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Palace Roller Skating Center


Lux: Lux had texted Asbolus with an address. It's late by now, well after dark. The building is dark and quiet, the parking lot empty.

The place? Palace Roller Skating Center. The sort that is swarming with kids during the day. This time of night? Abandoned. But it's easy enough to spot Lux waiting off to the side of the building, not yet getting too close. They lounge back against a light post, hood tucked up over their head while they play with their phone.

Asbolus: Asbolus arrived soon enough, dressed down as to not draw attention with a black hooded jacket to round out the ensemble. Pale eyes scanned the building as he approched before giving Lux a nod. "Evening."

Lux: "Hey." Lux flashes a grin, upnodding to him. "Hows it going? Ready to help me steal the ugliest most awesome carpet in the world?"

Asbolus: "Rather well, actually. What I initially requested from Robin has been completed, so I am now officially on the books as far as the world at large is concerned." He smiled at that, giving a nod in return. "I am indeed. Any preferences on how we get in? I can offer a few options."

Lux: "Oh yeah?" Lux pauses, then chews at their lower lip. "Hrm. Well... I'm happy for you, Bobo. That's awesome. Just. Be careful with Robin." They puff out a breath. "I'm worried about what could go wrong with all this, if she ends up being a baddie. She has her fingers in so many people's lives and identities." They glance at the building. "I'm pretty sure it has an alarm system, so we'll have to figure out a way around that. Granted... probably not a great one. What are your options?"

Asbolus: "Agreed. I haven't had any dealings with her directly since all of this started, and I intend on keeping it that way until everything's sorted." He looked towards the building in kind, mulling a moment. "There is...no, that wouldn't work. Damn." He frowned a touch, shaking his head. "Suppose it'll have to be stealth in the old fashioned way. I can make myself harder to spot but not fully invisible, which is something."(done)

Lux: Lux bobs their head a bit, then pokes out their tongue in thought. "Hrrm. Well, lets go around to the back. I can try to pick the lock and see if I can get the alarm cut off. If nothing else... we can just rush in, cut up a section of carpet and run the fuck off before... hopefully any cops come by." They tug out a sturdy, sharp box cutter to offer out to him. "Here, for the carpet."

Asbolus: "Sounds good. Lead on, MacDuff." He nodded, taking the box cutter and slipping it into the pocket of his jacket for the moment as he headed off towards the back.

Lux: Lux nods, pulling on a knit mask to cover most of their face as they dart around the building and pull out a set of lock picks. They give a glance around, then lean over to start picking the door...

Mearcstapa would be so ashamed. They're just not getting it, fumbling and muttering in annoyance under their breath, but they keep trying...

Asbolus: Asbolus went the baseball cap route on his end, along with calling upon the contract he had sworn with the Silent Arrow. As he walked his steps became quieter, the man turning into little more than background noise unless one truly looked. He kept watch as Lux worked, glancing back briefly at the muttering but focusing on making sure they weren't noticed. (Ermine's Winter Coat activated, 1G, no roll)

Lux: Lux finally manages to get the door open, huffing softly after. They push open the door and step inside, quickly stepping over to a little alarm box to try to stop the beeping before it turns into an actual alarm...

Lux: ...Thankfully, obsessively watching the videos of a certain Hunterheart have helped them figure out basic security systems! And also this one is pretty basic run of the mill type security, so not too hard to get off. Still, it's close--but then the beeping tops as the system cuts off, and Lux huffs out a breath of relief. "I think we're good?"

Asbolus: Asbolus slipped inside behind Lux once the door was opened, closing it gently behind him. Eyes were peeled for cameras as they went to go handle the alarm, looking for the proper routes to take through the building for what they wanted. "Best to hurry nonetheless. Do you know where the carpet is?"

Lux: "Yep! I found the perfect spot when I was here the other day." Lux leads the way down the hallway, pocketing the lock picks. They use their phone to see by instead of turning on the lights. The inside of the roller rink is eerily quiet, but Lux seems to know where they're going. And the carpeted areas have the worst patterned UV designs ever: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697546449705107688/707798133119385640/flat750x1000075f.u2.jpg

"I figured taking it out of their break room would be best. That way they don't have to close to fix it, won't be a risk to kids tripping and shit--I don't really want to hurt their business and all."

Asbolus: "Good call." He nodded quietly, following along as they headed towards the break room. "Never actually been to one of these before, now that I think about it..."

Lux: "Wait, what? You've never been to a roller skating rink?" Lux turns to blink at him.

Asbolus: "Mmhmm. Never really had an interest. I have been ice skating a few times, though." He gave them a curious look in kind. "It's that much of a surprise?"

Lux: "I mean... I guess not. I remember it being pretty popular when I was a kid, though. I loved it." They turn, continuing on. "We should go skating sometime. Could be fun."

Asbolus: "I'd be up for it." He nodded as they continued on, the gears turning a bit as the thought of new experiences drifted towards an earlier conversation. "I have a question, odd as it may be, and feel free to not answer if it makes you uncomfortable: when you got back, how did you decide what to show to the world at large?"

Lux: They pause, glancing over at Absolus with a frown. "...That's... yeah, kind of a complicated question." They think for a moment. "I knew I wanted to be different than I was There. As different as I possibly could be. Other There I was... cold, unfeeling. Just a vessel for the beacon's power to flow through. So I knew I wanted to be... cheerful and funny and energetic. I figured that was opposite enough to what I was There that maybe people wouldn't catch on to how... awful I am."

Asbolus: To his credit he looked apologetic as Lux looked his way with a frown, nodding quietly at the answer. "I got into a conversation with a friend of Mearcstapa's about fashion choices, and one of the questions they asked was what I want the world to see when it looks at me. After I thought about it, I realized that I honestly didn't have the slightest idea."

"And also, for the record, you're not awful." He gave them a quiet look at that.

Lux: Lux shrugs. "I'm not awful like I was There, sure. I work to not be awful here. Sometimes it still comes through." They're quiet a moment. "Did I tell you I helped kill a vampire last week?"

Lux pushes their way into the break room, flipping on this light once inside. They pause to eye the carpet. "Shit, I didn't bring a tape measure. It needs to be six by six feet... ...You're over six feet, right? Lay down along the wall." Then they finally turn back to the previous conversation. "So you don't know what you want the world to see? Is that maybe why you're so closed off? So you don't show anything?"

Asbolus: "You did not, no..." Cue a curious look as he followed them into the breakroom. The call to be a human measuring tape earned a small smirk but he did as asked, looking up toward the ceiling in silence for a long moment as he thought on their questions. "Perhaps." He eventually replied. "Taking up the old role of who I used to be isn't feasible, but as focused as I've been on matters with the freehold I haven't really given myself a chance to develop something new."

Lux: "I still think you should get into acting again, you know. Even if you need to do it under a new name and identity." Lux goes down on a knee beside him, using another box cutter to cut through the carpet above his head. "Do you have any thoughts of the sort of person you want to be? Like... if you were acting at a role in a play, what sort of role excites you most?"

Asbolus: "I am thinking about it. Sigrun offered to give a headshot to her agent for me, but I'd need to learn the proper contract to keep from being recognized by those who know my 'brother', as it were." He paused, frowning a touch as the thought came to mind. "And I would need to get another ID for that face as well, now that I think about it. Hmm."

"Usually the more clever and ambitious sorts, the ones that get to match wits with their adversaries whether they win or lose at the end of it all. I was a quiet child growing up and those sort of roles helped to branch out into something more."

Lux: "Mearcstapa could maybe help you get a second ID--if that's something you actually wanna do. He's got that fancy Autumn title now to do that stuff." Lux moves to Asbolus' feet now, cutting another line through the carpet. "So... you wanna be like Sherlock Holmes?" They glance at him curiously.

Asbolus: "True...may ask him once I get the contract settled." He nodded quietly, pausing for a moment at the question that followed before a smirk settled into place. "Not a bad example."

Lux: "So... be more like Sherlock Holmes! Not that I know shit about how Sherlock Holmes acts like. Uhh... all sly and cunning and witty? You could totally do that. Just... fake it till you make it. That's kinda what I did? At first me being nice and bubbly and energetic was just... an act. But eventually it kinda stuck? I liked who I was, and people like me, and I started... giving a shit."

"...You know, I just got an idea." Lux pauses to peer at him, eyes widening. "Have you ever thought about like... theatrical podcasting? Then you wouldn't have to worry about it. You could have like... a stage name, keep your real face hidden. It'd just be your voice. And you could tell stories and act out parts. Those things are super popular now a days! Like, uh... have you ever heard of Welcome to Night Vale? It's really awesome and super popular. You could do a crime themed one? Sherlock Holmes-y or something. Or just--read out Sherlock Holmes books? Something like that? Could get the creative itch out, but hide your identity. I could help you mix the audio and make it sound good!"

Asbolus: "That...is an excellent idea." He sat up enough to look at Lux properly, a spark in the man's eyes at the possibilities. "And with true crime being as popular as it is these days there would certainely be an audience for it."

Lux: "Fuck yeah there would be!" Lux's lights brighten, grinning widely. "That would be so fucking cool, Bobo! And you'd be so good at it! You should totally try it. I bet Mearc could give you advice too? His channel has gotten pretty popular."

Asbolus: "I'll definitely have to talk with him on it." He couldn't help but smile himself, positively thrilled at the thought. "After we've dropped this off for him, at least. I imagine you two will be needing some quality time to yourselves after that."

Lux: Lux smirks, nodding. "Yeah. Probably. Hey--turn around so I can make sure this side is long enough..." They wait for him to shift, then cut the lines out a bit more before starting to cut the last side of the square. "I can't fucking wait for this Oathbreaker shit to be done with..."

Asbolus: Asbolus sat up and moved over to the other side, nodding as he got settled. "I can imagine. You're in the home stretch now, at least."

After a moment he paused, a metaphorical light bulb flickering into existence. "I just had a thought hit me...how are we getting this back to Mearcstapa? I don't have a car."

Lux: "...Ummmm." Lux just stares for a moment. "...I guess just roll it up and run the fuck away....?"

Yes. Lux is the best planner.

Asbolus: "Somehow I doubt that'll go particularly well." He chuckled, thinking a moment. "And calling an Uber is a bit out of the question...do you know anyone offhand who has one that you wouldn't mind knowing about our little escapade?"

Lux: Lux considers a moment, then goes back to cutting. "I do know someone with a truck, yeah. I'll text her." After a few more cuts they pocket the boxcutter and start prying up the carpet with a grunt. "Okay... Help me get this rolled up?"

Lux also pauses to text back and forth a few times. "Okay Sturm is on her way, cool. See? I got everything covered."

Asbolus: "Perfect. Glad I thought about it before we were outside." He replied with a small smirk, hopping up and aiding in getting the large swatch of carpet rolled up as tightly as they could manage.

Lux: Lux huffs and puffs as they roll up the carpet. Which is pretty dusty. Their nose wrinkles. "Gonna have to clean this before I give it to Mearcstapa..." They heft one end up onto a shoulder, turn off the lights, then head back to the back exit.

Asbolus: "Good call." He blew a sharp puff out of his nose to clear the dust, lifting his end of the carpet and following them out. "Can give you a hand if you'd like."

Lux: "Thanks. I'll probably take it to the studio, there I can lay it out and steam it really good..." Lux wanders to the hallway and checks their phone. "Sturm should be here soon." The carpet is set down, and Lux glances back at him. "I appreciate your help, Bobo."

Asbolus: "Sounds good." He nodded, helping to lower the carpet down as they waited before looking to Lux with a small smile. "You're quite welcome. And thank you for helping me in kind."

Lux: "Anytime, Bobo." Lux smiles warmly.

When Sturm eventually pulls up, Lux darts out to tuck the carpet into the back of the truck, then hop in with Asbolus for their SPEEDY GET AWAY.