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'''Titania Sanguine:'''  
'''Titania Sanguine:'''  
"Its just lovely here. Not too Austrian, chill." She smiles as her tongue runs over her lips a hint of bloodlust in it. "Needed to take care of something for the Circle. There was a pack of Wolves a few hours away that were causing problems. So I ate them."
"Its just lovely here. Not too Austrian, chill." She smiles as her tongue runs over her lips a hint of bloodlust in it. "Needed to take care of something for the Circle. There was a delicate problem a few hours away that were causing stress. So I ate them."

Latest revision as of 23:56, 18 October 2022


Bala Cynwyd Elysium


Titania Sanguine: Titania was lounging on one of the couches her head leaning on the end and her hand idly stroking at her shadow cat.

On the back of the couch her Raven was keeping an eye out for anyone coming to say hi or tell her off.

She was dressed casually today, a crop top, leather jacked and jeans. Her feet covered in knee high boots up on the end of the couch.

Alexander Tarek: The presence of another made themselves known soon enough as Alexander entered the lounge area from further in the house, dressed casually in an all-black ensemble of jeans and t-shirt with a black leather messenger bag slung over one shoulder. The shadow creatures caught his attention first, tilting his head curiously before giving Titania a once-over and a polite nod. "Good evening."

Titania Sanguine: The Raven tilts her head as he walks in, a little chitter to make Titania aware of the new comers presence.

She opens her eyes and looks towards the doors with a smile. "Evening."

Alexander Tarek: He moved to be in proper conversation range, which she might notice was closer than most due to the Shadow being somewhat soft-spoken. "Don't believe I've had the pleasure. Alexander Tarek. Your companions are quite interesting, if I may say so."

Titania Sanguine: She smiles as he approaches "Nice to meet you. Titania Sanguine." There is a nod as she speaks.

Her smile widens as he mentions her pets. "Thank you. They have served me across the ages. Columba and Mei." As she indicates to the Raven then the Cat.

Alexander Tarek: "Good to meet you as well." He nodded to the two familiars before claiming a seat, setting his bag down beside him. "Have you been in Philadelphia long yourself?"

Titania Sanguine: She rolls onto her side, very casual given the weight behind her words. A little shake of her head as she does.

"Not too long, I was doing some work nearby and decided to settle here for my time off that I earned."

Alexander Tarek: "Been here for a few years myself. One of the more unique ports of call I've had over the years." He smiled a touch at that, looking her over. "What sort of work were you doing, if you feel like discussing it?"

Titania Sanguine: "Its just lovely here. Not too Austrian, chill." She smiles as her tongue runs over her lips a hint of bloodlust in it. "Needed to take care of something for the Circle. There was a delicate problem a few hours away that were causing stress. So I ate them."

Alexander Tarek: "Too 'Austrian'?" His eyebrow arched at that, chuckling quietly as he continued. "I see...no indigestion from it, I hope."

Titania Sanguine: "Too Austrian." As if that is an answer in and of itself.

"Oh no, it was a good snack and besides it means I get to enjoy some lovely time off now."

Alexander Tarek: "I see...never made it into that part of the continent while I was there." A mental note was made to look into that descriptor further as he nodded. "Always a good thing, that. Even with all the time in the world making sure to take some of it for yourself is important."

Titania Sanguine: "Its the arrangement we have had for centuries. Wake one of us up, deal with a problem and then we get a decade to play."

There is a subtle shrug to her shoulders.

"A good balancing of resources."

Alexander Tarek: "Sounds like it. Who is 'we', if I may ask? Blood siblings, perhaps?"

Titania Sanguine: "Yeah. The Sanguine. My family away from Philly. There is only few of us left now. We stopped siring children."

There is a longing to her words at that.

Alexander Tarek: "I see. Ties like that are always precious, especially as the years go on."

Titania Sanguine: "Yeah. Good to remind us where we come from. What about you?"

She asks her voice shifting.

"How long have you been with the Circle?"

Alexander Tarek: "None of my siblings are still with us that I know of, although I do have some childer here and there that I stay in touch with."

"Quite some time. Yourself?"

Titania Sanguine: "Longer than it has been around though I suspect you already know that."

There is a smirk on her face as she says that.

Alexander Tarek: "I did get that impression." He replied with a smirk of his own. "The Dark Mother has been venerated in many ways over the centuries, the evolution of which is rather interesting to look into."

Titania Sanguine: "Well, I'm glad I'm doing something right at least."

A little chuckle her hand stroking the cats tail.

"It has been interesting seeing it change each time I wake up. Interesting fighting for it to be recognized alongside the others."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed. We are an adaptable bunch, though, so weaving through the machinations of the other covenants has been more successful than some would like."

Titania Sanguine: "Some of them just hate it don't they, they hate having to show us the same respect they have to show the Invictus."

There is another chuckle.

"Makes all the blood worth it watching them squirm."

Alexander Tarek: "That they do, and it can be very entertaining." He nodded with a smirk, sitting back in his chair. "Coming here has been a nice change of pace from that, I will say."

Titania Sanguine: "True." A pause as the Raven moves and catches her attention.

"Its a balance. How much Austrian is worth the squirming."

Alexander Tarek: Alexander spared the shadowy raven a brief glance at the movement, offering a nod. "Indeed. It keeps things interesting, at the very least."

Titania Sanguine: "It does. Though ill admit I am enjoying it being so chill here. Its like a real holiday. I haven't had a holiday that actually felt relaxing in an age."

Alexander Tarek: "I can imagine. Sounds like you and yours keep yourselves busy more often than not."

Titania Sanguine: "There is a lot of work to be done in the world and only so many hands to do it."

She shrugs indicating to the couch.

"And that is why I am lounging on a couch on a Monday evening. Chilling."

Alexander Tarek: "Not a bad thing, that. One must take time to relax and recharge, after all."

Titania Sanguine: "Exactly. And besides. I miss playing in a young city like this. So many faces that don't know me by sight."

Alexander Tarek: "Only by reputation?" He offered with a chuckle. "I've stayed in the background for the most part myself, but have found the city to be very welcoming."

Titania Sanguine: She nods her head, a raised eyebrow.

"Perhaps. But that is fun. There are plenty here that don't even know that. I've found it mixed so far but I'm a very acquired taste."

Alexander Tarek: "I've found your company enjoyable thus far, for what that's worth."

Titania Sanguine: "I appreciate it. Its always nice to meet more of the Crone, regardless of how you choose to be involved."

Alexander Tarek: "I've assisted when requested, of course, but I'm not one to make waves. Keeping out of view is par for the course with those of my blood, after all."

Titania Sanguine: She tilts her head at that. "Oh? Im all for making waves. Now you've got me interested?"

Alexander Tarek: "The shadows make for good observations, is all, and at times it's easier to work when other don't know where to look for you." He smirked at that, a brief sharpness in the expression. "I focus on the digital these days, keeping information where it's supposed to be and out of the hands of the undeserving."

Titania Sanguine: "Ah I see" Another pause as her hand strokes along Mei's tail. "i'll admit I am intrigued by you, I havent seen many of your kind in my years."

Alexander Tarek: "'My kind'?" He repeated, an eyebrow quirked up curiously.

Titania Sanguine: "Hollow Mekhet" she says simply taking a ancient looking leather bound tome from, somewhere, and flicking through it.

Alexander Tarek: "Ah hah." He allowed himself a quiet chuckle, watching the Gangrel as she began to peruse her book. "Not many are aware of such things, but perhaps I shouldn't be surprised."

Titania Sanguine: "There are many closely guarded secrets in our world. Though not many if you have spent all of your life and unlife looking into them." She lands on the page she was after a soft ah escaping her lips.

"You aren't quite a bloodline, but have a different Bane, you are haunted. That seems to lead into why you cast no shadow and nor does your voice echo, I admit my knowledge is passing at best."

Alexander Tarek: "An old way of doing things, one could say; my sire was a stickler for tradition. While it has its foibles I honestly can't complain too much."

Titania Sanguine: "If you care to share I would like to know more?" There is a quill in her hand that she dips into one of her pets, leaving trails to be her ink.

Alexander Tarek: "Perhaps another time. Not quite the conversation for our current location."

Titania Sanguine: She nods her head in understanding before sliding the book and quill away. "That is understandable. I think I will take you up on that offer some night. Perhaps I could invite you around to my Haven, we could discuss the finer points of our specific studies? Where our passions of Cruac fall."

Alexander Tarek: "I'd be up for that. It's always interesting to see the lens that others perceive the Dark Mother through."

Titania Sanguine: There is a smirk as he says that and she starts to speak, a passion in her voice for the first time. "Its interesting to see what others look to, I dont...."

Before cutting off "Time and a place, another time, another place."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed," He smirked a touch as he gave a nod. "Have you spoken much with the rest of the Circle here?"

Titania Sanguine: "I haven't, a few in passing when I first woke up. I should like to meet more of them, find out where they go, where our places are. If there aren't enough. Make them. Buy a field for us to have our Rites in."

Alexander Tarek: "Most of us tend to worship personally, to my knowledge. Something more communal may be worth looking into."

Titania Sanguine: "But what are you all worshiping? I have so many questions for another night." She nods at that. "Even if it is just a space to speak openly about things that others may not appreciate, to have an Altar, to work on longer Rites or...... Apologies my mind is racing."

Alexander Tarek: "No apologies needed. Shiri Touati may be one to speak with; they are the head of their respective family here and another sister under the Dark Mother."

Titania Sanguine: Another nod of her head as she makes a mental note. "I'll have to look into it. Perhaps they have something we could use, something less personal than a visit to somebodies Haven."

Alexander Tarek: "Worth asking, at any rate." He nodded, settling back in his chair. "That is another unique facet of the court here that I do like, the ties of family and the weight that they carry here as much as the blood if not more so."

Titania Sanguine: "That is true and one that intrigues me. Ive always considered my Blood family but, it isnt for many that stands true. Shiri is as good a leader as one can hope for really. She has the job of trying to rule me and that is always an uphill battle."

There is a cock of her head. "I should really talk to her more, its been a few years, since I was woken to deal with the problem."

Alexander Tarek: "Miss Vega is...direct in a way that I admire, and working under her since my arrival has been pleasant overall."

Titania Sanguine: "She is direct and I appreciate it in a way I dont think many our age do. There is no need for pomp and ceremony, we have eternity why weigh it down with bullshit."

Alexander Tarek: "Agreed, although a bit of ceremony can be warranted in the proper situations."

Titania Sanguine: "In the proper situations, perhaps."

She smiles looking to Columbi. "Yes I know, its time to head home."

Nodding her head she smiles to Alexander. "It has been a pleasure to meet you and I would love to continue this conversation in one of the many nights that we have ahead of us. For now however I think it is time for me to return home and prepare for those coming nights."

Alexander Tarek: "Indeed." He nodded and stood from his seat, slipping his phone from his pocket once he had slung his messenger bag back over his shoulder. "If I can get your number before we part ways?"

Titania Sanguine: She waves an arm over Columbi his shadows forming her cell phone number. "He is a handy messenger boy when I need him to be."

As the number is taken down she wanders to the window shifting into a Violet Backed Starling as the three of them depart into the night Mei sprouting wings for the occasion.

Alexander Tarek: The number was swiftly entered and the phone put aside, with the Mekhet watching with a small smirk as Titania took wing and flew off with her companions. He waited a moment to give the trio time to depart before stepping out to head home himself, his presence absorbed into the night as it so often was.