Logs:An Owl and a Rainbow (Part 1): Difference between revisions

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((Thread: Hate))  

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Latest revision as of 02:02, 5 February 2023


Ella Widener and Snowy


A Park


- - - - - - - - New Scene - - - - - - - -

Ella was walking through the park, wearing enough to account for the current temperature but still managing to maintain her own style. Her eyes look about as she attempts to find the other Lost so she can finally talk to them. (Picture in picspam)

Snowy, the short snow-white oweltte, could be found in the midst of her own little heist in the park. Like a good little heister she stalks through the crowds under the guise of a hoodie. Getting just close enough to her target to steal something. She carefully bumps into the man who proceeds to yell at her and push her rather roughly to the ground. After a moment of getting chewed out the man walks away and Snowy rises holding a nicely fine detailed wrist watch. She tosses it in the air, grabs it and puts it back into her pocket. All in clear view of Ella.

Ella Widener
Ella, once she had noticed Snowy, moved to take a seat on a fairly nearby bench as she observed the oweltte steal from some random person. She seems to be currently just looking at her, but it was rather painfully obvious to Snowy that Ella did see the entire thing unfold. Whatever her impression on the event, is hard to discern

Once she had the watch Snowy pockets it and sits beside Ella on impulse, resting her knees against her chin as she takes on the image of an owl resting on a tree. Her head swivels back and forth seemingly unaware of the other's presence.

Ella Widener
"So, why did we just do that?" -She asks the Owl curiously as she turns to look at the other Lost-

The bulbous eyes swivel towards Ella. "Bastard comes through here every day staring at that watch and flashing it at strangers. Woulden't mind that but yesterday he kicked another homeless man's hat full of coins into the lake because he dared to be disadvantaged in his general vicinity..." She rolls her eyes. "So he takes money away from a man... I figured he would like to have the same fate of a prized shiney!" She grins and dangles it between her fingers.

Ella Widener
Ella nods her head "So then the plan is to give the watch to the homeless person who lost their money then? I'd like to get to know you a bit better and I think this could certainly lead to that."

"It was ONE idea but I don't want the bastard to get picked up by the blue bells for having this on him." She states. "So I planned to just toss it in my pocket and forget about it... or throw it into the hedge and see if it sprouts legs, either or. So long as rich boy doesn't have it with him anymore!" (edited)

Ella Widener
nods slowly "So revenge for the sake of revenge even though the party that was harmed most will not get to see any of the justice that you are enforcing upon this man. A curious line of thought."

"Well pawning it off is a good option too and handing over the money to them but I'm open to suggestions." She states.

Ella Widener
"If that is what you think is the best course of action, I won't stop you. However, we never really officially met. I'm Ella." -She offers a hand- "I've heard a few things about you but I'd like to formulate my own opinion."

"All of them good I hope." She snorts. "Snowy, people call me 'Snowie' for short though." (edited)

Ella Widener
"Most people seem to think you've got it quite rough. Especially considering you basically just got back. I know we've all had it rough when we first got back, but there are other ways to assist people than simply giving them a handout. You strike me as the kind of person who would prefer to earn your keep than accept something you haven't earned."

She looks at her with a sudden twist of the neck. "Huh... you're the first person to get that kinda read on me right. Though I don't like the idea of taking something somebody else might need..." She says.

Ella Widener
"Am I wrong? Would you prefer handouts from people or would you rather earn your way through your hardships and come out stronger because of it? Something tells me you'd rather come out stronger."

"The ladder." Her thick accent makes the 'dd' sound instead of latter.

Ella Widener
"Then tell me about yourself, I want to know what your other skills are. That way I can figure out the best possible place to put you so you can actually earn rather than simply take."

"Well..." she produces the watch. "As you saw I'm a great thief... I know how to get into places no others can and I'm pretty knowledgeable of the streets. I know where the homeless hang out and the best sleeping spots... also good places to dumpster dive!" (edited)

Ella Widener
"How good would you rate your social skills?" -She now fully turns to give Snowy a look over- "I do have someone that I could use right now and while it won't sound glamorous in any way, it will both pay well and offer a place to stay." (edited)

"Not the best." She admits. "I mostly just insult people until they leave me alone!" She snorts. "But I'm good at reading people... and knowing when to shut the fuck up. I consider both advanced social skills."

Ella Widener
"Well I need an administrative assistant, normally I'm fine handling my own affairs however, there is a decent amount of unfortunate things happening right now. So some of my attention span is being drawn else where and as it stands, it would be a good idea to have at least one other person with you, if it permits it."

"And why some homeless chick?" She asks with a head cock that points her forehead to the ground. "And what does being an admin entail exactly?"

Ella Widener
"Because I think we've all been where you are before. No reasonable source of income, no real place to call your own, just living life one day at a time and hoping the next day won't be as hard as the last. It would be your job to manage my schedule and help me with projects I'm working on, especially if a project requires a bit more finesse than what I am able to utilize personally."

"...Do you want some truth?" She asks with a heavy sigh. "...I never had a job before."

Ella Widener
"Why should that matter? You can read correct? You know how to tell time, you know what day it is and what year it is?"

"I see... and what if I don't want a job and I'm happy to just keep on surviving?"

Ella Widener
"Then that's what you do." -she shrugs simply- "Though I think it prudent for you to be aware that at this current time, the city is less safe than it was last week. I would not recommend being alone and surviving by yourself. There are times where solitude and building yourself up are to be commended. Then there are times to acknowledge that being a part of a group is simply more beneficial and offers the greatest protection."

"I get that." She says with a hand wave. "But who's to say these 'friends' have my best interests at heart?" She asks. "They're not just going to run off with a trust fund and leave me behind to marry off to another ric... nevermind."

Ella Widener
"You don't. You just met me and don't know what my intentions are, everything I've told you could very well be a lie. If you think I'm lying to you and have an ulterior motive, then I can only prove that thought to be incorrect by leaving my offer open and for you to let yourself be proven wrong. However, if there is something that you can trust, it's someone reputation. I help people when they need it because that is my job as part of the Emerald. But I don't give hand outs. People work for me for a mutually beneficial outcome. I won't pry into your past, if someday you feel you can divulge it to me, I will listen and try to help you sort through it. But for now if you need a reason to trust me, trust that I want to maintain the image I've built for myself, if that's what it takes to make you feel better about it."

She takes a breath and keeps on thinking on that for a long moment, while the offer did sound nice the last thing she wanted was to build up her resources and be able, if at all, to return to the old life she had before she was taken. It was a nightmare then and something she refused to allow to happen to herself again!

"I'll think on it, but I prefer survival."

Ella Widener
(I'm going to have to empathy that choice) The Polychromatic woman studies Snowy for awhile as she attempts to get a grasp on her current emotions. (only 1s but not sure how much Snowy is actively hiding) "Do you have any way of getting in touch with people?"

"Nope... next goal is probably going to involve stealing a phone." She states with a grin across her beak. Though while her words ring true to some extent it's not out of personal pleasure... that much Ella knows.

Ella Widener
"I foresaw the possibility of this problem. So you will not be doing that. This is the only "handout" I will be giving you. Mostly because during these times such a device is almost a necessity." -She reaches into her purse and pulls out a phone box, the seals have been broken and she passes it to Snowy- "There is one number in there, it's mine. Your coverage has been pre paid for and you may add other numbers at your discretion."

Snowy takes the phone and looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "This is better off in someone else's hands..." She looks up Ella, concluding that she wasn't going to give up on this and sighs. Putting it in her pocket."Thank you..."

Ella Widener
"You stealing a phone would be problematic. Most people have security on their phones that will send them into a lockout mode after a certain number of tries and even have ways to track their phones. Thus this is the best way, this would've been a necessity too had you accepted my other offer. So it was going to get into your hands regardless." (edited)

"I see." She sighs. "Well thanks anyway, but I have a watch to pawn off..."

Ella Widener
"There's a good chance they will wonder how you acquired a watch like that and might be hesitant to take you up on it. At most I could see you possibly getting one fifth it's market value."

"Still... money is paper that people want for some odd reason." She snorts. "It's not my money though, I can just give it away... look, here's an example." She walks over to a dumpster. "Free dinner..." She knocks the side before walking to a tree and gesturing as a gap between the roots and the earth. "Free housing..." She then points towards a crowd of business men on a lunch break. "Free money for clothes and basic nessessaties... the city gives me all I need to survive, so why bother taking shit I don't need!"

Ella Widener
"Because some of the "free" stuff that you gain from other's might actually be all they have. Sometimes people present themselves as having more than they really do, it's the desire to seem important because it makes you feel important. When someone takes something that they haven't earned from someone who has earned it, they're robbed of their hard work. This can have consequences. Say you take something from someone else and that was the only thing they had to remember someone by. Or maybe that item or money was all they had for the week that they got from their job and won't be able to eat."

An explanation like that does trip her up but she sticks to her guns. "I panhandle mostly..." She says. "It's demeaning but it gets me a few quid to buy things I need. Stealing only comes to assholes."

Ella Widener
"And if that asshole is only an asshole because his boss takes out his own incompetence on his workers, does that make it right? Not everyone can afford to talk to someone about their hardships or has someone waiting at home who will listen. People lash out sometimes for a multitude of reasons. Is it our job to punish them and rob them of their feelings?"

"How else do I provide sorrow?" The winterling states dismissively.

Ella Widener
"Are you providing sorrow? You seem to more be instigating wrath, in my opinion."

"When something someone cherishes is taken away from them they tend to be full of sorrow from what I've witnessed... but are you just going to sit there and critize my methods of surviving?"

Ella Widener
"I should probably correct myself, there are two possible emotions that I would be most likely to feel if something was stolen from me. The first being fear that I misplaced something so important to me and the second being anger that someone might've taken it.' -She takes a breath- "I am not attempting to criticize your methods. I am simply trying to open your eyes to the multitude of possible outcomes your actions can have upon people. For I do not believe you wish to inflict suffering. We've experienced enough of that to the fact that I don't believe we should add to it."

"Yeah? And what if I want some rich assholes to know what it's like to be hurt and having something you loved taken away from you? Or to realise that anything you put value you is ultimately meaningless in the end?!" ((Thread: Hate))

- - - - - - Paused and logged: Room Free - - - - - -