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| cast=[[Alex Shaw]], [[Daniel Hawthorne]]
| cast=[[Alex Shaw]], [[Daniel Hawthorne]]
| setting=Hawthorne Studios, off Rittenhouse Square
| setting=Hawthorne Studios, off Rittenhouse Square

Latest revision as of 15:27, 14 May 2020


Alex Shaw, Daniel Hawthorne


Hawthorne Studios, off Rittenhouse Square


Daniel Hawthorne: Hawthorne Studios was housed on the second floor of the one of the older brick buildings that dotted the area near Rittenhouse Square, with the entrance located on the first floor with a set of stairs going up. The interior was tastefully decorated, with pale walls accented by warm woods and examples of the styles of clothing - both men's and women's - that were available for purchase and further customization, along with a door in the back that marked off a staff only area and another on the side wall that led to fitting rooms.

The master of the house, as it were, waited in that entry room for the arrival of his guest, dressed neatly as was his wont with a dark grey scarf around his neck.

Alex Shaw: Alex dresses both up and down depending on the day, and today she's in a vividly blue dress with a golden floral pattern on it, makeup done, and her hair loose in a poof of curls as wide as her shoulders. It's all spoiled a little by the laptop bag she has slung over her shoulder, but she goes almost everywhere with that thing, so it is what it is.

She arrives by way of Obfuscate, just for easy of navigation in public, but drops it right before reaching the door, so that when she arrives there's no real surprise to it, people just aren't going to notice her until the last moments. She slips inside quietly, then smiles at the sight of Daniel waiting for her. "Good evening, thanks for agreeing to talk," she says.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked towards the door as it opened, giving his fellow Haunt a polite smile. "Very welcome. Been doing alright since the last time we talked, I hope?"

Alex Shaw: "It has definitely been some up and some down," she admits. Her shoulders make a brief shrug. "This is a hard life to adjust to, and it feels like a lot of the other kindred don't really understand how much harder it is for us, you know? This is a nice place." she adds with a look around. "Want to give me a tour?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "That it is. It was even more...interesting on my end as my adoptive sire was expecting to have another Lord to train rather than this." He motioned to himself with a wry smirk, letting out a quiet sigh. "Was a bit of a learning curve for both of us."

"Thank you." He perked up a touch at the compliment, giving a nod and motioning for her to follow as he headed towards the rear door. "This is the main showroom, with fitting rooms off to the side for taking measurements and doing modifications and whatnot. The staff area in the back is where the majority of the work happens, though."

Alex Shaw: "You mentioned that. Do you find yourself disappointed that you didn't end up a Ventrue rather than a Nosferatu?" Alex asks the question as kindly as she can, and follows up by saying, "I'm probably going to ask a lot of questions, unless you ask me to stop. Questioning everything is kind of what I do. I don't mean any offense, and I won't be offended if you ask me to stop."

Daniel Hawthorne: "None taken, and no worries. Happy to help how I can." he replied with a small smile. "Disappointment's not the right word. I was furious at first, both from how it happened and the issues that it's caused, and I stewed in that anger for a long time. It was hidden behind the usual pleasantries of the First Estate, of course, but there nonetheless."

Alex Shaw: "I suppose it would be complicated to separate all of those things from each other emotionally, wouldn't it?" Alex winces. "The expectations that were subverted, the violations of boundaries, and everything else. That's one thing I haven't had to deal with, which I suppose I should be grateful for. I didn't have expectations put on me that I have to worry about, or at least none that matter now."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It was, and is, I'll admit. Add in the fact that it was my brother that set me on this path and that my parents have pitied me for what I became ever since and it made for a rather volatile mix of emotions." His tone was somewhat stiff as he spoke, the topic still uncomfortable to voice but worth saying nonetheless. "That was part of why I came here, to put some distance between myself and that whole mess."

Alex Shaw: The family mention gives Alex a big wince. "My family has no idea, yet. I mean, I can't tell them I'm a vampire at all, that whole first tradition thing, but they don't know I'm still around. I'm going to have to reach out at some point, but they haven't heard anything for four years, so how do you even start that conversation? Especially given the way they'd react to me, if I meet them in person."

Daniel Hawthorne: "That would be a rough one to start. One benefit of being raised 'in the know', I suppose." He replied with a slight smirk, opening the door to the staff area and holding it open for her. A short hallway was behind it, with an office area to one side, what looked like a break room to the back and the workroom proper on the other side filled with the work tables, sewing machines and shelves that housed all of the fabric and other accouterments the staff used to fill orders.

Alex Shaw: Alex steps through the door into the back and resumes taking in the sights. "I never did learn to sew properly. I mean, I learned how to do it poorly, but that's about as far as anyone bothered to teach me, and I didn't take to it like I did with other things. At least this seems to be one case where seeing how the sausage is made, so to speak, doesn't seem likely to spoil my appetite for it. Fast fashion? Probably. This? Probably not." The commentary gives her a chance to evade the family topic for a few moments, but she doesn't for very long. "Some day they're going to hear from someone that I'm active on the internet, or something. I can't put it off forever, but I'm not looking forward to lying to them."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I got into it early, thank to my great-grandmother. She was a seamstress herself and was glad to have someone to teach, as my brother had no interest and my sister was too young at the time. Went from making my own clothes to working on pieces for others and decided to make a career out of it." He nodded quietly as the topic went back to a less comfortable one. "It's not an easy one to have. When I was serving as a ghoul under my regnant I had to have a number of 'where are you actually going?' conversations with my girlfriend at the time, which went about as well as you can expect. We broke things off a few months before, which turned out better in the long run, I think."

Alex Shaw: "It seems like it would be really hard to date as a ghoul," Alex says with a grimace. Whether because of the topic of ghouls at all, or the thought of trying to date when beholden to someone else, that's unclear. "I think I might end up reaching back out to them online, since I've figured out the trick of letting the camera on my laptop actually get a clean shot of my face, and at least then our curse won't get in the way." She sighs. "That curse is the thing that gives me the most trouble in all of this." Frustrated she asks, "how do you manage it?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "It was. I made it work as best as I could, but the weight of the blood bore out eventually." He gave another small nod, although the mention of the cameras caught his attention. "Really...wouldn't mind picking up on that trick myself, if you'd be willing to offer a hand."

"Carefully." He said with a small frown. "Mine has a more physical component, so staying on top of it to make sure it's not easily noticed takes up a good bit of my focus."

Alex Shaw: Alex pauses, mentally reorienting herself, before she says, "I'm sorry. Ultimately, I suppose I have it easier than a lot of our clan's members do, don't I? I mean, it's a little bit physical for me, but not in the same way as others. I could probably help you learn the camera thing. It's all about an effort to pacify the Beast while activating the Blush of Life, so that it stops freaking out every time there's a camera around, like an anxious dog when someone rings the doorbell."

Daniel Hawthorne: "We're both lucky on that front, admittedly; I've seen some very...unfortunate-looking examples of our blood." He motioned briefly to the scarf around his neck. "Mine's able to be to covered up, but making sure it stays that way is paramount when it comes to being out and about."

"I'd appreciate that. Haven't been able to get proper photographs with my clients and our work in a while, would be nice to get back to that."

Alex Shaw: Alex nods in understanding, but she doesn't ask to actually see it. "Sakima Saagochque doesn't look entirely inhuman, at least, but she does look like she's at the very least deathly ill, which probably comes with its own difficulties. I've met a couple of us that probably can't even manage to just... go to a club, or something. I'm grateful for the small blessings, I suppose."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Same. Have to take what you can get." He finally moved to take a seat in the work area, motioning for Alex to claim a chair of her own if she wished. "Doesn't mean it's not frustrating as hell sometimes."

Alex Shaw: Alex does claim a chair, but only after unslinging her bag from over her shoulder so that she can set it on her lap when she sits. "How do you handle hunting, if that's not too private a question? It's one of the things I've been struggling with the most, and I'm feeling out what approaches other people take."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I have arrangements with one of the models that I work with on a regular basis once a week or so. If a more urgent need comes up I'll go to a bar or the like, but do that sparingly if I can help it. Having been on both sides of the Kiss I try to handle it as...humanely as possible."

Alex Shaw: Alex flinches at mention of being on both sides of the Kiss, and she nods. "I've refused to feed violently. For one thing I don't have the skills for it, and getting my ass kicked while I'm trying to feed on someone sounds bad. I've been on the other side of it too, though. I've had trouble with the bar thing, for a combination of reasons including my own discomfort and creeping people out making it harder to get near them."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Right there with you. If I end up in a fight then something has gone terribly wrong." He allowed himself a small smirk, although the flinch hadn't gone unnoticed. "Haven't dipped into that part of our line's gifts yet, although I intend to soon enough."

"Understandable, and part of why I do it sparingly as well. It's a little hard to start up a conversation when you can't be heard over the music, after all."

Alex Shaw: "I'm more eager in the super strength thing more because of the cool things it would me do when I'm dancing than for the violent prospects," Alex answers that with a laugh. "It's low on my list of priorities, though. I'm glad to know I'm not the only Nosferatu with this kind of perspective, either way."

Daniel Hawthorne: He paused at that particular mental image, chuckling after a moment. "Hadn't thought of that, admittedly...could be interesting. I wouldn't be able to do much with it on the defensive side myself, at least yet; I know the basics of bladework but not much else. And agreed...I have other things that I'm focusing on at the moment."

"It is good to know. Having come here and seen another way of nightly existence has shown me that I probably would have faltered in the court in Boston, too wrapped up in what should have been rather than what I could do with the hand I was given."

Alex Shaw: "I've never been in a fight in my life, so I figure I'm probably better off finding other ways to protect myself from here on out," Alex admits with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "But I can imagine times that aren't combat when being stronger would be useful, for sure."

Then she smiles. "I'm glad that you've ended up somewhere where you can be free of the past and start anew, and that has been good for you."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed. Moving around equipment, at the very least." He motioned to one of the nearby sewing machines with a small smirk. "Those things are heavier than you'd think. Fabric bolts, too."

"As am I." He smiled in return. "And I hope you're able to find that here, too."

Alex Shaw: "Laptop bags get heavy after a while," Alex agrees with a nod. "I'd be fabric bolts are way heavier than people tend to expect." Her smile grows a little wider. "I hope so too. I'm still trying to figure out what my place in this new world is going to be. Most of the people I end up spending much time around are in the Ordo Dracul, which makes me uncomfortable because of my past, but also makes sense to the analytical, scientific part of my brain. I haven't had much experience with people from the other covenants, or chance to speak to them about what that means for them."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Right...can imagine that would be uncomfortable." He frowned a touch at that, giving a little nod. "For what its worth their overall philosophy has helped me quite a bit since I joined, even if your sire may have painted us with a black brush from his actions. I haven't had many dealings with the others outside of the Invictus myself barring general conversation at court, and with the Estate having to deal with the good Commissioner Cordray I imagine they have their hands full at the moment." The note of sarcasm on the word 'good' was telling, the verbal eye roll delivered in a manner learned from his own time with the covenant.

Alex Shaw: "Her," Alex says with a frown that doesn't linger around long. "I know she seems to want something out of me, and keeps trying to imply we should have a conversation alone about it. I'm not inclined to make that happen. I'm glad I know they're not all that way, since I know Henry isn't so... shitty."

Daniel Hawthorne: "She's a piece of work, to put it lightly. That kind of ambition is normally laudible, but she doesn't seem to care who she steps on along the way and that's what gets people shown to the sun." He shook his head quietly. "That and she doesn't seem to understand how things work here."

Alex Shaw: "How different are things here, really? I've never been to another city, at least since I became... a vampire." Alex doesn't have anything to compare with. "I've only heard that things are done a lot differently in other places. It seems like there are a lot of harsh penalties even here, to my admittedly modern, western sensibilities."

Daniel Hawthorne: "The families in particular are a large difference. In most places more focus is placed on the covenant and there tends to be a lot more political maneuvering on that front. Clan is a factor, but not nearly as much."

Alex Shaw: "It's a little weird to have a new aunt, or whatever," Alex says with a faint smile and a slight shrug. "I'm all in favor of found family and not just the family of your birth, though. Both are important."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Agreed. It's been much appreciated on my end, what with how things went with my own family." He smiled a touch at that. "Shiri was very welcoming when I got here, and they helped me find my way as I got settled."

Alex Shaw: "Oh," Alex says, brightening up at that topic a little bit. "What can you tell me about them? I've heard their name come up a couple of times, and I know they're the Gangrel family's head, right? But I don't really know much of anything else about them. I didn't really explore the families in much detail, since Esme kind of swooped in and took me under her wing before I knew what was going on." She laughs. "Which I don't mind much. We have more in common that I'd have thought."

Daniel Hawthorne: "They're originally from Morocco, both a painter themselves and a patron of the arts; that's part of why I fell in with their family, personally. They don't show their personal work often, or if they do it's under another name. They're also meticulously organized, to a level I almost envy...lot of note-taking and whatnot. From what I know they're younger than some of the other family heads, but they've proven themselves well for the honor."

Alex Shaw: "I never know how old people are," Alex says, giving her head a little shake. "It's really weird to think about. Like the Sakima being really old doesn't surprise me when I look at her. Esme? I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd found out she was pretty new, but she's not. It seems like it should be important to be able to know, for some reason, but asking seems rude."

Daniel Hawthorne: "It is considered somewhat gauche, yeah. Some see it as a point of pride but for other it's private, so it's better to let them prompt the question."

Alex Shaw: "I suppose that just trying to treat everyone with respect is a good alternative," Alex says after thinking about it for a moment. "I think the main reason I'd want to know, really, is so I can make allowances for difference in familiarity with the modern world. I'm a tech geek, but not everyone else is going to get that."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Never a bad idea, no." He nodded quietly. "Understandable, although even that isn't always determined by age. There was one Mekhet I knew of in Boston who was at least a few hundred years old but was as tech-savvy as your average neonate because he got in on the ground floor when things really started taking off in the 70s."

Alex Shaw: "Makes sense," Alex answers with a nod. "I suppose that in many ways it's better not to assume anything, and just treat everyone well unless they show that's not the right approach with them."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Probably a good call." He gave another small nod, smiling a touch after a moment. "And, in case you're curious, I'm 37." Not that he looked a day over 25, mind, but stranger things...

Alex Shaw: "I'm going to be the baby for a long time, I'm sure," Alex says with a laugh. "I turn 24 this year. Hopefully I can manage not to make it obvious that I'm new to all of this soon enough, though. I hate feeling like I'm not competent at important things."

Daniel Hawthorne: He chuckled in return. "Not a bad thing...we were all brand new at one point. You've hit the ground running pretty well from what I've seen, and I'm happy to help where I can."

Alex Shaw: "Thanks. At least I haven't fucked anything up too bad. It helps that I learned how to keep important secrets before all of this," Alex says with a little shrug, but a smile. "So at least that part of the whole situation isn't new. I should probably get out of your hair, but thanks for showing me the shop and for talking with me a bit. When I actually have some money I might want to talk about getting some new clothes, but spending Esme's money just feels weird."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Quite welcome. It was good to talk with you as well." He moved to stand, offering her a hand up if she needed it. "Sounds good. If you want to come by and get measurements done first, or just talk again, let me know."

Alex Shaw: She takes the hand, because sometimes some human (or vampire) contact is just welcome, even without the blush of life or anything else. "I'll be in touch, I'm sure," she says with a smile. "Have a good night!"