say no. Would you prefer I use one of the sparring weapons or a blade of my own making? Either would work for me, but I don't want to make assumptions of your resilience."

Titania: Titania shrugs then looks to the sparring blades.

"Let us start with a sparring blade and we can move on from there."

Asbolus: He nodded and headed for where such blades were kept, getting one for her as well if she wished to use it to parry or the like. "Do you work with blades yourself or prefer other weapons?"

Titania: She declined the blade simply moving into a brawling stance.

"I fight like this." She extends one arm doing the 'come on' gesture with her left hand.

Asbolus: He set the spare blade to the side and got into position, his form solid to those who knew what they were looking at. Once she was ready he went in for an opening strike, the technique well-executed but laughably easy for the Gangrel to defend against.

Titania: Titania tapped at the side of the blade easily deflecting each blow.

She nods once the clash ends. "You may use your own blade. So that you are using one you are more familiar with. I say this not to insult, but you are not a threat to me."

Asbolus: "No offense taken. I know I'm still quite the novice."

The sparring blade was set aside with it's brother before he crouched down, letting his hand rest on the shadow beside him before he briefly reached into it. A moment later he pulled out a thin blade spun from crystalized darkness with a similar sheen to obsidian, the hilt and guard simple in design but sturdy nonetheless.

After testing the blade briefly to see how well it was balanced he got back into position, giving her a nod. "Whenever you're ready."

Titania: She smiles at that. Watching someone else work with shadows. There is a click in her throat, that is quite removed from human. Before a shadow cat crawls from the corner to sit upon her shoulder. A hand reaching up to pat her before she reenters her stance.

A nod of her head and the same gesture to begin.

Asbolus: Asbolus watched curiously as the cat manifested and perched atop its patron, giving it a polite nod before going in for another strike that was equally simple to knock aside.

Titania: Titania strikes this aside but as they separate she does move to correct a few of his movements.

"I cannot correct your form with the sword as that is not my forte. However. I am able to help you with your footwork if you would like that?"

Asbolus: To his credit he didn't seem put off that he wasn't making any solid hits, following her suggestions as they were given. "Certainly. I'm always open to learning from my betters."

Titania: Titania moves around him. A demon tail sprouting from below her coat and poking a few points.

"I am glad that you can think of me as that."

There is a moment before she adds.

"Can I ask from what part of this world you hail?"

Asbolus: He smirked a touch at the gentle prodding, moving into position as bidden. "London originally. Yourself?"

Titania: "Ah. Apologies. Whilst I am from Germany. A town that no longer exists. However."

She adds with a smile moving back into stance.

"I meant the supernatural world. I am one of the Kindred. Which I am sure you could have guessed."

Asbolus: "Ah...I did get that impression from the rather impressive lifting you were doing as I came in." He came in for another swing, this time smoother thanks to her guidance but still an unsuccessful hit. "Changeling on my end."

Titania: Titania chuckles as they spar.

"Yes. I do not know of many outside of our kind that can lift like that."

There is a hesitant nod at his comment. Having to use a touch of celerity to parry his blow safely.

"Then I am honored that you trust me enough to spar with me."

Asbolus: The uptick in her movement speed did not go unnoticed, his eyebrow arching up slightly at her moment of hesitation. "You haven't given a reason for me not to."

Titania: She nods her head.

"That is fair. My apologies. I have issues with how I have been in the past."

Asbolus: "Apology accepted, and taking steps towards improvement is always admirable in my book." He attempted for a feint this go around, still easy to read but a valiant effort nonetheless.

Titania: She smiles. Moving to slap his blow aside.

"A Lost telling me my efforts are admirable. I never thought I would see the night."

Her arm moving a little hard and his sword ending up embedded in the floor.

15 strength go brrr.

"That was good. Better."

Asbolus: It was rare that he was surprised these days, but as she batted away the sword and drove it into the gym floor he took a step back on reflex, eyebrows arched high before he collected himself. "Very impressive..."

He withdrew the blade from its new sheath with a bit of effort, checking it for any potential damage before getting back into position. "I take it you've butted heads with those like myself in the past?"

Titania: "What was."

She looks at the floor with a laugh.

"Oh. Right. You get so used to it after centuries. You forget it is unusual."

A small nod.

"I am in love with Tonya." Like that is a whole explanation.

Asbolus: "I imagine so. I've felt a similar divide despite it only being a year or so of becoming as storied an individual as I am."

It took a moment for the name to click but he gave a small nod. "I know Miss Brooks fairly well. I wasn't aware that she was involved with anyone, however."

Titania: Her words are hesitant as she continues.

"Its complicated." Is all she says. Sinking back into a stance.

"If you are serious about this I would advise you to lean on your more dexterous nature. You are being hamstrung by you limited physical strength."

Asbolus: "I see. I won't inquire further, then."

He looked ready to begin again but paused at her comment, as though it hadn't crossed his mind. "I suppose that is a technique I should look into. Much appreciated."

Titania: "Thank you."

A nod of her head at both comments. She moves forward. On the pseudo offensive. Tapping his shoulder and forhead as if it was blows. Before giving him space to respond.

Asbolus: To his credit he responded swiftly to the 'attacks' although she was still able to get through his own formidable defenses, chuckling a touch before taking another swing of his own. "Have you been in Philadelphia for long?"

Titania: She smiles. This is a far better way to get out her frustration. Helping to train someone.

"A while. On and off. I have to travel for work. But about 18 months since I last left."

Asbolus: "I've technically been here a decade myself, although I was gone for about five years as far as things on this side of the thorns are concerned. I've enjoyed it here overall, though."

Titania: Titania nods her head.

"I am glad that the world you returned to still looked the same. Even if I am sure there were struggles due to it."

Is someone protecting her worries about Tonya. Couldn't be.

"I have been holidaying here off and on since the 60's. It is a good city. Perhaps the best I have experienced in my years."

Asbolus: "It did take some adjusting, but I know of others who lost considerably more time. We do our part to help everyone get settled in the here and now, though."

"I'd have to agree. The closeness between the various communities has been a great part of that, I will say."

Titania: "It is a blessing to be able to interact outside your own community without judgement."

Her smile is genuine. Even if it worries her.

Asbolus: "Very much so." He stepped back for a moment, adjusting his grip on the sword before coming in for a few quick jabs. "I've met some very interesting folks here that I doubt I would've encountered anywhere else."

Titania: She smiles, watching him grow more accustomed to the blade. To fighting someone on her level.

"It has truly been a blessing. I would have never met half the people I care for now. Atleast not under such nice circumstances."

Asbolus: "Agreed. I briefly flirted with going back to London when I got back, but I'm glad I decided to stay."

Titania: "By the night. I haven't been to London in centuries. Oh how it must have changed."

There is a longing in her eyes. For those simpler nights.

Asbolus: "Quite a bit, I imagine." He said with a quiet smile. "I loved it while I was there and may go back some day, but my home is here now and I'm content with that."

Titania: "I was but an Ancillae when I was last there. During the War of Roses."

There is a smile. "I am glad that you have that place to go back to. My birthplace is long gone."

Asbolus: There was a brief moment as he recalled the exact time frame of that particular war before he nodded, eyeing the elder with a newfound level of respect. "Quite a while, then."

"I imagine going back would be strange at this point, honestly. The man who left there is no longer me, after all."

Titania: "Yes. Nigh 500 years." A small chuckle at Asbolus's look.

"That is true. I suppose it would be the same. I was the first born. Serving my family. That ended up being by serving my sire."

Asbolus: "I was the youngest, on the other hand. I did my part, though."

Titania: Titania nods her head.

"I gave my life to protect my youngest and now I am teaching the youngest. It is and odd circle of the nights."

Asbolus: "Such is the way of things. I've taken someone under my wing as well, which has been fruitful for both of us."

Titania: "Teaching is good for the mind. It reinforces what we know and makes us grateful for that connection."

Asbolus: "Indeed. On that note," He said with a smile, letting the sword rest at his side for the momen, "thank you again for putting me through my paces here. It's been rather enjoyable, along with the conversation."

Titania: Titania smiles, a soft nod of her head.

"Of course. Would you like to continue or we can end there."

Asbolus: "I'm good to continue if you are."

Titania: "I am happy to continue."

A nod of her head sinking into stance. "After you."

Asbolus: He nodded and retook his own stance, shifting his footwork somewhat to lean more into his dexterous nature than simple strength. It worked...fairly well, but it was still easy enough to block.

Titania: Easy for Tania to block doesnt mean that it was bad.

"Much better." A sword tapped aside. "Good." Her tail lifting his chin and then a hand pushing his chest so he is slightly more upright.

Asbolus: His head tilted up with the touch of her tail, posture shifting almost too easily with her guidance. "I'm surprised my initial mentor didn't mention that particular technique, although knowing her she probably reckoned I'd figure it out myself once I learned the basics."

Titania: "Oh. Who was your teacher? Someone in town?"

Asbolus: "Vorpal, or Jackie, if you know of her."

Titania: There is a nod, maybe a little hesitant but its there.

"I know Vorpal. They met me not long after I came back to town recently."

Asbolus: "Take it the encounter wasn't the most friendly?" He inquired as he went in for another strike, this time a bit closer to being fruitful.

Titania: "I was unkind to a friend of theirs. One of my kind. But one of their friends. They did not appreciate it and it set the tone for our interactions."

Asbolus: "Ah, I see." He nodded quietly. "She's very protective of her people, so I can see that not going well with her."

Titania: Another nod of her head. "Yes. Plus my interactions with. Avery have not been all positive."

Asbolus: "Oh?" Cue a curious arch of the eyebrow, watching the elder Gangrel for a moment before pushing forward for another swing.

Titania: She moves out of the way of the blade smoothly.

"I feed on Vincent. Avery is not the biggest fan of that. It ended in blood one time. With me walking away unphased and them being carried away. Barely alive."

Asbolus: For a brief moment Titania could sense his metaphorical hackles rising, although it passed as quickly as it came. "I see...I don't believe I heard about that."

Titania: "Are you close to them?"

She says with a tilt of her head. Blocking the sword a little clumsily.

Asbolus: "I've served as their mentor among our people since their return." That momentary crack in her defenses didn't go unnoticed, but with the topic of conversation at hand he deigned to press it, instead resting the blade at his side once again. "What caused the altercation?"

Titania: "Ah."

She says with a nod stepping back.

"Then I feel I have overstepped my boundaries with you."

It takes a moment before she answers. Her voice sounding ashamed.

"I had an altercation with Vincent. And. I used my power over him to taunt Avery. Just like one of Them would."

Asbolus: "That remains to be seen." He replied, listening intently with a level of focus that threatened to parse Titania to her core. "Which they responded to with violence, I presume, and you reacted in kind?"

Titania: Titania is on edge but trying to not do her usual threat assessment. Thr Guym is a sanctuary.

"Yes. They attacked from the shadow. Which is their Forte. However. I cannot be snuck up on like most mortals. I responded to the knife in my back with a fist into their gut."

Her words are analytical. Cold almost. Not at Avery or the situation. But she is on edge.

Asbolus: He nodded slowly at that. "I cannot fault you for responding on reflex, nor them for attempting to protect their partner. By your tone you have found the fault in what you did and they were able to recover from it, and as I said before taking steps towards improvement is important when one realized they are on the wrong path."

Titania: Titania nods her head. Slowly.

"I was at fault for taunting them. For bringing them into Kindred politics. Then they nearly paid the ultimate price."

Asbolus: "Thankfully they did not, and you have seemed to learn a valuable lesson from that callous act."

Titania: Titania nods her head.

"I have. I have learnt not to hold others to the standard of other Kindred cities."

Asbolus: "Good." He gave another nod. "I hold no ill will towards you, then."

Titania: There is almost a sigh of relief. Ya know if she remembered how to breath.

"Thank you. Would you like to continue or stop there for the night to ensure no ill actions are taken."

Asbolus: "I could use a rest, admittedly, so it may be wise to stop for now. You have been very helpful, however, and I appreciate you taking the time to assist me."

Titania: "Ah. Yes."

Thanks for reminding the elder that stamina limits exist.

"It has been good to teach martial arts. I do not get the chance very often."

Asbolus: "Perhaps we could make it a more regular occurrence, if you wish." He replied, letting the blade sink back down into the shadows at his feet before he moved to claim a seat on a nearby bench.

Titania: She watches the sword sink into the ground with a curious look.

"I would like that."

Moving to sit on the ground nearby.

Asbolus: "Let's arrange that, then." He nodded, smiling a touch as he glanced to the shadows below him as they settled back into place. "One of our abilities allows for the manipulation of the elements into weapons, and for those like myself that also includes shadows. Rather handy for if you need a blade in a hurry when you can't have a proper one on you for whatever reason."

Titania: "That makes you an Elemental?"

She says with a nod.

"It does sound rather handy if you cannot carry a weapon."

Asbolus: "Darkling, if you're familiar with the term, although that particular contract is more aligned with Elementals."

Titania: "Ah. An Elemental contract. But not your Kith."

She says with a nod.

"I find it very interesting how your community is much more open with their sharing. A good interesting."

Asbolus: "I can't say if that's the case for other freeholds, but the connections forged between our respective communities has allowed for more open conversation on certain things by my experience." He reached over for his water bottle and took a solid pull from it, setting it down nearby as he continued. "Some things we still keep to ourselves, of course, but a certain level of trust has been proven."

Titania: "It is what I love about this city."

A nod of her head.

"There is more trust with the Kindred. But still. Allot of secrets. Always a secret. We are not trusting creatures. Especially those of us that have lived in far worse cities. I am glad for those that are embraced here and have only lived here."

Asbolus: "I am glad that I found myself returned here as well. I can't say what the freehold in London is like, but the grander community here is likely far richer than anywhere else that I may have ended up and I am thankful for it."

Titania: "I am grateful for it. To be dating a mage and."

She doesn't quite know what to say about Tonya.


Asbolus: He nodded quietly, looking off towards the other side of the gym without really seeing anything. "I've made many dear friends here, although a partner on that level has been lacking. The search continues, however."

Titania: "Well you certainly seem dextrous. So good with your hands."

A raised eyebrow and a smile.

Asbolus: He chuckled in response, shaking his head with a small smile. "One could say such, yes. I tend to need to forge a proper connection with someone for attraction to occur, and finding someone I can be truly open with hasn't been the most fruitful of searches."

Titania: "I can understand what you mean."

A nod of her head.

"I do hope you will be able to find that connection."

Asbolus: "Thank you, and I hope that your relationships continue to serve you well in kind."

Titania: "That is the hope. To have partners that bring joy."

Asbolus: "Indeed. Seeing others experience that joy is what initially drew me out of my own shell after I returned, having realized that the distance I had put between myself and others for 'safety' reasons was doing more harm than good."

Titania: "Ah. I see."

A smile and a bit of a scoff.

"I was the same. Pulling myself back to keep others safe."

Asbolus: "Precisely. I came back with a rather unhealthy dose of paranoia, as one would expect, and it took some time to wear that down." He glanced down to his hand briefly, flexing it before he looked back to Titania. "If I may ask, how have you found navigating the divide between yourself and those around you that haven't reached your levels of prowess, or are unable to do so in general?"

Titania: "Difficult."

She leans over sinking her fingers into the concrete.

"I can break things accidently most people cannot break on purpose. I have seen more decades than most people have seen years."

A shake of her head.

"It takes time. I am learning to let myself be vulnerable. To heal from the damage that was done to me. And that I did to others."

Asbolus: He nodded quietly, looking down towards the floor as her hands dug into the concrete. "I hope that journey serves you well."

Titania: "It has been a journey. To learn that I have caused Lost pain by being what I was."

She grimaces.

"I was embraced into a cold world. Not everyone Kindred or otherwise has lived in that. Nor should they. Not everyone was just a blade to be pulled out to deal with a problem before being put back on ice."

Asbolus: "That I can understand far too well." He replied with a wry smirk. "I was made to take on the role of hunting hound for my Keeper, chasing down Her 'wayward children' and bringing them back to the fold for reeducation. We were Her Chosen but were kept in gilded cages when our services were not needed, every movement watched for even the slightest hint of disobedience."

Titania: There is a grimace at that. Thinking of what she did to her Tonya.

"Ah. I was kept in a gilded coffin. What do you know of my kind?'

Asbolus: "Not much, I will admit. Vincent has mentioned some things in passing but I haven't had a thorough conversation on the matter with anyone."

Titania: "Do you know what Torpor is?"

Playing with the crumbled concrete.

"If you have any other questions. I can try to answer them."

Asbolus: "I'm familiar with the term but not how it pertains to you and yours."

Titania: "It is when we enter a long term sleep. It is. A constant nightmare. Remembering every thing we have done."

She crumbles a piece to dust.

"Torpor ends after an amount of time. Dependent on our age. Or one older than us can wake us early. How best to store a sword you do not want to have to feed. Then deposit it in a town you want to wipe off the map. When we wake from torper we are ravenous."

She let's the implied slaughter of whole towns hang in the air.

Asbolus: "...I see." He gave a solemn nod, offering a supporting look. "I am sorry that you were used in such a manner."

Titania: Tania shrugs before shaking her head.

"It is the price I paid to protect my family. For the power I now have."

Someone still has trouble accepting and admiting how fucked up her nights have been.

Asbolus: "Not a fair price by any measure." He replied, looking her over. "No human should be reduced to a simple tool, stripped of what made them who they were beforehand and put to 'good' use."

Titania: "Good thing I am not human then."

She says flatly.

Asbolus: "You were once, as much as I was. You were made into what you are now to serve, much as I was. That is a fate that no one should suffer."

Titania: "Do you truly think that I deserve to be called Human. To have any smptothy. After all that I have done?"

She tilts her head. Genuinely curious.

"I was not forced to do all that I have done."

Asbolus: "We all have red in our ledger, even if the ink may be a darker crimson for some than others. When in a role for long enough we become accustomed to it, relish it, even." He flexed his right hand briefly, echoes of past missions rising unbidden in his mind. "Reclaiming what humanity remains is the highest form of defiance we can muster against those who put us in those roles."

Titania: Titania nods her head. Taking a long moment to think.


She stands. Looking to the door.

"If only you knew just how much hurt I caused."

She shakes her head starting to walk out.

"Have a good night. We are done here for tonight."

Depending on how perceptive he is. He might just notice a few tears drop to the floor.

Asbolus: "Nonetheless," He replied as he moved to stand in kind, "that doesn't mean you don't deserve peace."

Those tears did not go unmissed, halting his initial movement towards her. "Have a good night, Titania," he called out at her departing form. "If you need an ear, feel free to reach out."