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Latest revision as of 03:48, 6 April 2020

Content Warning

Kink negotiation, with explicit discussion of pain play, biting, rope bondage, domination and submission, mention of degradation and humiliation play; scene includes FTB sexual interludes.


Lux, Mearcstapa


Mearcstapa's Apartment


Lux arrived not too shortly after their text conversation. Had they run the whole way there? They're flushed and out of breath, so all signs point to yes. A second after the door was opened, long enough for Mearc to catch Lux's wide grin, the Bright One was stepping inside and in close to the Hunterheart. Their foot nudges the door closed as Mearc is grabbed up and pinned against the wall to be kissed rather fiercely.

Mearc laughs as he's grabbed, arms wrapping around Lux in turn, indulging the eager show of affection. When they finally break to breathe, he's grinning broadly. "You're incorrigible. I don't know why I encourage you so much."

"You should have expected no less," Lux teases, their hands wandering as they start kissing at his neck. "If you call me not naughty I'm going to do everything in my power to prove you wrong."

He lets out a bit of a pleased hiss, hand slipping under Lux's shirt. "Is that a fact? You want to show me how naughty you are?" (Fade to black)

After some vigorous totally naughty fun times together, Lux is looking very smug, tangled up with the Hunterheart in bed. "Did I prove myself well enough?" they tease.

Mearc chuckles. "I'm not sure if that was more about the sex itself, or about rising to the challenge set before you. Probably both." His fingertips trail spirals over Lux's abdomen slowly, as he leans in, resting his head on their shoulder.

"Definitely both. Spite is a big motivator for me." Lux kisses his temple, running fingers through his hair idly.

He closes his eyes, smiling. "Do you ever think about closing your hand and pulling, when you're petting my hair like that?"

Lux blinks, lips quirking. "Hmm. Sometimes, yeah. You into that?" Their fingers grip, giving an experimental tug.

There's a soft, sensual gasp, his freckles immediately shifting redder. "Yes, I suppose I am."

"Veeery interesting." His hair is pulled harder, enough to tilt his head back so they can kiss softly at his neck. "I meant to ask you, actually... When you were researching relationship stuff, did you also research sexy stuff?"

"I might have..." His voice is low and husky. "...though some of it's stuff we would need to have a serious talk about. That sexy safeword you wanted, and boundaries and such. Right now, we've been fumbling into what works, what doesn't."

Lux seems very set on pushing things back into intimacy--but the mention of boundaries and safewords quickly draws them out of that mindset. They pause a moment, then give him a soft kiss on the cheek before pulling back, releasing his hair. "Okay... Um. Do you want to have that talk now?"

"If you're up for it? If not, we can keep today light, no hard questions or deep talks." He stays lounged back in the position Lux had pulled him back into, adjusting slightly so it's more comfortable for his spine. "This isn't urgent, it's more...speculative."

Lux hesitates, looking tempted to avoid the conversation. But after a moment they puff out a breath. "No, uh. Probably better to talk about it before we get too tempted to... do things without talking about it first?" Their arms wrap around him.

"I suppose I'm curious what it is you'd most be tempted to do. I...get the feeling that you like being pursued for once, but sometimes I wonder if you're not holding yourself back for my sake, still. Mm?"

"Mm... I guess that's... pretty accurate, yeah." They frown faintly.

"It's sweet that you're being so careful." He rests his weight against them, smiling still.

"I don't... want to hurt you." Their arms tighten around him, half pulling him into their lap to hold close.

"May I assume you're speaking more about lasting emotional harm than momentary physical pain, when you say that?" The question is gentle in tone.

Lux nods.

"Okay. I don't want you to cause me lasting harm either. So we're on the same page there. But I want it recognized that hurt and harm aren't always identical. I don't mind a little pain--teeth, nails, hair-tugging. Especially in the heat of the moment, that's...the opposite of a problem." He grins, pulling one of their arms closer and nibbling near the wrist lightly, almost demonstratively.

Lux's lips quirk slightly, making a pleased sound at the nibble. "To be clear, I also am not against some physical pain, from time to time. Getting rough can be fun. And--I'll keep that in mind. But I'm..." Lux hesitates, shifting uncomfortably. "It's more the... emotional stuff that comes along with things."

"Can you unpack that a little more for me to understand?"

They grimace, looking increasingly uncomfortable. Mearc can feel them tensing up against him. "I... like... controlling people. Not just... during sex. But I--get off on, uh. You know, like--them doing what I say and stuff. But that's... I mean, that can be really triggery for us?"

Mearc stays relaxed, even as Lux tenses up. "Yes, it can be. It's probably best to be mindful of potential triggers going in, and to be clear what's 'in a scene' versus what's reality. Sexy safeword is probably a good idea for that, if we're going to think about engaging in that sort of thing. Though I suppose 'kugel' could still work?"

"Kugel still works, unless you want something separate." They watch Mearc uncertainly. "You'd be into that?"

"I'd be willing to try it, and see how I like it. I don't know for certain how I'd react to it, but...it's definitely an idea to experiment with. I mean...you and I have already toyed a little bit with power differentials. It could be argued that I took on a dominant posture in the teasing over texts, before you came over. Part of the thing in the back of my head is...I wouldn't want to always be the one yielding control. That would be uncomfortable for me."

Lux nods slowly, running a hand up and down along Mearc's arm slowly. They're thinking hard, gaze a bit distant. "No... I wouldn't... want that. All the time. I don't think it'd be... healthy. But, um. We could... try it. Sometime. Maybe start small." They look to Mearc. "What things would you want to try?"

Mearc turns even redder and he mutters something softly.

"...Didn't catch that, babe..."

Deep breath. "How do you feel about rope?"

Lux blinks, surprised. "Rope? Like, being tied up? Or... tying you up?"

"Being tied up. And then teased and tickled and such." He begins nervously fiddling with the black paracord bracelet that's the only thing left on him since getting undressed to do sexy things.

They look down at the bracelet, brows raising. "...Oh. Wow. Um..." They consider for a moment, squeezing around his waist again. "It sounds really fucking hot? I'd have to try it to know for sure how I feel about it. I'm used to... moving a lot. Being tied into one place might be weird. Maybe good weird?"

"To be fair, not all, um. Not all rope play is about immobilizing. There's actually a lot that can leave you with pretty much full motion, in terms of rope harnesses and stuff. You'd just have to sit still long enough for me to do the knots properly."

He licks his lips, looking at Lux's face.

"And the thing about doing that with another Changeling is, if you're ever uncomfortable, you'd be able to Portal right out, instantly. There is never any actual real restraint. It's a demonstrative exercise in trust, wherein the person being tied truly has the actual power to stop it at any time." Clearly, that part is something he's put some thought into, whether recently or not.

"Ooohh..." Now Lux looks very intrigued. "That sounds hot. I'd definitely be into trying that." They listen, nodding a little. "That makes sense. Is that what turns you on about it? The trust exercise? Or is it like... the aesthetic of it that turns you on?"

"Both? Both. The aspect of the trust exercise has been purely hypothetical to me, thusfar, for, uh. Obvious reasons, but I've...tied myself up once or twice in the past, to see...how I liked it."

"Did you like it? Tying yourself up?" They rest their chin on his shoulder, rubbing idly along his stomach.

"Yes, though I think I preferred the art of the tying to actually being bound." He turns his head to kiss them lightly.

"I am so into the idea of rope as art. And more than happy to let you explore that with me." Lux grins. "Just one condition: The rope has to be colorful. No black or white or gross beige."

"Note to self, add rope shopping to the agenda for this weekend." The color of his freckles normalizes.

"Can I help pick them out? And help pick out knot designs you'd like to try on me?" Lux grins wider, clearly excited about the idea.

"Yes. Of course. We can even talk about different fiber types, make sure we find something that'll be comfortable on your skin." Mearc brushes his fingertips up Lux's arm, and then drags them back down with a little nails. "I think it'll be online shopping, I'm not sure where in town one would buy this sort of thing."

"Umm... I know of a couple sex shops, but--you might be more comfortable shopping online?" The touches make Lux shiver, skin goosebumping. "Definitely getting express shipping through, cause I'm excited to try this."

"Would you want to visit a sex shop with me?" There's a curious little glance.

Lux smirks. "Uh... Duh?" "That sounds like an awesome time."

"Noted." He winks. "Anything else you want to talk about, or try that we haven't covered yet?"

Lux pulls him in, nuzzling and kissing at his neck. "Nothing else than what we've discussed, right now. Though... if we did try the... you subing for me thing, are there any boundaries you know of you'd want to set in place? Things you know you wouldn't want to be ordered to do?"

He thinks for a good several seconds before answering. "Uhh, nothing involving bodily fluids or waste. That's kind a thing. Beyond that...clear boundaries at the start of a scene is the big thing for me. I really need to know if we're in that mode or not. Also, mmmaybe not too much, uh, degradation or humiliation without warning? Given my anxiety, I worry that I might internalize that, especially if my mood's already low. Control is fine, but insults, especially with any basis in reality are a bit of a concern."

Lux stops kissing so they can listen and watch him intently. "All that is okay with me. More than okay. And--no humiliation or degrading. That's not... part of it, for me. I don't want to make you feel lesser. Just... mine. Completely," they murmur, flustered.

"Yours. You're the one who's stolen my heart." He whispers it gently, barely loud enough for them to hear, and watches their reaction with a smile.

Their colors flicker brighter, shifting briefly to neon pink and orange before they grab the sides of his face, pulling him in for a deep, passionate kiss.

And Mearc shifts his position and this probably leads to more sex, but this time with Mearc holding himself back a little less. Now that he has a grasp of the rules of play, he allows himself to engage more wildly.

Likewise, for Lux. It doesn't stray into Domzone, but Lux isn't holding back from getting a little rougher. Lots of hair pulling.... but... (Fade to black)