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Latest revision as of 15:27, 14 May 2020


Anneliese Kiel, Asbolus, Eugene Moon, Guy Dagenham, Mearcstapa, Petra Fichette


Club Vertigo


Anneliese Kiel: Monday night being slow means Annie has plenty of time to talk to patrons polish glasses. Which is what she's doing right now, since it means she can look busy while not putting much actual effort in. Being paid to not do a lot is always a plus, in her book.

Mearcstapa: What a shame that there’s a person here now. Mearc’s wearing his usual cargo pants and a Derbycon t-shirt, usual messenger bag over a shoulder. He meanders toward the bar thoughtfully, offering Annie a light wave.

Asbolus: Asbolus made his way into the bar not long after Mearcstapa, dressed neatly if casually in jeans, a white t-shirt and a dark blue jacket. Spotting Mearc and Annie already at the bar he smiled a touch, giving the pair a nod as he found a place for himself nearby. "Evening."

Eugene Moon: Eugene arrives very shortly after, wearing their usual black attire, this time a black tank that bares most of their tattoos to the people who can see them, which is none of the Changelings, a pair of black jeans, and boots. Also black, of course. In contrast to the lack of color in the smoky Lost's attire, every step they take makes scattering of colorful poppies spring up, only to disappear as they move on toward the bar.

Guy Dagenham: Guy strolls in, dressed his usual apparel, gun-barrel gaze taking in the room before he heads to the bar. “Mearcstapa. I hope you are feeling well tonight,” he says, taking a stool near the tech savvy Changeling.

Anneliese Kiel: "Evening, Mearcstapa. Asbolus. What can I get for you tonight?" Eugene gets a wave, before Annie glances at Guy curiously. The biker aesthetic per se isn't a particularly common sight in Vertigo. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

Mearcstapa: As the bar fills up, Mearc’s smile grows at the sight of the newcomers, with an especially swift welcoming gesture for Eugene. He nods at Guy. “I am. Is there any reason I wouldn’t be feeling well?” The tone of the question is somewhat opaque, but the changelings see his green freckles grow brighter.

His attention turns to Annie. “A coke or a pepsi, whichever you have on hand, please.”

Asbolus: "Surprise me." Asbolus replied to Annie with a smile before giving Guy a nod. The new face of Eugene earned a longer once-over before they earned a small nod of their own. "Evening."

Eugene Moon: Eugene, like most everyone else who just arrived, finds themselves part of a group descending on Mearc like a bunch of happy pups when the treat bag comes out. Though there's not much in the way of features on a face that's mostly swirling wisps of smoke, something like a smile coalesces out of that movement and they say, "were you this popular back in Chicago, Mearcstapa, or is this a Philly thing?" Then they say to Annie, "hello again, Anneliese." Finally to Asbolus, "evening," with an offer of a hand that doesn't look particularly solid. "Eugene."

Guy Dagenham: “A rum and coke,” he says with a nod to Annie, eyes taking her in for a moment. Turning to Mearcstapa, he replies, “You were having a rough day last I saw you; I was just hoping today was better.”

Mearcstapa: "Ah. Well. Better is a relative term, but I feel a little more in control of matters now." He pauses and turns to face Eugene properly, holding out his arms in the clear offer for a hug. "Popular is a loaded word, but. I'm getting to know a lot of people here. You've met Anneliese. Allow me to introduce Asbolus, and Guy. Gentlemen, Eugene is a good friend of mine from Chicago."

Anneliese Kiel: "Coke it is." Annie grabs the bar's soda gun, pouring Mearc a glass before she mixes the drinks for Guy and Asbolus, sliding them across to the relevant recipient and turning to the other Spring present. "Hey, Eugene. What can I get you?"

Asbolus: "Pleasure to meet you, Eugene." Asbolus took the offered hand, somewhat gingerly at first until the stability of the smoke could be determined. "Welcome to Philadelphia. Treating you well so far, I hope?"

Eugene Moon: Eugene's handshake is light, but they're definitely solid despite appearances. "I've only been here a few days, but good so far." They take the offered hug from Mearcstapa without hesitation, then finish it and step back to address Annie. "Starting off with the challenging questions tonight, Anneliese?" Gentle amusement comes with the words, spoken in Eugene's quiet voice. They have a faint Korean accent, as well as a pitch, tone, and manner of speaking that's decidedly gender neutral. "I think it feels like a cosmo night."

Guy Dagenham: He nods to Eugene, cold eyes studying them for a moment, and takes a sip of his drink. “Nice to meet a friend of Mearcstapa.”

He gives a nod to Asbolus as well.

Mearcstapa: He gives Guy a mild look (something like 'please don't scare them off'), not making direct eye contact as usual. "If we're being blunt about it, they were my therapist, from the time I got to Chicago. I was a mess, early on especially."

Anneliese Kiel: "Coming right up." She prepares Eugene's drink smoothly, sliding it across to them. Mearc's statement gets a somewhat dubious look. "Well, you seem to have recovered quite well."

Asbolus: For his part Asbolus' British accent is still quite strong, despite his years in the States and elsewhere. "Glad to hear it. Been here about a year myself." He thanked Annie for the drink before taking a test sip, nodding with approval before turning his attention back to the others. "Ah...good that they were able to help you, then."

Eugene Moon: "Likewise." Eugene doesn't seem particularly put off by the cold eyes, at least not when it comes with a friendly enough greeting. "Thank you, Anneliese." They take their drink and raise it in quiet gratitude to the bartender. "A lot of people need help with sorting parts of their life out at one point or another. If I can help any of them, I'm glad for it.

Guy Dagenham: “A therapist,” he says with a nod. “A noble pursuit. I suppose I have one through my job...I should probably talk to them, just in principle...”

Mearcstapa: Mearc shrugs at Annie slightly. "I'm better, but 'recovered' is a moving target, sometimes." Then he glances at Guy. "Someone you can be open with, or...?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Fair enough," Annie nods. "I know some trauma can be hard to ever fully come back from." She glances at Guy. "What kind of work do you do?"

Asbolus: "Noble work indeed." He nodded in agreement with Guy, taking another small sip of his drink. He then looked to the Kindred at the questions pointed towards him, curious to the answers.

Eugene Moon: "I don't know about noble," Eugene says with just the faintest shrug of their shoulders. "I feel like it's something I have to do, since I can do it, and fortunately I also seem to have a talent." They look at Guy, curious about the answers to the questions he was given.

Guy Dagenham: “It’s their job to be a counselor, though I don’t know how much formal training they have, I haven’t asked.” He looks up to Anneliese, face politely neutral behind its being vaguely threatening. “I work in...private security. Protect people and information.”

Mearcstapa: Mearc sips his drink thoughtfully. And then he grins. "Guy, you work in security? I should give you my business card." The tone is completely joking, here.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie gives Mearc a somewhat puzzled look, but doesn't press. "Well, as long as they help you that should be good enough, formal training or no."

Eugene Moon: "That sounds like a field where having ready access to counselors would be a boon," Eugene tells Guy in agreement. "A lot of people have difficulty with the sorts of things that can happen in that line of work. Sometimes only after years of allowing the stresses of it to build up, sometimes early on, or both. It's quite normal, so I'm glad that whoever you work for has someone available to talk to." They take a drink of their cosmopolitan. "This is good, Anneliese."

Guy Dagenham: “Oh, yes, that’s very true, that’s why her position is there. As I said, I should speak to her, I just...haven’t been able to bring myself to.” Mearcstapa gets a little grin and nod of his head. “Maybe you should.”

Mearcstapa: Mearc makes no move to actually dig out a business card, sipping his drink with a bit of a crooked grin, before looking at Anneliese. "I've managed to give Guy my business card on multiple occasions, because I'm over-eager and find him neat enough to want to maintain contact."

Anneliese Kiel: "Thank you, Eugene." Annie smiles at the other Spring, before glancing at Mearc. "Ah, I see." She doesn't have much to say on the therapy topic; most of her experience helping people talk through things is rather less formal.

Asbolus: "Ah hah." Asbolus smirked a touch at the explanation from Mearc. "Understandable. As I recall our last conversation was rather pleasant." And enlightening, but that wasn't a topic for such an open space...

Eugene Moon: "You're welcome." Eugene leans up against the bar and keeps listening to the conversation, but briefly turns aside to ask a question of Anneliese, as a way of changing the topic a little. "What are your most and lease favorite drinks to make? I've been lead to believe a lot of bartenders hate making mojitos, because of the muddling, especially on busy nights."

Guy Dagenham: He sips his drink, nodding to Asbolus. “I’m glad...conversation isn’t one of my strong suits.”

Mearcstapa: "I'm sure Petra would say otherwise." He winks at Guy, before nodding at Asbolus. "How about you, still working toward becoming a private eye?"

Anneliese Kiel: Annie makes a face at the mention of mojitos, which is probably confirmation enough that she dislikes making them. "My favourite would probably be martinis. I know they can be old fashioned, but I like the simplicity of it."

Asbolus: "I'm still looking at the idea, yes, along with a few other avenues. Keeping my options open, as it were."

Eugene Moon: Even while they're obviously following the rest of the conversation, Eugene continues the idle chatter going on with Anneliese. "I thought an old fashioned was another type of drink entirely?" they ask, but in a tone that says they know full well it is, and also that's not what Annie meant. They take a sip of their drink, though how smoke drinks is anyone's guess. Apparently it works if you go to Arcadia and come back. "What problems are making you hesitate with the decision?" the ask Asbolus, butting back into that part of the conversation.

Guy Dagenham: “I don’t know. I tend to feel like I’m saying the wrong thing when I’m with her. But she doesn’t seem to mind, so...”

Mearcstapa: "Maybe they're not actually the wrong things to say, then." He leans on the bar gracefully, before looking to Asbolus for his answer to Eugene's question.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie snorts slightly at Eugene's joke, before returning her focus to the others. "Petra seems pretty smart, I doubt she would have patience with anyone who kept saying the wrong thing." She agrees with Mearc.

Asbolus: "I've done...similar work in the past, and I can't say yet if it would cause issues on that front."

Eugene Moon: That answers seems more than sufficient for Eugene, who lets out a soft ah and nods. It's little more than a shift of the whisping smoke they're made of to the Lost, and a normal nod to anyone else. "I think I understand well enough. If you need someone to talk through it with, that is a part of what I do. I'd be happy to sit down with you to do that, some time." They look at Annie, nod, and agree, "you should assume that if they didn't like what you were saying, they'd let you know. Either in words, or by the way they responded."

Guy Dagenham: “I know, I just...I get distracted around her, and I never know what the right thing to say is, so I worry I’m not...” He sighs. “I’m just lucky to have her.”

Mearcstapa: Mearc nods slowly, lifting his glass. "To unlucky tongue-tied fools like us, then. I'm glad you've found someone who makes you feel that way."

Anneliese Kiel: "What about you, Mearcstapa? Have you found anyone who makes you feel that way?" The question is only somewhat rhetorical; Annie knows full well the Autumn has a partner, but isn't sure if the pair are public about it yet.

Asbolus: "I may take you up on that." Asbolus nodded to Eugene, taking a small sip of his drink. "Thank you."

Eugene Moon: Eugene lifts their glass as well. "To the happiness of our friends," they say. "And perhaps a bit of envy, from those of us who are single." They add with humor laced through their tone. After a sip they put the drink down long enough to fish out a business card, which they offer to Asbolus. "Feel free to give me a call. Not necessarily as a professional engagement, if you don't want; even if you just want someone who isn't going to judge, and will listen to you talk through your thoughts."

Guy Dagenham: He raises his glass and stakes a drink, listening to the others talk.

Mearcstapa: He considers Anneliese's question quietly--those who see his mien might note the freckles shift toward the green, red ones dimming back, before manifesting a smaller, warm, uncertain smile. "I cannot inherently say if my feelings are the same as Guy's, or even similar. But I've felt a lot less lonely recently, on a personal level, because I have allowed myself to get closer to some people than I might otherwise have."

Anneliese Kiel: "Well, congratulations, then." Annie smiles softly at Mearc. "Loneliness can be hard to deal with, when society keeps insisting you should have found someone."

Asbolus: Asbolus took the offered card and nodded, looking it over before slipping it into his pocket. "I will. Thank you."

He looked to Mearc as he paused, going a bit quiet himself at the other Darkling's answer. When the moment passed he smiled, giving a quiet nod. "A hard step to take at times, but usually worthwhile."

Eugene Moon: "It warms my heart." Eugene puts a hand over their chest and seems to be speaking with all sincerity. "I would love it if you introduced me to them." To Annie they say, "I've learned to enjoy what comes my way, even when it's mostly passing encounters. It's still not always hard to tune out the feeling that I'm not doing things the way I'm supposed to, even when I know it's nonsense, though."

Guy Dagenham: “I do feel that way too, Mearcstapa, at least generally speaking. It’s good to feel connected to others.”

Mearcstapa: "I will introduce you, Eugene." He hesitates, looking down into his glass. "...to both of them."

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blinks. "Both? Nice work." She sounds sincere, probably because she is. "I hope all three of you find happiness together, then." Eugene gets a glance and a nod. "I know, right? At least most of the people I have met are welcoming anyway."

Asbolus: "Agreed." He nodded to Guy at his comment. "Been working on that lately myself, to some success."

Eugene Moon: Eugene's head whips around at Mearc's words, and then they laugh. "Both. Good for you," they say after the initial surprise. "I'll look forward to that." They finish their cosmopolitan, then take out a clip with a few cards and bills in it and take out a $20, which they put on the bar. "I think I'm going to close out my tab and make it an early night. I'm still getting over some jet lag from the trip out here."

Mearcstapa: "Take care, then, Eugene. We'll talk more when time catches up with you. Oh, as a warning, Memento Mori is also here in town, for better or worse." He pauses, then looks at Anneliese. "We...more than three, because romance is a networking thing now, and relationships look like slime mold stretching between pieces of food on a petri dish. It's complex. I think I like it."

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles, finishing his drink. “They used to be like that too, for certain groups people, it just wasn’t spoken off by ‘proper’ people.” He shrugs. “It’s good that people are becoming more accepting. And that you’re happy, Mearcstapa,” he adds with a nod.

Anneliese Kiel: "That is an interesting metaphor." Annie says, taking Eugene's $20 and making the appropriate change, handing it back to them. "Have a good night, Eugene." She smiles at the other Spring.

Asbolus: "Was a pleasure meeting you, Eugene." Asbolus gave the departing Darkling a nod. "Have a good night."

He looked to Mearc then, smiling a touch. "Sounds interesting...I wish you all the best."

Mearcstapa: "Thank you." He nods at Annie and Asbolus, before looking at Guy. "Were you 'proper', back then?"

Eugene Moon: "I heard the old Meme was heading out here too." Eugene laughs. "Maybe that will help me feel more quickly at home. I don't know. If you think you like it, but want someone outside of the relationship to talk to about your feelings, you know how to get in touch. If you just talk to them about it instead, all the better." They slip $5 out of the change and leave it on the bar as a tip. "You too," they say, in a way that includes everyone saying goodbye to them in different forms. "Have a nice night." They check to be sure they have everything they came with, minus a business card and some cash, and then they're off toward the door.

Guy Dagenham: He laughs, it’s a raspy, dark sound. He gives Eugene a little wave, and slaps his leg. “Me? Oh no. Let’s say...I was private military, before I was private security.”

“Not proper at all.”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie gives Guy a somewhat chilly look. "You were a mercenary?" She sounds very unimpressed.

Mearcstapa: There's a pause, and a bit of a laugh, as Mearc does some mental math. "Actually, Anneliese, you and Guy might be surprised how much you have in common, if you got to comparing history." There's a bit of emphasis on the last word.

Asbolus: Asbolus chuckled a touch in kind, looking between Annie and Guy as he took a longer pull from his drink.

Guy Dagenham: “Really? And I was about to say that I doubted I was involved with anything you might know.” He nods to Annie. “I don’t blame you for not liking mercenaries, whatever your reasons. As a group they deserve plenty of criticism.”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blinks, glancing between Mearc and Guy. "Are you sure? He does not look like one of our sort." She's careful to keep her voice low - even with the bar fairly empty, none of them want to accidentally let the wrong thing be overheard.

Mearcstapa: "That's true, he's not." Mearc also keeps his voice low. "But we'll be celebrating his 500th birthday in the next couple years."

Guy Dagenham: “I was a mercenary in the Italian Wars, it’s true,” he says softly to Annie. “A Landsknecht. Sorry if any of them did you wrong.”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie pauses for a moment, searching Guy's face, as if looking for some sign that this is a prank, before sighing. "Not me personally, no. We tended to avoid them."

Mearcstapa: Mearc pulls a pen out of his pocket, grabbing a cocktail napkin and writing a word on it before showing it to Annie. The word is, of course, VAMPIRE, and once she acknowledges it, he tucks the napkin in a pocket to dispose of safely later.

Guy Dagenham: He raises an eyebrow, looking to Mearcstapa. “I would feel better if I had it, just saying.” He looks up to Annie. “Can I get a double of whiskey?”

Anneliese Kiel: Annie blinks at the word on the napkin, raising an eyebrow at Mearc. Guy's words get a nod out of her, as she automatically moves to pour the drink. "Here you go," she says, sliding the glass over to the vampire.

Mearcstapa: Mearc hands the napkin over to guy. "Of course. In any case, you both are closer in timeline to one another than either of you are to me. And geography."

Guy Dagenham: He nods. “Always nice to meet another old soul.” He looks at Annie for a few moments longer. “You know I’m from what’s now Germany, what about you? If it’s not rude to ask.”

Anneliese Kiel: "Kiel, originally." Annie shrugs slightly. "Also part of Germany now, but it was more complicated Then."

Mearcstapa: "Anyway, I'm about to turn in for the night." He pulls cash out of his pocket for the drink and a solid tip for Annie. "Good seeing you both."

Guy Dagenham: He nods to Annie. “Ah, yes, it was. Rough times.” He nods to Mearcstapa. “Have a good night.”

Petra Fichette: Petra bounced into the club, half dancing as she made her way up towards the bar. "Good night!" She called to Mearcstapa when she saw he was leaving, then slid into the seat next to Guy.

Anneliese Kiel: "See you around, Mearcstapa." She smiles at him, before glancing at the new arrival. "Evening, Petra. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Mearcstapa: He nods at all around, offering Petra a warm grin before exiting.

Petra Fichette: "Just a coke for me, thanks. I can't be drinking this late or tomorrow is miserable."

Guy Dagenham: He grins wide when Petra enters, and once she’s climbed up on the stool he slips his arm around her. “Hey, Schatzi, how are you tonight?”

Anneliese Kiel: "Sure thing." She pulls the soda gun from its holster, pouring Petra's drink and replacing it in one smooth motion, before sliding the glass over to the other Spring. "How have you been? It has been some time since we saw each other."

Petra Fichette: "Good, sorry I missed our plans earlier this evening. Work kept me working OT." She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then grinned broadly to Annie. "It really has been too long! I've been good. Busy, but good. Guy and I are dating now too."

Guy Dagenham: He kisses Petra’s hair, and sips his whiskey. The two of them make an odd looking couple; she could comfortably sit in his lap at the bar; stupid propriety. “We were just discussing, thanks to Mearcstapa, that we’re from similar times and places, in the grand scheme of things. Germany, back in the day, though opposite ends.”

Anneliese Kiel: "Yes, I heard about that. Congratulations," she offers. "How has work been?" Guy's words get a nod.

Petra Fichette: "Three car pileup right when I was about to get off today," she said taking a sip of soda and leaned on Guy's shoulder. "So we had an all hands on deck sort of situation. It was pretty grim. My passenger made it though." She smiled a bit smugly. "Gets to go home to his little girl again. How have things been here?"

Guy Dagenham: He smiles very softly as Petra leans against him, and there’s a look of happiness that has worked its way into his eyes. “Good to hear he’s going to make it.” He lets Annie answer about the club, he assumes Petra means in general.

Anneliese Kiel: "Good. Variably busy, but that is to be expected, in a bar." Annie shrugs slightly. "And yes, I am glad to hear your patient recovered fine."

Petra Fichette: "And I'm glad the bar is doing good," she said warmly, and closed her eyes as she leaned against Guy. "So what are you up to here? Did you have dinner?"

Guy Dagenham: “No, just came to get a drink, see if I ran across anyone. And I’m glad I did, since you’re here.” He presses another kiss into her hair. “You just trying to unwind?”

Petra Fichette: "Yeah. I sent you a text but you probably didn't hear it in all this noise." She nestled against him, looking happy just to be held. "I was really looking forward to our like contest today too. I got tomorrow off, want to do it when you get up?"

Anneliese Kiel: "Contest?" Annie asks, having returned from serving an NPC patron. "What are you competing over?"

Guy Dagenham: “Yes, lets do that. I’m looking forward to it...That was you? Sorry, I was talking to Sledge earlier, and didn’t even stop to think it wasn’t her.”

Petra Fichette: "He thinks he can catch me when I don't want to be caught," Petra said with a grin. "He gets an hour to try."

Guy Dagenham: He blushes slightly. “It’s just, um, something fun we came up with on a whim.”

Anneliese Kiel: "Sounds interesting. I am not sure who I should bet on, though."

Guy Dagenham: “If we don’t cheat, I’m sure Petra will win,” he says with a nod.

Petra Fichette: "I was going to say that I'm going to win because I am going to cheat," she countered.

Anneliese Kiel: "Good to know!" Annie chuckles. "Not that I plan to actually bet anything on it, I do not have that kind of money spare."

Petra Fichette: "It's the thought and support that count." She winked, then wagged her eyebrows. "I've got a plan. A madly devious and awesome plan!"

Guy Dagenham: He raises an eyebrow at Petra. “Well. If we’re doing that, things certainly are going to be interesting...” He grins down at her. “Though I might be a tad hungry after that...”

Petra Fichette: Petra poked him in the ribs. "Eat a good breakfast then. Friends, not Food." They'd watched Finding Nemo a few days ago. "If you bite me, I'll bite back."

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles and kisses her forehead. “Only for fun, I promise.” He turns to wink at Annie, then grins down at Petra. “I’m looking forward to winning.”

Anneliese Kiel: "Get a room, you two," Annie teases, smiling softly.

Petra Fichette: "You are so going down. I'm even going to feel an itty bitty bit sorry for you." She smirked at him. "I still haven't decided what to demand after winning." She burst into laughter at Annie's teasing. "We have one! This one. We're practically nuns compared to some people around here."

Guy Dagenham: He chuckles and leans down to whisper something in Petra’s ear. “I suppose we are,” he says after, giving her hip a little squeeze. He knocks back his drink and sighs, still grinning.

Anneliese Kiel: Annie rolls her eyes, but she's grinning despite herself. "Yeah, yeah. Just do not anything I would not?"

Petra Fichette: Petra grinned at Guy and shook her head. "I'm not sure that narrows things down? Where, precisely, are those boundaries? I'm going to need more precise details before I make that kind of agreement."

Guy Dagenham: “Hmm...we should discuss those details in advance, then, right? So we can both agree and know what we’re agreeing to when the time comes.”

Anneliese Kiel: "Sounds like something the two of you should probably discuss without an audience, too." Annie hints, smiling at them.

Petra Fichette: She rolled her eyes. "Fiiiine, I'll take the clue by four before you beat me over the head with it too much." She reached up and pulled Guy down to her, kissed him thoroughly, and then let him go. "We're being cut off and kicked out. We'd better go if we don't want to be banned entirely."

Guy Dagenham: He laughs and tosses money for the drinks and a meaty tip on the bar, and follows Petra out, grinning like an excited shark.