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Revision as of 06:23, 25 March 2020

Ace Dick
Shelby Goldstein is an strange one. Setting aside the seeing ghosts, she looks rather crazy: always wearing a trench coat, three necklaces and a look on her face that's a cross between an utterly vacant expression and an absurdly intense one. She keeps a revolver tucked into the back of her pants most times and is usually talking to herself when not being actively watched. Her voice matches with words sometimes smooshing together and sometimes dragging themselves out like maple syrup from a cold bottle. She's got a high opinion of herself and is not afraid to fight you if you don't give her the respect she thinks she deserves.

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Vorpal: What a fucking bitch. She knows ghosts are real, yet went out of her way to antagonize and denigrate her job. Like Shelby is used to people making fun of her and not taking her remotely seriously, but Vorpal doubted her ghost expertise. She might have been a tad drunk at the time, but fuck Johnnie with a rusty knife.

Anneliese Kiel: She's too nice for her own good. It was all too easy for Shelby to scam cab fair out of her. She's also gorgeous. It's a shame that she doesn't believe in ghosts, but maybe Shelby could convince her to go yell at some ghosts with her. Also Shelby paid her back. Don't tell anyone.

Eyrgjafa: A client! She's a bit of an odd duck, but she paid a bunch money up front, even when Shelby completely botched trying to impress her through her Sherlock Holmes impression. And she thought she was so good at it. But! Money is on the way now so the bad times might be coming to an end.

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RP Hooks

My Life as a Meme: Shelby at one point was interviewed by a local news channel as a human interest story about a ghost detective. Unfortunately the interview made her come off like a fucking lunatic, with her having vacant eyes and being confused by both a ghost and Parker whispering in her ears during it. Those combined with her off kilter subject matter resulted in her looking a lot she was on drugs. And some people who saw it thought it was the funniest interview they'd ever seen and posted it on twitter and YouTube. A lot of people agreed with the uploaders and the videos got a ton of views. One person even made a song remix. Even now, years out, she still gets people coming up to her, making a dumb face, staggering around and saying, "ghosts are a big per-ob-lem". Her life is a living hell.

Morals? I Don't Know Her: It's not that Shelby is a bad person per say, she's just not a particularly discriminating individual. She's broke and hungry and willing to do what it takes to make that not be the case. If that means taking a case where she has to work against causes she'd otherwise work for, well, she won't hesitate. Of course, if some nice PC benefactor would be willing to throw some money her way, she'd be more than happy to do some some actual good.

Who You Gonna Call?: Shelby is a private eye and a ghost communicator. And she really needs work to, say, eat more than ramen she stole from Target. (No one checks the trench coat). If you need a case, any case, please any case at all, she'll help you for a nominal fee. Plus if you need ghosts busted, she can help with that too! Or if you need a seance, she can either do a seance or if the ghost isn't around, completely fake it at no extra charge. Please call (267) 555-5309 today! Please. If she's sober, she'll answer!

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Shelby Goldstein

Actress: Aimee Garcia

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Full Name: Shelby Rebecca Goldstein
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Virtue/Vice: Fearless/Nosy
Public Effects: Fame (Brief Meme):
Occupation: Private Investigator/Ghost Communicator
Birth: 06/19/1986
Nationality: American
Age: 33
Height: 5'1"
Template: Vaguely Psychic

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Played By: Abbypringles