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Drake Pike's Home


Drake Pike: The Maserati and hand holding continued right up until Drake could pull into his home. The homes in East Parkside are for well-to-do folks who can afford them. Most are brick and done in the style of castles with rounded windows. Drake's in particular defies the typical style by having well-maintained brass trim around the house. The building is imposing, without a lot of yard, and somehow a lot of smoke coming from numerous chimneys about the property.

Climbing out of the vehicle, the small dragon man skittered around to the other side of the vehicle to open the door and, is Asbolus didn't stop him, lift the drunk princess style to carry on into the house with hardly a huff. Which is likely quite humorous to look at given, well, the size differences.

Asbolus: Asbolus did prefer to get to the door under his own power, admittedly, but using the Wizened for support along the way was definitely in order. "Impressive place..." he commented, looking over the building as they went.

Drake Pike: "Thank you. It should be. It was very expensive, and the neighbors are also very rich. And hate having neighbors so I never have to speak to anyone. I love it," says Drake as he opens the door. Inside, it was all rich, warm woods, golds, and sparklies about. So, so many counters, cabinets, and the like for holding together different collections. The one they passed first being all decorative and commemorative spoons.

"You need to eat," declares Drake.

Asbolus: "I can imagine. Just have a small place in the Thorns myself. " That pale-eyed gaze was a little less laser-focused at the moment thanks to the alcohol in his system but Asbolus took everything in along the way regardless, nodding quietly at the declaration. "Not a bad idea."

Drake Pike: "I also have a hollow, but not far," says Drake as he considers before leading the man into what appears to be a 'sitting room' of large piles of purple and red pillows stacked about. It's here that he gently shoves Asbolus down onto the comfortable pile. "Do you have things you can't or won't eat? Or things that make you very happy?"

Asbolus: He let out a little oof as he plopped into the pillow pile, taking a moment to remove the duster before getting settled. "No allergies or anything, no, and no meat...appreciate a good curry but whatever you have will be fine."

Drake Pike: Drake openly eyes the other under the duster before he reaches out to take it, going to hang it. When he comes back, there's a book in his hand. He returned with a copy of The Heart in Exile by Rodney Garland, which he pressed into the other's hand before walking out of the room again, pausing, coming back and saying, "Stay right there. I will cook faster if you don't watch." And then back out of the room...

Asbolus: The Darkling was dressed casually underneath - jeans and a grey t-shirt, nothing too fancy. He watched as Drake headed off, eyeing the book curiously when it was handed to him before giving a small nod. "Alright."

Drake Pike: In what was... entirely too quick, about 30 minutes total, there was a scent wafting in before Drake scurried in with a tray. On it was settled a silver covered dish, but removing it came up with a tomato and firm tofu curry done with more of a Trinidadian spice mix, complete with just a side of naan and aloe water in a bottle.

The Wizened set this down on top of the other's lap on a little stand, ignoring any idea of maybe reading drunk people don't want others all up in their space.

Asbolus: He had started to read the book as Drake worked, although the smells coming from the kitchen had caught his attention by the time the Wizened emerged. He set the book aside as the tray was set down, looking rather impressed. "Wow...that looks excellent. Thank you. "

Drake Pike: "That book's... sad, but it's the first noir book that has gay people in it that aren't the villains," says Drake as he settles down next to the other. "I thought you might like it since, well, winter. You're ok with sad things generally, right?"

Asbolus: "I've heard of it, at least...back at university, I think." He paused at the question, thinking a moment before he nodded. "Somewhat. Sorrow allows for as much catharsis as anger at times, if not more so."

Drake Pike: "Sorrow... slows. You think too much. You make yourself hard, as you coat yourself in the could, should, and would if you had a chance," says Drake as he considers the other. "I don't like going slow like that. I like desire - the momentary ones are wonderful. You want to sleep? You sleep. You want to run? You run. You live in the moment because when will you get another chance, you know?"

Asbolus: "I follow, and you're not wrong. Never been much of a 'throw caution to the wind' sort, though, and that only got more pronounced once I got back."

Drake Pike: "As long as you feel cared for and appreciated, being cautious isn't bad. It means you're more of an engineer than an inventor." He reaches up and then seems to decide that he's allowed to slide his fingers into Absolus's hair to pet. "Eat."

Asbolus: There was an initial hint of tension at the unexpected touch but he relaxed into it after a moment, nodding slightly before tucking into the meal before him.

Drake Pike: So, so much staring. An uncomfortable amount of just study like Drake was thinking by just watching him react to being pet, he could learn what's going on behind the other's sharp features. But hey, food's real good! That's... a tradeoff, right?

Asbolus: Being on the receiving end of such a gaze was an old experience for the Darkling, the familiar sensation of being watched countered by the knowledge of who it was doing the watching. He remained quiet for a time as he ate, eventually looking towards Drake with a curious look in his own eyes. "Looking for something in particular?"

Drake Pike: "Trying to decide what would make you happy," says Drake. "But afraid to make what you desire because when it's gone, it might leave you more hollow than having never had it." The Wizened considers. "Also trying to tell whether or not touch good or touch bad."

Asbolus: "The company is helping, honestly. Been rather...unmoored over the last few weeks, and not being alone again is good." He smiled a touch, giving a little nod. "It was good, just wasn't expecting it."

Drake Pike: "It's not good to be on your own so long, which you obviously know. It's just... tough, at times. And I'm sure that people don't always necessarily know how to approach or know when your boundaries say don't come close, but other times you need those moments." There's a moment, then Drake moves in to wrap arms around the other for a brief squeeze. "People need touch," he explains. "So you will get touch until you say stop." Then loosening arms to move just so to be behind the other and catch him in a mirror, reaching up his hands to start massaging scalp and maybe, just maybe, doing the man's hair.

Asbolus: "I do. It went from a precaution when I got back to a habit, then a necessity with the business with Robin...having to dive further into the shadows just as I was starting to come out of them was..." the words trailed off, both from the brief short circuit that came from the Wizened's gentle touch and the need to find the right way to describe how he felt. "It was hard."

Drake Pike: "Sometimes the things we do can build a cycle. Something that gets harder and harder to break, and to feel connected," murmurs the Spring as he continues his small work. "I can't imagine how hard that was. The way it still lingers."

He watches the other in the mirror a moment. "Winter is long. It's cold, and sometimes you come out of it starved," he starts carefully. "Spring is always here, waiting. Because of it, I was able to move on and keep my sanity. I think it's... important that we pay that sort of moment forward."

"I'm not as good at people as the ones who helped me were," Drake admits. "I can't make you feel better. I can't heal your mind. I can't understand your pain, not really. So I know what I can do. I can keep you safe - and Mearcstapa trusts me to be able to keep his people safe, which I think is a high mark. I can keep you with food. I can keep you company. I have many, many, many books you can read, soft, warm beds you can sleep or just lay in, a hot spring in my hollow or a jacuzzi out here to help you relax, and as much touch as you can stand. It's not perfect, but hopefully it helps until someone can give you what you really need."

Asbolus: "Very. It took a firm shove from others in the Court, Lux included, to even start venturing out, and it was small, cautious steps at that. Too much ice to break through easily and whatnot."

He let out a slow breath to steady himself as Drake continued, a small if shaky smile forming by the time he finished. "That's more than enough. Thank you."

Drake Pike: "What sorts of things bring you joy - besides reading?" asks Drake before sloooooooowly reaching over to pull a little box over. Certainly not with hair supplies in them. No, not at all. "Massage? Fast cars? Swordplay - the not dick one?"

Asbolus: Asbolus eyed the box curiously but made no moves to stop him for the moment, chuckling at the questions that followed. "Won't say no to the first. I enjoy watching others to see what makes them tick and coming up with roles to match...it's part of what got me into theater to begin with."

Drake Pike: "... So you like playing knight when there's a dragon around? You should know, that's very dangerous," maybe jokes Drake before getting out a comb and... was he grooming Asbolus? Yep, this was happening. Tender caring hair grooming. "When you're finished eating, I can give you a massage. Where do you keep your stress?"

Asbolus: "So they say..." he replied with a small smirk, rather enjoying the pampering by all telling. "Shoulders and upper back, mostly." He added as he turned his attention back to the meal before him. "This is amazing, by the way..."

Drake Pike: "Food is not an art I'm... very talented in. Not like my normal crafts," says Drake. "I'm glad, though. I cheated just a little. Used brownie magic to make it come out a little faster, and was afraid it'd ruin the taste."

He keeps on working now, less cautiously while the other let him do as he wished. "You like to watch. Do you find that you end up watching those you're interested in more?"

Asbolus: "Ah...handy, that. Was wondering how you got it done so quickly." He gave a little nod, polishing off the last of the curry with a few swift bites. "Sometimes. Moreso now, with the...instinct to track down the unusual as heightened as it has been."

Drake Pike: "Drink some of the aloe water. Yes, it's a little gross, but it will make it so you don't have a headache when you wake up," urges the little dragon before putting away the comb, satisfied. For now. He comes around the other, "If you are comfortable with no shirt, you should take off yours so I can use heating massage oil. If you are not comfortable being half naked, you may leave it on."

Asbolus: "Noted..." He opened the bottle and took a pull, making a bit of a face as he swallowed. "That is odd...geh." Nonetheless he took another drink, setting the bottle down before briefly glancing down at his shirt. He mulled for a moment before moving to take it off, revealing the wiry runner's build underneath...along with a few notable scars here and there, including one that was clearly a burn on his right side. The reflection in the mirror also showed a black brand under his left collarbone, the circular mark reminiscent of a stylized camera lens.

Drake Pike: Drake didn't avoid looking over the man. He reached out, letting those talons trace momentarily over the scars in the man's flesh. But he didn't ask about them. Just finally looked up from them to Asbolus. He undid his harness, leaving him as 'shirtless' as the other as if in solidarity - which made 0 sense, really, but he didn't stop himself from doing it.

Then he was pushing the Darkling forward into the pillows where he could either relax fully or look into the mirror. From there, the surprisingly hefty weight of Drake straddled the man from behind. The click of a bottle opened, then hands rubbing together to warm the oil before Drake leaned down and into the massage, working his way up the spine from the lower back.

Asbolus: Asbolus watched over his shoulder as Drake looked him over, answers ready for questions that ultimately never came. He laid out on the pillows when not-so-gingerly nudged towards them, folding his arms and resting his head on them to start. The sudden weight of the Wizened on his back led to a puff of air escaping as a sound of surprise, although any potential discontent faded as the man went to work. To say that the Darkling was tense would be an understatement akin to the Hedge being a little bit prickly, the weight of the last few weeks - if not longer - clearly felt.

Drake Pike: Sometimes the best way one can handle a block of ice is with a sledge hammer. Drake's form of massage was likely not for the feint of heart nor the tender of body. What weight he had was used, pivoted, and pounded just so pointedly into the other's body to break up knots of tension. Whereas others might have mercy when they heard the grunts, well, Drake didn't hear them and had no mercy anyway. The soothing heat of the massage oil worked along, being forced hard into deep tissues as the man used to sculpting in metal instead plied his trade to flesh.

The 'worst' part? Drake didn't give in. Extensive long work with his hands meant they didn't give in so easily, nor did the pressure lighten up until well after he'd forced so much out of those joints. At points, he moved the water closer in clear directions to let the other drink, but then dove right back in, finally getting those talons to more delicate work along his upper back, shoulders, his neck while breathing out his perfumed smoke all around the other.

Asbolus: There were a few moments here and there that Asbolus almost waived him off during the initial pass, but as the Artist's firm touch worked loose knots that he hadn't realized were that tightly bound he let him press on, flinching now and again but otherwise offering no other protestations. He remained quiet all the while, eyes closed but still awake by all telling as the night's events thus far slowly turned through his mind.

Drake Pike: Only when Drake didn't find any more resistance did he finally slow to just rubbing slowly the man's skin, sitting back as he looks down to the other. "Usually, this is where I would offer kisses along your spine, but you should sober up first. Then you'd blush more. Should I massage somewhere else? Cuddle you? Read to you and let you nap laying over my lap? Or do you simply not wish to make choices at this point?"

Asbolus: "I honestly don't think I could move without assistance at the moment..." he quietly muttered, one eye opening as he looked up towards Drake with a small smirk. "I'm quite content to stay here for right now, though."

Drake Pike: "I would carry you," offers Drake before nodding and then slowly settling down over the other like a smol weighted blanket, placing his body over the others as he carefully moved so their faces were an inch or two apart - totally acceptable distance, yes? But he could watch the other's lips. "... Earlier, with the bargain, did you want that to be a date? Secretly?"

Asbolus: The closeness made Asbolus pause briefly, those pale eyes regaining that laser focus as he took in every detail before he relaxed once again. "I think so, on some level."

Drake Pike: The math begins to work behind Drake's gaze as he considered the man under him. "I would like that date. Would you go on that date with me when you're feeling happier? I'd like to have you stay until you're feeling a bit better, but if a date would scare you... no date. Just you, here, comfortable, until someone better can help."

Asbolus: "I'd like it as well." Of course, sober!Asbolus would likely being going 'the hell are you doing, man?' at this moment, but he's not around right now so he could deal with it in the morning. "Tonight was...very much needed, and I have you to thank for that."

Drake Pike: Those words seem to make Drake beam. "It's... what I want. To help people get what they need." He squirms on top of the other as if he couldn't quite contain himself. "You should sleep. I will keep you safe in my arms through the night. I am a terrifying dragon, after all."

Asbolus: He chuckled quietly at the happy squirming, giving a little nod. "Indeed...truly awe-inspiring."