Vampire/Theme/Bloodlines/Bloodthorns: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:30, 27 March 2020


General Information

 Parent Clan/Covenant: Any. Must have been Fae-Touched at the time of their Embrace

 Nicknames: Blighted Roses

 Source: Custom

 Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Majesty, Vigor

Bloodline Gift: Blood Oath

While usually only Fae creatures can be included in an Oath, the lingering connection that the Blighted Rose has with the Wyrd means that they can be party to an Oath in the way that they were in life. This means they can potentially be sworn into a Motley or Freehold's oath, but they're unable to join a Court. There's one catch: the Bloodthorn can't be the one to suggest it, let alone request it. Its against the rules for guests to invite themselves to the party.

Bloodline Bane: Iron's Kiss

Although the Fae-Touched that she used to be wasn't any more vulnerable to iron than the typical human is, something involved in the process of reconnecting to her lost Fae-Touched past brings with it a vulnerability to cold iron. Cold iron, as defined on page 102 of Changeling: the Lost, does aggravated damage to her.


Sow the Vernal Field (Majesty ••••, Vigor ••)

When the vampire Vampire makes use of Majesty, the emotions that roll off of her subjects become easier to harvest. Any Changeling in the presence of someone influenced by the Bloodthorn's use of Majesty can sense the potent emotions radiating from the kindred's victim, and their rolls to Harvest emotions from such a person gain a bonus equal to the vampire's dots in Vigor.

This bonus only works if the Changeling could normally harvest Glamour from the target, but not on Changelings or other Fae creatures.

This Devotion costs 3 Experiences.

Cool the Summer Mirage (Auspex •)

This Devotion modifies the Auspex • power 'Beast's Hackles'. When that power is active, the Bloodthorn may pierce the Mask with a Clash of Wills, using their Auspex + Blood Potency rating as the dice pool vs the Changeling's Wyrd + highest Finesse rating. Success allows her to see the mien of the Changeling in question. This roll must be made once for each potential target in the scene.

The ability to see the Mien of a target is not limited just to Changelings, but also works on objects. For objects held by a character, the Clash of Wills is made using the Power Stat + highest Finesse rating of that character. This power automatically succeeds for unattended objects such as unworn Hedgespun or Tokens.

This Devotion costs 1 Experiences.

Reap the Autumn Harvest (Auspex ••, Majesty •••, Vigor •)

By spending a Willpower, the Bloodthorn may harvest emotions for Glamour in much the same way she could when she was Fae-Touched. This works just as it does on Changeling: the Lost pg. 103, with the following exceptions:

  • Reaping is not available to her
  • Her Harvesting roll is made with a penalty equal to 10 - the character's Humanity. The less connected she is to her Humanity, the less connected she is with the emotions that came with it.
  • Emotions spurred by the use of Disciplines, Devotions, or Blood Sorcery don't provide sustenance
  • She gains Vitae, rather than Glamour
  • She cannot receive more than her Blood Potency in Vitae this way per Chapter (IC week)

Drawback: Re-developing her connection with emotions to this degree leaves the Bloodthorn vulnerable in a way that other Kindred are not. Changelings are not only able to harvest Glamour from her as normal, but every point of Glamour the Changeling receives removes 1 vitae from the vampire's pool. This is in addition to the Willpower drain. The Blighted Rose is always aware that this is being done to them.

This Devotion costs 3 Experiences.

Warm the Winter Hearth (Auspex ••••, Obfuscate ••)

By delving into a changelings's mind and helping to hide what's false and reveal what's real within their thoughts, the vampire can calm the cognitive dissonance that comes with carrying a Clarity Condition. They're not able to heal Clarity damage, but can ease the conditions that come with it. This power can only be used when the subject is suffering from a Clarity Condition. Any use of the power when the subject is not suffering from a Clarity Condition simply wastes the vitae spent.

 Cost: 1 Vitae

 Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex

 Action: Instant

 Success: The subject immediately resolve their Clarity Condition. If they suffer from more than one, the newest one is resolved first.

 Exceptional Success: The Changeling also heals one point of Clarity damage, starting with mild Clarity damage first, and severe only if they have no mild Clarity damage.

This Devotion costs 3 Experiences.