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Revision as of 11:32, 10 April 2020

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Asbolus, Guy Dagenham, Lumi Aaltonen, Lux, Mearcstapa, Raphael Sharpe, Sledge


Club Vertigo


Lux: A moderately sized establishment on the corner of Spruce and S 12th streets, Club Vertigo is one of the many bars in Philadelphia's Gayborhood. There's a reasonably large dance floor, a small stage for live music and/or karaoke night, and several different pride flags on the wall behind the bar proper.

Lux is waiting outside of the club for Raphael to arrive. They're leaned against the wall, legs crossed at the ankle, phone out to fiddle with to pass the time. They're dressed more or less the same as earlier--but have lost the open button up, leaving them just in the cropped tank top, neon pink cargo pants that hang low around their hips, and lime green sneakers.

Raphael: Raphael arrives at the expected time, wearing a pair of quite fitted black trousers, white dress shirt, and a brocade vest in shades of green - he seems to have actually picked it to work with the colors Lux is wearing, as it's got a fairly bright green ground - with a white silk cravat. He's added a top hat and shiny ankle boots, for good measure.

Lux: Lux glances up as they hear the sound of footsteps approaching, brows raising in surprise. "...Oh, whoa. You really went all out, huh?" Their phone is tucked away as they give him an up and down look. "Damn. You look good. I should have changed my clothes..."

Asbolus: The call had come from his Durance-mate and thus Asbolus made an appearance, dressed neatly in black jeans and a long-sleeved light grey shirt. While his features remained similar to those of his Mask there was a certain sharpness to his bearing that gave off the air that even a simple touch would leave a thin red line behind, the shadows around him deeper than they should be judging by the light coming from above. He smiled warmly to Lux as he arrived at the door, giving Raphael a once-over before nodding politely. "Evening."

Raphael: "Well, I decided if I was going to go clubbing, I ought at least dress for it." Raphael smiles at Lux, blushing a little at their reaction. Raphael is slender, in his late twenties, and very pretty; he has a perfectly groomed handlebar mustache and equally period hairstyle, dark brown with pale skin and brown eyes, though his mask shows them all as if in an old tintype photo, black and white. Other than that, the only difference from his Mask is that his fingers end in scalpel blades, rather than being merely especially long and slender.

Lux: "Bobo," Lux greets warmly as the Hunterheart walks up. "This is Raphael. He's new to town. Raphael, this is Asbolus. Bobo and I go... way back. He's cool." Lux bumps Absolus lightly then grins at Raphael. "Dressing up is fun. Definitely not complaining. So, how are you feeling? About this? First gay club can be scary."

Asbolus: "Pleasure to meet you, and welcome to Philadelphia." He smiled at the compliment from Lux, giving them a light bump in return.

Raphael: "A pleasure to meet you, as well, Asbolus." Raphael does a namaste gesture rather than extend a handshake, on account of his fingers, and gives him a genuine smile. His Mantle shows as a few dry leaves blowing past his feet, the cool wind palpable once up close. He turns back to Lux. "A little nervous, but mostly excited."

Lux: "Excited is good." Lux smiles. "Come on, it'll be great." They push off of the wall and head for the door, fishing out an ID to show to the bouncer. They wait inside for the both of them, then slip in to lead the way to the bar at an idle pace--giving Raphael the time to look around and process without being rushed. "Do you drink, Raph? First round is on me."

Asbolus: Asbolus followed in after Lux, looking around at those gathered as they went. "This is one of the more enjoyable clubs in the area, at least in my experience. Came a few times before I left town, and once or twice now after."

Raphael: Raph pulls a slim wallet from a pocket and shows his ID as well, smiling as they head to the bar close beside Lux - better out of the doorway before they get to gawking, though they definitely do. "Yes, thank you, Lux."

Lux: Lux nods, finding a spot to lean against the bar and wave down the bartender. They order a cocktail that is more sugar than booze, bright orange in color once mixed. They pass over enough cash to cover it and the others' drinks as well, and a decent tip. "Do you want to sit down at a table and just chill for a bit, Raph? Take in the atmosphere before jumping into it?"

Asbolus: Asbolus kept his order simple - gin and tonic, nothing fancy - and looked to Raphael as far as the seating preference was concerned.

Raphael: Raph looks over the cocktail list, and seeing as it IS a gay bar for goodness sake, actually orders the kind of fruity, bright colored thing they would never dare to elsewhere. "Well I don't trust myself to dance this style with a drink in my hand, so let's sit a little?" They try the almost neon blue drink, blink at it as if the taste surprises them, and then grin. "Huh, this is actually quite good."

Lux: Lux flashes Raphael an approving grin at the order. "That's a good one--I'm a citrus fan, myself. But yeah--let's sit and you can check out all the hot guys dancing and getting handsy," they tease, picking up their cocktail to head for one of the empty booths lining one far wall, though still within view of the dance floor.

"How have you been, Bobo?" they asks on the way.

Asbolus: "Doing well, all told. Ran into Michael this morning and talked with him for a bit, which was rather nice."

Raphael: Raphael blushes, and takes a big swallow of his drink, but grins back as they slide into the booth. Oh wow, they are getting handsier than he'd have expected, aren't they.

Lux: Lux waits for Raphael to sit, then slides in beside them. Though they lean forward enough that Raphael can easily see past them to get a good look at those in the bar. "Yeah? Anything new with Michael? I know he was planning on putting together a new fashion show."

Asbolus: Asbolus took a moment to watch those already on the floor as well, smirking a touch. "He mentioned as much. Definitely not something in my wheelhouse, but I wished him luck. He also offered to help on the 'get out of the house more' front, which I appreciated. "

Raphael: "You two know a fashion designer? Well, I suppose I do as well, a little, though I don't know if Adele does shows or just custom work. What kind of style does he design in?" He keeps looking back and forth from the people making out on the floor to Lux, a slight flush to his cheeks.

Lux: "Was his offer to get you out of the house a date, by chance?" Lux asks nosily, eyeing Asbolus with their bright glowing eyes, which seem even brighter in the dim setting of the club. Their head shakes, looking to Raphael. "No, Michael isn't a fashion designer. Ah... there was this huge fashion show, about a week ago--a really ritzy type thing, meant to bring in money for a school... But it was for this rich as fucking private school that, honestly, didn't need the money. When there's a lot of public schools in the area that have kids going hungry, with no books or resources they need to learn. It's a huge problem--and super classist." Lux's voice grows more serious and passionate as they talk--it's clear they're easily worked up over such things. "There was a huge protest at the fashion show, and the stage workers ended up walking out. The fashion show got canceled. But... the fashion designers themselves didn't really do anything wrong--it's not their fault that it was set up to be shitty. So Michael is wanting to organize a new fashion show for them, so their work can be seen."

Raphael: "Ahhh. Yes, fashion is... difficult that way. So much of it is so inaccessible, even beyond who's funding the shows." Raphael sighs. He's definitely in can't-afford-that territory.

Asbolus: Asbolus smirked at that pointed look, shaking his head. "It was not, no."

Lux: "Yeah. Even worse that the fucking mob apparently is running shit--this mob boss nearly provoked a riot, told the police to make everyone clear out, when it was a peaceful protest." Lux's jaw clenches briefly, before they roll their shoulders to shrug it off. "People would have gotten really hurt, if it wasn't for Mearcstapa and some others. He was brilliant--used some Contract to get the police to back down long enough for the show to get shut down, then people left peacefully."

Raphael: "Huh. Wonder what he did. Some Crown thing, I suppose."

Asbolus: "Sounds like it." Asbolus nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Glad he was able to smooth things over, though."

Guy Dagenham: Guy makes his way to the bar, ordering something blue and exotic sounding. His look sticks out a bit, though if he wore skinny jeans and spikes on his jacket it wouldn’t be too bad. His height and build draw eyes, most of which look away as the dim lighting makes him look pale, haunted, and dangerous, and only kind of in the sexy way. He moves to sit at a table, and spots Raphael sitting with two others. He pauses, considering whether or not to say hello.

Lux: "Not sure what he did. Definitely something Autumny. He like... told a story about police brutality and stuff and it seemed to... take hold, somehow." They sip down some of the neon orange cocktail, looking a little dreamy-eyed. "He was amazing."

Guy gets a curious look, head tilting towards him. "You know that guy, Raphael? He's checking you out."

Asbolus: "Ah...not familiar with that one off-hand." Another small nod from the Darkling, along with a glance towards Guy and a pale-eyed once-over of the Kindred.

Raphael: "Oh, I know which one that is. Never thought of using it that way, but I'm not signed on it, either." He spots Guy and smiles, even before Lux points him out. That wave of unease he provokes in mortals is impossible for an Autumn Courtier to miss. "Ah! Remember we were talking about Petra's boyfriend? that's him." He grins and lifts his own glass of the same blue thing to greet Guy. He's in a dressier vest than usual, and a top hat.

Guy Dagenham: Seeing the salute from Raphael, he walks over, giving the Victorian man a nod. “Sorry to interrupt. How are you, Raphael?” He speaks quietly, deep voice just carrying over the sound of the club.

Lux: "Oh--seriously? Holy shit, he is hot. In that like... bad boy badass way. She lucked out, huh?" Lux grins in greeting to Guy, lifting their drink. "Hey. I'm Lux. Want to join us?"

Asbolus: Asbolus nodded to Guy as he approached, lifting his own decidedly-less-colorful drink in a salute. "Asbolus. Pleasure."

Raphael: Raphael chuckles at Lux. "I'm... very well, actually. Lux, Asbolus, this is Guy. Please, do join us."

Guy Dagenham: He sits, looking the two strangers over a moment, as if memorizing their features. “Thank you. Good to meet you, Lux, Asbolus.” He sips his drink, and then looks at it as if surprised by the flavor. “I hope your night is going well.”

Lux: "Its going pretty good, so far. So... you're dating Petra, huh?" Lux eyes him playfully. "Planning on treating her good, right? She's a sweet. Deserves the best."

Asbolus: "So far so good." He nodded in agreement with Lux, smirking a touch at the sudden grilling they were giving their new guest.

Raphael: Raphael starts laughing at Guy's reaction to the drink, having done the same doubletake himself like 5 minutes earlier. "Strange, having something blue taste orange, isn't it?"

Guy Dagenham: “Yes, wasn’t expecting that taste from blue...I plan on treating her the best...I’m the lucky one; she is sweet, and so kind.” He nods, taking another drink. “I was surprised she wanted to date me.”

Lux: "How did you two even, like... meet? No offense, but she doesn't seem like your usual type." Lux leans back into the booth, arm draping over the back of it--behind Raphael, though not touching him--while they sip their drink.

Raphael: Even Raphael isn't so inexperienced that he doesn't know the old 'just draping my arm over the back of the bench' move. Or rather, that move actually is THAT old. He blushes a little as he sits back so he DOES touch Lux's arm, smiling.

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles. “She was watching Sturm fight underground, and I got in the ring. She was concerned of my injuries when I talked to Sturm after, which was very kind. We ran into each other a few other times, and I asked her to hang out, and while we were talking I accidentally asked her out, kind of. And she said yes.”

Lux: Their arm stays where it is, but they don't move away either, seeming content with where Raphael chooses to place himself. "Accidentally asked her out, huh?" Lux grins, amused. "I heard you and Strum fought. Not really the violent sort, myself, but... that's an interesting sight, I imagine."

Asbolus: "I've done that once, admittedly." Asbolus added with a small smirk. "Asked a friend out and didn't realize they had considered it a date until later on."

Raphael: "I don't always know when someone is just flirting for fun or for real either." Tilting his head back to rest a little more on Lux's arm, with a slight blush as he glances over at them."

Guy Dagenham: “I confessed I liked her, and she...misspoke her reply, so I thought she wanted to be together, and when I said I was glad to hear that, she realized what she said. But she wanted it, too.” He shrugs sheepishly. “We’ve been watching movies, since I haven’t seen many. It’s been...good.”

Lux: Asbolus' confession earns a curious look. "Recently? Anyone I know?" Cause when is Lux not poking their nose in Asbolus' business, apparently. They catch Raphael's look, shrugging helplessly in reply. "Uh, yeah. I do flirt a lot, I guess." Guy gets a warmer smile. "Awww. That sounds hella cute. I'm happy for her--and you."

Asbolus: "No...it was someone I knew while I was at university." He smirked in return, taking a small sip of his drink. "Indeed...sounds like the start of a good relationship."

Raphael: "Well she really likes you too, so treat her well, won't you?"

Guy Dagenham: “I’m going to treat her as best as I can,” he says with a nod. “She deserves the world,” he adds softly.

Lux: "Bobo! When are you going to finally settle down with a hottie of your own?" Lux asks with a mock whine. "Or do I need to set you up a Grindr profile myself? Or Tindr, not actually sure what your preferences are...Oh my god, Raphael--do you even know what Grindr is?" They look over at the Leechfinger, eyes gleaming with mischief.

Raphael: "Uh... I know what a.....meat grinder is? an organ grinder?" that would be a NO.

Asbolus: "When I find someone who catches my interest." Asbolus chuckled quietly, setting his drink down. "More the former, but I'd have to see if my phone will run it."

Guy Dagenham: “It’s a dating and hook up app targeted towards gays. Tindr is the same but more broadly focused.” You get the impression he’s had this explained to him, recently. He seems about to say something else, but drinks instead.

Lux: "You should give it a try, Bobo." Though their eyes remain on Raphael, grinning wickedly. "And--yeah, what Guy said. It's a dating app. Ah--an app is a program you install on your phone. This one hooks you up to a network of gay men all over the world. You put up a profile for yourself and can see profiles of other guys. Though honestly most people on it are more interested in just having sex..."

Asbolus: "I'll take a look later. Doubt that I'd get a particularly good signal in here."

Raphael: "I know what an app is." Defensively, because he's blushing pretty hard. "But I.... can't do something like that, unless there's a version just for the likes of us." Very, very gently, he taps Lux's nose with a dangerous fingertip. "Remember?"

Guy Dagenham: “I’ve got to get a phone that does apps, apparently there are some that I would find rather useful.” He shrugs, drinking more. “Not for dating obviously, but other things.”

Lux: Lux chuffs in amusement, not flinching away from the knife-boop. "I know, but I wanted to see you blush while you thought about it, at least. And this is important information to know about! I'm educating you!" They pause, giving Guy a cautious look. "...How old is your phone, dude?"

Raphael: "Yes, Mearcstapa got me set up with one for much more secure texting. That's a good one to get." Still blushing, but they seem to have actually realized that was probably the point. They may be naive, but it's not THAT hard to catch on to, given Autumn's pretty keen on making people nervous on purpose.

Lux: It is definitely the point.

Raphael: "Wait, Guy. What are you doing in a gay bar, and knowing all about gay sex apps? Are you and Petra not exclusive?"

Lux: That gets a curious look from Lux, eyeing the vampire.

Asbolus: "I could do with a new one myself, I imagine. Need to get some things in order first, though." He nodded, then looked to Guy as well with the rather pointed question sent his way.

Guy Dagenham: He pulls out his pre-paid flip phone. “It’s about 6 months old. Petra and I are exclusive, yes, I’m here because...I like to people watch, and need to get used to crowds, and places like this are...interesting, to me. I’m not the target patron, though. Also I tend to run into people I know at places like these,” he says with a nod to Raphael. “As for the apps...people I know like to use them to meet people.”

Lux: "Do you need me to steal you a new phone, Bobo?" Lux squints at the flip phone with disgust. "Ugh. You're practically living in the stone age." Lux pauses, eyeing Guy a moment, thoughtful. "I imagine places like this are good for uhhh... a quick bite, too?"

Raphael: "Seriously, I don't know how I keep running into people this week." And then blinks at Lux's comment and facepalms because yeah of course. Just facepalms, literally, he's clearly practiced not stabbing himself in the face that way.

Asbolus: "I should be able to get one on my own, but thank you for the offer. It's only a few year old, from what I know, and it work for what I need it to do at the moment." He took a sip of his drink, then paused at Lux's rather odd comment before looking back towards Guy.

Guy Dagenham: “Mearcstapa was going to help me pick out a new phone, hang on, let me text him, actually.” He starts tapping away. “And yes, since apparently you’ve heard already, they’re good for that, too. Though I’m not very good at getting people alone.”

Lux: "What?" Lux waves a hand wildly. "It's true! Guys are thirsty bitches! ...I meant gay guys are thirsty bitches, but I'm sure Guy also often is a thirsty bitch. No judgement."

Raphael: Raphael fails not to laugh, covering it with the hand he was facepalming with, but not enough it's not obvious he is.

Guy Dagenham: “You know what they say, men are dogs,” he says with a grin. “Usually when I’m out for a bite, though, I have someone with me to do the talking.”

Asbolus: "I wouldn't call myself thirsty, thank you very much..." He seemed amused more than anything, shaking his head with a smirk.

Lux: Lux looks pleased with themself as Raphael laughs, giving the Leechfinger an amused look, and a light pat-pat on his back. "If you ever need a wingman..." Lux fingerguns Guy with their other hand, then picks up their drink to sip from, still grinning. "You just haven't met the right person, Bobo."

Raphael: Raphael sighs and goes hazy-eyed just from that little pat, the poor deprived thing, before realizing he is sitting at a table with a vampire, pull it the fuck together. He blushes hard, sits back up straight, and downs about half what's left in his glass, almost choking in his haste.

Guy Dagenham: “My usual wingwoman might be jealous,” he says with another rasping chuckle. “But we can do that sometime, if you’re really interested. He drinks more of his own blue concoction, as if reminded of it. “Not everyone likes to watch, so I wouldn’t blame you.”

Asbolus: "Perhaps." He chuckled, looking over to Raph as his drink attacks back with a vengeance. "You alright?"

Lux: "I gotta admit, I'm kind of... curious," Lux muses, then gives Raphael a sympathetic look as he chokes. "Hey, take it easy. No shame in taking it slow while you're swallowing," they tease.

Raphael: cough "Fine, fine. Just drank it too fast." And then Lux says that and he splutters for a totally different reason. Tries to change to a safer topic. which it isn't given the innuendo he didn't catch. "I'm a little curious myself, honestly."

Guy Dagenham: “What, you don’t watch the movies?” he asks wryly. “It isn’t much different. You get them comfortable, take it slow while swallowing, and everyone walks away glassy-eyed and happy.”

Asbolus: To say Asbolus looked rather puzzled would be an understatement, which was an unusual look on the Darkling. He turned his gaze towards Lux, giving them a bit of a "what am I missing here?" sort of look.

Raphael: "I... movies? Y-you mean Twilight?" says Raphael, beet red, and sounding like he might actually faint. One thing to have Mearc and Lux giving them hell, but coming from the innately scarier Guy.....

Lux: "Huh." Lux eyes Guy for a moment. "Sounds like it could be pretty hot." They catch Asbolus' look, blinking a bit. "Ooh... Uhh..." A glance to Guy, waiting to see how the kindred wanted to handle that one. "He's one of us, don't worry." They drain the rest of their glass then set it aside, looking back to Raphael. "Let me know if you feel like dancing, by the way. Or if you just want to chill, that's fine too."

Guy Dagenham: Guy turns to face Asbolus, moving so his back is to the rest of the club and the three at the table are the only ones who can see his face. He opens his mouth, and then fangs slide out; long ones over his canines, and shorter ones over his eye teeth. “Not Twilight. More Interview With the Vampire, or so I’m told.” And then with a snick, the fangs pull away.

Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrows climbed high at that particular sight, giving Guy a slow nod before taking a moment to polish off his own drink. "I see..."

Raphael: Raphael's eyes go wide as the logistics actually click in his head. "How.... do people go away.... happy.... after you...?"

Lux: Lux eyes the fangs as they come out, brows raised. "Hot."

Guy Dagenham: “Because as I said, if you go slow and gentle, it feels good. And normal people don’t remember the details. Think they had too much to drink, ridiculously good sex, low blood sugar, something that explains it away without too much thought.”

Asbolus: "...interesting."

Lux: "I mean... being bitten feels pretty good sometimes, even without whatever mojo you got. I can see it." Lux shrugs.

Raphael: "It feels good to people?" Things Raphael should definitely not be imagining: what that could possibly feel like. Things Raphael clearly DID just imagine... yup. It does not help matters that he's a Leechfinger, not one bit. He goes pale and sways in his seat, closing his eyes and shuddering, and has to actually dig the blades on one hand into the table to keep upright.

Guy Dagenham: He settles back into his seat, and sips at his drink. “Very good,” he says blandly. “Um. You alright, Raphael? Sorry if that was upsetting, I wasn’t trying to...”

Lux: "Whoa, hey..." Lux's expression turns more serious, frowning at Raphael with concern. They rest a hand on his shoulder, gripping firm enough to help steady him if he does pass out. "Take a deep breath. In and out. Do you want some water?"

Asbolus: Asbolus took on a look of concern on his own, helping to steady the other man as well as needed.

Raphael: He takes a deep breath and shakes his head mutely, afraid of what he'll say if he opens his mouth right now.

Lux: "Do you need... uh... to go outside for a moment? Get some fresh air?" Lux frowns, looking guilty and worried.

Raphael: "N-no! no, I....am not.... standing up right now." Color comes back to his cheeks, rather dramatically so. Well, blood, anyway, it's not in color, for the Changelings.

Guy Dagenham: Guy raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything. He finishes his drink instead.

Lux: "...Oh. Uh. Right." Their glowing eyes flicker downwards for juuuust a split-second before they force their eyes upright. "Okay, well, just... breathe. You're good." They let go of his shoulder after giving it a squeeze.

Asbolus: As the metaphorical lightbulb blinks on Asbolus simply nods, sitting back in his seat once again.

Raphael: Oh yeah, Lux has the right of that guess. Raphael keeps his eyes, and both hands, very pointedly on the table as he takes deep breaths and tries to stop thinking about it.

Lux: Lux looks away from the Leechfinger and looks back to Guy and Asbolus--thankfully they're very good at pretending things never happened! "Bobo, remind me later, I got some business I need to talk to you about."

Guy Dagenham: “I know the idea...reminds some of you of trauma, so again, my apologies if that was upsetting.” He looks away from Raphael, to keep him from being made more uncomfortable. “So, um...what were we talking about....cellphones?”

Asbolus: "Sounds good." He nodded quietly to Lux, then looked back towards Guy. "Believe so, yes."

Raphael: "No, I.... it's not that. exactly." Raphael manages, voice strained. Hands on the table. Hands on the table. Yup.

Lux: "Uh, yeah. Cellphones." Lux squints at Guy. "Are you like... super old?"

Guy Dagenham: He looks at Raph a moment, and then blinks, coming to an understanding. “Oh.” Turning back to Lux, he replies, “Depends on how you define that. Older than a person gets, unless they slip through time like some do,” he says with a look.

Raphael: Likely the WRONG understanding, as he's mising some key information about exactly what Raph is. "Guy predates me, Lux", he says softly, and as the worst of the strain fades out there's a note in his voice that wasn't there earlier. It might almost sound dangerous, if he wasn't so slight and dressed like a dandy. On the other hand, his fingers have left fine lines carved into the wood of the table, and that's visible even to Guy.

Lux: "Fair, I guess. Time is weird for us anyway." Lux's phone chimes, a generic ringtone sound. They slip it out to poke at the screen, writing out a text. Another couple of chimes, and a couple more replies. "Mearcstapa is on his way," they say to the two men. They look sideways towards Raphael, gaze lingering, thoughtful.

Raphael: "Oh? glad to hear it." He manages to get enough control of himself to lift one hand off the table, draining the rest of his drink before setting the glass back down, without his usual delicacy.

Guy Dagenham: He tilts his head as he looks at the lines on the table. “Oh. That’s nice. Mearc is good....” He glances to his empty glass. “Hmm. Should I try another drink...”

Lux: "I can get 'em. Do you want another drink, Raphael?" Lux offers, watching him finish it off with a perked brow.

Mearcstapa: Mearc walks in, dressed in a black pair of cargo pants and a neon green mesh shirt. The usual strap of his brown messenger bag has been replaced with one in a checkerboard pattern in neon orange and black, and his freckles, for those who see his mien, are dull, the red ones more visible than the green.

Raphael: Raphael looks up when Mearc comes in, and while he draws a sharp breath at seeing Mearc dressed like that, he does not blush. His eyes haven't changed color (non-color) or anything, but they're different, predatory. His voice too soft. "Not one you can buy me, Lux."

Guy Dagenham: Guy gives Raphael a long look, and waves to Mearc across the club, spotting him through the light and crowd. “Get me something unusual, would you, Lux?”

Lux: Lux follows Raphael's eyes over towards Mearc. They give the Hunterheart a lingering, oogling look. "Hmm. I think I might know what you mean." Their hand lifts to wave, getting Mearc's attention--hard to miss those glowing nails leaving light trails through the air. "Sure, sure." They stand--both so Mearc can take his spot beside Raph, and so they can go to the bar. "Mearc! Want a drink? Water?" they ask once he's close enough.

Mearcstapa: "Something stronger than water, tonight. Cocktail? Something that looks like it ought to be a potion in a video game." Read: brightly colored and probably fruity flavored. Despite his frivolous bright outfit, the expression he's wearing on his face is one that's very serious, and his posture shows some tension about it, still.

Lux: "Sure." Lux pauses to give him a concerned look, and leans over to kiss him softly on the cheek. Then continues on to the bar, ordering a round of bright, fruity cocktails, then leans against the bar to wait for them to get made.

Raphael: "Mearcstapa." almost purring it. "I'm glad to see you. Are you alright?" He scoots in a little to make more space, but doesn't take his hands off the table.

Guy Dagenham: “Hello, Mearcstapa,” he says when the mesh-decked man gets closer. “Are you well? You seem....what’s the term. Put out?”

Mearcstapa: "I'm fine." More a dismissal of the question than a response, as he sits.

Lux: Lux returns soon enough, carefully carrying four neon pink cocktails. They set them down--one in front of each of them, then slides into the booth on Mearc's other side. Clearly not afraid of having to scoot in close--unless Mearc indicates the want for more personal space. "Looks like you don't want to talk about it?"

Raphael: "Thank you, Lux."

Guy Dagenham: He nods to Lux, and looks down at the drink.

Mearcstapa: He seems content with the closeness, his color brightening, though the green freckles remain much dimmer. "I received context for something said to me a while ago. Or about me, in front of me. While it was meaningless to me in the moment, it's...about as strong an insult as could be given to one of us." A glance toward Guy, not making eye contact, as usual. "That 'Scheisse', as you called her, made the guess that I'm a ghoul, given my level of awareness."

Lux: Once Lux sees that Mearc is appreciating the closeness, Lux scoots in a bit more, to lean against him. (And placing their hand on his leg underneath the table.) Their brows knit with concern. "What's a ghoul?"

Raphael: "A Ghûl? that's not an insult, though she shouldn't know what it is."

Mearcstapa: "Not Ghul. A ghoul." He picks up his drink, taking a sip.

Raphael: Raphael clearly doesn't know the other term. And is still acting hella weird. He leans against Mearc on the other side, lifting a hand to take off his top hat so it isn't in the way, but putting it back down on the table.

Guy Dagenham: “She did?” His eyes narrow. “How delightfully ignorant of her.” He looks to Lux. “A human that has been altered by the blood of a vampire. They are used as servants, often. In her case I’m sure she only sees them as property of other Kindred, not real people.”

Mearcstapa: "Someone who is owned."

Lux: "...What the fuck??" Lux scowls, nose wrinkling. "Who the fuck is this bitch? Where's her club at again?" Lux's eyes turn schemey.

Guy Dagenham: “Not necessarily. Often the case, though. And they’re addicted to the blood, so there’s only so much difference.”

Mearcstapa: "No, no. Not her. The other one, the bitch who was at Atalo's shop. The one who owns the club is fine, more than. We parted on very good terms."

Raphael: Raphael draws a hissing breath, and the weird hunger in his eyes turns to cold fury. "Tell us what you want done to her. Where to find her."

Lux: "Oh." Lux relaxes, their lights having brightened--but now dim to their normal glow. (For those who can see them, anyway.) "Well, that's something, at least. But fuuuuck her." They pick up their glass to take a gulp from. "If you know where she works, I could put up some interesting tags..."

Sledge: There's a fucking roar from the street outside Vertigo as an utterly gaudy sight pulls up to the curb and double parks with Guy's motorcycle. Thankfully that noise doesn't last long - though Sledge nearly kicks down the door as she enters the room.

"GUY! MY GUUUUUUUUY!" Sledge's outfit looks like something out of a Whitesnake music video. Snow leopard print pants. Platform heels. Mesh crop top over a studded black bra. White leather jacket. "Why do I always have to see your bike from the street? You never call anymore..."

Hopefully she's not interrupting anything awkward! That'd sure be awful... :3

Mearcstapa: "The likelihood of the diplomatic incident that doing anything significant could cause, between our communities, is not worth the..." He tenses, his freckles going bright stoplight red at Sledge yelling like that.

Raphael: "How fast can you..... drink, Guy? not you personally.... any of you." It's a very weird question, and there's obviously intent behind it.

Lux: "...If you say so," Lux mutters reluctantly, looking over to blink at Sledge as she yells out over the crowd. Though they quickly get distracted by peering past Mearc towards Raphael.

Guy Dagenham: “Depends on how much and if one is being gentle or not—“ He cuts off, sighing, and stands so Sledge can find him, putting a finger to his lips.

Raphael: "Tch. I'd need to know if I'd actually win if I tricked her into a drinking contest."

Sledge: Sledge rolls her eyes when she catches sight of Guy shushing her - but she approaches, heels clicking against the floor.

"Guy, we need a code word for... uhh. A thing I'm not going to say without a code word..." She slinks up to Guy, and gives him a half hug. "So. How weird am I allowed to be around these motherfuckers?"

Mearcstapa: "How wyrd are we allowed to be around you?" Mearc glances up at Sledge, taking in her outfit, her hair, her makeup, but never making eye contact. His tone of voice stops just short of surly.

Lux: "...Hi?" Lux says, head tilting to look Sledge over curiously. "I'm Lux. This is Mearcstapa, and Raphael."

Raphael: The look on Raphael's face is..... definitely 'wyrd', yup, especially if she caught that last comment.

Guy Dagenham: “If you can keep your voice down, they know the basics.” He sits, taking a drink before sliding the pink concoction in front of Sledge. “I don’t know, Raphael, it can take one of us only seconds to endanger someone’s health, if that the kind of drinking you’re doing,” he says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at the other man.

Sledge: "Those are some weird-ass names, so either you're all gay - or you're weird enough that I can let my freak flag fly." Beat. "Well, the public one anyway." She notes that Mearc is speaking to her - but the surly tone seems to go completely over her head - and she sticks out her tongue, wiggling it and showing off a little iridescent metal piercing. She swats Guy's stomach - but definitely takes the horrible little pink drink and sips it anyway. "... and good enough. What up y'all, I'm Sledge."

Mearcstapa: "We're none of us straight, at least." He takes a deep breath, calming himself down enough to regulate in color.

Raphael: "We are at a gay bar, Ms. Sledge." Raphael points out, his voice still eerily cold. "I don't think we will be able to resolve the.... question of speed.... with words, then. There are not... convenient ones."

Lux: "Nice to meet you, Sledge. Which, by the way, is also a weird-ass name." They flash a grin to her, then looks past Mearc again. "Do you drink blood, Raphael?" Lux asks softly, tone curious, not judging. Then they look to Mearc. "Think you'll feel like dancing tonight, or should I settle in to just chill? Either way is okay."

Guy Dagenham: He throws his arm around Sledge’s shoulders in a familiar way. “Don’t worry about causing an international incident, Raphael, if she can’t learn to keep her mouth shut she’ll be dealt with by us. Do it myself if I need to.”

Sledge: "It is a weird name - and if his answer is no, I could dance like a MOTHERFUCKER. Just saying. These heels won't stop me, I'm fuckin' incredible." She does a double take. "Wait, what? Are you talkin' about me?!" Beat. "The fuck did I do? I just got here..."

Guy Dagenham: “No, dummy, Anne-Marie. She said something very insulting to Mearcstapa.”

Mearcstapa: "I'm probably not good for dancing tonight, no." He takes another sip of his drink, frowning thoughtfully at it as if trying to telepathically interrogate it about its ingredients, flinching at the loud 'MOTHERFUCKER'.

There is a soft rustling sound that picks up faintly, along with phantom panting--Mearc's mantle flaring up.

Raphael: "Not blood, exactly." Raphael holds up one hand. Sledge and Guy see only long, slim fingers. Mearc and Lux see the scalpel blades on the end of them. "Guess the kith." which is too oblique a statement to actually tell the vampires much. His Mantle reacts to Mearc, too.... it's not only his voice that;s cold. if you didnt know better, you'd think you were standing under an air conditioner vent that had just turned on.

Lux: Lux just nods, managing to hide their disappointment well enough. They shift to lean against Mearc more comfortably, head tilting to murmur something briefly to him. Then lift their drink to sip from. They look at Raphael's hands when held up, then nod in understanding, looking thoughtful.

Sledge: Sledge notices Mearc twitch. "Sorry, my dude. I didn't mean to blow your eardrums out. I've just only got, like, one setting." She takes another sip of the drink. "Also what the fuck did Anne-Marie do now - I mean, besides being a huge fan of yours truly for reasons I literally cannot explain no matter how hard I try?"

Mearcstapa: "Tomorrow morning, I'm probably going to be very embarrassed to have let all of you see me in this state. I apologize now for the burden. I'm not particularly useful to anyone like this." He takes a small sip of his drink.

Guy Dagenham: “She probably thinks you’re good toadie material or something. Scheisse doesn’t deserve you.” He looks to Mearc, nodding his head slightly. “My apologies that you were treated so poorly. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

Lux: Lux eyes Mearc a moment. "You don't need to be useful to be appreciated. I'm glad you're here."

Raphael: "I don't like you because you're useful, Mearcstapa. I like you because you're you." Even in his current frame of mind, the coldness is absent when Raphael speaks to Mearc like that. "You've seen me far worse, for less reason, besides."

Mearcstapa: He doesn't respond aloud, simply nodding. Sounds fake, but okay.

Lux: Lux shifts and sits up, draping their arm over the back of the booth to coil behind Mearc--and by extension Raphael. "So. Looks like you two are pretty close?" Lux asks the vamps.

Guy Dagenham: He squeezes Sledge’s shoulder gently. “What do you like to do for fun, Mearcstapa? To cut loose and get your mind off things?”

Raphael: Raphael wraps his arms around Mearc, careful of his bladed fingers, possessive-protective. Not against Lux, Lux is fine - but against the loud vampiress, and the other one who hurt him. Apparently having a target who deserves this side of him is making managing the feelings that were causing so much trouble earlier much easier.

Mearcstapa: "I run a youtube channel about security education, with original content and conference talks. And I play video games. Mostly strategy, puzzle-solving. I've never been the Call of Duty type." With the arms around and behind him, he manages to relax slightly, drawing comfort from his partners. There's still no eye contact, but like. From Mearc, there never is.

Sledge: If Sledge notices this, it doesn't show on her face in the slightest - she seems excited that Guy didn't answer Lux's question first, and a devilish grin starts to spread across her features. "Oh yeah we're like super close. I'm... actually losing track of what bit I'm running at the moment, but let's say that either I'm his girlfriend, or I'm the Unicorn helping him spice up his relationship, or maybe we're just friends at this point because we broke up. The story has changed so many times I'm losing the thread."

Lux: "Reminds me... Raphael, have you seen his videos yet? Cause like. They're fucking awesome. Super educational and relaxing to listen to," Lux says to the Leechfinger, head tilting to murmur behind Mearc's head to him. "I'll text you the link, if not." Sledge gets a grin. "Sounds like you two keep things.... Interesting."

Raphael: "I have not, thank you, Lux." Raphael is staring at Sledge like his kith was 'basilisk' and he was trying to turn her to stone. No one hurts the people he cares about. no.

Mearcstapa: "Guy's girlfriend is a kind-hearted woman. I'm lucky to call her a friend." He smiles over the lip of his drink at Sledge.

Guy Dagenham: He looks at Sledge, frowning. “Almost none of those things are true. Sledge is my pack, we ride together. Nothing else. Petra and I are exclusive, like I said.” He flicks the side of Sledge’s head. “Have some fucking shame,” he says, just as softly as he’s spoken the whole night. He looks back to Mearc. “Do those things bring you peace? If so, I envy you a little.”

Lux: Lux pulls out their phone to type at one handed, pulling up the saved profile link to text to Raphael. But instead of just being content with that, they then pull up one of the videos to hold over towards Raphael. "Look he's so fucking cute." Because Lux is the best hypeman.

Sledge: "Oh, I love her. I think she's delightful. Very easily flustered, but that's probably fine - this Guy's like a fuckin' rock you know? Just absolutely no capacity for fun." Beat. " -"- and look, Guy. If you don't want me at my making crass jokes about our relationship then you don't deserve me at my building your bike from scratch because I'm a fuckin' dope-ass mechanic." Beat. "... but I'm joking. He's right. We're pack and we definitely do not fuck. Probably."

Mearcstapa: He nods at Guy. "I...the videos, I make them because I like to teach. To share information that helps people make themselves more secure. If I occasionally have to tell horror stories to do so, to scare people into changing their behavior, I do. But I want people to be able to create the space around them that makes them feel safe--in whatever form that takes."

Raphael: Raph tilts his head to glance at Lux's phone, but he's thinking in blades right now, and the terminology in this one is too unfamiliar to sort through like this. He tightens his arms around Mearc. "He is cute. But real him is cuter. And needs to be safe."

Guy Dagenham: “I...that is noble, Mearcstapa, and I hope that it continues to make you feel good, and help keep people safe.”

“People can’t tell when you’re joking, Sledge, that’s the problem.”

Lux: Lux seems to get the hint that Raphael isn't going to get distracted like this. They frown, drawing the phone back to lock then slip away. "I'm pretty sure no one here is going to hurt him, Raphael."

Mearcstapa: He lets out the bitterest laugh at Raphael's last comment. "Oh, I know I'm not really safe. It's one of the biggest downsides to my job--among other things. It's like knowing how a stage magician does their tricks makes it harder to believe in that magic as a real thing. Everywhere, I see where security is failing, where people are vulnerable, where boundaries get crossed."

Raphael: "Security isn't the only thing that can keep you safer, Mearcstapa. Other people can too."

Lux: Lux frowns, lights dimming a bit as they watch Mearc. They nod in agreement with Raphael.

Sledge: Sledge really isn't good at this "emotional comfort" thing so she's going to sit here and be quiet because she's pretty sure that's the more helpful move. Gross pink drink? Down the hatch!

Mearcstapa: "It's fine. I'm fine. If I can be useful and help others learn a tiny piece of what I know, that will have been enough." He hums a couple bars of some song, most people at the table probably don't recognize it.

Guy Dagenham: He squeezes Sledge’s shoulder again. “Making sense of the world is important,” he says with a nod. “Finding a place in it.”

Lux: "Um. I would much rather have you than a tiny scrap of information..." Lux murmurs, brows creasing, voice taking a slightly harder edge. "If you get to pressure me into being careful and shit, I get you do the same to you. And you're clearly not fine."

Raphael: Raphael hasn't even touched his drink. This mindset is literally a scalpel's blade, too surgically precise to address anything extraneous. And right now every bit of him is focused on helping Mearcstapa. "Lux is right. And there are other things you are teaching me, are there not?"

Lumi Aaltonen: A delicate, pretty blonde woman with skin white as snow shifts from two tables over, and rises to her feet. She takes her phone from her pocket and glances at the screen, walking right past the table and briefly casting her gaze at its occupants. Her skin's pale as snow, her hair blonde, and the Left-Hand Knight of the Utmost Silence walks right out the door. How long was she there?

Long enough.

Mearcstapa: Mearc takes a slow, deep breath in. "I'll be fine." His gaze follows the woman as she walks out. "Hoboy. More reason not to start that diplomatic incident, now."

Raphael: Raphael doesn't know who she is, but he knows a Changeling when he sees one. "Who is she?"

Sledge: Sledge's been doing a pretty good job of being dead-ass silent for a bit - which is honestly impressive because she's a bit of a dumbass at the best of times. "She's hot as fuck that's who she is." Well. A couple minutes was a good streak...

Lux: Lux goes still, glowing gaze snapping towards Lumi. They watch her walk out, expression turning to a hard to read mask. "That's..." A beat pause. "I'll tell you later," they decide, murmuring to Raphael.

Raphael: "Incorrect." To Sledge, without explanation.

Guy Dagenham: From the other’s reaction, he looks at the woman, taking in her face before she departs. “She one of yours?” he asks softly, shaking Sledge slightly to break her concentration. “But yeah. Don’t worry about escalating with Anne Marie. If escalation needs to happen, you won’t have to dirty your hands...”

Mearcstapa: "Sledge, while I will not deter you from hitting on her...do so with about the same amount of caution you'd use in hitting on someone the Sakima respects and trusts as a right hand. She is Someone Important. And that's the end of it." His freckles are more green than red--though not overwhelmingly so--and pretty bright right now.

Lux: "And I'm sure you will be fine, but we want to make you feel better... sooner." Lux sighs. "Maybe we can go back to your place and play some video games or something?"

Sledge: "Literally nobody likes Anne-Marie," Sledge nods. "... but y'know just do me a favor and wait until she has a chance to land me a gig? It's kinda important." Beat. "... but also how do you know I'm not someone the Sakima respects and trusts as a right hand- wait a fuckin' second. How much did you tell these fuckers, Guy?" She elbows Guy in the ribs.

Raphael: Even with Raphael's limited understanding of the freckle patterns, this is clearly an improvement on when Mearc came in. And even though he doesn't know who the Sakima is.... "Because you can't keep your mouth shut."

Guy Dagenham: “Mearcstapa knows things. Like the Sakima, personally.”

Mearcstapa: "Professionally. Don't worry, Guy is above average for discretion." He glances at Lux. "We-three or we-two?"

Sledge: Sledge's brow furrows, and she looks at Raphael for the first time. "Who the fuck are you again?"

Lux: Lux shrugs. "I figured we-three."

Raphael: Raphael looks like some prettyboy steampunk dandy. But something about his attitude right now bespeaks a terrible sharpness, and once she really concentrates, Sledge will realize the cold air is centered around him. "I will go with you, yes. Lux, does Jack need you there?" It's the first flicker of a normal tone Lux has heard from him since he started getting all.... weird.

Mearcstapa: Mearc offers Sledge a bit of a smile. "My apologies for flinching earlier. I was tender. Please, have a pleasant rest of your night. And you as well, Guy."

Lux: Lux nods. "I promised I'd go back there, eventually. But I got some time. But I'd like to make sure you're both okay, first." Lux scoots out of the booth and stands, offering hands to help them up to their feet.

Guy Dagenham: “You all have a good rest of your night as well,” he says with a nod. “Go find your happy place, as they say.”

Raphael: Raphael releases Mearc from his arms, since otherwise neither could get up, and puts his top hat back on with an automatic little flourish. "Convey my sincerest apologies to him when you do, please? It was my intention to.... protect him, not to break him."

Lux: "I will, but that's probably a conversation you should have sometime, too." Lux nods to him.

Raphael: "When and if he is ready to see me again." He nods agreement to Lux, because he definitely feels that.

"Goodnight, Guy. A pleasure to see you again, and apologies for my... odd behavior. Good night to you as well, Ms. Sledge."

Mearcstapa: And out the trio of changelings goes.

Sledge: "Welp. I'm fuckin' outta here, too, My Guy. Text me later." She extricates herself from Guy - and then from the booth - and tosses her jacket back on before heading back out the door.

Guy Dagenham: “I will. Don’t have too much fun without me,” he says as he gets up to walk to their bikes.