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Revision as of 09:27, 20 April 2020

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Floretta Williams Henry Moynihan Rembrandt Phillips


Bellevue Hotel Elysium


Floretta makes her way into the lounge area at the top of the motel, dressed in a white sundress with orange flowers design on it, little white, flat shoes. She carries her purse in one arm and a small, brown dog with curled fur is carried in the other, but with a little blue bowtie on his collar. She selects a seat quickly and set the dog down on her lap, the purse on the table. The dog curls on himself and seem to go to sleep right there. (Blush of Life)

Henry's already in the lounge when Floretta arrives, working on a dance routine. His earbuds are in, but he pauses as he catches sight of her, pulling one out and tipping his fedora in her direction. "Hey, doll! How's the night treating you?"

Rembrandt, seated near where Floretta sat and admiring the view out the window, looked back at Henry, seeming to notice him for the first time. He arched an eyebrow and smirked slightly. "Mr. Moynihan. I don't believe we've met, but I see you live up to the rumors." He glanced to Floretta and gave her a polite nod. "Ma'am."

Floretta turns her attention toward the two already present once she's settled in, her gaze widening and focusing on Rembrandt for a touch longer as her beast warns her of his nature. "Hi." She greets him, offering a polite nod. Her attention drifts to Henry. "The night's been largely enjoyable so far, I decided to visit the elyisum after spending two days alone in my haven, before I catch our equivalent of cabin fever."

His lips twitch slightly at Rembrandt's choice of how to address him, and he pushes his glasses up his nose as he considers his response, before he pauses his iPod and walks closer. "I know what you mean. I got Guy and Petra onto a dance floor last night, so that was a treat." And then he turns his attention back to Rembrandt. "I don't think we've been properly introduced, have we? I am Mister Henry Moynihan, Player. Gangrel of the Okanifor and Kan family, and of the Invictus." While his tone's polite, there's a little emphasis that hits the words 'properly introduced'.

"Your reputation precedes you, Player Moynihan. I apologize for not addressing you properly, I was... unaware of your title." The slightest glint in his eye suggests that he wasn't entirely unaware, but this probably suffices for an apology. Technically. "I am Sir Rembrandt Phillips, Knight. Daeva of the Invictus, and the Wright family." He turned to face Floretta once more. "Would you care to introduce me to your friend?"

Floretta watches the exchange between the two of them and her gaze shift from Rembrandt to Henry, she straighten her posture just a little bit and struggle with her choice of response to the situation. She secure her grasp on her furry companion and plays the game of waiting to be introduced, for now.

"Sir Knight, please allow me to introduce Floretta Williams, Gangrel of the Touati family and the Ordo Dracul." Henry moves to take himself a seat at Floretta's table once that's done.

"Pleased to meet you. Is there, perhaps, a title that I should address you by? I've heard the Order is as fond of titles as the First Estate, and I wouldn't want to insult you unintentionally." Intentionally, perhaps, but he hasn't judged whether you are a potential ally or a potential threat yet.

"Whatever titles I use for the affairs of the Dragons are mostly meant for the affairs of Dragons." Floretta replies, polite and switching the register of vocabulary up a touch. "If you wish to address me formally, Miss Williams will do just fine."

Henry nods slightly as Floretta speaks. "There's a saying about meddling in the affairs of dragons, I think. Anything new on the Nereids, Miss Williams?"

Rembrandt nods his understanding, then raises an eyebrow at Henry. Remy is not a student of the occult, but he is always interested in hearing about threats to Kindred.

"I think I have all of what is publically available at the moment. That is that: Their claws and bites infect other kindreds. That the will of those infected seems overridden by a different being, that they are adapted to unlife underwater." Floretta enumerates. "That it claimed Clayton Powers and that there was an encounter at the Bala-cynwyd elysium. That the open waters are dangerous to visit. Armed with that knowledge, I am investigating with what means are available to me." She seems to relax slightly, her hands starting gently play with Herbert's fur. "I have some Hypothesis on a few points, but nothing concrete of any sort at the moment."

"Yeah, like I said, I was at the house when Keeper Powers busted through it. So if there's any questions I can answer, you got me." He nods, then looks at Remy. "It's some pretty whacky shit, Sir Knight. It's a good thing he misted instead of staying for a fight, because I dunno if anyone woulda got tagged by his claws."

"It does seem to be a stroke of fortune that none of you were infected. I am glad that one of us was there, though I wish it had been me. It is my duty to protect us, after all." For the first time, he seems completely sincere.

Floretta stares down at Herbert, for a few seconds, before she return her attention to the conversation at hand. "Right now i'm mostly worried about the change in personality, I'm wondering if it's like a Draugr at all or if there's something directly puppeting from somewhere."

"Yeah, I'm not sure about that, either way. Lessee, he said to Cory and Sledge that he had forgot something in his office, so either he had the presence of mind to think of that, or whatever's puppeting him got the knowledge of the office being his. You know? I wish I knew what was so important to come back for, though."(edited)

"Keys? Magical Items? I'm guessing someone might be able to get the knowledge somehow?" Floretta ponders aloud. "Do Draugr have that kind of presence of mind? Hmm."

"I don't know nothing about Draugr, myself. Sorry to be useless, here." He shakes his head ruefully.

"I suspect that whatever happens to them acts kind of like a bloodline of some kind. If it isn't limited to Gangrels, then it might be granting them something like access to the Protean discipline or some special devotions?"

"Mmm, that makes some sense. I mean, Protean can do webby-hands for someone who wants to swim fast. That's a thing I seen--hell, I done myself, before. Just never seen it used for a tail, and wouldn't have called it possible before. But a devotion makes a lot of sense." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "If it's infectious, it's gotta be more than just Gangrel, though, right?"

"I know there's devotions exclusive to Bloodlines so that could be maybe a way to look at it? But honestly, this feels just weird enough for it to be something else entirely." Floretta scritches Herbert slowly, as her furry companion drifts in and out of sleep on her lap. "Every single thing I'm suggesting here is at best an educated guess and at worst completely missing the point."

"Better than my completely uneducated guesses, d-...Miss Williams." He catches himself before the familiar endearment comes out, and glances off to one side for a moment like he's impatient with himself. "I mean, I know a good enough about Protean in practice, but just about none of the theory."

"I've been...encouraged to diversify my approach to the talent of my blood or it's all that I'd know, so I'm just good enough to turn into animals, figured out a trick or two there too." Floretta nods. "I'm actually kind of frustrated with the parameters of the discipline, I've been trying to get more....fine tuning with it and well , it feels like a jackhammer when I need a needle."

Henry lets out a warm laugh. "Whatcha trying to sew with it, anyhow?"

"I'd like the ability to alter my body in a less... monstrous fashion? Like, I can climb to a wall, turn into Hedwig, grow claws and wings and all this exciting stuff with it." Floretta explains "But Godforbid I want to change the color of eyes, or alter my gender presentation."(edited)

Henry lets out a warm, rich laugh. "Oh, like this?" And as Floretta looks at him, he takes off his glasses and becomes slightly taller and a redhead--though otherwise he looks just about like himself. Still, with a change of clothes and an adjusted hairstyle, he'd likely fool the average mortal.

Rembrandt's eyebrows raise at Henry's transformation. "That's quite the trick. I imagine it could be useful in many situations."

Floretta's eyes widen, once as she sees the change, a second time when she potentially recognizes it and a third time when the potential implication of it means. "Excuse me what?" There is a deep look of surprise and yet a smile amids the momentary confusion. "I ... think I know of the trick you're using... it's not a permanent change now, is it?" She looks to Rembrandt and nods. "I think it's meant to help blend with the herd, if it's what I think it is." (2s on occult to recognize the devotion)

"Well, yeah, exactly that. I dunno, I've never felt the need to change permanently, personally. It's mostly for getting around places where people know my me. Of course, I gotta watch my slang, too, because that's the quickest way to give myself away."

Rembrandt is doing his best not to look intrigued now. Perhaps Player Moynihan has been hiding his true skills? The wheels in Remy's head are turning.

TheUserWin (Floretta) (She/Her)Today at 4:28 AM Floretta smiles a little bit there. "You wouldn't happen to know an Elizabeth Williams, by any chance?" she is clearly addressing Henry in that moment, her eyes drawn to the red hair, a glint of curiosity and maybe something more.

"Name doesn't ring a bell, but uh...you're Miss Williams, too. Is she a relative of yours?" There's a brief glance at Remy, and he realizes he might have shown too much. But it's too late now, cat's way out of the bag.

He's trying not to be obvious, but as previously established, Rembrandt is not skilled at hiding his intentions. His thoughts immediately go to the head of his family, then shortly after an ambitious newcomer to the city that he needed to meet. Perhaps something could be arranged. And if these skills had been kept off the Invictus rumor mill, maybe he truly is skilled enough to be of use.

"She would be, I think, my great-grandmother. My Sire. She still visits the city sometimes." Floretta makes the statement and the dog on her lap stretches up before laying back down again.

"I see. What made you think I might know her?" He puts the glasses back on, blinking owlishly though them--as he tend to when he's a scrawny brunette instead of a tol redhead. It's perhaps a bit jarring, seeing the differences.

Rembrandt looks between the other two vampires, playing the part of the attentive listener, before glancing down at his watch. He pulled out his phone, typing rapidly on it, then stood up. "I'm sorry, but I have business to attend to. It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Williams, and I wish you luck in your endeavors. Player Moynihan..." There's a brief pause as a faint smile appears his face. "I will see you soon."

Floretta raises a hand wave as Rembrandt departs the table and elysium. "Thank you and me in yours." Her attention drifts, momentarily, to Herbert again, before returning to Henry. The question is obviously understand, she's looking for the right words, her expression pensive for the moment.

Henry watches as Remy leaves, grimacing once he's truly out of sight. "I am a twit, and that was a mistake."

She waits until she's certain Rembrandt left the room, watching him leave before turning her attention to Henry once more. "I am so sorry I got so wrapped up when you did that, I just lost all my sense. I was asking about Elizabeth because for a moment I thought we might have shared a blood sympathy or a Sire."

"Naw, but if your sire is of the Shepherds, we're closer cousins than just by clan. I was brought into the bloodline by my sire; I think she was trying to make something of me. But I've defied all attempts at that so far. Still, I think my Sir Knight there might have some ideas about me, now."

"I'm one of the Shepherds, I was one a year into this life, or something close to it." Floretta confirms a soft voice. "It felt like he was after something the moment he spoke to you honestly."

He nods slowly, standing. "Oh, he was after something from the first moment he opened his mouth, doll. It's just that the something changed a few times over the course of the conversation."

A soft smile appear there and she looks to him. "I don't plan on pushing you to do anything in regards to the shepherds, if there's a social group there, i'm not really part of it." She takes a deep breath. "I would very much appreciate the chance to learn ... that trick, I'd be willing to teach what I can in return...." She watch him move and nods. "We can discuss this another time, if you're interested."

"Another time and another place. I hope your night's well, Miss Williams." He removes his hat and sweeps her a bow--then looks up with a cheeky grin before making his escape.

"You can call me doll or Flo if you want, whenever it won't get you in trouble that is." Floretta replies with just a touch of mirth in her voice. "Have a great night."