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Latest revision as of 13:32, 26 May 2020

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Bellevue Hotel


Daniel Hawthorne: At times one needed a change of scenery to work in and on this particular evening Daniel had laid claim to one of the tables in the lounge area with a laptop in front of him, a leather messenger bag resting nearby. The Haunt was dressed neatly as was his wont, a dark blue scarf wrapped firmly around his neck. He nodded to those who passed but was focused on the screen for the most part.

Cian Doyle: The Bellevue really is an excellent place to work, and Cian strolls into the place, a worn leather bag thrown over his shoulder, his crisp white shirt contrasting sharply with a pair of slightly loose fitting linen pants. Hair brushed back just so, a slight flush to his pale, but Blushed skin, sharp blue eyes scanning the place for half a second before he starts to walk toward the back and an empty table.

And then he has to do a double-take, before snapping his head forward and continuing to walk. Something like Obfuscate would really just make things worse, cause more questions...but maybe Daniel didn't notice?


Daniel Hawthorne: More the pity for Cian that one of the 'gifts' from Daniel's sire was a set of heightened senses, as the flash of sudden movement managed to catch the young Dragon's eye. It was a brief glance at first, pale eyes going back to the screen, then a double-take of his own as he looked back towards the Gangrel with surprise clear on his features.

Cian Doyle: Of course, Cian catches the double-take as well, and slowly turns back. A little wide-eyed, clearly trying to keep fear from showing too much on his face. He's also fairly speechless, like he's afraid to even open his mouth.

Kindred? Afraid? What a concept.

Daniel Hawthorne: The silent staring match went on for a spell until Daniel finally cleared his throat, the Brahmin-tinged whispers making their way out shortly thereafter. "Didn't expect to see you here."

Cian Doyle: "You're certainly not the only one." Cian lets out a soft, and slightly nervous, laugh. He's affected an Irish accent - a clear departure from that classic Bostonian one that he certainly had a few years ago.

He doesn't sit, but he does turn to face the other man properly. "How have you been? I wasn't aware you'd moved here, only that you'd left..."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Better than I was there." He motioned to one of the seats at the table for Cian to take if he so wished, taking a moment to save what he was working on as he continued. "Needed to get away from...all that. Been going well enough, all told. You?"

Cian Doyle: There's a long moment, where Cian considers his options, glancing toward the door, even. And then he slides the strap of his bag off his shoulder, and moves to sit in the offered chair.

"Much the same, to be quite honest. I've...started over, in almost all ways."

Daniel Hawthorne: The laptop was closed once the files were properly saved, with Daniel looking towards Cian as he got settled with a small smirk. "Same, honestly. Found a way to get past a lot of that negative baggage with the Academy here."

Cian Doyle: "Do people here...know of your history?" His eyebrow twitches upward, but otherwise he's regained his composure.

Daniel Hawthorne: "For the most part. Wasn't much point in hiding it, and there are a few others here who weren't brought into the night willingly." He sat back in his chair, thinking a moment. "The court here's different, but in a good way. Have you been here long?"

Cian Doyle: "Not long at all, just over a year. I...have not shared my history, and I would prefer it that way. Starting over, as I said." His lips thin out into a humorless smile.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Wonder how we missed each other then, been here about six myself." He gave a solemn nod at that smile. "Understood. Same name, or..."

Cian Doyle: "I have been...laying low, as it were. I've taken the time to determine the lay of the land, before doing anything worth remembering. Ah - It's Cian, now. Doyle" A flash of gratitude comes to his face, and he nods.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Fair enough." He nodded quietly, accompanied by a proper smile. "I get needing to reshape yourself when the need arises. Cian it is."

Phaedra Lamb: As the Bostonians are talking, in walks a smol Mekhet. She's dressed kinda blandly by her standards; a tank top and jeans, her hair in a low ponytail tied with a twist tie stolen from a grocery store. She has a couple books under one arm, and seems to be in a thoughtful, stormy mood.

Cian Doyle: Cian's gaze flicks toward the door, and he lifts his head to call out to Phaedra.

And then reconsiders, starting to turn back, though the movement's probably already been noticed. Definitely by Daniel, at least.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel did indeed notice, giving Cian a brief curious look before nodding to Phaedra. "Evening" came the whispered greeting. "Everything alright?"

Phaedra Lamb: "Yeah, I guess. Trying to read, to study. How's you guys?" She watches them. "Can...I sit by you both, or is it 'adults are talking' hours over here?"

Cian Doyle: A huff of a laugh, (the same, slightly nervous one that Daniel heard earlier), and Cian shakes his head. "I have no problem, do you...?" An eyebrow arches at Daniel

Daniel Hawthorne: "Fine by me." He made an 'after you' motion towards one of the free seats at the table. "What are you reading up on, if you don't mind my asking?"

Phaedra Lamb: She puts a pair of math textbooks on the table. They're...very basic, sixth-grade level. "I'm working on studying so I can eventually take my GED. Math is hard."

Cian Doyle: "Ah -" Cian gives her a sympathetic grimace. "Hard, in what ways?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Ah...best of luck." He nodded quietly, looking over the books as Cian asked the next question he would've had.

Phaedra Lamb: "Numbers are okay when they're numbers. I know what to do with those. But when they're fractions or letters or stuff, that's hard to understand. I mean I kinda get fractions, but not how to do stuff with them." She stacks the books one on top of the other and rests her chin on top of them, closing her eyes. "But I have you to help with history at least, Cian, and that's going to be awesome."

Cian Doyle: "I will certainly try to do my best. I...have a bit of experience with teaching, but much more-so with learning."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Might be able to give a hand with that if you'd like; fractions come up a good bit in my work." He smirked a touch. "Get you on the algebra side of thing, though. I had trouble with that when I was learning it the first time, too."

Phaedra Lamb: She gives Daniel a thoughtful look. "How long ago were you in school?"

Cian Doyle: Cian blinks over at Daniel when Phaedra asks her question, and carefully eases back into his chair. "I've never been much into math, myself. I've learned what I needed as I needed, for practical purposes."

Daniel Hawthorne: "High school? About twenty years." He looked to be in his mid-twenties, mind, but there were stranger things when it came to the undead. "Undergrad was about fifteen."

Phaedra Lamb: "Oh, wow, I thought you were a lot older than me! Not just about twice my age." She blossoms into a grin.

Cian Doyle: "What lead you to that assumption, if you don't mind my asking?" Cian looks curious.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Really...didn't realize I pegged that much older." He smirked, seeming rather amused. "I did grow up around the First Estate, so that might have something to do with it."

Phaedra Lamb: "You're posh and fancy and talk like money." She pauses, and gestures at Cian. "You, I haven't bothered to guess. I mean. Kinda."

Cian Doyle: "Most tend to have some idea of the ages of the people they do that with, do they not?" Cian addresses Daniel, the corner of his mouth quirking up just a touch to acknowledge the joke.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Depends." He replied with a small smirk, then looked to Phaedra. "With what you said I can definitely see being seen as older."

Phaedra Lamb: The sex joke flies over her head, but she doesn't even try to catch it. "Someone like me or Finley or Eyrgjafa is easy to guess the age of. Not everyone is, though. So I like...if I'm guessing wrong, I'm guessing older."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not a bad way to go about it. Actually asking tends to be seen as gauche, at least in my experience, but I don't mind talking about it myself. Then again I've only been at this properly for a little over eight years."

Phaedra Lamb: She nods slightly. "Still, that's three years more than me. And what do you mean 'properly'? Were you doing it improperly for a while?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I served as a ghoul for my family's patron for about seven years before my Embrace."

Phaedra Lamb: Her eyes widen. "Oooh. What was that like?" Clearly not bothering to consider there might be trauma involved or anything.

Cian Doyle: Cian winces at Phaedra's question, and looks to Daniel, ready to intervene if needed.

Daniel Hawthorne: The enthusiasm in the question was something of a surprise, but after a moment he smiled a touch, wry little thing that it was. "There were some...up and downs when it came to more personal matters, but overall I found it fulfilling, doing my part to aid in bettering my regnant's standing in the city and that of my family in kind."

Phaedra Lamb: It's the sort of naive question that might come from someone who's never seen domains other than Philly. She nods at the answer she receives, and then glances at Cian. "What about you?"

Cian Doyle: "Ah - quite some time, I...spent the majority in torpor." He glances to Daniel as he says it, an almost...pleading look crossing his face. And he doesn't otherwise meet Phaedra's eyes, and...yeah that's whole hell of a a lot of bullshit, from him.

Anthony Rogers: The elevator dinged, the doors opening to reveal nothing within. They closed, though the floor did not change. After a few moments, they dinged again and this time a gangly man in a burgundy, velour tracksuit stepped off into the lounge area. He scratched at his unruly short blonde hair as he looked around, taking in the atmosphere. Taking it in with something of a grimace, like a grumpy grandpa coming back to his favorite spot after its been ruined by kids for a decade. Except he looked thirty.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel was quiet as Cian anwered, a note of curiosity in that pale-eyed glance but showing no mark that he would call the man's bluff.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra looks like she's about to say something, when Anthony arrives, and she sits a little straighter in her chair. "Welcome back, again."

Cian Doyle: Cian looks more than a little relieved at the presence of the newcomer - the heat is off him for the moment, at least. "I don't think we've met," he says when Anthony gets close enough.

Anthony Rogers: Grumpy grandpa dissapears, leaving a goofy smile on Anthony's face as he recognizes Phaedra. "Well howdy, Miss Lamb," he says, trying to inject some John Wayne twang into his voice, but only scuseeded to reveal a hint of Russian accent. He walks closer to the group, taking the two men in turn under his light blue eyes. "Ah yes. New faces," he says to Cian, sounding like a proper Philadelphean once more, and looks at Daniel. "Both of you. Good. I guess the city is growing. Anthony Rogers, recently returned." He sniffs. "So whats the hubbub, bubs?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked towards Anthony at his arrival and gave a polite nod. His own greeting was whisper-quiet, hints of an almost-British accent coming through here and there. "Evening. Daniel Hawthorne, pleasure."

Phaedra Lamb: "Anthony's back after time away. He knew my sire."

Cian Doyle: "Cian Doyle - it's a pleasure to meet you." His Irish accent is soft, as is his voice in general, and he holds a thin hand out for Anthony to shake. "Welcome back."

Anthony Rogers: He nods at Phaedra's words. "Ah yes, Tally. Far too good for this world, but damn, the world didn't have to take that literally and kick her off it," Anthony muttered. He fixed Phaedra with a look. "Not ready to go hunting on that front yet. Got to...recconect with the city first, see which strings I still have left to pull." He looks at the two men again. "Thank you for the welcome..chum. So...recent transplants, or freshly made? Don't bother me none if you don't want to answer, but sometimes the blunt approach is the bes-" He cuts himself short and notices Phaedra's books. "You doing school work here, Miss Lamb?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Relatively new, on both counts. Been here since 2014."

Phaedra Lamb: "I was going to try to do schoolwork, but more interesting things came up." She gestures at Cian and Daniel demonstratively.

Cian Doyle: "It was Boston, before this, for me - I relocated last year. What brings you back to Philadelphia?" Cian is politely curious, and gives Phaedra a small glance before focusing on Anthony again.

Anthony Rogers: He arches a brow at Pheadra. "Interesting, hmm?" That seemed to be motivation enough for Anthony to give the two men even more attention. "Well, Mister Cian, if I am going to be honest, its the sandwiches. I swear, everywhere else I go tries to use real cheese on cheesesteaks, which is an abso-LUTE disaster." He finds himself a seat to plop into. "So you two still freelance? Or have the social clubs gobbled you up already?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'm with the Academy myself, although I started with the First Estate." He looked to Anthony as he got settled. "You?"

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra goes thoughtfully quiet, opening one of the textbooks now, letting Anthony be the one to prod and pry.

Anthony Rogers: "Oh, no one wants me, so I travel the world, alone. So....alone," Anthony answers Daniel, with mock dramatics,then tips his head to the side to get a look at the textbook Phaedra was reading. "Is that a history book? You know, if ever have any questions about that, I'd be happy to answer them, or even find someone who can."

Cian Doyle: "I've found my place with the Carthians." Anthony's mention of history makes Cian glance to Phaedra again.

Anthony Rogers: "Carthians? Heh." Anthony considers the group a moment more. "A Dragon, a Sister, and a Firebrand walk into a a bar...guess which one managed to duck?" He grinned- it was like watching someone stretch putty to make a smile. "So why'd you leave the Invictus, Mister Daniel?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "The philosophy of the Order appealed to me more once I learned about it, along with the deeper studies into the self that they allow. My entrance to the night was...chaotic, to put it lightly, and staying on the track that I had been on would have been untenable as time went on."

Phaedra Lamb: She catches Cian's glance, and gives a small gesture, like one might make when telling a skittish dog to settle down. And then she looks at Anthony. "I don't need to duck, I'm short!"

Cian Doyle: Cian nods along at Daniel's explanation, and laughs quietly at Phaedra's addition to the joke.

Anthony Rogers: "You're setting yourself a low bar, Miss Lamb," Anthony told her, then folded his hands together to focus on Daniel. "The Estate Number Uno would not have been able to provide the..ah..stability you felt you might have needed?"

Daniel Hawthorne: The young Haunt smirked at Phaedra's response to the joke, then shook his head at the question from Anthony. "It would have provided the wrong kind of stability, honestly. Stagnation rather than a path to true solace."

Phaedra Lamb: "Low bars are a good thing in limbo. Or so I'm told, I've never played." She shrugs, sitting back in her chair a little.

Cian Doyle: It's not as if Cian's got anything to add, though he does look interested in Daniel's reasoning.

Anthony Rogers: He pursed his lips at Daniel's response. "Well...I guess the Order does have that sort of appeal. Certainly better than the 'already damned' spiel the 'Church' likes to give. But enough about that... I doubt you're going to tell me what you might be working on in particular. You sorts to tend to be rather secretive about all that." He glanced at Phaedra. "So you two her tutors then?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Nothing I can talk freely on, no." He smiled politely, if apologetically. "I've offered what help I can on that front, but it's up to her."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'm going to learn all I can with everything I can. Cian really wants to help me with history, and I can't wait to get his perspective on events." Her smile is enthusiastic.

Cian Doyle: "I'm afraid I'm no use at math. Hopefully I'll be a help - at the very least, translating the dryness that so many history books seem to share into something memorable." Cian flashes a smile back at Phaedra.

Anthony Rogers: "Remind me too much of my sister saying all that," he said to Phaedra, leaning back in his chair. "She really wanted to go to school herself, but then, that wasn't something done. Now first hand historical accounts can be interesting, but you have to be careful. Our minds like to play tricks on us after we die...memories can get a bit...ah, whats the English word...."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Fluid, perhaps? Things blending together and whatnot?"

Cian Doyle: "Subjective? Warped?" Cian offers the words.

Anthony Rogers: "Warped, yes, thats the one," he says with a snap. "For some reason my mind was telling me 'No no, Anthony, that's Star Trek'..."

Phaedra Lamb: She tilts her head to one side slightly. "Warped? Maybe. Still, I look forward to seeing what Cian has to say."

Cian Doyle: "I don't think your mind is incorrect, connecting 'warp' and Star Trek...?" He doesn't sound like he's entirely sure.

Daniel Hawthorne: "That's used in the series, yeah." Daniel nodded quietly. Closet nerd? Him? Never...

Anthony Rogers: "Well its been a while since I watched the adventures of the Starship Enterprise," Anthony admitted. "So, Mister Cian, what area of history could you afford a proper view on for Miss lamb here?" The question was asked almost like he was a parent asking what a teacher could do for his kid.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra folds her arms on the textbooks again, watching Cian like a cat now.

Cian Doyle: "My...area of expertise, as it were," Cian smiles, "is with the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. I have a specific focus in shipping and sailing, around that time, but I should be able to afford some general overview, as well." In turn, he sounds for all the world like he's a scholar.

Anthony Rogers: Anthony nods, then leans towards Phaedra. "He was a pirate," he tells her in a stage whisper.

Phaedra Lamb: Phaedra laughs, and gestures at Cian's clothing. "Do you think?"

Anthony Rogers: "Obviously, he keelhauled the previous owner of those clothes and took the outfit for himself," Anthony declared.

Cian Doyle: "It really is remarkable, the items you can find in modern shops if you look in the right places," Cian counters, arching an eyebrow. "No piracy required.'

Anthony Rogers: "Whaling then," he guessed next. "Look, we can trade. I tell you mine if you tell me yours."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel cracked a proper smile at that, although the just-contained laugh sadly led to a brief coughing fit as his damaged throat rebelled. Ah, the occasional perils of the Blush...

Phaedra Lamb: "Just because something isn't required doesn't mean someone won't do it." She turns the full blast of her pale blue laser beam eyes on Anthony, grinning, before the coughing fit draws her attention to Daniel. "Oh! Are you alright? Don't answer, just nod."

Cian Doyle: "I think you will find my comment was in no way a denial. Was it?" Cian's eyebrow slides a touch higher, and the corner of his mouth twitches, before Daniel's coughing fit makes him frown in concern. He turns to the man and rests a hand on his shoulder, nodding at what Phaedra's asked.

Anthony Rogers: "Ah well, maybe some other time," Anthony said as he stood with a stretch. "I should probably do some more house hunting. Can't stay here for the rest of my unlife. What fun would that be?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel gave a quick thumbs up at the question, nodding to Anthony before sitting back in his chair as the fit passed and he was able to catch his breath. "Apologies..." the whisper came out more ragged than usual, a hand briefly going up to his scarf-covered throat to make sure everything was in place. "I'm good."

Phaedra Lamb: "It's fine, you don't need to apologize. We're worried about you, because that's what people do." She smiles gently before glancing back toward the elevator where Anthony had left, thoughtfully.

Cian Doyle: Cian nods a goodbye at Anthony, but most of his attention is focused on Daniel. He doesn't take the hand off his shoulder until Daniel speaks. "Quite right, Phaedra."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Appreciate it." He replied with a small smile, clearing his throat and pausing to make sure everything had settled down before he continued. "Still getting used to that."

Phaedra Lamb: "I'd say to carry cough drops, but throwing those up would probably hurt a raw throat more." She frowns. "Also I almost feel like I should apologize for Anthony. He is in my Family."

Cian Doyle: "What is there to apologize for?" Cian cants his head.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Doesn't help much anyway. Injury that didn't heal properly." There was a quiet, bitter tone to those words, followed by another check of the scarf before he let his hand rest on the table.

Phaedra Lamb: "He's...a bit much. I don't know what to make of him yet." She shakes her head, then looks at Daniel. "Is...that why you wear the scarf, to hide it?"

Cian Doyle: "I don't think that something like that requires an apology from you." Cian's voice is not unkind.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It is. Far too obvious not to." He nodded quietly. "And as he said, you don't need to apologize."

Phaedra Lamb: "Alright. But you don't need to hide it here, if you don't want to. Your neck, I mean."

Cian Doyle: Cian gestures in agreement. "I understand if...it is something you're more comfortable hiding, even here."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'd prefer to keep it covered currently, but thank you."

Phaedra Lamb: "That's fine too. I just...it always bugs me a little when Kindred work hard to hide the scary bits, especially for one another's sake." She smiles, letting her gaze drift back to Cian, looking him up and down slowly.

Cian Doyle: "We all have things we prefer to keep to ourselves, even within our own communities." Cian shrugs, his voice gentle.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's as much for my sake as for others. Better to be used to having it covered and avoid a potential breach and whatnot."

Phaedra Lamb: "Fair on both points." She nods, and stretches quietly--not strictly necessary, she's not currently Blushed. "I suppose I just haven't thought about what I would keep hidden or private, if I were to not be an open book."

Cian Doyle: Cian looks her over "Do you...wish to be an 'open book,' all the time?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked to Phaedra in kind, equally curious.

Phaedra Lamb: She shrugs. "I mean. It doesn't matter to me, because people are going to see me as they want to, as what I mean to them or how useful I am, instead of for me, so what's the point in hiding, because that's already going to be a screen in the way?"

Cian Doyle: A soft whoosh of breath escapes Cian's mouth at that. "Cultivating how people see you...can be a useful skill, and can inform what you mean to them. Or how useful they consider you." He gives Phaedra something of a humorless smile.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed. The recent business with Cordray showed that, in a way; whatever usefulness she may have had to the Estate meant little due to her behavior."

Phaedra Lamb: "How do you two see me, so far?" She glances between the men quietly.

Cian Doyle: "Hmm." Cian sits back, and regards her thoughtfully. "Hungry. For information, to prove yourself...you're young, and you're ambitious, and I don't believe that I've seen nearly everything hiding behind those big blue eyes."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel nodded in agreement. "You've thrown yourself into a number of projects, from what I've seen and heard, putting your talents to good use."

Phaedra Lamb: "Look, if more people jumped in with both feet..." She huffs, or at least appears to, without breath.

Cian Doyle: "Then you might not shine quite so brightly as I suspect you do. Or will, if you keep on the path you've laid out for yourself." There's a moment's pause. "How...would you like us to see you?"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Nothing wrong with taking the initiative, but remember that we can have a long candle indeed and you don't always have to burn both ends of it."

Phaedra Lamb: "I don't know how I want you to see me, I'm not there yet. But I'm the Haruspex, I've earned that, given blood and heart and my sanity for that. So that's a start. I see things and I know things. That's a start." She shrugs, looking down at her textbooks.

Cian Doyle: "...Are there those who doubt that you've earned your title?" Cian's voice is calm.

Daniel Hawthorne: "And you want to know more, I would guess." He spared a brief look at the books in front of her.

Phaedra Lamb: She shakes her head just slightly at Cian's question. "Not since the Nereids came to town and I dove deep into the Cruac to find answers no one else was going to have."

Daniel, meanwhile, gets a small shrug. "I do want to know more, yeah. A lot more. I missed the chance to learn for real when I was younger, and I'm going to take that chance now."

Cian Doyle: For a moment, it seems like Cian is planning on asking another question, but he reconsiders. "is there a subject you have an interest in, more than another yet? Or are you still in the stages of not knowing what you don't know?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel nodded quietly, looking to Phaedra at Cian's question.

Phaedra Lamb: "Sort of that, yeah. There's everything out there. But...I want to learn everything I need, to never feel like I don't understand what someone's talking about around me. And that means learning about blood to talk with Finley, right? And about the Victorian period and it's connection to the occult, for Rhea. And motorcycles, too. To talk to Guy and Sledge. And Cruac, I want to learn more about Cruac and help all the rest of the Circle."

Cian Doyle: Cian laughs softly. It's not unkind - if anything, it's understanding. "You will need to accept the fact that there will always be something you don't know. A fact which offers innumerable opportunities to learn - it should excite you, not depress you. May I ask...what fuels your pursuit of knowledge?" Why. He's asking why.

Daniel Hawthorne: "It's something to look forward to, to keep you interested from night to night as the years become decades and centuries. There's always a new horizon to reach for, and that's not a bad thing."

Phaedra Lamb: "I hate feeling like I'm the only one in the room who doesn't understand something. I want those moments to never happen. I don't want what my family did to me to leave me behind when it comes to everything else that's left in my life. I want to get it. I want to grasp it. Even if I have to seize every bit of knowledge bit by bit for centuries." Her voice is clear and passionate.

Cian Doyle: "That want - the hunger. Hold onto it." Cian leans back in his chair with a nod. "And find those who would help you feed."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." Daniel nodded in kind. "Stagnation is the worst thing we can come up against, and if I can help others fight against that I'm more than happy to."

Phaedra Lamb: "I am far too young to stagnate yet." She laughs aloud. "Ask me again in fifty years, if I make it that long."

Cian Doyle: "I'll be sure to do that, if our paths still cross then." A smile, and he pushes to his feet, grabbing his bag from the floor as he does. "It's getting late, I have business. Lovely to see you both."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Here here." Daniel replied with a smirk, giving Cian a nod as he got up. "You as well. Have a good night."

Phaedra Lamb: "May I walk you out?" She stands as well, offering Cian her arm--the one not cradling her textbooks.

Cian Doyle: "Always, Miss Lamb." Cian smiles at the reversal of their first meeting, and takes her arm.