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Latest revision as of 15:38, 6 June 2020

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Maddy's Wafflehouse


Adela Fletcher: It's not that Adela is worried per se, at least no more so than any Lost would be with a Hue and Cry still underway. But she has found herself spending less and less time in places she can't at least make herself believe are secure. Which is why she is once again having dinner at Maddys, despite her usual desire both to save money and to watch her diet. Then again, Maddys does make a very good grilled chicken salad, which she is currently tucking in to.

Anneliese Kiel: With her job and her studies, Annie's not really able to avoid spending time in relatively unsecure places. She does like the food at Maddy's, though, which is why she's entering to grab a meal before her shift starts. Spotting Adela, she waves at the other woman, approaching her with a smile. "Mind if I join you?"

Aurelio Menegi: Between work and preparing for the Hue and Cry Aurelio had been keeping busy, but the conversation between the former denizens of the Lady's icy realm hadn't completely slipped his mind. The Torrent made his way into the diner not long after Annie, scanning the room before spotting the pair already present. He gave a nod, along with a "May I?" sort of look.

Adela Fletcher: Adela looks up sharply as others enter, but that initial flash of not-quite-fear melts away immediately as she sees who it is. "No, please!" She shifts aside so the other two can join her. "I was hoping we could all meet up again."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you." Annie takes the side facing Adela, making it easy for the three of them to talk. "How have the two of you been?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Busy, but good. Better than lately, at least." He replied with a small smile, claiming a seat of his own at the table. "Yourselves?"

Adela Fletcher: "About the same" Adela says with a slight smile. "Keeping busy keeps me from worrying too much." She shrugs, trying to feign nonconcern.

Anneliese Kiel: "Good. Focusing on work and my studies." Annie grins slightly. "Surprisingly enough, the combo of attending medical school and working to pay one's way through it does not leave a lot of time for worrying."

Aurelio Menegi: "I can imagine." He nodded quietly, nabbing a menu to give it a once-over. "Staying on top of things for when the call goes out, but otherwise doing well."

Adela Fletcher: Adela's laugh is dry, but not entirely without humor. "The wider world doesn't put itself on hold just for us, sadly." She shakes her head and takes a few more bites of her salad. "We just survive the best we can. Actually, I'm glad to get to talk to both of you. I know everyone's a bit distracted lately, but I really do think putting together a motley might be a good idea. Maybe even more so right now."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "We should check we are all on the same page about what the motley is for first, though." She glances between the other two. "I have been talking about forming a healer-focused one with a couple of the other Springs, too, so making sure the Oaths do not conflict is important as well."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. Believe the idea was for performers first, then possibly widened to artists in general, yes?" He looked to the other two for confirmation.

Adela Fletcher: Adela nods "Personally, I think a broader base of talents might be better -that makes sense for something like a Healer's motley 'cause that's what the motley's for. But personally I thought this sort of thing might be nice just in a... sharing of interests? If that makes sense?"(edited)

Anneliese Kiel: "It does, yes." Annie glances up as the server arrives, asking for her usual vegetarian omelette with potatoes on the side and a glass water, before returning her attention to the conversation. "I assume we will be sharing tips on our respective arts, but do we want to share resources towards them as well?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Agreed." He nodded, putting in an order for a Greek omelette and a coffee before looking back to the pair. "Could do that. My space in the Thorns is built towards crafting, which could help for teaching and space to work."

Adela Fletcher: "Hmm" Adela says, tapping her fork on the edge of her plate as she thinks. Her inner light flashes in time with the taps. "I have a decent access to goblin fruit, which is always useful" She grimaces. "Though it's been looking mighty peaky lately"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie grimaces in turn. "Both the Spring and Freehold Hollows have, too. I wish I knew of a way to help change that, but I tend not to go further into the Hedge than the Hollows if I can avoid it." She glances between them. "Do we want to have a communal Hollow for the motley, if we are looking to teach each other our own skills?"

Aurelio Menegi: "As has Summer. One run I went on showed roots choking the Thorns; imagine that has something to do with it." Cue a small frown from the Torrent. "We could, if only for work space. Spicy spoke of having trouble getting stone to work with, which in theory the place could provide. Not sure what you two might need for that, though."

Anneliese Kiel: "Honestly? Somewhere to practice without worrying about annoying the neighbours or having to carry my instrument case across town and back would be nice." Annie shrugs slightly. "So one that is accessible from anywhere, rather than having to travel to a specific location first."

Aurelio Menegi: "Ah...that mine does not have. Is tied to my apartment." He nodded, mulling that over. "Such things could be forged, though, if we wished, or a new place carved out."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods in turn. "How large is the one you have? We probably will not need as much space as one of the court Hollows, or the Freehold one, but enough that we can work separately would likely be a good idea."

Aurelio Menegi: "Enough for the four of us to work comfortably without being on top of each other. Right now it has the tools for my glass work and woodworking, but more could be added."

Adela Fletcher: "I wouldn't want much more than just a place to relax. I have my studio to practice in, and if I'm just dancing for the hell of it, anywhere can do. Maybe somewhere I could transplant the goblin fruit bushes would be nice."

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough. We can probably arrange that, yeah. I do not know much about goblin fruit, but Spicy does a fair bunch with them, I think."

Aurelio Menegi: "She does, yes. Preserving and whatnot." He nodded, the gears turning as he mulled things over. "Can see expanding to cover that sort of gardening easily enough."

Adela Fletcher: Adela nods. "And I can't say I'd be unhappy about not having to mess with the Hedge to get them. It's a pretty safe location, but..." She spreads her hands. "It's still the Hedge, y'know?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "There is a reason I do not go further than the Hollows if I can avoid it."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed. Don't know the local Thorns here as well as I'd like...working on changing that, though."

Adela Fletcher: "I won't say they aren't dangerous" Adela says with a slight shrug. "But if you stick to a small area you get to know well it's at least less dangerous." She gives a rueful smile. "Or maybe that's just what I tell myself so I don't get scared."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie shrugs in turn. "Makes sense to me." Glancing up as her food arrives, she thanks the server, reciting a brief blessing in Hebrew before she takes a sip of her water. "Should we try drafting an Oath now, or wait until Spicy can be around to get her input on it?"

Aurelio Menegi: He nodded to the server as they came by, taking his meal and bowing his head briefly before taking a test bite. "May be best to wait for specifics, but broad strokes may not be bad for now."

Adela Fletcher: "I mean, as long as we're not doing the actual swearing it'll prolly be fine. Obviously we'll want Spicy's opinion before anything gets set in stone." She gives a slight chuckle at the inadvertent pun.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods, reaching into her satchel, retrieving a notebook and pen. "I have a few ideas, but if there is anything you definitely do not want in there those can be removed. Or not added, as the case may be."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio was mid-bite of his omelette when Adela made that particular crack, giving her an amused look as he finished. "Indeed..."

He looked over the notebook when it was offered, nodding quietly. "Looks good to start."

Adela Fletcher: Adela read it over thoughtfully, as she nibbled on a carrot slice. "Maybe have something about providing aid to each other? If it doing so wouldn't put ourselves at greater risk?"

Anneliese Kiel: "That could be good, yes. How would you suggest phrasing it?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Fair question. Not my first tongue, so I leave it to you."

Adela Fletcher: "I'm not an artist with words," Adela admitted with a thoughtful frown. "But maybe something like 'To offer aid and support as long as doing so does not put myself or other members in greater danger'?"

Anneliese Kiel: "It is not mine either, so." Annie shrugs slightly, glancing at Adela. "That sounds reasonable. Maybe making it based on your understanding of the situation, so that if something is more or less dangerous than you realise, or you are unaware of another member in danger, you will not be forsworn unintentionally?" She ponders for a moment. "Does 'Where I am aware of a motley member being at risk, I will offer aid and support so long as I do not feel it will put myself or other members in greater danger' work?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Sounds good."

Adela Fletcher: "Yea, probably." Adela shakes her head. "Honestly, I don't know how strict the Wyrd is on things, so giving the out's probably a good idea."

Anneliese Kiel: "Neither do I, but better safe than sorry, yes." Annie pauses to take a mouthful of her omelette, chewing thoroughly before swallowing. "Do either of you have suggestions for a name?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Not off-hand, no. Can think on it, though. You?"

Adela Fletcher: "Hmm. Something art related for sure, but nothing's coming to me at the moment. Maybe Spicy'll have a brilliant idea?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Not one that encompasses all our different styles, no." Annie shrugs slightly. "We can ask Spicy if she has suggestions, though."

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed."

Adela Fletcher: “Maybe something involving ‘creative’ or ‘arts’” Adela says, looking out the window without really seeing anything as she thinks. “Before we get too far though, is there any one else we should ask if they’d be interested?”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie considers that for a moment. "Not that I am aware of. Can you think of anyone, Aurelio?"

Aurelio Menegi: "There is one who was crafting with Sigrun for the Hue...Drake, I think? Not sure what ties he has, but it may be worth asking."

Adela Fletcher: “Can’t hurt to ask,” Adela says with a hint of a smile.

Anneliese Kiel: "If it is the one I am thinking of, I have heard worrying things about him, but it could just be poor socialisation." Annie sighs slightly. "That is a common problem for us, admittedly."

Aurelio Menegi: "True." He nodded quietly, pausing as another name came to mind. "Arthur as well, perhaps. He is a smith as well as working in other arts, as I recall."

Adela Fletcher: “You mean a group of people who were snatched out of their lives, subjected to strange and unworldly experiences who then only just managed to claw their way home only to find they’d been replaced sometimes have poor social skills? Who’d have thought!” Adela’s tone is full of sarcasm, but it’s a gentle sarcasm rather than biting. “So Drake and Arthur. Maybe we should make a list”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie gazes at Adela coolly. "Perhaps so, but if is to the point where they are making people uncomfortable, that is a problem they need to work on, not just accept."

Aurelio Menegi: Aurelio went quiet at the exchange, looking between the pair. "We all have things to adjust to." He finally added, taking a bite of his food.

Adela Fletcher: Adela returns Annie’s look with a cool one of her own. “Since I’ve not met them, I can’t judge. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt when possible “

Anneliese Kiel: "Yes, well, the first and only previous time I have heard them mentioned, it was in the context of having made a friend of mine uncomfortable. So." Annie shrugs slightly. "The benefit of the doubt is all well and good, but it does not mean we should not keep an eye out for potential broken stairs."

Adela Fletcher: Adela raises her hands in a placating gesture. “Fair, fair. We don’t have to ask them then.”

Anneliese Kiel: "I am not saying we cannot ever ask them, just... I would prefer to get to know them better first, before being obliged to owe them anything beyond the general courtesy any Freehold member is due."

Aurelio Menegi: "Of course. Would be best to know if we would work well with them before making things official."

Adela Fletcher: “Hmm” Adela spends another long moment in thought. “Maybe we should just start with the four of us and maybe add more later? There’s got to be a way to do that”

Anneliese Kiel: "Probably. I know Direct Action have added members to their motley recently, I could ask one of them next time I see one."

Aurelio Menegi: "Believe they would just need to swear the same oath, but don't hold me to that."

Adela Fletcher: “Probably, but call it a Winter’s caution, I’d rather be sure before we commit to anything.” She gives an encouraging smile. “But I think we’ve got a good start if nothing else “

Anneliese Kiel: Annie nods. "Fair enough. We should make sure to talk to Spicy before we consider any of this final, too." She finishes off her omelette before continuing. "Could I grab your number, Aurelio, so we have a way to contact each other?"

Aurelio Menegi: "Indeed." He nodded to Adela, then to Annie in kind as he pulled his phone. "Of course. Can take yours as well."

Adela Fletcher: “I’m pretty sure I have both of your numbers, but it doesn’t hurt to check”

Anneliese Kiel: "I believe I have yours, Adela." Annie pulls her own phone out to check. "###-###-the player has no idea long american mobile numbers are?" When she gets Aurelio's, she enters it, sending off a quick text to let him have hers.

Aurelio Menegi: After giving his number Aurelio made sure he had both of theirs before setting the phone to the side, looking to the pair with a pleased smile. "Look forward to seeing where this goes. Been looking for something like this for some time now."