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Revision as of 18:07, 30 May 2020

Somehow Lucia tends to seem even smaller than her five foot height would suggest. She's one of those people who seems to blend into the background and skate under everyone's notice, despite being pretty enough, especially with her strikingly bright green eyes. Her dark hair is short and curly, and she usually wears glasses that flatter the shape of her face well.


Lucia tends to look like something out of a high-budget cyberpunk movie, with limbs that look like they're cybernetics made of metal and plastics. Through every gap in the artificial 'skin' of her limbs is the gleaming of neon green glow off of metallic bones and joints. About the only part of her that still looks largely "original" is her face, with the exception of eyes that glow brightly with the same green as the light that illuminates her from within.


Everything in the presence of Lucia's mantle seems a little brighter and a little sharper, like someone was adjusting the brightness and sharpness settings on the TV for reality. When she uses magic there's a soft and bitterly cold breeze that might make someone wonder if the AC is set at way too low a temperature.

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  • Cian - Some guy who works on the frigate, who answered questions about rigging.
  • Jeremiah - I didn't think I would understand, but I'm starting to.
  • June - An absurdly cute Summer, which is probably an effective tactic.
  • Polly - Seems to see me as being as wonderful as she is.
  • Lux - The faded memory of an endless nightmare.
  • Rosalyn - Maybe as different a person from who she was as I am from who I was.
  • Sigrun - I like the lack of bullshit. I can definitely work with that.

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RP Hooks

Hands Off - Lucia generally does not like contact with other people, especially when it's not invited. Expect negative reactions if she's touched without permission, and don't expect permission to come easily.

Creative Problem Solving - Lucia always seems to be able to find someone to perform a task, how to grease the right palms to get things to happen, and how to make deals under the table to make it easier to acquire services. If someone needs something done, she can usually arrange it with less difficulty, or less cost, than most others.

Good as New - As a publicly facing day job, Lucia runs a business that claims to be able to fix pretty much anything that's broken, run down, or in otherwise in need of repair or restoration. From family heirlooms to rare and expensive machinery, she always seems willing to take on a job. The things she has fixed range from someone's grandmother's childhood teddy bear to rare art pieces.

Illegal Replications - Paperwork, art, signatures, money. Lucia has proven herself capable, with effort, of reproducing almost anything, and has hired out her services to people who wanted them on more than one occasion. She has ties with some criminal organizations as a result, but hasn't rebuilt a lot of those connections in Philadelphia yet.

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Lucia Diaz

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Full Name: Lucia Díaz
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Fixer, Forgery
Birth: July 10, 1904
Nationality: American
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Height: 5'0"

Seeming: Wizened
Kith: Chatelaine
Court: Winter
Court Role: Archer of the Lonely March
Public Effects: Mantle (Winter)
Status (Crime)

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Played By: LeFay