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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning= | cast= *Alexander Tarek *Zelda Weiss | setting=J Random Cafe | log='''Zelda Weiss:''' Zelda had found the little clues and broke the code-- not too tough for someone with her experience-- to find the invitation. And there she was, waiting at a corner table in the cafe, facing the door and back to the wall. She'd been to a few of these kinds of encounters before and knew not all of them were friendly. She ordered a drink that she playe...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 20:59, 21 February 2024


J Random Cafe


Zelda Weiss: Zelda had found the little clues and broke the code-- not too tough for someone with her experience-- to find the invitation. And there she was, waiting at a corner table in the cafe, facing the door and back to the wall. She'd been to a few of these kinds of encounters before and knew not all of them were friendly.

She ordered a drink that she played at sipping and left a napkin hanging over the edge of the table in just the right way to be the flag to signal who she'd come to meet.

Alexander Tarek: One did what they must to keep the nights interesting, and leaving such a trail of breadcrumbs was an occasional activity for the elder Mekhet. Alexander had been in the cafe for a while himself, unseen by most thanks to the powers of the blood as he waited for the pursuer to arrive. Upon spotting Zelda and the sign left on her table a ghost of a smile flickered across his features, letting the shadows fall to the side as he headed towards her table. "Mind if I join you?" He inquired, his accent faintly Greek but not quite.

Zelda Weiss: Zelda looked up at him and smiled back when she saw him. She nodded and gestured to the other seat, "Go right ahead," there was a vague touch of a German accent in there, "Having a good night so far?"

Alexander Tarek: "Very good, yes." He took the offered seat, looking her over for a moment. "Yourself?"

Zelda Weiss: "So far so good." Zelda kept the smile and had a casual demeanor as she pulled the napkin off the edge, "Nice to put a face to the hints. I'm Zelda."

She faked taking another sip as she extended a hand to shake.

Alexander Tarek: "Alexander, a pleasure." He took the offered hand and gave it a polite shake. "You got through them rather quickly, I will say. Very impressive."

Zelda Weiss: Zelda nodded, "It was a good puzzle, but I've been at it for a while, and Philadelphia's digital landscape isn't totally unfamiliar ground."

She tilted her head as she asked him, "You like making puzzles more, or solving them?"

Alexander Tarek: "Both, admittedly. I enjoy seeing them solved as well, especially if it's in a way that I didn't expect."

Zelda Weiss: His answer only seems to brighten her up a bit, "Really? You know, I have a group of people I work with who specialize in creative problem solving." It's a pitch she's made before. "Non-government, before you ask."

Alexander Tarek: "Noted." He replied with a small smirk. "I might be interested."

Zelda Weiss: "It's a co-op I started a while back, it's owned exclusively by the people who work for it," Zelda pulls out a card for Vigilance International Business Intelligence and slides it to him.. "Even if you don't want to be in officially, we take on consultants and contractors when needed, or just collab in general."

Alexander Tarek: Alexander looked over the card, nodding as he pocketed it and pulled one of his own to offer the other Kindred, his name and an email address printed in a simple black font. "I'll keep that in mind. If you and yours have any security needs that need to be addressed, me and mine can help on that front as well."

Zelda Weiss: Zelda checks over the card and nods, "I would hope we don't have any problems, considering our own work, but if you find anything..." A good old fashioned hack-me challenge. "It's always good to have friends who let you know."

Alexander Tarek: "Of course. A vulnerability to one can spread across the network, after all."

Zelda Weiss: Alexander's statement gets an understanding nod of agreement from Zelda. "Especially when we're as active as we can be.." She stirs that coffee idly, "You into other stuff besides networks? Music, art, sport?"

Alexander Tarek: "A little bit of everything, honestly. I tend to read a fair bit as well; the written word and the power it has over us has always interested me. Sport-wise I enjoy watching soccer although I haven't played it in a while."

Zelda Weiss: "I sometimes pay attention to my old hometown team, and love a World Cup; never really played it beyond schoolyard, though." Zelda managed a real sip this time and nodded, "I really need to get back to reading fiction sometime; it's all been history, math, and technical books. Got any recommendations?"

Alexander Tarek: "Where's home for you?" He inquired, thinking a moment at the question posed. "Perhaps. Are you looking for any field in particular?"

Zelda Weiss: "Here, now. Strausberg, originally." Zelda shrugs, "I'm just looking for something good and different from another O'Reilly programming book."

Alexander Tarek: "Thought I caught a bit of the accent." He nodded, smiling a touch. "I've been here for a while myself, enjoyed it for the most part."

"Fair enough." He chuckled quietly. "Not sure if you're much of a horror fan, but I finished Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims recently and it was very well done."

Zelda Weiss: "Not too much into horror, but I've enjoyed a few. Better if it has some mystery in it, too; sugar for bitter coffee."

Alexander Tarek: "Agreed. I've always been a fan of the classics on that front - Christie, Hammett and the like - but some of the more modern writers have done solid work as well."

Zelda Weiss: "Oh yeah? I was into a few of the popular authors of the 90's, but eventually formulas became a bit stale and obvious over time; never could recapture the surprise. I'll have to open my mind back up to see what's out there now."

Zelda chuckles, "And music?"

Alexander Tarek: "More instrumental overall, I'll admit, both classical and industrial."

Zelda Weiss: "I'm more into rock, mostly punk, some metal. Industrial's kinda cool, though I like lyrics." She smiled to him, "But I could see how they could get in the way of concentration."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed. I tend to listen while I'm working or reading, so just the rhythm is often enough for me. I have seen some solid concerts here over the years, though."

Zelda Weiss: Zelda nods, "Cool, let me know if you hear anything interesting coming into town," she taps the table, "Well, I don't want to drag things out too long, I'm sure you've things you want to get back to." The tone of voice carrying hints of knowledge that being in public places probably isn't ideal for him.

She gets up from the table, "I'll be in touch?"

Alexander Tarek: "Will do." He nodded, a ghost of a smile flickering across his features as she moved to stand. "I look forward to it. Have a good evening."

Zelda Weiss: And Zelda departs!