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Latest revision as of 15:08, 23 April 2020


Atalo's Shop


Maps, a whole lotta maps. A big one of the city is spread across a table and Atalo's been making notes on it in black market, which involves a fair amount of dates and circles of rivers and waterways. A hand absently pats Cerberus as he works.

The door chimes softly at the front of the store, which is followed immediately by the familiar sound of Shiri's motorized wheelchair's engine buzzing softly and it's wheels on the floor of the shop. "Atalo," their Arabic accented voice calls out before they spot him and begin heading his way. "Oh, there you are. If you keep furrowing your brows in thought like that they'll get stuck in that position. Or you'll get wrinkles." Neither thing is going to happen to a vampire, of course.

He looks up, then nods, raising to his feet and starting their way. "Shiri." He inclines his head. "I might hold this city responsible. I'm encouraged to think." A small smile shows. "That was a joke, not ingratitude." He hastens to add. "How are you tonight?"

Shiri laughs as they wheel up to him, then tries to straighten enough to better see what Atalo is looking at on the table. "Maps?" they ask. "Are you a geography buff now?" They give Atalo a smile. "I'm doing well enough. I've had my share of things to think about recently too. Some of them sent my way by you yourself, for that matter."

"I am not." He admits. "But I've been tracking my searching for Clayton. My memory isn't very strong, so a record's useful." The Gangrel nods, rubbing his mouth. "How was the artist? Did he reach out?"

"Poor Clayton," Shiri laments. "He wasn't my favorite person, but he was one of our cousins and he surely didn't deserve what happened." Their resigned sigh and shake of the head give way to the other matter, so they don't have to dwell on that one. "The artist and I had a brief exchange via text message, and we're going to set up a dinner to talk about the mural I'm interested in commissioning. Fortunately, your somewhat less tactful approach doesn't seem to have poisoned the relationship, though there's some uneasiness." They don't sound angry, but there's definitely something of a mild scolding in the look they give Atalo at the mention of the lack of tact. It doesn't last long, then a hint of a smile returns.

"If I find him, I'll do what I can." He leaves it at that. They both know what Phaedra's findings were. "Ah, yes." He pauses, glancing over at Cerberus. "I apologise. I know the mistakes I made and I'm trying to learn better. I'm glad they're willing to speak."

Shiri picks up their phone, which is sitting on their lap as it often is, and glances as it before putting it back down. "It's a reminder that as long as we're capable of living, the end could come for us at any time, and not in the ways we might expect it to," the say. "It can be sobering and, given the circumstances, terrifying as well. I wonder if he's happy down there, wherever he is, even if he didn't choose that happiness." They wave off the apology. "Shit happens," they say. "Apologize by learning and adapting and I'm happy to leave the matter at that. I'll do the same by remembering to be a little more explicit in my instructions for you, if that will help."

"He's dedicated to a deity, or at least, something extremely powerful, and fervent in that passion, I think. It is.. difficult, to answer." He laces fingers. "His will isn't his own, but in that, he has singular purpose. Happy, perhaps, even in that prison." A grimace. "As for me. I seek to serve the Circle, and to learn better. I'm no thinker or leader of ritual. But I can be a protector. To a degree. I couldn't help Phaedra in the ritual she cast and the harm she was in. I don't know if I'd ever be able to, but, I can offer physical protection, at the very least."

"We'll probably never have an answer to how he feels, and I have no intention of finding out for myself," Shiri agrees with a sharp wince. "I already have a faith, I don't have any need for another. I've just been thinking about his situation, maybe trying to find reason to make his fate seem just a little less terrifying to me." Their attention refocuses itself on Atalo. "Some of our rituals are more dangerous," they point out. "In ways that are more physical. Or, perhaps, what if something had come through the connection that Phaedra opened, and she had needed protection even for that ritual? Our guardians are valued members of the covenant too, not only our ritualists."

"Or, if she had been infected, I could have contained her and sought help, yes.." He nods slowly. "I know the toll it took, I saw her after." Something flickers in his dark eyes there. "A Guardian is what I think I'm meant to be Shiri, I don't know if I need to prove myself there, but I will if needed."

"I didn't," Shiri answers, shifting a little forward in their chair. "If you decide that's what you wish to be then we'll accept you as such with gratitude. The proving is in the doing, cousin." They sit back again. "You said there was something else you wanted to talk to me about, wasn't there? Some trouble with one of our unconquered friends?"

His cheek twitches. By the Gods, an emotional reaction? "Yes." He confirms. "Anna-Marie. She's managed to anger a number of Changelings, far more then I did myself, and attempted to blackmail one of them. I will be selfish. This city offers me a chance to rest after several previous lives of needless conflict. If she threatens that.. hgn." He shakes his head. "The Changelings would likely be at least a little appeased if she was made to apologize, perhaps."

Shiri listens without revealing much through their expression. "Do you think that she'd mean it, if we made her apologize? Or do you think that she'd just continue doing what she's doing, but a little bit less out in the open?"

"She'd still try, yes." He concedes. "But it might still be an important lesson. And, I shouldn't act the way I do towards her. I've done my share of cruel things in the past. Maybe if she has some of her power and prestige stripped in the short term, she might learn humility." A pause. "I could always use an assistant here, even if it means the Changelings would give me a wide berth."

Shiri laughs aloud at that suggestion. It's not mocking, but pure amusement. "That sounds delightful, but you know how little we care for getting involved in the affairs of the members of the Sakima's domain if we don't absolutely have to. Do you think the Changelings aren't fully capable of dealing with the problem themselves, and require our intervention on their behalf?"

"That's one of my worries." He admits. "They can handle her, yes, but, I've seen conflicts escalate in the past Shiri. If they act against her, however justified, others of us may react against them in turn, and tensions and conflict could rise."

"You think we should take steps before they do, for the sake of peace between our people," Shiri responds, not entirely statement, partly request for confirmation. "I'd remind you that we have a law that states we won't protect you from yourself. In this case I don't mean you, personally, but those who would provoke the wrath of other creatures. I see why you'd be concerned about escalation from both sides, but we have decent diplomatic ties with them and I can't say I would be entirely disappointed to see the Unconquered pick a fight they couldn't win and let themselves be wiped out."

He nods, a light smile showing. "That does lessen some of my worries, yes, thank you. And, for the most part that wouldn't trouble me too much either. Though I quite like Henry. I'll let things be for now then, unless she tries to jab me with any more barbs. After I fed her checks to Cerberus, she at least seems to have given up trying to bribe me."

"Hopefully he would have sense enough to sit the pointless conflict out," Shiri's response is, with just a shrug. For a few moments she regards Atalo with a steady, penetrating gaze before they say, "you know that it's against our laws for you to kill her, right?" They're definitely intending to say something other than the actual words coming out of their mouth, without saying it outright.

He's slow at social meanings, but, a slight twitch of his mouth suggests he's picked up on that. "I wouldn't seek to kill her, no." He notes softly. "I do feel she might be able to learn. Time will tell."

"Good. We're in accord," Shiri's smiling reply comes. "Was there anything else I could help you with tonight, cousin of mine? I have a busy schedule, but I don't have to go immediately." They do check their phone again, though.

He considers. "No, but thank you. Do you have anything for me? At this time I'm watching for Clayton, but I'm aware there might be other matters. And I will try to be more discreet then I was on the last task you set me."

"Look out for the other Acolytes, to the degree you're able to," Shiri answers with a nod. "If you see signs of Clayton or any of the others, let the Caucus know. I think we have a fair bit on our plates right now." They back their chair up a little and start turning it around. "Keep me updated if anything changes that you think I should know about."

"Always. Have a good night Shiri and thank you." He nods respectfully, moving to get the door for her as she leaves.