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Latest revision as of 04:47, 1 June 2020

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Maddy's Wafflehouse


Anneliese Kiel: Once more wanting something to eat she doesn't have to cook herself, Annie's sitting in the corner booth at Maddy's, reading over the menu. The Nymph's dressed in a light green teeshirt reading בצלם אלוהים around a rainbow magen david today, with her hair in a neat braid behind her. That of it which isn't an undercut, anyway.

Kayla Sockum: Kay enters Maddy's with her hands stuffed down into the pocket of her denim shorts, carrying her purse over her shoulders. She's got a light blue tanktop, wearing big sunglasses and her hair hanging loose over her shoulders. She nods toward Annie when she notices the woman. "Hey, having a nice day?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie glances up on being addressed. "Yes, thanks. You?" She smiles at Kay, gesturing to the opposite side of the booth in invitation.

Kayla Sockum: Kay slides in, accepting the invitation and drums her fingers on the edge of the table. "I'm having a nice day so far." she takes one quick look at the menu. "Nice seeing you again."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? Any particular reason?" Annie studies the other woman curiously.

Kayla Sockum: Kay smirks a little bit this time and playfully replies. "Well, it's nice seeing a friendly, pretty face like yours again." She chuckles. "But, also, just had the best night of rest in a while."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? Do you mind if I ask what caused that?" Annie pauses as a server approaches, glancing up at them to ask for her usual glass of water and Green Forest omelette.

Kayla Sockum: Kay orders coffee and grabs a sweet sicily breakfast and then turn to Annie. "I don't mind. I fell asleep with my friends around me and woke up tucked into bed."

Anneliese Kiel: "...friends or friends?" Annie asks, stressing the last word clearly. "It sounds adorable either way, though."

Kayla Sockum: "One of them is my girlfriend, the others are genuine friends and part of my personal group." Kay explains summarily, she sips her coffee when it arrives. "And there was sleep there, nothing more then." she chuckles.

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie chuckles in turn. "How are things on your side of the fence?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay leans forward and looks to Annie "They're going okay, keeping busy. What about yours?" She asks, taking more of the coffee.

Anneliese Kiel: "They are going," Annie shrugs slightly. "It is not a situation where my skills are especially useful, at the moment, so I am focusing on other things." She takes a sip of her water, then. "Primarily my studies, to be honest."

Kayla Sockum: "What are you studying? I'm not sure if you told me? Was it medicine?" She asks, curious and smiling. Eventually her plate gets delivered along with Annie's presumably and she eatsl. "Also, did you meet more vampires since last time?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Medicine, yes. I am still only in my first year of classes for it, though." Kay's final question gets a blink out of Annie. "I am not sure I should say whether or not I have, to protect the privacy of any hypothetical vampires I may have met since." Beat. "Do you mind if I say blessings?"

Kayla Sockum: "I understand." Kayla nods in understanding when the response to her vampire question gets acknowledge. "And I don't mind it at all." she set her forks down on the plate and waits.

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you." Annie glances down for a moment, beginning to recite. "Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, Melekh ha`olam, bo're p'ri ha'adama." Then she picks up her cutlery, cutting a piece of her omelette and chewing on it thoughtfully.

Kayla Sockum: Kay smiles brightly and seems, for a brief moment, lost completely in her thoughts and then pokes at her own food a bit. "What was that one? I don't really understand the language yet." she asks, once it seems like it's okay to speak again.

Anneliese Kiel: "The blessing for produce which grew from the ground, rather than from a tree." Annie studies Kay for a moment, sipping at her water. "Are you thinking of joining the tribe?"

Kayla Sockum: "I don't know yet, I read a book about the language and got twenty page into a book called 'choosing a jewish life'." A shrug of her shoulder. "Ultimately, it helps with what I asked my first questions about, but joining is something I'll consider later."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "You may want to talk to Rabbi Aaron for more information." The ghost of a smile crosses her face. "I may attend synagogue religiously, but there is only so much I am qualified to teach."

Kayla Sockum: "Actually Rabbi Aaron is the one who gave me all of the books and answered my first few questions." Kay smiles brightly, picking more food off of her plate. "So, yeah I'll go and ask him when I need more answers."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough. He is a good man." Annie pauses, taking another forkful of her omelette. "Do you mind if I ask what brought those questions up, for you?"

Kayla Sockum: "Well, part of becoming what I am now was discovering truth about my past." Kay explains "I didn't know or remember that my parents were Jewish, they passed when I was too young to remember clearly." more food. "All of it happened a while ago, but, I never really sought further answers..." She pause. "I think I was a bit afraid of how things would play out."

Anneliese Kiel: "I am sorry to hear that you were orphaned." Annie's voice is sincere. "For what it is worth, nobody I associate with would judge you for that fear, or refuse to welcome you."

Kayla Sockum: Kay goes quiet for about a minute, she doesn't eat or say anything. The word seems to have had quite an impact and she quietly wipe at her eyes. "Sorry." she chuckles, nervous maybe?

Anneliese Kiel: Annie pauses for a moment. "There is nothing to be sorry for," she says, gently. "Do you wish to change the topic?"

Kayla Sockum: "I'm good with keeping things going or whichever you prefer." She uses her napkin to dab at her eyes lightly. "Were you always part of the tribe?"

Anneliese Kiel: "I was, yes. Your parents' customs were likely different to the ones I knew, though." Annie reaches into her bag, retrieving a tissue and offering it to the other woman.

Kayla Sockum: She claims the tissue and blows her nose and nods to Annie. "Yeah they were from Ethiopia, immigrant. I know which group they belonged to, I ever learned the language from the book there, which is Ge'ez. It's not a live language as far as I can tell."

Anneliese Kiel: "That would mean they were part of Beta Israel, yes?" Annie looks genuinely curious. "I do not know much of their traditions, but I am sure we can find out, if you are interested."

Kayla Sockum: "Yes, they were part of Beta Israel." A firm nod. "I'd love to know more about their traditions." she finishes her plate. "How would you find out?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Research." Beat. "Asking Aaron if he has useful contacts. If they came over as part of a group, not just by themselves, tracking down the people they arrived with might help, too."

Kayla Sockum: "Huh. I never considered they might not have arrived alone." Kay says with a little nod. "And I know he already said he'd look for that. He's also a little busy there." She says with a smile. "Where would you research those kind of thing, beside googles?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Libraries," Annie admits with a smile. "I study at Temple, which has an impressive collection, but there are other universities in the area, as well."

Kayla Sockum: "I suppose that's a good place to start to learn more about that yes." Kay nods and smiles. "Are they public libraries or are they reserved for their students ?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Borrowing items is reserved for students and faculty, unless you want to pay for permission, but anyone can visit and read things. At least at Temple. I cannot speak to the rules at any of the others." Annie shrugs slightly. "There are a bunch of fully public libraries throughout Philadelphia, too, but those are not focused on academic works in the same way."

Kayla Sockum: "Well, I'm not at a point where staying at a spot too long would be a problem yet, so I suppose I could go around and read about them for a while." Kay says with a little nod.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blinks. "Why would staying at a spot too long be a problem?"

Kayla Sockum: "Very long complicated answer for that, but the short of it is when my people grow beyond a certain point in our ability, we start leaving some trace of our signature magic where we hang for too long." Kay shrugs "I'm not there yet, but I've start putting that into consideration."

Anneliese Kiel: "Ah, I see. I take it that can be used to track you?"

Kayla Sockum: "Yes, and it could potentially mess with the...." She takes a moment to consider " kind of feng shui thing of the place, which could cause problems for other like me trying to cultivate the space for a particular purpose."

Anneliese Kiel: "Interesting." Annie considers the other woman for a moment. "Do you mind if I ask what your signature magic is?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay considers for a moment. "It feels like discovering something someone would prefer not be known."

Anneliese Kiel: "Interesting." Annie takes a sip of her water, then. "I assume it varies by individual?"

Kayla Sockum: "It's unique, another Necromancer would probably have a widely different one too." Kay explains. "It's not usually perceptible to people outside of us except in very limited circumstances."

Anneliese Kiel: "That makes sense," Annie nods. "We all have our things that are difficult for others to see."

Kayla Sockum: "I imagine so, I know I can pierce a lot of mysteries, but I probably need some kind of specific lens for some of them." Kay posit her hypothesis aloud.

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough. Just be careful, not everyone appreciates having their mysteries pierced. Especially without warning." It sounds like Annie is speaking from experience, there.

Kayla Sockum: "Oh I know, dealing with other mysteries like that care and consideration is important." Kay says "For all of what we can do, we try to temper it with wisdom" A beat "It's not always successful."

Asbolus: While the two women talked the door of the diner opened, although the presence of the man who entered didn't immediately register. After looking over those gathered the cloak of Winter's touch was put aside and Asbolus made his way towards the counter, giving Annie and her tablemate a polite nod. The Darkling looked...tired, to put it lightly, but otherwise well.

Anneliese Kiel: "Wisdom is important but hard to gather, yes." Annie glances up as Asbolus enters, nodding back to the other Changeling. "Been a while, Asbolus. How are you?"

Kayla Sockum: Her attention turns toward Asbolus and gives a little wave toward him, smiling. "Hello Mister." then turn her attention back to Annie. "A friend?"

Asbolus: "Well enough, all things considered. Yourself?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Well enough, all things considered." Annie says, smiling slightly, before turning her attention back to Kay. "More of an acquaintance, really." Beat. "Asbolus, this is Kay. Kay, Asbolus."

Kayla Sockum: "Pleasure meeting you Asbolus." She offer a handshake to him and smiles.

Asbolus: "Pleasure to meet you as well." He approached the table to take the offered hand, a polite if weary smile on his face. "Apologies if I interrupted your conversation."

Anneliese Kiel: "Just conversation, nothing especially serious." Annie counters. "Are you looking for company, or just a meal?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay clearly doesn't seem to mind the new person at the table and smiles at both of them, scooting a bit to give other new arrival a place to sit, if he so desired.

Asbolus: "Company would be welcome, truth be told." He claimed the seat besides Kay, nodding in thanks before taking a moment to look over the menu. "Haven't had much opportunity for it lately with everything going on."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "My skills are not very useful to the immediate crisis, so I am focusing on other things for the time being." Beat. "I recommend the Green Forest omelette, by the way."

Kayla Sockum: "It's a good recommendation." Kay agrees and smiles. "Yeah things are getting wild around here." (brb grabbing a drink)

Asbolus: "I was looking at that one. Hard to find vegetarian options in some places, I've come to find." He nodded, setting the menu aside once the choice was made. "Heard about some of the other oddities going on as well, been helping where I can."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blink, looking surprised. "I did not know you were vegetarian. How long has that been the case?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay rest her arms on the table, drumming her fingers on the table, her eyes considering the menu again. She listen to the conversation for the moment.

Asbolus: "Since my time out of town. Had a moment that led to a change in preferences, shall we say."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "I had a similar experience during my time away." She pauses for a moment, taking a bit of her own omelette. "What have you been up to on the mundane side of things?"

Kayla Sockum: Kay places another order, more coffee and a side order of toast. "Does it change dietary restrictions? Or is it a personal choice?"

Asbolus: "Not much, truthfully, barring keeping on the move due to the current unpleasantness. Thing going well at Vertigo, I hope?"

Asbolus put in his own order for a Green Forest scramble and a hot tea once Kay had her order in, looking to the Moros when he was done. "More personal preference on my end. Had an encounter that turned me off of it for the most part."

Anneliese Kiel: "They are, yes. I have moved in with Yu Jin, so things are fine on that end, as well." Annie answers, adding another glass of water to the requests before turning her attention to Kay. "In terms of keeping kosher, not so much? Most vegetarian stuff is pareve, and I was not combining meat with dairy anyway."

Kayla Sockum: "Ah I see." She nods and when she gets her second order, she pulls her phone out to write up a few things on her notepad there. "Thanks for the information."

Asbolus: He smiled quietly at that, giving Annie a nod. "Glad to hear it. Don't believe I knew you two were together." The note-taking earned a curious look but he didn't pry, at least just yet.

Anneliese Kiel: "I have not seen you since before we were together, so." Annie shrugs slightly, glancing at Kay. "No problem. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions."

Kayla Sockum: "Thank you." She grabs a bit of food from her plate. "I'm still ignorant of a lot of details about the basic of everything and having people able and willing to answer is always great."

Asbolus: "Fair enough. Will need to rectify coming by more often once things calm down." He thanked the staffer as his order was dropped off, taking a test bite before nodding with approval. "That is rather good..."

Anneliese Kiel: "You are welcome." Annie smiles at Kay slightly, before turning her attention to Asbolus. "You are welcome to come by Vertigo anytime it is open, crisis or no."

Kayla Sockum: "Vertigo's a bar, right?" She tries to remember and finishes her plate and coffee. Kay smack her forehead. "Nevermind, it is. I just remembered."

Asbolus: "It is, yes." He nodded in confirmation, smirking a touch at the facepalm moment that followed before looking to Annie. "Been playing least-in-sight just in case, since a certain someone had done the work for my re-entry into society, as it were. A little over-cautious, perhaps, but better safe than sorry."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough. I moved in with Yu Jin for much the same reason." And hasn't done anything plot-relevant since, because Ianthe's involved in guarding the VIP. She shrugs. "I wish it were under less tense circumstances, of course, but it has gone well enough so far."

Kayla Sockum: Kay smiles and scoots slowly out of the booth. "I'm going to take my leave. Need to go grab something on the way back home, thanks for the conversation and the advice" she nods to Annie, then to Asbolus. "Was a pleasure meeting you." (need to go afk for food and do a bit of RL)

Asbolus: Asbolus moved to allow Kay egress from the booth, giving her a nod and a poltie smile. "You as well. Have a good day."

Anneliese Kiel: "Nice talking to you again, Kay." Annie says, smiling at the other woman as she rises. Once Kay's left, she glances at Asbolus. "How are things in Winter, with Marjorie out of commission?"

Asbolus: "Well enough, considering. We're keeping an eye out for additional movement on Robin's part and doing what we can to stop any further movement on her plans." He let out a quiet sigh, taking a sip of his tea before continuing. "Hopefully we'll be getting her back on her feet soon."

Anneliese Kiel: "Yes, Jack mentioned that Lumi was looking for skilled oneiromancers to help with that." Annie sighs in turn. "I hope it goes well."

Asbolus: "As do I." He nodded solemnly. "The sooner we get this handled the better for all of us."

Anneliese Kiel: "Indeed." Annie considers the Winter for a moment, finishing her omelette as she does so. "While I think about it, one of the other Springs was talking about forming a healer motley. Would that be something of interest to you?"

Asbolus: "I don't have any particular skill in that field, truthfully. That and I may have something else on the horizon once things calm down, but thank you for the consideration nonetheless."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "I hope the something else goes well for you."

Asbolus: "Thank you, and good luck with yours as well."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you." Annie pauses for a moment, obviously casting about for another topic.

Asbolus: Asbolus thought for a moment on that front as well, taking a few bites of his meal as he did so. "Who are you looking at for that motley, out of curiosity?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Right now? Myself. Petra Fichette, who suggested it. Yu Jin, when I remember to talk to them about it. I do not know any dedicated healers outside Spring." She takes a sip of her water. "Why?"

Asbolus: "Idle curiosity...and looking for something to talk about, truth be told." He smirked, wry thing that it was. "Gotten a little rusty on the small talk front as of late, even moreso than usual."

Anneliese Kiel: "Well, we could always talk about the weather, or how the local sports teams are doing." Beat. "Who are the local sports teams?"

Asbolus: "I know the Eagles for American football, and I believe the Flyers for hockey. I pay more attention to the Premier League myself, truth be told."

Anneliese Kiel: "That is English football, yes?"

Asbolus: "Correct."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie looks slightly relieved. "Good. I spent a long time away, so my knowledge of that sort of popular culture is still rather lacking."

Asbolus: "Ah." He nodded quietly. "Can't say how long I was there precisely, but it was about five years here for me give or take."

Anneliese Kiel: "I think it was only a few years, but time can be extremely fuzzy, Over There." Annie sighs. "It was much longer on this side of things."

Asbolus: "Indeed, especially when one has their nose to the metaphorical grindstone, as it were." He gave another small nod, looking for a moment like he had a question on his tongue but deciding against it. "Been adjusting well, I hope?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods, a grateful look crossing her face briefly at him not pressing.. "I think so? Having a good community here has helped, of course."

Asbolus: "Glad to hear it. Happy to help on that front as well, if the need arises."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you for the offer." Annie smiles at him, before taking a sip of her water. "Did you live here, Before?"

Asbolus: "I did, for a few years beforehand. A friend of mine from university needed help with a project and I ended up staying."

Anneliese Kiel: "Oh? What univers-" Annie cuts off as her phone beeps at her. Reading the notification, she sighs. "Sorry, but I have to go. My boss wants me to cover a shift, and I could use the extra money."

Asbolus: "We went to Oxford, but he was teaching at UPenn at the time." He smiled a touch at the apology, nodding quietly. "No worries. Was good talking with you."

Anneliese Kiel: "Nice talking to you too, Asbolus." And with that, Annie stands and makes her way out.