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Revision as of 02:13, 9 April 2023

Man without a Cause
Overview-Leo is an amateur Ghost Hunter and 'Occult Detective', the only thing separating him from folks you see on Travel Channel is he's in the know.

History- With a Sleepwalker Father and a Moros Mother, Leo was born into the life. The son of two Free Council members, his parents hid what they could but never fully blocked him from understanding there was more in life, especially when it looked like he inherited his father's gift of speaking to the dead at the age of five. Unlike most kid's his imaginary friends were in fact there, just no longer living, his parent's watched him grow into it with pride. However this did make his social skills with the living a tad rough, finding the dead easier than the living. When he was about ten he accidentally found his way into his mother's sanctum and while nothing too bad happened before she found him, some minor abilities started to manifest, now he could also hear thoughts, move things and control the cold, leading to his schooling being done at home so he can also learn to control his powers. As he grew into his teen years his mother inducted him into the Free Council as he started to actively investigate local haunting, even started a Video Blog about the paranormal, his mediumship the one ability he was open about in public. Now at nineteen he has set out on his own, with his parents blessing he's come to Philadelphia to make his own story

Appearance-Leo looks like your average nineteen year old, his main defining feature his his blueish-grey dyed hair. Years of physical training have given him a toned build.

Personality-Leo has trouble socializing, often complaining that Ghost's are more relatable. However he has a strong sense in what's right and won't turn his back on an injustice.

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Klaire Henriette-My new boss, she's cool for a cop

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RP Hooks
  • Got a Ghost? -Leo is a paranormal Investigator. . .no, really, not a scam. He's made some money doing odd jobs, contacting a love one, easing a haunted house, and sometimes the dead where hostile to the living, even so, he tries to help them move on
  • Live Free or Die a Slave-Leo's mom is a Mage of the Free Council, he's grown up around them, was raised in their beliefs and when he was sixteen joined in a more official capacity, Mom's proud.
  • Junior Detective-Leo's been taken on by Klaire as an assistant, helping her with cases and the like, it's a noble calling and he's always had his own aspirations of getting into PI work.

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No logs found.


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Kyptonite: 3 Doors Down

Boulevard of Broken Dreams:Greenday

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Leo Spiegel

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Full Name: Leo Spiegel
Shadow Name: Tikkun (teak-UHN)
Order: Free Council
Full Title: Sleepwalker Tikkun, Voter of the Free Council
Pronouns: he/him
Occupation: Odd-Jobs
Birth: 12/14/2004
Nationality: Jewish-American
Age: 19
Height: 5'5"
Public Effects: Status(Order:Free Council)-1
Holistic Awareness-1
Fleet of Foot-3
Street Fighting Style-1
Martial Arts-3
Unarmed Defense-5
Light Weapons-5
Common Sense-3
Eye for Strange
Aura Reading-3
Psychokinesis (Cyro)-5

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Played By: Emperor Tremere