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Revision as of 18:09, 29 April 2020

Drake Pike
Drake Pike needs no introduction - that's what he might claim right as he's introducing himself. He's the sort of blunt, forceful personality that rubs one the wrong way often. He'll be the first to tell one that he's bad at people, but he certainly knows his way around things. Relatively new in town, he's made a name for himself both through fumbling through social situations and coming to the aid of the freehold as a craftsman. One often gets only exactly what is on the tin with this one, and a whim can get one swept up into something much larger in an instant. Be wary, traveler, for here there be dragons.

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Atalo - Blunt Boyfriend Absolus - Thawing Ice Gal - Hero Worship Jack - Failure to Communicate Mearc - Trust in Confusion Rocco - Glow Up

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RP Hooks

Shiny and New: Drake just moved to town. He's looking to make new connections and learn more about the city.

All That Glitters: Drake is a very skilled craftsman and metalsmith, though he's made a name for himself as an expert jeweler. Looking for something shiny? A gift for a loved one? Or a new weapon?

For The Hoard: Drake is a bit of a kleptomaniac, and is constantly swiping things that don't belong to him--especially shiny things. Watch your pockets and jewelry.

Nightlife: Drake is allergic to wearing shirts, which means he blends into clubs very well. He enjoys going out for drinks and dancing, even if he's awkward as hell around people.

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Mask: Golden bronze tan, well muscled, and chronically allergic to shirts, Drake strikes a figure one would take note of and then forget the particulars of after a few minutes. His posture and movements lean towards a lumber until something delicate gets in his hands, when it seems all his grace is saved for working with the smallest of details and objects. A multitude of piercings dot the man's body, often with fine jewelry in it.

Mien: Drake is a humanoid of well-formed proportions with a pair of (useless) wings across his back. Scales of gold frame his body as if just to put it on display. The Wizened shimmers lightly when he moves with often too large movements for as compact a body as he has.

Mantle: The glint of a purple-red sunrise always lingering on well-shined scales. Exhaling smoke that smells like sweet incense and warm honey.

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Drake Pike

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Full Name: Drake Pike
Pronouns: He/Him
Occupation: Jeweler
Age: Mid Thirties
Height: 5'2"
Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Artist
Court: Spring
Title: Sunrise Page
Motley: None
Public Effects:

Hob Kin
Lethal Mein
Mantle (Spring) 3
Market Sense
Wyrd 2

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Played By: Nicklaus