Logs:A Different Type of Meditation: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Log | content-warning=N/A | cast= *Heather Williams *Jeremiah Hamilton *Kayla Sockum *Mary Toombs | setting=Soulwardens Sanctum | log='''Kayla Sockum:''' Ka...")
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Latest revision as of 17:06, 31 May 2020

Content Warning



Soulwardens Sanctum


Kayla Sockum: Kayla comes in wearing her short blue and white cloud dress, she's found in the middle of the Hallow room with a small med kit laid in her lap as she seem to tend for something on her own shoulders. Her tools are laid beside her.

Mary Toombs: Mary makes her way down, dressed in simple shorts and shirt, nothing fancy. She pauses as she sees Kay, glancing at her shoulder with a biting of her lip before resuming down the stairs. "Hey." She offers quietly, reaching out to brush hand over her arm.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Not long after Mary's arrival Jeremiah stuck his head in, pausing with a small smirk as he spotted the pair there. "Am I interrupting?"

Kayla Sockum: "Hey there." She shivers at the touch to her arm. "No, you're not interrupting anything Jay come in, bring the cat if you want too." She apply a bit of disinfectant to a small clothe and apply it to a spot on her shoulder. "I was going to meditate, but being entirely honest, it wouldn't have worked super well given my mood."

Mary Toombs: She turns, giving Jay a wide smile and wave. "You should come in anyway." She chuckles. "And yes, bring that cat along if you like. How are you both?" A pause then and she looks over at Kay, stilling a moment. "Things aren't good?" She asks quietly.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "He's crashed out upstairs." The usual note of mirth in his tone faded as he saw the wound Kay was treating, however, frowning as he made his way into the Hallow room proper. "What happened?"

Kayla Sockum: "Someone bite me on the shoulder and I've been taking care of the little wound." Kay grins a little bit smile there. "Plus using it for a bit of a learning experience for Life magic." She curl on herself, she pat the spot beside her. "Join me! Sit down."

Mary Toombs: Mary's cheeks colour a little. "I did offer to fix it." She notes. "but, if it's good for practice, mm." A lopsided smile and she shuffles to sit, leaving space for Jay to join the pair. "You are doing good for figuring it out so far, I reckon." She notes.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Cue eyebrow arch as he took a seat beside the pair. He looked about ready to say something but Mary's blush keyed him into where exactly that bite came from and he simply chuckled, giving a little nod. "Gotcha...what's got your mood down, though?"

Kayla Sockum: "Oh my mood is up and active, actually, which is terrible for meditating." Kay finishes cleaning the rather super ficial wound and set it aside. "Also, I will need assistance from a Life Magic haver. I need to find a reptilian companion. I asked Heather if she was okay with it."

Mary Toombs: "Good." Mary relaxes, then grins, nodding. "Yup, it takes a quiet mind and that's not what you seem to have right now." A gentle nudge. "Jay might have made a new friend." She stage whispers, winking at him. "And, ooh. Sure! What kind? A snake, a lizard, a komodo dragon?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ah...that's good." He nodded, smirking at Mary's 'whisper'. "Maybe...remains to be seen."

"Oh? I'd be game for a snake or something like that. An old roomate in LA kept a few while I lived with him."

Kayla Sockum: "What kind of new friend?" Kayla asks with a bright smile, and she shrug her shoulder. "So far I'm thinking a snake would good, Heather mention a species of green snake."

Mary Toombs: "The sort he enjoyed sex on the beach with." Mary tells Kay with a perfectly straight face. "She was cool though, in all seriousness, and stargazing sounded fun. I hope we bump into her again. She did offer to come along to one of my Tai Chi sessions." A keen nod. "A snake shouldn't be hard to find in the right pet shop. You wanna me to come along and see who we can find?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Ha ha." He gave Mary a quick nudge and a smile, nodding after a moment. "Name was Rhapsody, ran into her and some of her friends at the bar I went to last night to check out the jazz trio that was playing there. She's a performer herself, so I may end up working with her on the music front. We'll see, though."

Kayla Sockum: "I imagine the drink and not the beach back in LA." Kay comments with just a little amused look there. "And I'm thinking of looking in shelter before grabbing one from a pet shop, just in case we can find one and I want you along to warn us of how the noodle is doing."

Mary Toombs: Mary nods to them both. "Always good and fun to just wait and see what happens, mm." A smile. "And that's a good plan there Kay, sure. I'll tag along and see how they're all doing."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I will neither confirm nor deny on that second part." He gave a sly smile in return. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Kayla Sockum: "Good, can't wait." Kayla stands from the couch and quickly head to the stairs. "Just going to grab something from my room, be right back!"

Mary Toombs: She flashes Kay a smile, then reaches out to hug Jay. "How've you been doing anyhow music man? You seem in good spirits."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Pretty good, all told." He returned the hug with a smile. "Been working with Alexis, keeping things going at the cafe and all that. Hoping to talk with Nevermore again soon, both about getting some of their art up at the cafe and to see how they're doing with adjusting to things on our side of the fence. Things going good on your end, on that note?"

Kayla Sockum: Kayla comes back, indeed, a few moments later, changed into a long sleep shirt an d a pair of sleep shorts, carrying her phone and a tray with three muffins. "Hey, got us snacks."

Mary Toombs: "Yes." She nods at Jay with a smile. "I like Nevy, they're good people, and their different view on things is worth listening to. I do need to get my teeth into a new project for myself, mind." She beams at Kay. "Love you." She reaches out, picking out one of the three muffins. She's about to take a bite when she suddenly eyes Kay's phone. "Hm.."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed. I know they've had some issues with people showing their asses at Maddy's, so here's hoping we can show we're not all like that."

He perked up at the mention of snacks, taking the offered muffin. "Thanks."

Kayla Sockum: Kay stares a bit for a moment at the L-word, she sit next to her and set the phone aside. "The cupckae aren't trapped." she speaks softly, yawning a little bit. "What happened at Maddy's?"

Mary Toombs: "Oh?" Mary takes a bite of the muffin, chewing slowly. "You mean the thing with River? Yeah, I didn't think that was too nice a thing for her to do to Nevy." She hugs Kay lightly, getting comfortable with both cadremates.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "River was being...well, River, and then Beowulf decided that making the Mysterium sound like they didn't give a damn about what they did to get artifacts back was a good idea." Jeremiah shook his head quietly. "Not sure who else they've run into yet, but both Dandelion and Maddy are showing them the right stuff, hopefully."

Kayla Sockum: "I think most of what River does is halfway between trolling and testing limits." A shrug of her shoulder. "Mostly leaves me feeling like I do when I hang about Acanthuses." she poke her tongue out. "I think Beowulf was expecting someone much more in the know than Nevy was and I was there for both of those things." she pokes at both their ribs. "I thought you meant someone broke the rules or something."

Mary Toombs: "Maybe in a way it's good. I don't agree with what either of them said, or that they should have said it, but it's a god way to show Nevy we're not perfect, that we're still human." She nods, poking Kay back with a smile. "No rule breaking no, at least, as far as I know."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "True, but it doesn't help in the 'make us look like stuck up assholes' sense." He nodded, giving a light poke in return. "And yeah, far as I know no one's broken any of the rules lately."

Kayla Sockum: "I might just fall asleep here in a few minutes, please don't draw on me if I do.." She scratches the back of her neck. Kay grab her cupcake and eats it slowly.

Mary Toombs: "I've not met Beowulf, I think." She comments. "Could be he has things to learn too." She grins at Kay. "Promise. I'll get you to bed if you do. You want me there tonight, or a touch of space?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I wouldn't dare..." Jeremiah looked shocked at the implication, although a smirk was neatly hidden by his muffin as he took a bite. "Don't have a marker down here anyway."

"Maybe." He nodded to Mary. "May drop a bug in someone's ear that they might want to work with him on his recruiting pitch."

Kayla Sockum: "Whatever work for you." She leans over to kiss Jay's cheek and then bury her face into Mary's shoulders. "I'm happy with space or company." she says, wrapping her arms clingingly around Mary's arms "Ugh, it might not be a few minutes."

Mary Toombs: A nod to Jay before she leans back against Kay. "I'll stay with you then." She promises with a soft smile, hugging her back. "And go sleep hun, we've got you." A thoughtful hum. "Who do we know who's in the Mysterium? Alexis is, but she's new."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Jinx is with them as well, as I recall. That or really go up the chain to Epiphanius." He shrugged, scooting over enough to get in on the forming cuddle pile. "Sleeping in here totally counts as meditation, right?"

Kayla Sockum: "Yep" Kayla starts snoring ten seconds later.

Mary Toombs: "Totally." Mary agrees, yawning and snuggling down with the other two herself. "Meditation is important."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Was why I came down here, to top off..." he replied with a smirk, looping an arm around the pair as he got comfortable. "Spending time with you two is an added bonus."

Mary Toombs: "Cadre time is always a bonus." The Thyrsus agrees sleepily, resting her head on his shoulder and smiling softly. "Thank you for your company."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Right back atcha."

Heather Williams: A sleepy Heather peeked in a while later and returned a few moments later with her pillow and the comforter off her bed. She weasled her way in next to the others, threw the blanket over than all, and went back to sleep!