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Latest revision as of 23:27, 8 May 2020

Content Warning

sexual discussion, fade to black, discussion of control and obsession in relationships, discussion of boundaries, suggestion of emotional manipulation, alcohol, use of physical restraint between romantic partners


Jack's apartment, the Beury Building


It's not long after texting that the lock to their apartment door is unlocked, and Lux makes their way inside. They nudge the door closed with a foot, idly clicking the lock back in place before kicking their shoes off against the wall. "Hey babe, I'm home," they call out before making their way towards the couch.

Jack's lounged in the middle of the couch, whatever show he'd been watching paused (some historical something with high production quality, it looks like) and he turns with a grin as Lux arrives. "Heyy, firefly."

They cast a glance to the TV, but their main focus is on Jack. Their lips curl into a grin as they stride over, sliding down to straddle his lap. "My muse," they murmur affectionately, fingers sliding possessively along Jack's jaw. "How are you?"

They're still glowing lime green.

There's a half full beer bottle wedged between the seat cushions, and Jack sets it on the coffee table (next to two of its empty friends) before grabbing Lux's hips to settle them into his lap. "Oh...y'know..." He slides his hands slowly up Lux's back, and pulls them forward into a soft kiss. "Work's work, the strike's the strike...you've looked better. Mearc was right about bad key lime pie."

Lux returns the kiss, gripping the back of Jack's neck to pull him in closer--kissing him deeper for a moment. Their nose wrinkles a little when they pull back enough for him to speak. "Are you trying to cockblock yourself?" Apparently not too much, as Lux start kissing hard along his neck.

He gets a chuckle in before his breath catches at the kisses, and scribbles start building along his neck the way goosebumps might.

"Doesn't seem like it'd work, even if I was..." Jack's hands settle on Lux's hips again, thumbs hooking just under their waistband. "...Can I cash in that 'sex on the roof' token tonight...?"

"Mm. Maybe not." Lux's hands are starting to wander underneath clothes. Lux is, apparently, too horny to care. "Mm... sure... Want me to carry you up to the roof?"

"All the way to the Beury Building?" Jack raises his eyebrows, and kisses along Lux's jaw as he speaks. "'S a pretty long way..."

Lux lets out a huff. "Why would you lure me all the way here with hot pics if you wanted to go there to fuck?" Their hands reach for Jack's wrists, squeezing and lifting them to pin on the back of the couch above his head. Their eyes burn into Jack's. "I don't want to go there."

"My roof's got a shitty view." He shifts a little when Lux pins his hands, but otherwise doesn't protest. Yet. "And I figured I'd draw it out a little. Tease you for once."

Lux stares for a long moment, looking him over slowly, hungrily. They seem at war with themself, torn between annoyance and thirst. Finally they scowl, pulling back to slide to their feet, letting go of Jack's wrists. "Fine. Let's go."

A flicker of concern flickers across Jack's face, but he stands too, pulling Lux in for a long kiss. It's a sort of apology, maybe, but there's heat to it, too. Whether he's got ulterior motives or not, he's not only doing this for Lux. "...Gotta put real clothes on...." He mutters when he breaks away. "Any requests?"

Lux returns the kiss, squeezing firmly at Jack's rear to hold him close until he breaks away. There's a playful spank as well as he turns to the bedroom. "Mmm... Some of those tight jeans. And the bright pink boxer-briefs."

Jack flashes Lux a grin and a nod before he disappears into the bedroom. It doesn't take him long to change, and he returns to the living room with his purple plaid shirt still open, a flash of the bright pink boxers just visible above the waistband of very tight black jeans.

"Want me to bring a couple beers, for after?"

"Mmm..." Lux eyes the stripe of visible pink, barely paying attention to the question. "Sure."

It disappears soon enough as Jack buttons his shirt, and moves to the kitchen. Or at least attempts to. He stops on the way to sneak a kiss at Lux's neck, leaving him in prime grabbing range.

Lux don't snag him, but that definitely is a long look at his butt. Then they turn to grab a blanket from the back of the couch, folding it up to tuck under their arm.

Jack offers Lux his backpack to stick the blanket in, and sticks a couple beers in, too, before sliding an arm around Lux's waist. "Uber, or are you gonna run there?" He smiles at them.

"Uber is probably more comfortable for you," Lux says, leaning in to nip at his ear.

"Mmmm...that's true..." He pulls out his phone to call one, before sticking it back in his pocket, and tugging Lux toward the door. And pressing them into it to kiss them again, because they've got a few minutes before the car gets here, and what better way to spend the time?

Lux doesn't mind, returning the kiss vigorously. Though it only lasts a minute or so before Lux is twisting them around to shove Jack against the door, getting pretty handsy while they kiss along his neck hard enough to leave marks.

Jack makes a soft, surprised noise, scribbles sketching across his cheeks and down his neck, and he melts a little into Lux's arms. His hands slide up the back of Lux's shirt, dragging his fingernails gently across their back as he tips his head against the door, closing his eyes.

And then his phone chimes, 'cause the Uber's here, and he actually huffs in annoyance before attempting to disentangle himself from Lux enough to turn off the lights and open the door.

Lux doesn't immediately let him go, but does after a moment, following close behind him.

The poor Uber driver has to deal with the continued make outs once they're in the back seat though, cause Lux isn't giving that up unless Jack stops them.

The poor Uber driver. Between Lux's crop top and their shorts Jack's got his hands all over them during the ride.

He does tip extra, once they're out of the car on Broad Street. "You still wanna carry me?" Jack grins at them, teasing a little.

Lux smirks at him, brows lifting. "Sure? ...Well, I can try, at least. It's a long way up and I'm not that strong."

"'S up to you, you just sounded like you wanted to." He kisses Lux's jaw and down their neck.

They eye Jack a moment, then grab him to lift and throw over their shoulder in a fireman's carry, giving a pat-pat to his ass. "Might wanna Light-Shy yourself," they say, before they also go poof--which is probably unnerving as much as Jack is carried carefully up the side of the wall. Thankfully, he's not dropped.

Jack lets out a little gasp of surprise when Lux hefts him up, but certainly doesn't protest. And when they're at the roof of the building and fade into view again, Jack tugs Lux into a hard kiss, before tugging them toward the highest bit.

Lux grins, following him up by just running up the wall for the last bit. They manage to have the forethought to pull the blanket out of the backpack to thrown down, but..... they don't waste much time, otherwise.

After the scene un-fades to black, Jack stretches with a groan and a sigh, and sits up to grab one of the beers from his bag. "So...worth waiting for here?" He leans over to kiss Lux's cheek.

Lux is stretched out beside him, hand still wandering possessively over Jack's body. They let him sit up enough to grab the beers, but then he's being pulled down again against them. Their lights aren't completely default-yellow yet, but notably less green. The sex seems to have worn them out enough that their mood has lightened as well, giving them an... outlet for whatever the fuck was going on in their head.

"Mm. Hard to regret fucking on the boner tower," Lux murmurs, running a hand down his spine.

He snickers and snuggles close, popping the cap off the beer and taking a long drink. "How...are you feeling? Besides afterglow-y?"

"I'm good," Lux replies, their other hand combing through Jack's hair as they stare up at him.

Yeah, that's some bullshit. There's clearly something that is On Their Mind and actively bothering them.

"That sounds like some bullshit." Jack eases back down next to Lux, setting his beer aside to prop his chin up with his hands. "Talk to me, firefly. What's up?"

Lux blinks in surprise as Jack calls them out, then purses their lips. "...You lured me here to fix me, didn't you?"

"I know you being up there helps you feel better. Yeah." His hand drifts lightly up and down Lux's back. "Seemed like the best way to go about it, given the circumstances." A beat. "And I've been wanting you to fuck me up here since we talked about it last time, so. Two birds, one stone?"

"I guess," Lux mutters, glancing aside. "I do feel a little better." But they don't sound happy about it, for whatever reason.

"...Babe, talk to me." He's frowning now, the flickery lines around his face emphasizing his concern. "If I fucked up, you gotta tell me or I can't fix it. Yeah?"

"You didn't... fuck up." Lux sighs, looking back at Jack with a frown. "I just didn't... want to feel better."

Jack winces and tugs Lux closer. "...D'you wanna try to unpack why?"

Lux wraps arms around him, but isn't meeting his eyes. "...Seeing her burn... made me feel more powerful than I've felt... since I was Over There. It felt good. Wanted to hold onto it for a while."

It's good that Lux isn't meeting Jack's eyes, because he probably can't keep his heartbreak out of them. He wraps Lux in a tight hug. "I'm not gonna try to pretend that that's not a little scary to hear."

"Sorry," Lux mumbles, sounding at least a little guilty.

"You don't have to apologize, 's just...something to think about. And...I'm sorry that it fucked with you so much. 'Cause you know that that's not who you are anymore, yeah? Even if it feels good, sometimes."

Lux is quiet for a few seconds, looking out over the city that is visible past the edge of the roof. "Yeah. I know."

"And...it's also...I mean it's okay. That it feels good. You don't gotta feel guilty, or anything, about that. Just...be aware of what you do with the feeling, you know?" He nuzzles their neck. "I don't like feeling like...I had to manipulate you to get you up here. For what it's worth."

Their eyes close, head tipping to the side to expose their neck to him. They exhale a slow breath, arms wrapping around his waist. "I'm sorry."

There's a few moments of silence, as he starts to kiss Lux's neck softly. "It's not gonna stop me from doing it again. If you need it. Just...letting you know now, when your head's clearer." He speaks in between the slow kisses. "'Cause you're more than that powerful feeling. You're more than what She made you. No matter what it feels like."

Lux takes a deep breath, rubbing along Jack's lower back. Their eyes open again and finally look back to meet Jack's. Their lights have settled into that pure bright yellow now.

"You're too good for me," Lux murmurs softly.

"Nah," Jack murmurs into Lux's ear. "Just helping you see what you deserve. 'Cause even at your greenest, you deserve someone to give a shit about you. And you're stuck with me doing that."

Lux smiles softly, expression shifting to an adoring one as they stare up at him. "Mm. It's a good thing I love you so much, then."

Scribbles flutter across Jack's cheeks and he leans down to kiss them, brushing soft fingers against their jaw. "...Love you too, firefly."

Lux blinks, shocked. Then stares, lips parting in surprise... then they spread slowly, widely, eye lights bright and sparkling. "You... actually said it."

He buries his face into Lux's shoulder with a small whine, clearly embarrassed now. "'Ve got close, so many times." It's muffled, and scribbles of charcoal dance around the bare skin of his back.

"I...I dunno, feels like the kinda thing I didn't wanna say too fast."

Lux wraps their arms tightly around him, as if trying to hold all the dancing scribbles in place. "It... is kinda fast, I guess. But I don't regret a thing, my muse. I have no doubts about us. I can't live without you."

"Same." He kisses Lux's shoulder, and then pulls back to kills their lips. "I don't wanna live without you either. 'Cause I love you." The scribbles on his cheeks darken, and he grins and kisses them again.

"Fuck... that feels so fucking good to hear, Jack." Lux's voice quivers with emotion, the kisses returned quickly. Their eyes are even shimmering a bit with tears--clearly happy ones. "I dunno what I did to deserve you, but I'm not letting you go now." Their hand cups his cheek, brushing their thumb along his cheekbone. "I wasn't too rough earlier, was I? You enjoyed it? It wasn't just... to get me here, right?" they ask, voice full of softness and concern now.

"'M sorry it took me so long to say..." He rubs their back gently, and shakes his head. "Told you I wanted you to fuck me up here, didn't I?" He huffs out a soft laugh. "I...it was hotter'n it had any right to be. T'be honest." There's a little bit of hesitation when he speaks there, like he's not entirely sure he wants to let Lux know.

"It's okay, babe. I know you take a while to say how you feel." Lux smiles, then it fades into a hesitant look of their own. It lingers a second before they kiss at a bruise on his neck. "If you want me to be like that when I have a... clearer head, you only gotta ask, Jack."

"I...don't want anything to get fuzzy for you, or mixed up, like..." he gestures instead of finishing the sentence, but is clearly indicating That One Time They Do Not Talk About.

Lux hesitates, glancing away briefly before forcing themself to meet his eyes again. "Don't... think about that. Do you want to experiment with those sorts of things with me?"

"Not if it's gonna...make things fuzzy." He seems pretty sure on that point at least.

"And if it didn't?" Lux presses.

Jack opens his mouth, and seems to realize that he doesn't actually know what to say, so he closes it again for a moment. "I...I mean it's hot, yeah. I don't think it's something that I'd be into all the time, but...it's...if it wouldn't make you feel...not safe. Maybe we could try."

It takes him a long-ass time to get all the words out, and scribbles are scrawled dark on his cheeks by the time he does.

Lux watches Jack intently, eyes searching his face. They nod slowly after a moment of studying, then lean in to kiss him on the lips, soft and tender.

"I'd rather experiment and test things out while I have a clearer head. That way we both know where our boundaries are before... something like this happens." Lux gestures around, frowning. "Because I... have a harder time controlling myself, like this. And I don't want to hurt you, Jack. So... I think... we either need to push through the awkwardness and work it out, or... we need to avoid having sex when my mind isn't right, entirely."

The explanation makes something click, for Jack. "...That. Fuck, that makes...yeah. A lotta sense. I don't wanna hurt you either, it's...knowing what I want when it comes to...well, anything, is...you know. And I don't wanna fuck up and have to stop something in the middle, and I don't want you to worry that you're gonna hurt me, and..." He grimaces. "Lotta complicated shit. 'S less awkwardness and more..." there's a moment of silence, as he tries to find the words, and grabs his beer when he fails.

"I do wanna work shit out, though, I...just don't wanna fuck things up because I thought I wanted something that I didn't."

"Hey." Lux reaches over, gripping the back of his neck to force him to look at them, staring into his eyes. "It's okay for you to not know what you want, Jack. That's why its... better for us to test the waters when we're both thinking right. When we can take things slow, and try one small step at a time. Rather than... than me just... being obsessed with--" They cut themself off, swallowing. "It's just... harder think about other people's well being over my own... wants, when I'm like that, you know?"

"But I promise, I won't be upset if you change your mind in the middle of something. That's what safewords are for, Jack. And my love for you by far outweighs my desire for you."

Jack starts in surprise at the physical contact, but lets them turn his head. "I...all that makes sense, yeah. I mostly just...don't know how I'm gonna know. If it's too far. Unless it's way too far." He slumps into them a little, his mein flickering a little nervously. "Shit to figure out, I guess."

"Shit we will figure out," Lux murmurs, rubbing his back while holding him. "We can go over that list again? Take the things that at least sound fun to you. And try them one at a time. Ease into each one to see how you feel."

"But we don't gotta worry about that tonight. Just stay here with me for a while. Let me hold you."

The reassurance seems to calm the shuddery lines that slide around Jack's skin, and he relaxes into Lux's chest a little more. "'M not going anywhere, babe. Stay here for as long as you want." Though he is shivering slightly now, the hair on his back and arms standing on end. "Where'd you throw my shirt...?"

"Umm..." Lux looks around a moment, then just grabs their hoodie from off to the side to pull around Jack, kissing his chin after. "Here. We'll go home if it gets too cold."

Jack pulls the hoodie around him and then kisses Lux before snuggling into them with a sigh. "With this and the blanket I'll be fine. Kinda liked that shirt though...have to go looking for it later." He huffs out a quiet laugh and traces a finger gently down their neck.

"Thank you for being so fucking patient with my bullshit."

"I'll find it, don't worry... Pretty sure I didn't accidentally knock it over the edge..."

Lux snorts. "I'd say the same thing to you, you know... You put up with a lot from me, too. But it's not like its... hard, Jack. Being with you isn't hard." A beat pause, then a naughty smirk. "Well, you know what I mean."

"Being with me may not be hard, but something sure is?" Jack smirks back, and nibbles Lux's ear, sliding a hand slowly down their chest.

"Mm. Sure is..." Lux murmurs, before rolling Jack over onto his back.