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Liezel, Harmony, Kay


Maddy's Wafflehouse


It's late, and that means Liezel's at Maddy's for breakfast. This is where she is early every morning, catching breakfast before the crowds, before the sun's up. One last remnant of a long-past routine. She's eating hearty, with most of a waffle, bacon, sausage, grits, and eggs still on the table in front of her while she scribbles idly in her songbook, pausing to take another bite each time one goes down.

Last night was.. well, a learning experience. But one that resulted in Harmony devouring a fair amount of ice cream when home. Still, she's better now, and has decided to get out in the world again, which is one reason she's heading for Maddy's along with Kay. Dressed in a blue dress and slipping her shoes off at the door she makes her way in, spotting Liezel and greeting with a smile. "That looks really good. Good morning!"

Kay is dressed in a pair of loose burgundy pants and a white tanktop, shades resting on top of her head, there's a necklace around her neck that's dangling down inside of her tanktop, a glowstick braid wrapped around her wrist, there's a warm smile touching her lips right now, she holds Harmony's arm all the way in. She drops a little note in the suggestion bowl as she comes in, she greets Liezel with a wave and an easy smile. "Hi."

Liezel looks up as the familiar faces arrive, smiling slightly and lifting a hand in automatic greeting, as she does. "Evening, ladies. Or- morning. Hi. You two look happy. Good day?"

"It's been a real busy few days, but, yes. Challenging in places with the Tree and everything around it, but. We got there." She rests her hand on the one Kay's got on her arm, grateful for the support. "Morning I'm feeling. Though that's an advantage of being Thyrsus. I can live in a feeling of mornings." She sticks her tongue out at Kay. "I'll buy you a coffee if you like?"

"We have reasons to celebrate." She pulls Harmony into the seat, just a little closer, hugging her arms very close. "We had a bit of success, can't wait to meet with the council again to see what they think of that." a little smile and nod to Juno. "Also yeah, coffee sounds good."

Liezel offers a small smile. "I'm happy your days have been good and successful. Though I'm not sure what to make of that last line. Don't you usually say you can't wait to see what someone thinks of that, when you're sort of hoping to show them up?" She munches at her breakfast a little more, glancing between the ladies.

Heightened Senses are a wonderful thing when you want to feel and she smiles softly, eyes half closing as she hugs Kay back, aware of any point of contact with her cadremate. Still, coffee is coffee and after kissing Kay's cheek she slips to her feet to head for the counter, glancing at Liezel. "Do you want a drink too? And this was a big moment for us, not so much showing anyone up, more, hoping we've got their approval."

"We were successful, but we had some obstacles I don't think they figured were coming." She leans forward, watching between Harmony and Liezel curiously. "Honestly, I'm a little worried, it's why I got shielded and veiled." she makes a gesture over her face.

"I was wondering," admits Liezel, shaking her head at the offer of a drink. "Thank you, no. And that makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying. Though- does your worry have anything to do with the disappearances? Someone mentioned them earlier today."

Returning with Kay's coffee, Harmony sits down next to her again, having collected green tea for herself. "I'm gonna see about having some four legged friends keep a look out too." She tells Kay. "And see if the local spirits are in a helpful mood if I offer fewds to them. I don't know if that fu.. that person had any interest in us, but, we need to keep safe."

She glances over at Liezel. "I'm not sure. Maybe, but what hit us was a targetted attack on an Awakening." Her mouth twists angrily.

"Honestly, I'm barely aware about the disappearances beside some peripheral motions, I was a little too focused on this thing." She shakes her head slowly "I'll make an attempt to find information on those disappearance if I can." The moment the coffee arrives her uses one arm to claim it and the other to wrap around Mary's arm still.

"Another Awakening? A thi- a third." Liezel nods slowly. "... okay. That... scans. But someone attacked the Awakening? That's- disturbing, to be blunt." She rolls the idea over in her head, briefly, but with so little information, that pondering doesn't last too long. "Talk to Adam. He's got some info and he's interested in looking into things."

"What can you share about the attack? If anything? Did the Awakening complete regardless? Are they okay?"

"I didn't know so much myself." Harmony admits. "I'm not sure it's connected again, but, mm. Hard to be sure." She nods at Liezel, offering a reassuring smile. "They made it, and they're okay. I healed them up after it was done. We're looking after them until they meet the Council."

She ponders. "I did want to ask you both something else. Erm. Either of you come across vampires?" She rests her head on Kay's shoulder, taking advantage to lean.

"The Martyr's tree detected three awakening happening, the third one was a prospect Sirius had already scoped out beforehand. That was the one we just mentioned." Kay smiles, still leaning onto Mary "And no, but Liezel did, here I think. She asked me about it during one of our lessons."

"That's okay. Can't know everything." Liezel offers. "And good. Bad enough an unsuccessful attack. Worse, a successful one. I'm glad they're alright. And-" Kay's got her answer, and she nods. "Yeah. I met one here. She's not happy. Wishes she had never been turned. I'm trying to look into the possibility of undoing it, but- so far, nothing."

She nods at them both, sipping her tea with a sigh of delight from a sharpened sense of taste. "So am I. It was hard, bloody hard, to not use magic to heal them there and then, but it would have disrupted the Awakening. I was able to stabilize them at least." A wince. "As for vampires, I think I met one in Club Vertigo, I had cast web of life, but there was.. nothing where they were. So, that made a sort of sense, when I figured it out."

She peers at Liezel. "Death isn't my knowledge, bu it is for you both. Could you.. remove her soul, if you had a new vessel for her?"

"I don't know why we'd remove the soul from a Vampire or even what it would do, but I suspect any supernatural soul is going to require Mastery of Death to do so." She leans forward. "Curing or removing the condition, as I've already spoken with Liezel would either be Imperial level magic." She pause. "Or a very knowledgeable Mage with several Mastery? I'd need to study one to understand what it would take."

"I think her idea was to create a body using Life and transplanting the spirit?" Liezel hazards, glancing at Harmony. She's got pretty focused magical arenas, but her theory is usually pretty solid. "And I wouldn't be surprised if she's right. We'd be looking at either a joint effort from several Masters or one tremendously devoted and focused one. Still. It's better than "ha ha no.""

"Yes." She nods at Liezel, beaming. "Exactly that. But I don't have that grasp as an Adept. A Master? They just might. I can alter Life, but I can't create Life. As for curing or removing the condition.. that's far, far beyond my understanding. Souls though, would souls carry her personality and memories?"

"You'd need Mind for that, potentially fate if the condition is curse based." She cross her arms over her chest, considering the various potential "And the worst part is that I don't think it would be permanent or lasting." she stares at Liezel. "Think you could ask your vampire friend to have a chat with me? Because we can theorize as much as we want, but it might more complex or simpler."

"I can ask, but no promises." Liezel finishes off her meal and stands, leaving some crumpled bills as payment and tip. "I've got to get going. Have a good night, and I hope your audience with the council goes well."

"Mm.." A slow nod at Kay. "So, a strong weave of high level magic. And, yes. Given we're dealing with someone's very existence, we can't just jump into it, we need to study all this, figure it all out. But if your friend's willing." She nods at Liezel. "I'm quite happy to add my own efforts into all this." A smile. "Was good to see you again, take care." She leans back against Kay, getting comfortable.

Kay grabs on to her coffee and drinks the cup in almost one go, smiling at the moment. "Are you doing a little better?" she gently prod with her shoulder.

"Yes." She smiles back, returning the shoulder nudge. "I just tailspinned a whole lot, and then crashed and burned." A rueful grin. "I think, well, he did leave with an offer to maybe revisit that conversation. If they're happy on it, maybe I can manage a little better next time. But, will see. I don't want to push or anything after last time." She smiles then, hugging Kay. "Thanks for looking after me. How have you been doing?"

"I've been doing a little busy, getting ahold of the lawyer is a little more difficult than I thought it would be." She grins and focus on Harmony for a moment. "But still working on that."

"Mm." A sly grin. "Lawyers are tricky people. Would a speck of Fate to guide you on the path to them help at all, mayhaps?"

"I don't think so, I'm cooperating with Dandelion and the Guardian Sentinel on that one." She nods

A nod there. "Dandelion is a really awesome person, she'll see you right." A warm smile. "And how are you in yourself, after everything that happened with the Awakening? Parts of that were pretty rough, though it was such a privilege to be able to witness."

"I have so many question for them Mary you have no idea." She shake her head. "My mind is clouded with a lot of different things here." A sigh. "We should maybe take a walk home."

The Thyrsus nods keenly. "Ditto. And, yes. Let's go home?" She stands, offering Kay a hand. "I want to see how my babies are doing and it'll help us both settle and sort thoughts."