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The Green Room, Spring Gardens


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.

Jeremiah was on-site and had laid claim to a table near the back of the cafe close to where the door to his office was, glancing up from his phone now and again as he awaited Nevy's arrival.

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore walks in, wearing their smartest slacks and button-up shirt beneath their habitual black longcoat. They've got a larger bag with them, for carrying their portfolio. They look around as they enter, and if they see Jeremiah they wave and approach.

Jeremiah Hamilton: They would indeed see the Warlock upon entry, and he returned the wave with a smile. "You're looking very sharp, if I may say so."

Nevermore Usher: They chuckle. "This is my 'I'm-absolutely-a-professional-you-should-feel-comfortable-doing-business-with outfit." They offer a handshake. "I figured, we're talking business, I should be businesslike. How are you doing?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good way to do it." He took the offered hand and shook it firmly before motioning for them to take a seat. "Rather well, all told, keeping busy. Yourself?"

Nevermore Usher: "I've been seeing some... disquieting things on the TV," They say. "But... you know. I'm okay."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah nodded quietly, a note of concern clear on his features. "Is it something you need or want to talk about? I can keep it to the table if need be."

Nevermore Usher: They hesitate. "Not... right now," They say quietly. "I'm... let's take care of the business for now, all right?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds good." Another small nod, followed by a glance towards the bag holding their portfolio and a small smile. "Look forward to seeing what you've brought."

Nevermore Usher: They nod and pull out their portfolio. "Now, a lot of my older work's already been sold," they say, "But I have a couple of these, and if you want I can do some new pieces to spec." They pull out the original drawings of Home and Predator Heart, as well as prints of a couple other drawings, including a modified version of the rose design on their amulet.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah looked over the displayed pieces, paying particular interest to Home and to the rose. "This one I rather like." He tapped on Home briefly. "Following the light to paths unknown but hopeful nonetheless."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "It was inspired by... several things. Not least among them, my experiences coming here, and meeting Auntie Dandy and... everyone else."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Helping others follow that light has been my raison d'etre for the last few years, so it definitely resonates." He smiled softly, looking Nevy over. "How has that been going overall, on that note? Meeting others, that is."

Nevermore Usher: They shrug one shoulder. "I haven't been getting along with everyone, but so far there hasn't been anything too bad."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Glad to hear it. There are some characters, for sure, but I definitely want you to be comfortable and feel welcomed. If there's anything I do to help on that front that Dandelion isn't covering, let me know."

Nevermore Usher: They nod. "Thank you. Maddy and Charlie offered me a position in the Assembly, which is... I don't know. Flattering, maybe? But... I mean..." They shrug.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You mean..." He made a brief 'go on' motion with his hand, visibly interested in their response.

Nevermore Usher: They sigh. "No offense? But... Everyone only just met me. Even Aunty Dandy has known me less than a month. Everyone who's clamoring to try to recruit me... part of me has to wonder if they actually want me, or if they're just seeing the Fancy New Sleepwalker In Town and want the toy before anyone else gets me." They give a lopsided smile. "You did ask."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "None taken." He smiled in return, not stung by the response in the slightest. "I can't speak for the others, but I personally am more interested in you as a person. The talents you have at hand are a part of you, no question, but those that are focusing on just that are ignoring the important part. What you've shown so far with the questions you've asked and how you've taken what you've seen put you rather high in my book, for what that's worth."

Nevermore Usher: They blink at that. "Why? Wouldn't anyone want to know this stuff?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Most would, but the fact that you ask why certain things are done the way they are and show concern for how what we can done is used puts you in a higher category than most, at least in my mind."

Nevermore Usher: They shrug, smiling. "Well... thank you. It's... even just as a Medium, ethics is important. And... dealing with things like ghosts that can push on your mind, you learn to be cautious about that kind of thing."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Quite welcome." He offered a small smile. "And agreed on the ethics front. There are certain standards we should all hold ourselves to; while some don't, those that do serve as a guide to aid others along the path."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. They tilt their head, considering Jeremiah curiously. "What... would you say is the most important thing for people like you to do? In the grand scheme of things. To you, at least?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah sat back at his seat, having to actually think on the question. "To show that while the world may be broken it's worth fixing, and that we can all do our part to fix it. The darkness of this world can be fought back, and the light within every person adds to the effort."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods at that. "Bringing hope to the world, sort of thing?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Exactly. What we can do - both you and I - is a wonderous thing, a gift that so few experience because of the wounds dealt to the world untold eons ago, or if they do see it it slips through their fingers like so much sand. The weight of the Lie upon humanity is massive, but it can be chipped away at to lighten the load."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods again, looking thoughtful. "That's... kind of why I do my art. People see things, and they get scared, but... just because something is weird or scary, doesn't mean it's bad - and just because something's pretty and happy-looking, that doesn't mean it's good." They smile. "Goth in a nutshell."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Indeed." He nodded with a smile. "Nice is different than good, to use the Sondheim line."

Nevermore Usher: They snort. “Into the Woods? Seriously?” They shake their head. “It’s been years since I’ve seen it, to be honest. But yes and no. It’s more that.... there can be beauty in the terrible, in the dark of night. You still want people to respect danger, but... not-conventionally-beautiful doesn’t always mean dangerous.”

Jeremiah Hamilton: "What? I've always liked his work." He chuckled, giving a nod as they continued. "Very true indeed."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. “So. Um, it sounds like you might be interested in Home. Do you have any requests for work you want to hang in here? Specific designs, thematic elements, anything like that?”

Jeremiah Hamilton: "That and one of the roses, for sure. As for theme, 'unexpected beauty' sounds good to me. Help people to widen their horizons, if only a bit."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles. "I can definitely do that." They lean forward a touch and smile, their plump, rosy-cheeked face holding a sudden and unexpected resemblance to a shark. "So, how many pieces would you like to commission from me today?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: The shift was noticed and a little spark of appreciation lit off in the Warlock's gaze as he met her eyes. "Was thinking four to start. Work for you?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Absolutely. I've got some previous projects on the docket. Do you have a deadline you need these by?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Whenever you have them ready."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. They pull out their notebook, jotting down some notes. "Now the part some people quibble about - the price."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I imagine they do." He nodded with a small smirk. "They would be on display to sell to interested patrons, so whatever your normal rate is for pieces of that size would be fine."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy raises an eyebrow and names a price. It's not cheap - as good art shouldn't be.

Jeremiah Hamilton: And there was nary a flinch from the man in response. "Not a problem."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy smiles. "Wonderful. I'll write up my standard contract for commissions and email it over. Did you Do you have any more questions on a, um, business level?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Sounds good, and I don't at the moment. If you wanted to talk more on the 'disquieting' bit, though, I'm open to it."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy hesitates and glances around. "Did you, uh... watch the news this morning?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I did, yes." He spared a brief glance around, then looked back to Nevy before quietly asking "Want me to cone of silence us?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods. "Could be useful, yes."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah nodded and pulled a pendant of his own from under his shirt, a brass serpent with two small topaz gems set as the eyes. He ran his thumbs along the back of it as he focused, settling back into his seat as the weaving formed up around them. The eyes of the other patrons seemed to slip off of the table, paying them little mind. "All set."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore nods. "It's... that's the first time I've run into something like this. Something that threatens you like that." They chuckle. "Most ghosts, they barely have enough of a mind to talk to, you know?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Threat?" He gave Nevy a curious look at that. "Missed something there...you're talking about the broadcast about the disappearances near Harrowgate, right?"

Nevermore Usher: Nevy looks down. "Yes. While I was watching, the TV... something drew on it. Said I wasn't 'safe.'" They shiver.

Jeremiah Hamilton: His eyes narrowed at that, concern clear on his features. "If you need somewhere to stay there's a spare room in the studio upstairs."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy pauses, considering that, but shakes their head. "No, thank you. I... I think I have some ideas on how to defend my apartment. Part of it, anyway."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Welcome. Can help with some warding on our side of things as well if you'd like."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy thinks this through. "What kind of warding?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It would help against anyone trying to use our brand of magic to keep eyes on you or your place, depending on how you want to do it. I'm not able to work anything against spirits directly, unfortunately, but it's something."

Nevermore Usher: Nevermore frowns. "Do you think someone is doing that?" They fold their arms, unconsciously hunching slightly. "That's... not... a happy thought."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I don't think so, no." He shook his head, doing his best to give them a reassuring look. "There's enough people with your well-being in mind that anyone who tried would get ground into powder."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy considers him. "Then... Maybe not yet. We'll see." They shiver. "Fuck. I'll be showering in my swimsuit for a while now."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Let me know either way." He frowned a touch at the shiver, going a little sheepish himself. "Sorry for putting that thought in your head."

Nevermore Usher: "I mean... better to know, right?" They grimace. "I think."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "The devil you know and all that." He nodded, taking a moment to tuck the pendant back under his shirt as he continued. "On a lighter note, though...I'm not sure what Maddy and the other may have shown you yet as far as what we can do but there is something I'd like to at some point if you're ever up for it. It's kind of a backstage view that lets you study what we do from the foundations, basically what makes magic magic. Completely up to you, though, and it wouldn't have to be now since it'll take a bit to set up."

Nevermore Usher: They blink at that. "You want to let me... see Magic?" They blink. "Would there be any danger?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I do." He replied with a small smile, shaking his head at the question that followed. "There wouldn't be, no. It takes a bit to get used to it and be able to read what the working shows, but I wouldn't throw anything major at you."

Nevermore Usher: Nevy nods slowly. "Tentative yes? I want to think about it, but..."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "It's a small step, but an important one." He nodded, the smile still in place. "Just let me know."

Nevermore Usher: They nod. "Thank you." They examine his expressionm, then smile. "Okay. Thank you again."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Very welcome."