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Revision as of 08:02, 24 April 2020


Sturm, Lux, Mearcstapa, Wren, Alex Shaw


SIGNAL group message


M: hey guys. sturm, wren, i'd like you to meet alex. alex, sturm and wren.
W: hello alex :3
S: yo.
A: hey! wren, you're the partner, right? the social engineer?
S: hold up i need 2 add sum1 rq
S: ok theres lux
M: alex is my computer expert, and has been a friend of mine since before i came to phily. there's more details there, they're not mine to share. lux!
S: now u can meet n greet.
A: well, I already know lux. hi lux!
S: ok so
S: every1 here knows what was said right?
S: like what the hex code meant?
L: hey babe <3 and alex! and everyone
W: yeh i pegged it immediately.
A: yeah. so, here's what I was saying to mearcstapa when he decided he needed to invite me
S: i...
S: business.
S: ok
W: o and yeh i am the engineer :train2:
M: sturm, i thought it too.
W: also welcome lux
S: im sturm im the fuck up :p
A: I don't know for absolutely sure but I'm pretty sure that the dj uses a token of some sort to do the broadcasts. nothing else makes sense for the way it works. maybe something i've never heard of, but probably a token
A: so someone hijacked the magic of a token and cut in with their own signal. is that even supposed to be possible? do they have another token?
S: i dunno but the idea i had 4 mearc was
S: if it has a signal that's hitting our antenna
M: sturm, don't call yourself a fuck-up, you're being brilliant and i'm glad to have you here.
S: we *should* be able to hunt for the signal with quad antennas
S: like an old fashioned transmitter hunt
A: I'm pretty sure it doesn't work with normal actual radio signals. it would be too easy to track the dj that way, wouldn't it? just simple triangulation
S: hrrrm
S: well there goes my idea
S: isn't it more reasonable that the hijacker just has a token that lets them make the DJ broadcast what THEY want?
M: it's a good idea. i wonder if there's magic receivers? or...
A: i might be wrong. we could try
S: i mean i dunno who the dj is but i think we'd notice if they were compromised right?
M: wren, occaming that is uncomfortable as hell.
S: lux n i already talked n they don't kno shit about how it works but im gonna ask some questions 2 winter higher ups when i meet with them
A: the hijacker probably does have their own token, that's the only thing that seems like it would make sense
S: okay so here's what we knew before this tho
W: :poop:
W: did i get it right
S: we know there's a thing that's stopping people from dreaming. i'm p sure it's related to all the projects going up somehow.
A: wait wait hold up what?
S: and furthermore NOW i'm positive they're trying to do it for this reason
S: i had a hunch but it was just a hunch until now.
L: yeah sorry i only know rumors about the radio.
L: want me to info dump sturm?
S: yea go 4 it lux
A: why would someone want to stop people from dreaming? the message seems to correspond with that. like someone thinks that dreaming is death, or a prison, or that somehow not dreaming will free people from that
S: because our Friendly Neighborhood Fucks can get you through your dreams.
S: no dreams means one less avenue of contact.
S: they got pinched. so. they're flushing the supply.
M: humanity will be free if the prison that is Over There isn't connected to Over Here by dreams? is that the hypothesis?
S: yep.
A: i can see why someone might think that way, but it's still seems so utterly misguided
M: okay. okay. yes, it totally does.
L: so marjorie told me shes been having dreams, of an iron wheel that isnt a wheel and 'horrible brutalist buildings that people keep putting up in the city'. we figured out its actually an iron dream-catcher and she told me that it could be used to remove the ability for mortals to dream. and the brutalist buildings--well, theres shitty housing projects all over the city so seems to be pointing to that. asbolus found a list of possible locations, so ive been looking into those.
S: i also staked out the project in kensington n turned up some seemingly unrelated shit about workers having issues and capitalist fucks being capitalist fucks.
S: but im still looking 4 the connection there so don't count it out.
M: oh, so like...the buildings in the right location might make up some sort of sigil or something?
S: oh fuck
W: :neutral_face: i apparently need to talk to more people, this is the first ive heard of all this
M: me too, fwiw. but i am not winterish.
L: maybe. or theyre the staging ground for the people whos been removing dreams. think about it--these places fucking suck, they're all the same and just... zap the beauty and hope out of neighborhoods.
S: the company in charge has been riding the workers so hard they're getting hurt. if the buildings ARE the the thing that might be y
L: marjorie told me to keep it quiet. sturm only found out because marjorie said i could tell her. cats kinda out of the bag now tho
S: also sorry wren. marjorie said 2 keep it quiet but... yknow. then this
A: huh who would have the sway to get them to push that hard? follow the money?
S: yall think this might be connected to the mob shit with the uhh. fashion show?
S: if there's a bunch of weird money moving around???
W: doesnt have to be money. i could have arranged something like this if i wanted to.
M: doubt that, sturm. not sure, but doesn't feel right.
L: dont have any proof of that atm but maybe?
A: maybe, but could be a leap. probably better to focus on the construction projects for now
L: ive been sniffing around city hall to see who owns the places and who is getting building permits and shit. i should have a list of names soon hopefully. will let you all know when i have them
A: let me know if you need access to something you can't... you know... normally get access to, from a computer system
M: can someone get me a map so i can try applying autumn logic to locations?
W: i happen to be adept at making bureaucracies do what i want. if we have any trouble accessing information like this, do please let me know. i can get it, even if it's stored off-line.
L: i have the list of locations. let me send em over now.
M: thank you, hummingbird.
(Lux's email inbox goes ding.)
L: the info im getting is public record, figured itd be a good starting point. ill hand it over to you when i get it, wren/alex
S: im gonna hit up my old K&A crew to see if theyve noticed anything weird going on. ritzy shit = cops = bad 4 business. so. with any luck I might be able to convince more than just our eyes looking for trouble.
A: yep, whenever you need help
W: :thumbsup:
L: oh shit just got some info, one sec
S: also alex i need someone 2 help me encrypt files that's... only semi-related 2 this
W: :open_mouth:
S: so just lemme dm u after.
L: oh fuck
L: shit
S: ??
A: yeah np Sturm
M: oh fuck shit?
S: the antici
S: pation
S: is killing me.
W: ok doctor furter
[[Lux sends over a huge text dump, which contains...

A list of the shell companies which are moving money around to make this happen. Most of them have really generic names, like J&L Holdings.

A list of all the locations that buildings are being put up. Mearc: when plotted on a map, it looks like a giant wheel.]]
S: hhhhhhhhhhhfuckkkkk
L: Also... there has been higher than usual turnover at these sites and a fuckton of workplace injuries and workman's comp filed, like, for all the locations.
S: yeah thats what i turned up at kensington
S: turns out... why attribute to stupidity when you can blame the inherent malice of capitalism
L: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp
L: yeah, but definitely not just there
A: I wonder if together we could, like... destroy enough records of building permits, between us, to shut down construction while they sort out the bureaucracy.
S: i dont want to spook whoever is responsible.
S: because
S: if they tried this shit here, they'll try it elsewhere
S: and i don't want to risk them going into the wind.
S: so whatever we do needs to be done quietly so there aren't loose ends everywhere.
A: Fair. We might be able to do it on a smaller scale. Or at least shut down some work at one site in a way that could be coincidental
S: well we know workers want to stop working
W: what if it was a series of coincidental events
S: i think we can use Lux's union friend to maybe create a mundane block.
M: so...this isn't just a wheel maybe. the shape totally does resemble a dream catcher.
A: I'm all for labor stri fuck
A: That doesn't seem good
S: yeah. it's not.
L: fucking hell
W: union strike, mayor declares heritage site, municipal department halts construction to investigate worker safety elsewhere. hows that sound?
M: this might mean we might be able to disrupt at vital points, instead of attacking haphazardly?
S: that all sounds like cascading failure wren
S: whoever is doing this is already paranoid as fuck
S: if that much shit starts going wrong, they're probably going to bounce
A: damn, I have to go into a meeting I can't avoid. I'll catch up on this conversation after. if someone needs something from me and wants to be sure I don't miss it, sent me a message directly
S: will do. thanks 4 coming alex.
W: I feel like it's more likely that someone with the pull to make all this happen in the first place would just smooth it all over- and likely tip their hand as to exactly who has the clout TO make it all happen.
M: i have some thoughts, let me do some modeling, give me a minute before you make Big Decisions.
W: I could, also, as an alternative, just go on a discrete warpath to find out who's behind this all.
S: im just worried that anyone paranoid enough to want to stop an entire population from dreaming is going to look at that many setbacks and think "ive been found out" n they have fucked with our shit so. messages must be sent. and they rnt gonna be allowed just bounce before that happens.
M: hey. so. there's actually one big key feature of all these buildings, something i think is a linchpin.
S: so i think that. patience and discretion are our best friends here until we know whats up.
M: literally every building has black metal balconies/bars on every window. i'd bet they're actual iron.
M: wonder if a little creative vandalism might create 'holes' in the catcher.
L: i agree with sturm, we need to be careful about this
L: vandalism??????
L: !!!!
M: oh hi lux, didn't see u there.
W: I'm on the same page. If I go looking for information, it won't be my face on the cameras, or my fingerprints on the questions. I can do this extremely discretely
S: well okay so.
S: concrete plans of what we need.
S: in this moment.
L: i am all in for vandalism, just tell me what to do
M: [picture of a black metal balcony]
M: fuck these up
L: do you think they need to be destroyed or could they be painted over?
M: i don't know. i was originally looking at things to see if an influx of 'creative energy' might help at any point, then noticed these bars and balconies are on LITERALLY every window on these projects.
M: that's a Thing
S: based on my legwork, construction folx are already getting pissed off - and i think convincing them to organize a strike is a good, quiet avenue considering the shit on the news in the past few weeks.
S: lux n i already talked about painting shit to do that exact thing
L: yeah i had that thought too, of trying to inspire up people to dream and be creative and shit
S: and even if it doesn't - it might change public opinion.
S: ppl love a banksy
L: yeah, even if it doesnt counter the iron... it might get people to support protests against the projects
M: but those balconies are a thing, so maybe do target them with paint, yes.
L: destroying stuff isnt really my thing, but i can try paint and see how it does.
S: so if we pull jack in on this, wren can use her talk-y shit and jack can use his connections 2 maybe start organizing something.
L: hell yeah
M: social engineering.
S: lux and i can paint - n if all else fails, I can destroy shit.
M: sturm, you'll get lux excited like that.
S: ill bring a bucket of water.
W: What are our top priorities for my talents here? I'm working with "find out who's actually responsible" as the top goal, here. Do you want me to hold off on organizing any other setbacks for the time being?
M: i might do some research and reaching out to see if there's any lore pertaining to the iron dreamcatcher. is it okay to go up the chain in my own court here?
S: here's what i'm thinking
S: n tbh marjorie put lux in charge of this technically so feel free to tell me im dumb n shit
S: but
L: we should get some people to look into things hedge side too. theres got to be an effect on the hedge from this. they can help counteract it, maybe? mearcstapa, do you want to talk to some of the other autumns about that?
S: 1. I think we should pull in Jack and that he and Wren should try to organize a strike to start impeding their progress in the mundane world.
S: 2. I am going to talk to Southpaw about the radio and make sure that shit doesn't happen again. it is not gonna fly.
S: 3. I think that petty vandalism through painting is a good move and will only help the first point even if it doesn't outright help thru other means
S: 4. yeah that. the shit about the hedge.
S: 5. maybe alex can do some poking around digitally for records - and when/if we find something, we can reevaluate priorities.
M: of course. i can find you an autumn who is good at hedge. rosalyn probably??
L: whoever you think is best, i trust your judgement babe. might be good to get multiple people to work together in case its made the hedge more dangerous or unstable
M: i'm sorry i can't be useful for that.
L: i think thats a good plan, sturm <3
L: babe, dont be. you focus on research. youll do great.
S: mearc u already helped with all of the information that got us here
S: :3c
L: indeed.
S: u cannot resist the cat face. no 1 can.
M: i can resist all manner of temptations, sturm.
S: lux make the cat face pls
S: r maybe wren pls make a literal cat face
M: no, no. lux pouts. it is Dangerous.
S: thank u for revealing ur weakness.
L: :c
M: sturm, if you ever go to pout at me, i am going to take a picture of it.
W: :pouting_cat:
L: everyone good with this so far?
S: if we find out which parent company owns all this shit we CAN GO ON A HEIST
M: heist?
M: with you all?
S: https://tenor.com/view/oceans8-girls-power-heist-victory-success-gif-15978828
L: ill leave the heisting to you hotties
L: id draw too much attention
M: smart idea, babe. you'd line your sneak suit with neon. :P
L: hey, i can light-shy! but thats BORING
L: unless you need a distraction. im good at distracting.
M: heists should be boring!
L: ugh nevermind you guys do the boring stuff
M: excitement is dangerous.
L: boooooorrrring
W: mearc 100%
S: im only there if something goes wrong. ill let u do the sneaking
M: of course, if alex comes a'heisting, that affects plans and timing.
S: y?
S: lol does she have an early bed time??
M: naw, she's pretty much nocturnal.
S: oh well same.
S: who the fuck's up before the sun's up
L: arent most heists done at night
S: maybe in the movies but shit's less suspicious during the day.
M: i've had a lot of success with daytime heists where wren and i go in the front door, tbh.
S: get urself a truck that looks like it belongs there? some uniforms? boom.
L: :unamused: boring
M: that, sturm. that. i've got telecomm polos.
S: i would kill 2 see lux in a plumber's overalls tho
S: "hey we're just here 2 fix the pipes"
L: im leaving the chat kthxbai
S: ...not in a porno way tho
L: i can make porno jokes
L: im back in
L: do you need your pipes fixed sturm? :smirk:
S: have you seen me throw a punch before lux?
L: i think ive already proven im not afraid of you :kissing_heart:
M: get a room!
L: sorry babe
S: :I
M: she's like my sister. :P
L: im joking!!!
L: ok ill stop
S: n I also snapped a briarwolf's neck with a flick of my wrist.
M: i'm not actually upset, for the record.
L: hot
W: oh yeah? ive...
W: ... um
W: ... gimme a minute
L: i snapped a chopstick in two the other day
W: i'll think of something impressive
M: i hunterhearted That Vampire Bitch into senselessness last time i saw her. does that count for impressive?
W: yes
W: i give up
S: its a good thing ive been hanging out with Teagan so much because if I wasnt used to this shit already the Freehold would be investigating some murders >:I
W: :joy:
M: wren, the only reason you give up is because you can't tell us all your ninja accomplishments.
L: i know youd never hurt me sturm im too cute
L: itd be like punching a kitten
S: how cute u r has nothin 2 do with my capacity for self control.
M: i'm glad it works that was for you, sturm.
M: the rest of us are very affected by lux's cute.
L: thanks babe
s: o yea, which of yall have cars?
M: not me, sorry.
L: nah i cant drive
W: sorry no
M: i'll have to check with alex later.
S: fuckin a city gays r useless I swear
M: i'm queer, not strictly gay, thank you.
S: okay sorry
W: well shes right about me at least lol
W: ok buy me a car
L: i didnt say i didnt know how to drive
L: i just cant
S: ... I can maybe borrow a car from sum 1 then.
S: but that's only 4 if we can find a way to track signals.
M: i have a license. i drove in chicago, because i lived out in park ridge, not in the city.
S: mkay good
S: makes it easier if we have 3 teams.
S: anyhow good chat. Post back here if you learn more shit?
L: will do :thumbsup:
M: lux can ride shotgun with me. if they promise not to distract the driver.
L: not gonna promise that
M: brat.
W: I can ride with whoever. i won't take up much space
S: guys
S: capital crimes, remember?
S: be horny later :p
L: :(
L: https://i.imgur.com/P1rm3wa.png
M: unrelated, i think ari might have been aware of something like this before the transmission. there was something they said last time i was around them, about recent events proving...shit, what was the wording? it was about not being able to trust just on their gut, needing the oaths and promises in place.
S: huh?
S: u sure it wasnt about something else?
S: I mean. we should look into it 2 be sure but... id hate to pry into ari's fuckin business on a lark.
M: i don't know if it's the same, honestly, but...it was about crowns being mistaken in their trust. that's the thrust of it.
L: huh
S: well. maybe u can talk 2 them about it. since ur close
S: r working 2gether. whatever.
L: might be good to do
S: no stone right?
M: ...close? oh no not really. i don't know what they feel about me, tbh.
S: all im saying is
S: ur a helpful guy, mearcstapa
S: maybe they owe u a favor
S: for bein so helpful :P