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Arboretum of the Martyr's Tree


Set after Independence Mall

Jeremiah Hamilton: The window on the good professor Bartram was eventually dispelled, and Sirius had moved to claim a seat for himself wherever the portal had been set up to wait for the others to return. To say there was a bit of nervous energy about the Warlock would be an understatement, but he was doing his best to keep it in check.

Diamond: Diamond watches her Cadremate from afar, watching him act and react, she takes a seat somewhere appropriate and makes just a simple gesture for him to join her. "I will refrain from the actual tone of the quote but... Vindication?"

Liezel Richardson: It's... quite a while before Liezel comes back. Others might show first, in fact. When she does arrive, she seems a little worn thin, jaw set as she enters, still dressed as she was when she left. Her hand comes up perfunctorily to greet the Soulwardens present, working on approaching at her own pace.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Spotting the wave he moved to take that seat, smiling widely. "Oh, most definitely. I can't even put into words how much I'm looking forward to this."

Liezel's return earned a quick once-over to make sure she seemed to be alright before giving a nod. "How'd it go?"

Diamond: Diamond smiles warmly to Liezel and waves to her. "Come have a seat." She pat the seat right next to her, on the other side. She scoots a little closer to Sirius to make space.

Liezel Richardson: Liezel comes and sits, setting her satchel down with a sigh. "Thank you." In a surprise to nobody, she promptly fishes her notebook out and starts to write more music. Still, she didn't forget the question, and after a moment, she answers. "Went well enough. Derailed the riot line. Ordered them back with a broadcast and intercepted the Captain's attempt to rescind. Moira did good work there. Auntie, too. Then we went to check on the new ones. They were taken to Jefferson University Hospital, and we'll try to get in to speak to them a little later."

"What did you guys learn?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nicely done." Sirius made sure Diamond had enough room herself as he replied, unable to keep himself from peeking at the notebook before looking back to Liezel. "We checked out the third connection, and thanks to Master Ecgbehrt we know she'll be opening her eyes soon. Our cadre has been asked to watch over her until then and make sure she gets brought here safely."

Diamond: Diamond smiles even a little brighter at the memory of what her own spell saw. "For the record, peeking at something through one of your space window was a learning experience. Space seems complicated to understand even beyond learning the magic itself." then she looks to Liezel again "I took a look at her soul too, I saw a little something in there."

Liezel Richardson: "Gotcha. Good work. Auntie is going to do some legal work to help make sure our new kids don't end up behind bars. Hopefully when we stop by to see them, we can find out what that strange occlusion on their spirits is." She frowns. She's not even sure what the word should be. "I'd like to do some work. Is it alright with you two if I take over part of the table? I don't need much."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Glad you got something out of it. It's easier to wrap your head around than you'd think, though." Beat, followed by a small smirk. "Then again, I'm admittedly biased."

"Go right ahead." He replied, making an 'all yours' motion to the Obrimos.

Diamond: "Auntie being... Dandelion?" She asks Liezel and she smiles at the other Magi and she nods there. "I don't mind." a look to Sirius and gives him a sweet look there, then back to what was the other magi is about to do.

Little Fox: The tiny Thyrsus came back with everybody else after Aaron and Mei were packed into the ambulance, and she's been sitting off by herself, fiddling with her phone and gnawing on her lower lip with those sharp teeth of hers. "Are we going to go help them?"

Ripeka Carpenter: "We should," Kotahitanga says quietly. "The question is, who do we send to help them?"

Liezel Richardson: "Auntie being Dandelion," confirms Liezel. "Thank you." She moves to the other side of the table, pulling out a roll of black felt belted down the middle. Unbelting the roll, she undoes it until she has a little splay of steel tools. A rod maybe a food long, a plain-looking single-piece knife, a coin with the Atlantean Star scratched into one surface, a shot cup, and a pocket mirror of polished steel. She sets the mirror out and holds the coin over it, taking a moment to focus before pausing as Fox speaks.

"We are. We're waiting 'til after hours. That's when the divination said we're best equipped to meet with them without interference. At least that's as I understand it."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Sirius nodded, looking over the other new arrivals. "I'll be reaching out to the third connection in the next day or so, most likely. She's on the Path but isn't quite there yet...soon though."

Diamond: "I'm already firing some emails and making my skills as paralegal available, just in case I can assist, stop them from having too much trouble. I'll probably end up assisting whoever Dandelion manages to put on the case or the Guardians with it" She knows the words weren't specifically directed to her but she looks over to where the new mages shows up, raising her hand to greet Fox and Ripeka. "We'll support Sirius follow Penance's directives on the third connection."

Ripeka Carpenter: "They're both aligned to the Aether, so there should probably be at least one Obrimos present on the greeting team," Kotahitanga adds. "No idea about the third connection, though. Do you know her, Sirius?"

Little Fox: "Mkay," agrees the little Thyrsus, bobbing her head. "I was serious about probably being best as a therapy dog, as long as someone can talk to me. I've got better senses that way, and... " Little Fox bares her teeth. They're little and sharp. They don't look like human teeth. It's the downside of being an Orphan. "I don't look like a lawyer." That, it seems, is almost a point of pride.

Liezel Richardson: "I'm Obrimos."

Liezel murmurs, eyes still on the coin she's holding. She turns the star down towards the mirror and stares at the reflection.

"I thought I would go if it is okay. I could bring you, Fox. Or just hide you. Whatever is easiest. I think we will have a few folx, right? To reassure them we aren't just whackos?" And so nobody leans on Liezel to do the talking?

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I do." He nodded to Kotahitanga at the question. "She's a professor at UPenn that I ran into at the Green Room a few days ago. Happy bit of kismet there, it seems..."

Ripeka Carpenter: "I can talk to you while you're being an animal, Fox," Kotahitanga offers. "Bringing a few people seems like a good idea, though, you're right, Liezel."

Diamond: "Transforming into a therapy dog seems like a great idea, plus it probably land itself very well to making the argument convincing if you're stopped by anyone." Kay leans back into her seat, watching what Liezel is doing casually. "I can look like a Lawyer if there's a need, but let's hope to keep that to a minimum. I prefer colors."

Little Fox: "Then let's go," Naika offers quietly, unzipping her backpack and digging through it for -- yes, of course she has a THERAPY DOG vest on hand, because it's a good way to get into just about anywhere. "Or... as soon as we can, I guess. Is there a limit to how late we can be in there with a therapy dog?" Just sitting here seems to be actively making the Orphan more antsy.

Liezel Richardson: The proposal seems to make sense enough to get Liezel to stop whatever it was she WAS doing- which, apparently, was gonna take a while, since she still hadn't accomplished anything- and she puts away the implements and rolls them back up with a nod. "Okay," she says, belting the roll shut and tucking it back in her satchel. "I'm game. "If we want to be really discrete, I can cloak us from sight and from devices, depending on how we want to do this. I am a bad liar, so. It would probably be better if I didn't have to explain myself."

River Bright: At some unclear point, River had slipped back in, sort of mosying alongside them like she had been there most of the time anyway.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I can help occlude people mentally as well if need be. Although we don't want to overcrowd them, either. Hospital rooms usually aren't that large." Said like a man who knew such things all too well.

Ripeka Carpenter: "Myself, Kay, Liezel, Fox, anyone else who's interested? If you can cloak us from sight and devices all the way in, Liezel, we don't have to pretend to be lawyers." Kotahitanga glances at Sirius. "That's a good point. We shouldn't send too many."

Diamond: "My sort of stealth magic is kind of the nuke option and not ideal for what's going to be attempting." Diamond explain there "I could come along if you people require me, I'm pretty good with people generally, though I have the worst poker face." She offers. "If that would be too many people, I can seek out other option to help them."

River Bright: "This party is getting a little crowded, but I'm going to chance it anyway, in case you need a 'pause' button, or a lucky rabbit's foot," River quips. "Or to convince someone the sky is orange." It's not like she's going to hang back anyway.

Little Fox: "Liezel, could you please put my vest on and put my clothes away in the bag, then bring the bag with you in case I need to quick-change?" The little Thyrsus stretches her arms, putting her phone away in her back and zipping it shut. Naika raises her hand to grip the little wooden pendant on its leather thong around her neck. It hangs loosely when she's a person, but when a sort of full body yawn happens and there's a green-eyed border collie wriggling out of Naika's clothing, it fits a bit more solidly around the pupper's throat. A sharp yip, and she picks up the vest in her teeth and carries it over to Liezel.

Liezel Richardson: Liezel continued to pack up and pauses only when she realizes everyone else is still seated and talking. "... are you lot coming?" There's no strain in the tone, she's just visibly confused that nobody else has stood up with her besides Fox. She crouches and puts the vest onto the pupper as requested, before gathering up the Thyrsus' things and tucking them into her satchel. "Let's move."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Sirius looked ready to say something before Naika made with the shapeshifting, watching the Thyrsus with a smirk. "That will never not be impressive."

He moved to stand, giving the others a quick salute. "Good luck. I'm going to get a hold of the third."

Liezel Richardson: "Good luck, Sirius. Until another time."

Diamond: "I'll try joining you when I can, Sirius, I'll throw you a text since I'm not allowed to throw cookies yet." She turn to the other Magi. "I'm ready!"