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The Green Room, Spring Gardens


Jeremiah Hamilton:The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.

The master of the house was on site this particular day, although at a glance he looked more the part of another patron thanks to his more casual dress: jeans, black boots, and a black t-shirt for a music house in Los Angeles. He made the rounds among the tables, a warm smile on his face as he checked in to make sure everyone was enjoying themselves.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy has a table for themselves, because sometimes you need to treat yourself, especially after finishing a lot of hard work. They periodically put one hand into their satchel, as though subconsciously checking to make sure something is inside.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's eyes light up as he spots Nevy at one of the tables, offering a pleasant smile as he makes his way over. "Afternoon, and welcome to the Green Room. Things going well since we last talked, I hope?"

Nevermore Usher: They start a bit as they see him. "Wh- oh! right, this is your place." They offer him a hesitant but friendly smile. "Up and down. You know how it is. You?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: He held up his hands in a brief "no harm meant" manner at the startled reaction, smirking a touch. "No worries, and yeah, know how that goes. 's what keeps life interesting, though."

Nevermore Usher: They side-eye him a bit at the smirk, then snort. "Interesting. That's a word for it."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Usually in the 'may you live in interesting times' sense, I've come to notice." He chuckled briefly, sparing the counter a brief glance before looking back to the medium. "You ordered yet?"

Nevermore Usher: They shake their head. "I just sat down. Anything good here?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm partial to the grilled chicken wrap and the lemon orzo soup that we have, but everything's pretty solid overall."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. They chuckle. "Are you a waiter, too, as well as owning the place and playing guitar in the park?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I do my best to make sure the folks who come here enjoy themselves, and to set a good example for those that work here. Lead from the front and all that." He smiled at that, and what a charming thing it was. "And besides, a friend of Dandelion's is a friend of mine."

Nevermore Usher: Somehow, the oh-so-charming smile seems to leave Nevy less at-ease. "I'm... glad to hear that. Dandelion is a godsend. I'm lucky to know her."

Some of the ways he's interacted with them - the way his interest spiked so sharply when he learned they were a Medium, for example - have them suspecting that he views them as a novelty - and they're not looking forward to when he tries to avail himself of that novelty, either through an uncomfortable attempt at seduction or what have you. They have, frankly, jumped to a bit of a conclusion.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Seeing that reaction he paused, cranking down the overt charm for the time being but remaining approachable nonetheless. "As am I. Finding someone of a like mind can be a grand thing indeed."

Nevermore Usher: They consider him for a moment, then nod. "Yeah. It's.... yeah. I kind of wish I'd known her growing up."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I can imagine." Jeremiah nodded quietly. "She's been a fantastic mentor to a number of people here in the city, and I'd bet she'll be more than happy to pass that wisdom onto you as well."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "She has been." They take a drink of water. "So. What do you do, when you're, uh... Jedi-ing?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: The turn of phrase took a moment to parse, but when it did Jeremiah chuckled. "Something along the lines of a crèche master, one could say. Helping those newly aware or who show promise to find their footing and reach their full potential."

Nevermore Usher: They eye him. "You... teach Jedi Preschool."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "In a manner of speaking, although the people I work with usually aren't that young." He smirked. "Aiding those who find the world a wider place than they expected in finding the Path to use that awareness to the fullest is a big part of what I do, though."

Alexis Bartram: It is perhaps a manifestation of the Supernal that Alexis had chosen that very moment to walk in through the door, her eyes narrowing for a moment as she hears Nevy's comment and realizes that they are speaking to Jay. She scoots over to comment, "I mean, I'm short, but I'm not that short, really."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks at the newcomer. "Y-huh?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah paused as well at Alexis' comment, chuckling after a moment before giving her a nod. "Shepard." He then looked back to Nevy with a smirk. "She's one of the folks I'm working with these days."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis gestures at herself in all her 4'11" magnificence, "Aren't I a little tall for a preschooler?" She manages a...not unrecognizable imitation of Carrie Fisher's delivery before waving to Jay, "Wrex. Mind introducing me to your friend?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks at the two, then nods. "Right. Okay, I get it." They smile to Alexis. "Call me Nevermore. Your name is Shepherd?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Bit of an in-joke." He replied with a smirk. "She had a N7 jacket on one time when she came by to talk and I couldn't help but make the reference." He let his fellow Warlock make the call as far as what name she used to introduce herself, though, not wanting to assume.

Alexis Bartram: She gives Jay and Nevy a considering look before holding out a hand to Nevy, "Alas, merely Alexis. I can neither fight like a Krogan nor run like a leopard, and I'm certainly no Commander Shepard."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy chuckles and shakes. "And I can't fly either." They hesitate. "I am pretty good at annoying pretentious old white guys with poetry, so there's that."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Not a bad talent to have. Said pretentious old white guys usually deserve it."

Alexis Bartram: "There is no target more deserving than a pretentious white man convinced of his own intellectual superiority." Alexis nods firmly, "I should know, I get the old ones and the silicon valley bros both."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy snorts and nods. "You work in computers, then?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah went quiet for the moment, letting the two talk with a small smile on his face.

Alexis Bartram: "Computers and languages, yes. Mind if I ask what you do?" Alexis asks lightly as she grabs herself a seat.

Nevermore Usher: "Art and poetry... and retail on the side." They grimace. (Nevy has Fame 1 as an internet goth-aesthetic artist, if Alexis would recognize someone in those circles)

Alexis Bartram: "Ooof. I've done part-time retail." The matching grimace really says it all, "I can't say I'm really tuned in to the art scene, other than like...fanworks I guess."

Nevermore Usher: That draws a chuckle. "I've done an inordinate amount of Poe fanart in my day. Respect, sister."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis giggles, "What brings you to the Green Room today, Nevermore?" she glances over at Jay briefly before turning back to Nevy, "I hope its something good?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy isn't quite able to keep themselves from rolling their eyes at the glance to Jeremiah, though they're still smiling. "I just finished up a pretty big project, and the name was in my head so I decided to see what the place was like."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah gave Alexis a "what?" sort of look at the glance his way, shaking his head before the mention of Nevy finishing a project made him perk back up. "What sort of project, out of curiosity?"

Alexis Bartram: Alexis gives a little shake of her head and a smile at Jay's glance, "I'm sure its something well done, if its worth celebrating. Is it something you can share with us?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy waffles for a moment, then reaches into their satchel to pull out a set of tarot cards, obviously hand-made and utterly beautiful. The artwork, pen-and-ink and stylized in a way anyone who's seen Nevy's work before, has an aesthetic that might be best described as "Whimsically macabre."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah's eyebrows went up as he saw the cards laid out, visibly impressed. "That is fantastic...nicely done."

Alexis Bartram: "Ooooh, those are very nice. I've got a deck of my own, but its kinda...well, middle-quality manufacture, not a one-off piece of art like that." Alexis looks at the art for a while, "Have you ever done any ink brush art? I did a little traditional calligraphy when I was learning Mandrin."

Nevermore Usher: They shrug one shoulder. "A little, back in college. I haven't touched it much, since, though."

They try not to preen at the compliments. And fail horribly.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah finally moved to claim a seat for himself, smiling at the well-earned puffing of the ego that Nevy was showing. "I'm maybe a step or two above stick figures when it comes to drawing, so that is incredibly impressive."

Alexis Bartram: "Are you planning on keeping the deck for your own use or selling it?" Alexis wonders.

Nevermore Usher: "I have a friend I'm thinking of giving it to," They say, still grinning, "But I've got the art uploaded to a build-your-own-deck site so I can sell copies."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nice. On that note, I would definitely be interested in showcasing some of your art here." He motioned to the number of other pieces currently on the wall with a smile. "Always make a point of trying to support local artists."

Alexis Bartram: "I think I like the idea of the originals going to someone who is going to love them as objects, not just as an...artistic trophy, if you understand what I mean?" Alexis smiles, "Although I would totally understand auctioning them off to the highest bidder too. Capitialism, amirite?" She glances at Jay out the side of her eye, "Meaning no offense to any small business owners present."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances around, taking note of the artwork currently hanging there. (Any particular trends in terms of style, subject matter, or quality?)

Jeremiah Hamilton: "None taken." Jeremiah replied with a wry smirk. "One of the many ills of the world that we all have to deal with."

Alexis Bartram: "Jay's good people. And if he isn't, I know where he sleeps and our friends would help me...correct any errors." Alexis grins at Jay for a moment.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy considers Alexis for a moment at that, then nods. "Okay. Then... yeah, I'll let you know when I've got something for sale. Most of my work is, uh..." They ponder the words. "Kind of morbid. Will that be a problem?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You wound me, madame..." Jeremiah replied to Alexis, looking pained for a moment before turning to Nevy and shaking his head. "It shouldn't be, no."

Alexis Bartram: "Aww, and here I was thinking you were made of sterner stuff." Alexis shakes her head sadly, "Such a pity."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy snickers. "I feel like I should ask for a club sandwich, just so I can give you two the little toothpicks to help with your duel right now."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I have to applaud one who knows how to place the blade just so." He chuckled, giving Alexis as much of a mock bow as one could while sitting down. "Perhaps next time I'll emerge the victor."

Alexis Bartram: "I shall graciously accept your surrender, my friend. Perhaps next time shall be in your dreams." She smirks at him for a moment before shaking it off and returning her attention to Nevy, "But enough of that. You're here to celebrate. How can we help?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore chuckles. "Take this act on the road and give me 15%?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Now there's an idea..." Jeremiah grinned, shaking his head with a chuckle. "A good stage manager can make or break an act, though, that is the truth."

Alexis Bartram: "Alas, I think that U.Penn would be rather upset if I went on sabattical for half a year right now. Something about grants and research..." Alexis shrugs.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "You work for the university then?"

Alexis Bartram: "Yup. I'm in the Computational Lingustics unit. Basically, we're the people who make it so Skynet - er, I mean, Alexa - can understand and talk back to you. Among other things." Alexis explains cheerfully

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Wow. That's... impressive. And a little scary."

Alexis Bartram: "I mean, it kinda is. The Alexa things. There's a reason most computer programmers don't trust them, and it isn't because we actually think they'll rise up and exterminate all humans. Other than that, though, most of what I work is in what's called natural language processing. Its making it so a computer can parse an English sentance and turn it into understandable context that can be translated in a way that doesn't lose the meaning, just like a human translator can."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Still impressive. Still just a little scary." They chuckle.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Just a bit." Jeremiah chimed in, smiling a touch. "It is a fascinating thought, though, being able to converse with something we create like that."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis looks confuzzled, a bit like a kitten that just bumped into a glass door. "I'll take your word for it?" She waves her hands, "Its so exciting. Like, I know I made a Skynet joke, but the same thing is what will give us real assistants like C-3PO and R2-D2, since you were all with the Jedi references earlier."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy shrugs. "I'm not saying scary is bad. Goth, remember?" They put a tone of foreboding into their voice. "Dread portents and terrible truths..." They drop the voice. "...Are kind of a stock in trade. It's just... being able to make something think like that. It's... pretty awesome - in the old-fashioned sense."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed it is. The sheer possibilities are impressive to behold."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis stares at Jay for a few seconds and then bursts into full-gut, can't catch your breath levels of laughter.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks at this, glancing at Jay to see if he knows what's happening. "Did... I miss an in-joke?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked a little puzzled himself, truth be told, although the fact that Alexis found such amusement in what he'd said did bring a small smirk to his features. "I have no idea..."

Alexis Bartram: Alexis finally gets control over herself, "I...ahh...whoo..." little bit gasping for air still, "I'm not sure I can explain."

Nevermore Usher: "Come on, I'm curious now," Nevy whines amiably.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "As am I." Jeremiah watched Alexis curiously, making a 'go on...' motion with his hand.

Alexis Bartram: "I...uhh...how much am I allowed to explain without getting one or all of us in trouble here?" Alexis pulls out her very nice brass pen and starts spinning it in her fingers but then fumbles it and it goes spinning around in front of her on the table for a second.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy glances at Jay, then gives Alexis their best attempt at a winsome smile - which, granted, is helped by the fact that they're essentially a walking, black-coated hug in human form. "Everything?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: And there went the lightbulb. "Ah...they're friends with Dandelion but not fully on the path. so a general gist will do."

Alexis Bartram: "Jay is...ahh...talented with the general category of skill that you can think of as a Jedi Mind Trick. So...y'know...make something think." Alexis wiggles her fingers in an obvious 'maaaaagic' sort of way.

Nevermore Usher: That brings a double-take, along with a look of deep suspicion at Jay from Nevy.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah met the look with a serious one of his own, the earlier jocularity set aside for the moment. "I don't play around with that sort of thing, if that's what you're thinking. Being able to follow one's own free will is very important to me."

Alexis Bartram: "Oh, don't look at him like that, like I said, he's good people. And besides, that sort of thing is also really against both the spirit and letter of the rules. If he went around mind tricking people regularly, you wouldn't have ever met him."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy hesitates. "And he couldn't just... make you think he was a good man? Or... make you think he thought you were a goo- you know what I mean."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "In theory, but I choose not to because that goes against everything that I stand for. I act as a guide, letting others find the path at their own pace rather than forcing them along it. Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean that you should, and I hold firm to that."

Alexis Bartram: "Nevermore. He runs a cafe and music venue. Why would someone who has the utter lack of morals to do what you're suggesting actually work for a living? Especially in small business." Alexis is very seriousface now. "You pointed out yourself that not all scary things are bad, just a few minutes ago."

Nevermore Usher: They take a deep breath. "You're right, you're right. Sorry. I just..." They give a rueful look. "Working with ghosts and stuff like that... the idea that my mind not be my own is... not. good"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries. It's an understandable concern." He offered a reassuring smile. "You have my word that I won't do anything on that front with you without your explicit permission."

Alexis Bartram: "Trust me, I know just how awful being uncertain the inside of your own head is safe can be." Alexis perks up immediately, "OH! You're a paranormal medium? Cool! I haven't run into a haunting personally in Philly, but I hear they're all over the place."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore chuckles, forcing themselves into good cheer. "You'd think so, but I've run into way more, uh... people like you guys, or other, uh... not-quite-usual folks? Heck. One time, I went into an abandoned 7-11, expecting a ghost, and all I found was a v- a very old display of twinkies."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Oh? Interesting." He looked curious for a moment, then perked up a bit and gave Alexis a light nudge with his elbow. "Telll them about the project you're working on. Sounds like it'd be right up their alley."

Alexis Bartram: "Ok, so I've been working on this side project here and there for a while - it was hard to snag time for the last month what with the end of the semester and all - to make a GIS map of all the supernatural activity in and around the city and be able to visualize it by type and reliability and all sorts of other useful data. So, like, your not-a-twinkie-but-I-won't-pry, for example. Or those ghosts that supposedly kick around the Historic District, although I seriously doubt Ben Franklin is actually still around."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy's eyebrows shoot up. "Are... people going to appreciate that? I know you guys are pretty careful about privacy."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Depends on the flavor of paranormal, I imagine. Ghostly encounters or the like wouldn't cause much of a fuss, to my knowledge."

Alexis Bartram: "Yeah...I uhh...have been trimming the stuff out for certain communities and categories into another version that's not going to get shared around. But things that aren't part of certain communities can still be a valuable knowledge base. Like, if we know that a certain type of spiritual manifestation is congregating in a specific area, it could be something that can be managed properly. Just like you can manage regional overpopulation of certain types of animals with proper tracking, for example."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks uncomfortable. "I'm... not even sure collecting that sort of information is a good idea. I mean, you were just talking about how scary Alexa and all that stuff is, right?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked to Alexis at that, letting her field that one.

Alexis Bartram: "I'm just collecting publicly avaliable information that people offer to me, or publish in public sources. The utility lies in the ability to see the connections between data that was already avaliable, rather than the uniqueness of the information itself." Alexis clarifies, "It would be different if I were like...walking down the street with a talisman in my pocket and taking note of every time I got near a ward or something."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy frowns, looking troubled. "What if people ask you to leave them off the map?"

Alexis Bartram: "Then they aren't on the map. I left Maddy's off the list, for example, even though its open to the whole community, just because its supposed to be a private space for the people in on it." Alexis shrugs, "I'm trying to do Google one better and actually follow their corprate motto."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Good. I'm glad." They grimace. "Yeesh. For someone who was here to celebrate, I'm being a real downer here. I swear, it's not the Goth part."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "No worries. They're questions worth asking; not everyone takes the gifts they're given and puts them towards the betterment of all rather than their own selfish needs."

Alexis Bartram: "No kidding. I mean, look at the protests a few weeks back, before the entire thing got taken over because the pigs went psycho. The fukkin P.B.s are a prime example of assholes who exist to shit things up for the rest of us."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. "It's horrible. 'Protect and serve,' my all-too-ample rear end."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed." Jeremiah shook his head, then paused as his phone chirped in his pocket. "Pardon me..." He pulled it out to look it over, frowning a touch. "Apologies, but I need to head out. Was very good seeing you again, Nevermore, and do give me a call once you decide which pieces you want to display."

Adam Kovacs: A small hill of a man pushes open the door and steps into the cafe, looking around briefly. Spotting Nevermore, he moves across the floor with light steps to stand beside them. He nods in recognition at the two mages that are leaving, before he says to Nevy with a smile, "So they didnt end up eating you, that's good!"

Alexis Bartram: Alexis' phone choses this time to start ringing and she has the good grace to be embarassed about it, "Ack, sorry to abandon you Nevermore, but it at least looks like you have a friend to keep you company." Alexis pops up and answers the call as she walks out, "Wait What do you mean? I ca..." The rest of the call is cut off as the door shuts behind her.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks as the two abandon them, then turns to look at the man. "Um... no. Nobody ate anyone. You were, um... Beowulf? Did I hear that right?"

Adam Kovacs: Adam nods with a big smile. "Yup, though thats more of a work name." He takes a seat opposite Nevy as he talks. "If that's too much of a mouthful, just call me Adam."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy blinks at him just sitting down at their table in the restaurant. "Um... do you mind?"

Adam Kovacs: Adam looks slightly abashed as he stands back up. "Sorry, sorry, bad habit. Er, d'you mind if I sit here? I wanted to talk about the other night."

Nevermore Usher: They sigh and wave at the other side of the table. "Oh, go on."

Adam Kovacs: Adam's smile brightens as he sits back down. "Right, so, the thing you saw that wasn't the rats. You still have that drawing of it?"

Dandelion: Enter an older woman who moves with a slow, arthritic gait, but has a bright sunny smile. Both parties at the table, surely, recognize her.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "I do." They start digging in their bag, then grab a sheet of paper and look up. "It was - Auntie Dandy!"

Adam Kovacs: Adam greets the older woman with a smile. "Hey there Miss Dandelion, nice to see you out and about!"

Dandelion: "Hello, you two! I was actually planning to hunt you down, young man, to ask about the samples you collected, because my friend Nevermore had a wonderful idea for a different method for getting information." She approaches the table, putting a hand on the back of a chair. "May I?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods enthusiastically. "Please!"

Adam Kovacs: Adam nods. "Did I not give those to the old man? Must've slipped my mind after the bead." He looks at Nevy curious. "What idea was that?"

Dandelion: "I don't know who you gave them to, but I don't think we need much. In a way, we're looking for sympathy, Nevermore just doesn't have the word yet." She gestures at Nevermore, for them to explain.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks between them. "I think I can work some automatic writing, if I have something to draw the right spirits to me. I can't guarantee it'll get us new information, but..." They pass over the paper. "What did you need the drawing for?"

Adam Kovacs: "I think I put most of the sample in the 'Library', so I might have to get it for you. A sympathetic link is never a bad try, surprised no one mentioned it at the meeting!" Adam laughs.

"Ah, well," Adam scratches the back of his head at Nevy's question. "See, part of my schtick is hunting monsters. So, I was gonna verify that this thing was powered by human sacrifice, and if it is then I was gonna hunt it down. But first I need to research it, and having a reference helps."

Dandelion: "I wasn't aware my friend could try automatic writing, and I can't do it at all myself. We might both be media, but the rest of our suite differs." She lets out a laugh.

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods to Adam. "Actually," they say, "I scanned the picture - I'll text it to you." To Dandy, they chuckle. "Pretty much. I'm also going to see if I can make any more of these," they say, putting a hand to their protective necklace. "They could be useful."

Adam Kovacs: Adam laughs and pulls his barely working brick phone out. "Text it to this? Better off letting me make a copy." He pulls out a piece of paper and some charcoal from the messenger bag at his side.

Dandelion: "Nevermore, will you be able to maintain multiples? And will it take a lot out of you? If so, we want to be mindful about when you do that, compared to when you do the automatic writing. You'll need to be in good shape for that, dear."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods "The necklace isn't... it's not something I'm doing. It takes a little bit of work to make them, and they're finnicky, but once I make it? It should last as long as you or I do, as long as nothing breaks it." They look at the charcoal with surprise. "You draw?" They pass over their own drawing.

Adam Kovacs: Adam pulls out a small leather notebook and passes it over to Nevy in response. "Yeah, mostly things I've hunted, but also landscapes, interesting plants, and portraits of people close to me." He starts to replicate Nevy's work and manages a decent copy.

Dandelion: "I'm surrounded by brilliant artists, and me too old to be a muse." She laughs.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy flips through, then looks at Adam with new respect. "Well. Cut off my ear and call me Vincent. This is pretty good stuff." Then they grin and nudge Dandy. "Nonsense, Auntie. You're wonderfully a-muse-ing."

Adam Kovacs: Adam passes back Nevy's drawing and stows the copy. "Thanks! Always nice to get praise for my hobby! And dont be too sure Dandy, my mentor is older than you and he shows up in the book often enough!"

Dandelion: "Who are you studying under?" She tilts her head to one side. "Anyone I know?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy keeps quiet for the moment - a chance to learn more about this strange, secretive culture? That might even keep Nevermore from pulling attention for a moment.

Adam Kovacs: "Ah. Um." Adam shoots a small glance at Nevy. "He's my wife's father. An old family friend. He was never really famous in our circle, and he went Vidantus a while back."

Dandelion: "Oh." Her response to the word 'Vidantus' is eyebrows going up rather swiftly, before she nods. "I wasn't aware you're married."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy isn't quite able to keep themself from leaning forward in an attempt to listen. They're concentrating so hard, an unconscious squeak escapes their throat. ((Poor Nevy. Can't stop being Extra long enough to be a fly on the wall))

Adam Kovacs: Adam looks amused at the squeak. "Yup, married 10 years now. Half the time I travel is because I'm chasing after her! Feels like I married the wind sometimes! Hell, it's the reason I'm even in Philly."

Dandelion: "Oh. I used to be married, myself. He divorced me because I was keeping too many secrets from him--my mistake in deciding to marry someone I couldn't talk to at all. Nevermore, do not make that mistake yourself, alright? Marry someone good, who you can trust with yourself."

A pause and a glance at Adam. "Is your wife in the know, then, given that her father is and you are?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy almost falls out of their chair - whether because they weren't expecting to be addressed or because of the subject matter. "Yes! No! I mean, fine. Good. I'm.. won't."

Adam Kovacs: Adam nods. "Yeah, she's a..." beat. "Like me, but in your group, Dandy. I think she was heading to another city to provide backup. Something about a siege. I stayed here because I liked the Library."

He looks at Nevy, slightly concerned. "You all right there Nevermore?"

Dandelion: "Ahaa. You married an Amazon, a proper archer. That makes a lot of sense." She laughs brightly, then looks at Nevy. "Note: you don't actually have to get married; I'm not about to start hounding you for grandniblings or anything."

Nevermore Usher: "No, yeah, I'm good," Nevy says, sitting up straighter. "Just... distracted. You know." They look at Dandy. "I'm... that's not really something I'm thinking about right now."

Adam Kovacs: "Yeah, I did." Adam says with a lovesick look. "A foot shorter than me, and deadlier than anyone I've ever met with a sword."

He snaps out of it. "Ah, you'll find someone or someones that'll change your mind. Maybe not in a marriage way, but definitely in a 'I want these people in my life forever' kind of way."

Dandelion: "Oh, bless her. The next time she's in town, I would love to meet her. She sounds delightful." Dandy grins broadly.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy side-eyes Adam. "Who says I haven't already?"

Adam Kovacs: "Definitely, Dandy." Adam grins even more broadly.

"And no one Nevy, but you said No with so much panic I assumed you were against long term stuff like that."

Dandelion: "Don't hound them too much. They're not used to how metaphorically incestuous our society gets, with someone's former student dating their current student, and inner-cad relationships and such. I swear, it's worse than high school sometimes."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy shakes their head. "You're assuming that wanting someone around the rest of my life assumes romance?" They shrug. "I'm not opposed to a great romance someday, but if it never happens, I'm absolutely happy with what I have."

Dandelion: "As long as you're happy, dear, that's what matters. I've been fine on my own the past 10 years, with the company of all my kids that I've sort of collected making up for anything I've missed." She nods sagely.

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "I wouldn't mind being you when I grow up." They chuckle, then blink. "Oh! I almost forgot." They start rummaging in their bag.

They pull out a sheet of notebook paper, covered in notes. "I found some things about the spirits you'd asked about."

Dandelion: "Oh, tell me everything." Her eyes light up.

Nevermore Usher: They read over the paper. "So... most of the banes I'm finding have to do with fire." They look up. "The whole 'cleansing flame' thing, I think. Not all are being burned - for some it's smoke, or burnt wood, but for a lot of them... yeah. fire." They move to another section. "Bans... get pretty wild. Some have to run away from antiseptic, or can't resist trying to infect anyone who coughs or sneezes nearby. Some have to pick maggots out of decay when they find it." They shrug. "General question... general answers were all I could find. I hope that will be useful?"

Dandelion: "It might be, yes. Thank you for your work, Nevermore--I appreciate you helping out with the research. Speaking of, I ought to hit the books again, myself. I feel like I'm close to a breakthrough on the rat hosts." She stands, pushing her chair in. "Though I'd like a hug if you're good for one before I go."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles. "Always." They hug her.

Dandelion: She squeezes back tightly, before heading back out of the cafe.