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Soulwarden's Sanctum


Harmony: Mary is pacing a little nervously. She's had her daily mediation and it's helped, but worries are still a thing. Having recently texted Jay and asking if he can meet her, she moves to the counter, working on brewing up a pot of coffee for him, and to help her focus.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Meeting up would be easy enough seeing as Jeremiah hadn't left the sanctum for the day's business yet. Not long after the text exchange he made his way down to the kitchen, giving Mary a nod along the way. "What's up?"

Harmony: "Hey." She turns a smile to him, moving forward to offer a huh. "I would have knocked on your door, but, I wanted to give you chance to get moving on your own power. How's you today? I'm working up some coffee if you're after?" A quiet nod. "I wanted to ask for your help, to do with a close friend and use of Space. But I didn't want to have you think that's the only reason I knocked you out of bed, morning chat is good too." She grins slightly.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That does tend to be a process. Appreciate it." He replied with a smirk, heading over to the coffee maker to grab a mug and whatnot for when the sweet sweet caffiene was ready to be consumed. "Doing pretty well all told, and I'm good for both. What sort of help are you needing?"

Harmony: She nods, starting to boil some water for her tea. "It was that or pour a cup of water on your head." She winks. "I doubt that'd persuade you to help, but, yes." A quiet nod. "Can you sever sympathetic ties Jay?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Yeah, that might not have gone well." He chuckled, then shook his head at the question. "Not yet, unfortunately. I can cloak them, though, and make them harder to get a read on."

Harmony: "Hm." She nods, leaning into him. "Let me check? It's about Nikia Jay. I shouldn't say who else is involved, I think that's their story to tell, but, you know what she means to me. You're okay with me asking him if cloaking would suit?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smiled as she leaned into him, looping an arm around her shoulders. "I do, yeah. That'd be fine."

Harmony: She nods, firing off a quick message, lightly resting her head on his shoulder. "Alexis is settling in good too. I wonder how long she might like to stay for."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "For a while, I hope. She's good people, and I think she'll take to all of this pretty well."

Harmony: "And, the Awakening. It was damned hard to not rush over and heal her there and then, but I'm so glad I didn't. It would have stolen something precious from her. It was beautiful to see, wasn't it?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It really was." Jeremiah nodded, a soft smile on his face. "I don't know if you were able to see it but there was this golden aura around her while it was happening, beyond the potentia that had been called up. It was...I can't even really describe it."

Harmony: "There aren't words." She nods in agreement. "You don't need to. We had a glimpse, just a small one. And we know the Tree can see them coming now, which fits, given how deep its roots go." A pause as her phone beeps and she checks it, smiles softly and replies. "She's going to sleep." She tells him. "But she says it will be good, if severing isn't an option found. You want me to grab your coffee intake?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed." He spared her phone a brief glance before nodding. "Sounds good. If you can find someone who's an Adept they should be able to sever them completely."

"If you'd be so kind." He said with a smile, offering his mug. "Need anything from the fridge while I get the creamer?"

Harmony: "It's not just about grasp of Space." She tells him, taking the mug and working on sorting his coffee. "And I'm good, thanks. I'm going for green tea, so I don't tend to add anything." She looks over at him. "LF was scared Jay, deeply worried, and rattled. Given all that, I wanted to ask someone I fully trust, bone deep. Maddy's a dear friend, but she's not someone I share a Cadre with."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's eyebrow arched at that, looking over to Harmony as he pulled a bottle of creamer for himself. "I have trouble picturing Fox worried...that says something. More than happy to help, though."

Harmony: "So do I." She nods, chewing her lip and sorting her tea and Jay's coffee on autopilot. A weak laugh. "She's always so.. well, Fox. He being worried, well, thank you so very much for helping." She smiles at him. "What are you planning for the day ahead?" She asks quietly, nearly handing him her tea before remembering herself and holding out the coffee instead.

Jeremiah Hamilton: He smirked a touch as he took the coffee cup once it was offered, doctoring it with the creamer and a smidge of sugar before moving to put the creamer back. "Grabbing lunch with one of my students before a lesson with her this afternoon, then doing the work thing at the Green Room. Might go out this evening, haven't decided yet." He took a test sip of his coffee, nodding with approval before looking back to Harmony. "You?"

Harmony: She nods keenly, sipping carefully at her tea. "I've got a few classes to take today, but I'm gonna keep myself on call. Right now with Alexis and the fruit, well, want to keep stuff ready and such. Soon as we have it, well, you lot might need to drag me away from it every so often."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I bet we will." He chuckled, giving her a knowing look. "Will need to make sure you actually sleep, at the very least."

Harmony: "You know I can keep myself going forever without it." She sticks her tongue out at him. "I mean, I enjoy sleeping, and dreams. But losing 8 hours of study every day.." She pulls a face.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I know, I know; I hate wasting time myself. You do need the time to recharge manually sometimes, though."

Harmony: "Killjoy." She snarks good naturedly, but nods. "Tch, fine, fine. I suppoooose I can sleep now and again. I can't say when you might find your bed stolen though."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'll make do when that happens. Or just sprawl on you, whichever works." He flashed her a grin, taking a sip of his coffee as he did so.

Harmony: "I do not mind snuggles, as you well know." She agrees, sipping her tea in turn. "When the others are about, how do you feel for me trying the tea making thing on you all? I can't promise good results, but, I can try."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'd be down. Do you have something spell-wise worked into the actual tea, or just in the growing of it?"

Harmony: "I'd alter the tea plants themselves, make changes to the leaves and then use them for the brewing. A bit of trial and error, but I think I'm practised enough to not come up with anything poisonous."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...gotcha. Bit above my paygrade." He nodded with a small smirk. "Look forward to trying it, though."

Harmony: "Thank you." She smiles. "I need test subjects after all. And speaking of pay grade, that, mind link. That was really interesting. But it felt right, y'know?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It takes some getting used to, especially the more people you add to the network. Definitely handy, though."

Harmony: A thoughtful pursing of her lips. "How, ah, deep can it go? In terms of emotions and being deeply connected to someone?" Her cheeks flare slightly. "Asking for a friend." Bad, bad liar.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Mmhmm." Skeptical Warlock is skeptical. "It's keyed to surface thoughts, primarily, although you can get some emotional echoes from that."

Harmony: "Ah, fair enough." She nods. "No harm in asking." A wry smile. "Still, it was handy. I wonder what else we can all manage together, with practice."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You can get a good scan on someone's emotional state without being fully jacked in, if anything." A sip of the coffee and a curious look. "There someone in particular you're wanting to get a read on?"

Harmony: "Ah, no." She smiles, shaking her head. "It's just, I enjoy feeling things. There's a reason I keep my senses far sharper then mundane levels. If I ever got involved with someone, and they were minded for that sort of thing, well, kinda that. Academic curiosity at this point." A wry grin.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...I see." He nodded with a small smirk, the gears turning as he mulled it over. "You probably could set something up on that front, admittely, focusing on emotion rather than surface thoughts. Bit of a mental mood ring for the other person, as it were. Add in a bit of Life and you could get the sensations, too...might make for an interesting evening." He looked to her at that, eyebrows going up a touch.

Harmony: "Yups." She nods happily. "I think emotions would be better than thoughts for that sort of thing, right?" She grins bashfully at his mention of Life and sensations. "I, well, yes. It doesn't make me sound shallow at all, does it?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nah, not at all. Forging a deep connection with the person you're with is never a bad thing."

Harmony: She nods brightly. "I think magic is important and major and there to help people with and study. But it can also just be something good and pure and happy, if that makes sense? I'm learning to be a better Arrow, which means putting the greater good first, but nothing wrong with finding your own happiness too."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It does, yeah, and I agree. A little bit of selfishness now and then does wonders, as long as you don't go overboard with it."

Harmony: "Thank you." She smiles at him. "Have you found any time to do something a bit selfish recently?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: He paused, having to actually think on it. "Not lately, admittedly." He replied with a smirk. "Should probably rectify that at some point..."

Harmony: "True." She nudges him gently. "We can get wound up a little without ways to relax. I'll nudge you on that if you nudge me on getting some real sleep every so often?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: He chuckled, nudging her lightly with his elbow in return. "I can definitely do that."

Harmony: "Deal then." The Thyrsus smiles, then chews her lip. "Did you have any luck with Alexis' ties to the mage who attacked her?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I have the connections copied and I'm working through tracing them. Should get something soon, with any luck."

Harmony: "Good." Her smile turns a little savage. "I wanna meet them when they can't hide behind an one way portal."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You and me both." He nodded firmly, a dark look in those normally kind eyes. "I know Alexis is of a mind that the man she talked to while over there is the one that did it, which if true would be...interesting, to say the least."

Harmony: A cant of her head. "He intruded on her Awakening, or, you mean he might have been part of it? Is it possible he's something from the Supernal instead?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Thinking the latter, since as far as I know you can't enter a Supernal journey like you can a mystery play."

Harmony: She nods, tapping fingers together. "Then I think I'm best waiting until you've finished searching the ties. It's possible this individual isn't the enemy they first appeared to be."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'll let you all know when I know more."

Harmony: "Thank you." She reaches out to offer another hug. "Well, on a few counts." A small grin.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Quite welcome." He slid in for the hug, giving her one in return.