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ST: DadHoc



Soulwarden's Sanctum


Harmony: With a guest coming, Harmony has worked to ensure the garden is awash in colour and as vibrant as can be, and then she's gotten changed into a sky blue dress and moved to offer Hearth help with any cooking. The Sanctum lies ready, a small apartment complex with a number of spare rooms for guests and a Hallow in the basement, surrounded by mushrooms and the subject of an ongoing debate between Hearth and Harmony. Harmony herself is stood just outside the door, waiting and working on keeping her nerves calm.

Diamond: Diamond is wearing a pale, pale pink shirt and a flared, blue and orange, flared skirt that depicts a city-like scape. She's in the kitchen in all place, setting down take-out order from Maddy's Waffle house, enough for everyone including the guest and their apprentices. "This does not erase my suggestion on you cooking ethiopian food, Heather." she teases the other woman with a fond smile.

Hearth: Hearth hadn't gone to any particularly special lengths but whenever she made cookie dough she always made a huge batch, pre-'balled' it into single serving sizes, and stored most of it in the chest freezer so she could just pull out what she wanted to eat and throw them in the oven. As a result, the apartment smelled like molten triple-chocolate-threat deliciousness while Hearth had actually spent most of the morning working on a personal painting restoration project in her particular corner of the loft. It was meditative- read tedious work, but Heather excelled at working patiently on detail oriented projects.

AdHoc: Ahead of the appointed hour, Peacemaker walks up the garden path to present herself before the sanctum of the Soul Wardens. She's wearing a simple wrap skirt and a loose brightly colored blouse that shows off many of her tattoos along her shoulders and collar bones. She's a pretty enough middle-aged woman, her hair dark and wavy, worn long and bound presently by a hair scrunchy into a single pony tail. She has a guitar slung across her back and a backpack slung over her shoulder. She doesn't come to knock, though. Just stands outside, stares at the door, and waits. Patient as anything.

Sirius: Sirius did his part as far as tidying up the sanctum went, of course, and looked rather sharp himself in a pair of black dress slacks and white button up shirt with the sleeves neatly rolled up as he waited by the entrance with Harmony. "Deep breaths..." He said with a smirk, giving the Thyrsus a light nudge with his elbow before nodding to Peacemaker at her approach. "Welcome."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis, to the surprise of literally no one, sitting and reading as Peacemaker arrives, her nose buried in a copy of Bartram's Travels, appropriately enough. She's eschewed a hoodie this time for a blouse with a blue and silver abstract pattern and dark jeans, and has her shoes sitting in front of her so she can sit cross-legged. At Sirius' comment she looks up and scrambles to get her shoes back on.

Harmony: "Deep breaths." She echoes to Jay in response, smiling at him before turning that to Peacekeeper. "How are you?" She asks, following his welcome. "Please, come on inside? Everyone's here and we've got food and drink if you'd like anything." She reaches out, opening the door in invite to their guest.

Diamond: Kay walks out of the kitchen, moving to the front door with the warmest smile on her she can muster, she's there to greet Peacekeeper. She's quiet, emotion brimming to the surface in an obvious way, she waits until the woman in inside before offering a hug, probably a really strong one. "Hey Peachkeeper." voice soft and shy.

Hearth: "Is it time?" Heather called from her corner without looking. "I'll be right there!" She finished up her immediate task and put things away, covering the damaged painting to protect it, and then coming over to give Peacekeeper a warm smile. "Welcome to our home. We're glad to have you here."

AdHoc: "I feel welcomed," comes Peacekeeper's reply, her smile slow to appear but genuine. It's not a karanga, but it will do. Her dark eyes flit from one face to the next before centering back on Sirius, since he spoke the first greeting. But then her focus shifts to Harmony with a renewed smile, her head dipping respectfully. "I would be happy to. Thank you." She lifts her skirt a bit with a hand as she mounts the steps up towards their sanctum, "I will enjoy whatever you have prepared for me. Thank you again." Peacekeeper returns Kay's embrace warmly, ending it by resting her nose briefly against Kay's and smiling. "Sister," she offers to Kayla warmly. She then takes a step back and resumes being a patient guest. There is another smile offered to Hearth, "I am glad to have your welcome."

Sirius: Sirius would let Peacekeeper and Harmony in first before following the pair inside the sanctum, making sure the door was closed firmly behind them. He smiled softly at the hug between her and Diamond, letting the ladies take point for the moment.

Alexis Bartram: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Peacekeeper." Alexis adds, looking slightly uncertain of herself. She stays back near Sirius for the moment, not quite sure yet what she can do to help for now.

Harmony: Harmony smiles, moving to a cupboard to take several selections of loose leaf tea. "Would you like some tea?" She asks Peacekeeper. "And do you have any preferences for the blend?" She smiles widely at Kay as Peacekeeper greets her, nodding. "And, this is Alexis." She adds, smiling over at Alexis.

Diamond: "We got food and Harmony gets some tip from Dandelion, I think, for her tea plants she grows." Kayla alerts her. "Jay is a songwriter. If you're in the mood to play something, you two could make a collaboration." She suggest Maia, smiling warmly, guiding her down toward the kitchen. "I brought Ethiopian breakfast from Maddy's too."

Hearth: "Could you make me a cup too please, Mary? I've been up for a wee bit too long and could use a pick me up." Heather pulled the cookies out of the warmer and set them on the table before sitting down and relaxing.

AdHoc: "I wish you to know," Peacekeeper offers to Alexis directly, "that the entirety of our lodge celebrates your Awakening. We encourage you, with the leave of your masters, to come to us for learning and fellowship. You are a treasure to all of us." She then addresses Harmony, her grin turning wry, "Of course I will have some tea. There is always tea. I've developed a love of anything with peach in it, if you have any. Otherwise whatever you brew will be lovely, I'm certain." She glances to the others briefly before following after Kayla towards the kitchen, "I love Ethiopian food! So much variety. And I would be very pleased to play music for you all. It's traditional, after a fashion."

Sirius: Sirius slid an arm around Alexis' shoulders for a quick 'you got this' one-armed hug before looking back to Peacekeeper, perking up at the mention of music. "Can definitely do that. Is there a particular instrument you prefer?"

Harmony: "Please." She beams at Peacekeeper. "I think we'd all love a little music to fill the space." She nods at Hearth and moves to start the tea brewing, digging out one that's peach flavoured.

Alexis Bartram: "I'm sure that they will let me take up your offer, although I admit I'm still getting my feet under myself. It hasn't helped that I've been stuck doing end-of-semester work all week, either." Alexis smiles somewhat lopsidedly before going to pull out tea cups for everyone.

Diamond: Meanwhile, Kayla starts distributing the food she got from Maddy's: Fir-fir, a dish made out of shredded injera and other warm spices, she distribute also with it a bowl of Genfo, which looks like porridge with a slight spice blends. The smell is not necessarily familiar, but it is a warm and comforting one. "I still need to talk to Maddy herself."

Hearth: "You're always welcome to go there to pick us up dinner until you run into her," Heather teased. "I won't complain."

Harmony: Harmony pats Alexis gently on the back as they prepare the tea and she gets a tray to set the cups out on. "You'll find your way." She assures her with a smile. "If you're pressed for time, I can give you the benefit of a full night's sleep without the sleeping part, and Jay might be able to help with a few tricks as regards your thought processes. Either way, let's go see about food and company?" Humming, she turns to start heading for where the others are sat, giving Alexis another reassuring smile.

AdHoc: Peacekeeper carefully unslings her guitar's soft case from her back and answers Jeremiah incongruously, "Sousaphone." Welcome to her sense of humor. She searches out a place to sit, and sits where instructed, so that she can unpack her guitar which is very evidently probably her most prized possession. She cursorily checks its tuning before strumming out a rich, bright major chord. Lovely. "If you would like to play for us first, Sirius, that would make me happy."

Sirius: "Short one of those, unfortunately." Sirius chuckled, looking over the guitar as she unpacked it and nodding with approval. "Give me one moment and I'll be right back." And off he went towards his room in the sanctum to acquire his own instrument for the occasion!

Diamond: Kayla watches them both play off each other in humor, a warm smile playing on her lips as she sneaks it some bites off her plate. "Alexis teaches computer science and computational linguistics. It's an amazing thing to hear her talk about it or just stare at her while she does her thing."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis hurries back to her spot on the couch to retrieve her pocket notebook and pulls out her pen so she can scribble thoughts down while listening, a bit odd for someone with her superlative memory but a habit she likes to indulge in when free associating.

Hearth: Hearth settled her elbows on the table and exchanged a smile with Kay, just enjoying the company more than having anything to actually say. She snagged one of her cookies and nibbled on the crisp edge of it.

Harmony: "I often stare at people when they display vibrant talents." Harmony chuckles, setting the tray down so everyone can take tea if desired. "I need to keep reminding myself to only focus on learning one new skills at a time." She glances at Peacekeeper with a keen smile. "Are you and Jay both gonna play? I can't wait for that." She sits herself, pulling her legs up into a cross legged position and taking a tea for herself.

AdHoc: "Where I come from, the host should play first. Or sing. Or dance. Or all three. And then it will be my turn. If you do not speak te reo, I can make it so you may understand what I am singing. It won't be quite as good without dancers and men to sing and perform haka, but I think you will get the idea." She rests in her seat, sips her tea, nibbles what foods are set out for her, and is patient as patient gets. "I teach children. I do not teach them computational linguistics, however."

Sirius: A minute or two later Sirius returned with a guitar case of his own in hand, claiming a seat for himself and setting said case down to retrieve what laid within. The guitar itself was well-loved with obvious care put into its maintenance, with the Warlock giving it a once over as he got settled. "Any requests?"

Diamond: Kayla continues eating her food while they wait on Jay to return, leaning against the table and watching the conversation. "That would be great." She runs her fingers over her hair, trying to take off a strand from her face. "I'd love if you'd sing something you wrote, Jay"

Alexis Bartram: "A lot of the people I teach are children as well, in many ways. As am I, in my understanding of the Supernal. Which is something of a roundabout way of saying that while I speak many languages, te reo is not one of them, and I would appreciate your translation as I cannot do it on my own as of yet." Alexis scribbles down a note before answering Sirius, "I second the motion. Something of your own."

AdHoc: Continuing her low-key trolling of her fellow musician, Peacekeeper suggests, "Freebird." She's grinning like an imp, though.

Harmony: She nods at Peacekeeper in acknowledgement, dipping her head with a smile. "We're all children in a lot of ways Alexis, there's always more to learn. And I agree, something of your own writing Jay?" She pauses, then grins at Peacekeeper at that trolling, looking back to Jay. "Would a dance to join it fit?" She asks him.

Diamond: Kayla gently pushes at Heather's shoulders and smiles at her. "we can be the back vocals on whatever they chose to sing and then get banned from doing so." She chuckles

Sirius: "I do actually know that, so don't tempt me." Sirius chuckled, giving Peacemaker a wry smirk. "That and Wonderwall, for the jokes."

AdHoc: "Do both and I'll finish with All Star," Peacekeeper counters. Never give Mastigos instruments and a room. And your attention. Never ever.

Hearth: "I am not a good singer," she laughed. "I'll serve you all better by not ruining it."

Harmony: Harmony smiles, taking to her feet. She contains her eagerness though, glancing Jay's way to check if an accompanying dance is a good idea or it's best to just let the musicians be.

Diamond: Kayla laughs back "I know, it's probably best if I stick to clapping and being enchanted by their talent" She drop of her forehead onto Heather's shoulder, a short show of affection there.

Alexis Bartram: Alexis simply waits patiently for them to begin, although she's scribbling ideas down on her little notepad as the conversation continues.

Hearth: Heather gave the top of Kay's head a kiss and then grabbed another cookie and handed it to her.

Sirius: "You drive a hard bargain..." Sirius sat back in his seat, appearing to actually be mulling it over. "Maybe next time."\

Diamond: Kayla set the cookie on her plate. "So what are you going to play Sirius?"

Harmony: "Yes." Harmony smiled over to Jay with a wink. "What's on the menu?"

AdHoc: Peacekeeper seems content enough to sit in her seat, sip her tea, and nibble on a cookie or two. She's careful to try and keep her crumbs contained to her plate, lifting it as necessary. She sets it back down when finished nibbling, simply watching the others by turns, as though mapping out their relationships.

Sirius: "It's not one of mine, but it's one I've been a fan of for a while." He finished getting the guitar properly tuned before settling in, starting up the rather jaunty tune with a flourish. One could see why he tried to make it big in music on his own with the talent shown, his ease with the song clear to see. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuV1zXXF9zg)

Diamond: Kayla bobs her head at the sound of the music and leans on the table, watching Jay sing she drums her fingers and hums a little along the tune, though not much more than that, she finishes eating what she put in her plate.

Harmony: Harmony settles down by her cadre mates, savouring a tea and a cookie and letting a foot swing idly in time with the music Jay was playing and singing, sending a smile Peacekeeper's way to check on their guest.

AdHoc: Peacekeeper smiles through the whole of the performance, tapping her foot at points and clearly enjoying the music tremendously. She applauds quietly once the music has concluded, beaming her approval at Sirius, "You have a gift! Thank you for sharing it with us. The song I will play for you is properly best performed as a Waiata-ā-ringa, but it is only me. So please make some allowances." She then plucks the pick from the strings at the head of her guitar, and begins strumming a simple boxy folk melody. And while she does not dance, and has no accompaniment other than her guitar and her own voice, she fills the room up with quite the sweet and joyous sound. (Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lGe3oW906I )

Hearth: Heather applauded when Peacekeeper finished, smiling broadly. "Oh that was lovely. No allowances required whatsoever. New Zealand has always seemed like a magical place to visit. Ever since I was a child it's been on my bucket list. Someday..."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis bobs her head along with both songs, and has a large smile on her face when they are finished, "That was wonderful, thank you."

Diamond: She applauds' Jay's song and cheers him on with a whistle. Then, their guest begin playing Kayla has joyous tears in her eyes as Peacekeeper sings and fill the room with a special touch of emotions, she keeps her hands over her heart, as if to stop it from jumping out. Memories are clearly dancing in her mind. "This was a blessing to hear, thank you."

Harmony: Harmony beams, clapping brightly to both performances and nodding at them both with bright eyes. "Thank you for that, both of you. You've both got a gift." She glances at Kay, reaching out to offer an one armed hug.

Sirius: Sirius smiled proudly as he finished, giving as much of a bow as one can while seated with a guitar in their lap. When Peacekeeper played he listened with rapt attention, adding in his own round of applause at the end. "Nicely done."

Hearth: "Kay," she murmured, giving her cadremate a little nudge. "Would you like to take the floor?"

AdHoc: Peacekeeper slides her pick back into the strings at the head of her instrument, then carefully lays it back into its soft case and zippers it back up. She then turns her full attention to Kayla when she's invited to speak.

Diamond: Kayla nods and then focus her attention onto Peacekeeper. "Before we continue this lovely exchange, we'd like to invite you to join us in our Hallow to share with you the studies of the fruit." A look toward Alexis as if to indicate what she means by 'timing' "It's bound to be an interesting experience for everyone here, especially given the fruit's timing in it's blooming." she remains rather emotional as she takes the floor so to speaks. "I know it's not the same as what happened between us, but it feels right for me to share this with you, Sister."

Harmony: Harmony nods along. "We would very much like it if you took part in the study with us, yes." A wide smile.

Sirius: Sirius nodded in agreement but remained quiet as he watched Peacekeeper for her reaction, taking a moment to get his guitar packed back up.

AdHoc: Peacekeeper's expression remains pleasant in a manner that might call into question the sincerity of all prior reactions. But Mastigos negotiators tend to be legendarily unflappable, so who knows in the end. Still, there's a glimmer in her eyes at the prospect, to be sure. "I see. That's an incredibly generous offer. What is it that you ask of the Cherry Blossoms in exchange? Or perhaps of the Family?"

Hearth: Hearth shook her head. "Sharing this with you is important to Kayla. You may consider it generous but it's an offer made in love, and the rest of us are supporting that desire out of love for her."

AdHoc: Peacekeeper's gaze turns to Kayla in silent question. Is this true?

Alexis Bartram: Alexis nods. "One thing I already have learned about my Masters is that building and growing the community and each other is deeply important to all of them."

Diamond: She looks around to her Cadre then focuses her knowledge of Prime, imprinting her words with Supernal Truth "I spoke to them, prior to Alexis' awakening. That this was our fruit and that I wanted us to share with you because of how I awakened and they agreed." then focus back on Maia (Words of truth cast for just that statement)

Harmony: "It's important to Kay, and she's important to us." Harmony nods in agreement with Hearth. "We love her, and we hope to do what Alexis says too, and this is all part of that."

Sirius: Sirius smiled at the look from Peacekeeper, giving a nod in return. "We're not one to prevent others from reaching a new level in their own enlightenment."

AdHoc: "I do not have the authority to speak for my Cadre in its entirety. We operate by consensus on most issues. But I do have the authority to speak for the Lodge. And our Tale Keeper, Weaver, they are in possession of our fruit. Because we will know, Diamond will know. And because Diamond will know, you will know. So while it does not, for that reason, compare with the gift you are giving me, I would like to-- on behalf of the emissariate --extend a welcome to you to the Lodge to join Weaver and myself and whomever else wishes to attend to unravel the secrets of our own fruit."

"I must caution you all, however. Weaver is... inhuman in appearance. They have been an Orphan of Proteus for many years, and prefer to live as spiders. This has caused a great many Tells to appear in their pattern, and we will not think less of you all if you decide to remain behind rather than be confronted with the myriad changes such a life visits upon the body. Even so. I answer welcome with welcome."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis sets her notepad aside and tucks her pen into her pocket before standing up, "Thank you very much for the invitation. I would certainly like to attend as part of any group that does."

Diamond: Kayla is flustered at the return of proposal and looks at her Cadre for a moment, her smile is emotional and she scratches the back of her head. "When I record things from the shades I speak to, or when my dreams gives me insights on our past or future, I record them at our lorehouse and I do other menial work there too. You have to be careful not to stomp or swat at spiders or other insect life. I've seen it lead to an Emeritus dispute a few times." she smiles at the offered warning.

Harmony: She considers Peacekeeper, nodding slowly. "The chance to study not one, but two fruits, it's.." She rubs at her arms, eyes bright. "I am, well, if it suits, yes. It's very good." She smiles, taking to her feet. "Thank you Peacekeeper." A nod towards Kay. "I'll be very careful, and respectful." She promises both her and Peacekeeper.

Sirius: "Thank you, and well noted." Sirius nodded quietly. "I don't have any issues with spiders myself, so that won't be an issue."

Hearth: "That's very kind of you," Hearth said. "I've never been to the Lodge and I'm sure it will be very instructional as well as a literally enlightening. Do you know if anyone has any particular allergies or food safety concerns that I should be aware of?"

In other words, what the heck would Weaver want for snacks.

AdHoc: "I was about to ask you all the same questions. We have some who do not eat meat, some who cannot eat wheat, some who do not eat pork, some who cannot eat peanut, some who must count their carbohydrates. We are a diverse group of individuals. What I can promise you is that whatever you bring will be enjoyed by many, so long as you bring it yourselves. We will have a proper feast. I will see to it. We already have more than enough cause for celebration." Peacekeeper gestures to Alexis here, then gestures away twice, as though indicating the others who awoke before her. "Would you like to study yours now, or should we wait and study both at the Lodge? You may find it an easier matter in our company."

Alexis Bartram: "That provokes a thought. Given that the other two were also bound up in the blooming and fruiting of the Tree, would it be advisable to have them present when examining said fruit, so that their nimbus and sympathy are ready at hand for comparison?" Alexis muses.

Diamond: Kayla looks over the rest of her cadre, studying their reaction to the proposal, then looking at Maia with a little smile there, a very empathetic person she is, she is clearly reading the room now.

Harmony: Harmony pauses, looking at the others before she offers Peacekeeper a rueful look. "I am very much eager to study the fruit we have here in detail, and to learn all I can. But a lot of that is my eagerness running away with me, maybe?" She asks the rest of her cadre. "If answers are easier to find at the lodge, is that what we should do?" And then she turns to look at Alexis, mouth spreading in a delighted smile at that insight.

Sirius: "No shrimp for me, but otherwise I'm good on the allergies front." He nodded, looking to Alexis with a smirk. "Not a bad question..."

Hearth: Hearth leaned over to the counter and pulled out a notepad, jotting down a few notes in a mostly illegible scrawl. She smiled to the others and nodded in agreement. "Well if we must study it instead of baking it into a pie, I'm inclined to take advantage of the wisdom of experience in the studying," she said with good humor.

Diamond: "I suspect that might be the wiser course of action from us." She leans forward. "Do you know when that will occur exactly?" Kayla asks curiously, leaning forward curious and invested into it.

Alexis Bartram: "I'll buy you some rhubarb and strawberries and you can bake that into a pie instead," Alexis offers with a grin, "Its been ages since I had a good strawberry rhubarb pie, anyway."

Harmony: Harmony nods in agreement with the rest, then grins at Alexis. "As delicious as a pie from a Fruit might be.. I think your alternative is a better idea. Sorry Hearth."

AdHoc: "I believe our sister Little Fox is presently the master of the tethered Obrimoi. She would be the one to approach about having them in attendance, though I will certainly state that Alexis has raised a very excellent point. She has a good mind this one. Likely having the three of them nearby may provide some insight into all of this that we might not glean otherwise. And the suggestion of doing it near the tree is particularly clever. Feast, then travel to the tree. An even better suggestion." Peacekeeper looks to Hearth at the suggestion of baking the fruit into a pie, her head tilting just a hair to the side as her smile remains easy and calm.

Hearth: "I stand by my theory that feeding the soul can be done metaphorically and physically simultaneously." She said virtuously. "If a fruit of the Tree can be a catalyst for Awakening and predict others Awakenings, it would clearly provide an interesting and unique opportunity when baked with perfected ingredients."

"There's really no telling what could be learned!"

Diamond: "You do realize the reason I awoke and that we're having this conversation with Peacekeeper is because last time I ate a fruit I..." she enumerates "Bled profusely from the mouth, rotted a floor and crashed through it and shrugged off Sleep while kind of crashing her celebration." a little amused look there. "Does studying a fruit consume them in some way?"

Harmony: "I am still wondering if there's a way to produce seeds from one of these Fruits." Harmony ventures for herself. "But we will see, mm, with the study." She looks up at the mention of Little Fox, her lips forming a wide, soft smile.

Alexis Bartram: "It sounds like we everyone is in agreement that pooling our resources with those of the Lodge in our study of both fruits will be more...fruitful for us all?" Alexis glances around at her mentors and Peacemaker.

Sirius: "Agreed." Sirius nodded, giving Alexis a brief smirk at the slight pun.

Hearth: Heather mimed a 'da dum tss' for Alexis, then shot a grin at Kay. "Awakening on our Path is never fun. If you'd Awoken Obrimos, it propbably would have tasted like ambrosia. I wouldn't anticipate it actually letting anyone reach a Watchtower a second time but..." She shrugged.

AdHoc: "I concur. We have consensus. I will return to the Lodge and announce the planned feast. I will also send a request to Epiphanius to use the arboretum after the dinner. If you could see to speaking with Little Fox and make whatever negotiations she may have to have her apprentices present? I would be grateful. My hunch is she will be happy to let them do as they please in this, but the formalities are important to observe." Peacekeeper then turns to open up her little backpack, pulling out a wrapped and taped bag. Simple, unadorned. Just packing tape around a shopping bag. "A gift from me to your Cadre for your hospitality today. Please accept this and use it to improve the care you are showing to Alexis." She offers it towards Kayla specifically.

Harmony: "Are people happy for me to talk to them?" Harmony asks. "I can see how he feels on it." A smile and then a nod to Peacekeeper as that gift is offered to Kay. "Thank you."

Diamond: Kayla nods, holding the money to her eyes, she sees it and nods. "I'd like to meet Little Fox again too, if that's possible? I'd like to be there." set the cash aside for a moment "We'll do what we can to make her stay better with this, we'll have a chat later" a smile to her. "We'll keep the fruit safe while we wait for the feast."

Hearth: "Sounds great." Then Hearth's eyes lit up with mischief. "Oh! Peacekeeper, You have some ability in Space, don't you? Could I recruit you for a special little project? I was thinking of a use for a very little co-location spell..."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis scratches the back of her head, "Thank you very much," she adds abashedly.

Sirius: "Have at it." Sirius nodded to Harmony, smirking a touch at Alexis' response to the gift offered. "Thank you for the gift."

Harmony: "I'd love to have you there." She smiles at Kay with a nod. "I'll grab you soon?" (player needs speep soon sadly :tired_face:)

AdHoc: "I am a Recognized Adept of Space, yes," Peacekeeper concurs, "why don't we talk about your idea another time, Hearth. I would prefer not to work my will in your sanctum, even with your permission. You are cultivating some very wonderful synergies as a group, and I would not want my nimbus to disrupt that progress. Perhaps you can bring your project with you when we collect at the tree, and afterwards you and I can retreat to the Consilium hall and work within its warding."

Diamond: She gives a playful wag of the eyebrow at Harmony. "Sure."

Hearth: She grinned. "Thank you. It was so nice having you here today."