Logs:Charlie meets Ylva

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Ylva Theodulus
Charlie Miller


The Hedge


Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva was wandering around the Trod learning her way, learning how to walk again. Her tails swished behind her as she walked fingers tracing on some parts of the Hedge. Drawing the occasional drop of blood she wandered looking around in amazement. Chewing on some Goblin Fruit as she walks.

Abby (Rena):
Charlie Miller wanders into the scene around the same time. She looks like she always does, a marble angel in a ratty jean jacket and is fiddling with a button on it absentmindedly. "Oh!" she lets out upon seeing the new person. There's a faint aura about her like sitting in front of the AC on a hot day, not of coolness but of relief. "Hi there, I'm Charlie! What's your name?" she says it with absolutely zero fear, the idea that Ylva might be dangerous not even crossing her mind.

"And, real quick, not to bother you too much, but are you new here or have I just not seen you around before?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva looks up her tongue quickly running over her teeth before she responds with a clenched fist. "Im new in town. Only recently got to the state of being able to be around others."

She traces a tail along the ground looking down at her paws.

Abby (Rena):
"Oh." Charlie says. A soft smile of sympathy crosses her face. "We've all been there, I think. Want to sit down for a bit? I can keep watch. I'm Summer, it's part of my job." She's doing her best to seem small and non-threatening, a posture she's very good at. You never know what level of human someone is in the Hedge and as one of the unofficial emissaries to the local Hobs, she's sure to keep that in mind.

"I can be quiet if that'd help. I have a book and everything. Just tell me what's most comfortable for you and I'll help out."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva tilts her head leaning forward slightly. "Um, I think company sounds good. Sitting seems good. Sitting." As she says that she slides to the ground taking up a pose that simply cannot be comfortable for anyone that isnt part Canine.

She looks up her tails resting under her chin. "Talking, learning to be. Me again. Hello."

Raising a hand she waves. "You can call me Ylva."

Abby (Rena):
Charlie sits down pretzel style next to her. "Nice to meet you, Ylva!" The name comes out a little mangled in her Appalachian accent. "My therapist once said, 'sometimes getting out of a trauma hurts a lot more than it ought to'. I think that's pretty apt for what it's like going back to being yourself. If it makes you feel any better, I think you're doing a good job! You have a name and opinions and that's a good sign."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She starts a little bit as Charlie sits down. Hand digging into the ground and heckles raising, a few deep breaths and it passes though.

"Im working on it, its. Many parts of this are odd, weird. Feel forced. Even this, walking, sitting, talking. It all feels so wrong."

Abby (Rena):
"Oh, sorry," Charlie apologizes as she scoots back. "I know what you mean. When I... got out, moving at all felt wrong for a while. So if you need to stop at any point, just let me know. I really don't want to flood you. I'm proud of you for being able to do it though! It means you're tough. Have you met with the anyone else from the Freehold yet?"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She shakes her head. "Walking on two legs feels wrong. Not, biting everything. Having my own will."

Ylva shakes her head again. "Not many, Aksel pulled me out, stopped me eating my Wife, stopped me eating everything else. But not really, your the first new face."

((Aksel is a character that is also currently in the approval works, backstory connection in case your curious why you havent heard of him.))

Abby (Rena):
((I am so sorry @Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her] Things got out of hand for a sec and had to deal with it)) "The Monarchs of the various Courts are pretty darn nice and I know they'll let you stay in the Hollow until you feel up to getting situated back Ironside. Honestly? Everyone here is pretty darn nice." Charlie says, having absolutely zero idea how to address the wife eating. She decides to take a sideways sort of stab at it. "If you're hungry, I have some supplies. And I know there are some people who like to cook at the Freehold. But, um, you don't need to feel bad about anything you might have eaten or tried to eat before. You weren't in control."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
((Its all good no stress ❤️ )) Ylva tilts her head. "Yes it seems nice, ive managed to carve a little area in the Hedge a bit further down for me. Which has been nice."

Her tongue runs along her teeth a small growl in her voice.

"I dont think you have the supplies for what im craving right now, or pretty much all the time."

Abby (Rena):
"Oh." Charlie goes silent for an awkwardly long time. "Well, uh, one of my girlfriends-" the word comes out with a dreamy admiration, almost like she's just learned for the first time that she has girlfriends, "-is a vampire. And she might be able to help with the urge? I think it's different, but she does have cravings for blood a lot."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva breathes out heavily, looking down at the ground.

"I was force fed Lost for most of my Durance." She stumbles over the words. "I was force fed for the first half. I went after it the second half."

She looks up a little blood lust in her eyes and her Fangs having grown a little.

"Its, its a problem. Human flesh doesnt satiate the urge quite the same."

Abby (Rena):
"Hm." Charlie says, her smile becoming more and more forced by the second. She's dealt with things that eat the Lost before, but she can't exactly smack and intimidate this one. Ylva's a potential friend, not a Hob problem to deal with. "I'm sure we can figure something out," she says, albeit less confidently than before. There isn't exactly Tofu Changeling Replacement.

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She rests her head back down on her hands sighing.

"Yeah, maybe."

The mass of tails swirl behind her placing a Goblin fruit in her hands which she picks up and starts to chew at.


Abby (Rena):
"No, no! I'm sorry." Charlie says, a little frantic. She nervously starts tapping on her leg; a rhythmic tapping that might (but probably doesn't) match a song. "I, um, just don't really know what to say sometimes? Spend any time with me and you'll get to learn that I'm not exactly the smoothest around, heh." She takes the opportunity to change the subject a little, hoping to avoid cannibalism.

"So, um, do you remember anything from before your durance? If you do, it might help to think hard on it."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva smiles at the frantic nervousnous but doesnt comment on it letting the topic shift.

She nods. "Yeah. Everything. Im a tattoo artist and body modifier. Ive got a wife and a lover. I remember everything."

Abby (Rena):
"That's good! It means you have people to go to when you're ready!" Charlie smiles brightly, but it falters slightly. "Um, sorry, do you have a Fetch? I'm sorry, I should have thought about that first."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva shakes her head. "No, they didnt leave one behind. I." She falters. "I wasnt. Wasnt. Wasnt gone for very long Ironside."

Abby (Rena):
"Would you want someone to tell them that you're okay but need some time? I'm sure someone in Winter can arrange for that to happen." Charlie reaches into her backpack and pulls out a bag of chex mix. "Want some? I also have Dr. Pepper."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
She shakes her head again. "Astrid knows im safe, I call her every few days. She will let the others know. They are all pretty close. What she thinks of me is a different matter, but she knows im safe."

Abby (Rena):
"I'm glad she knows you're okay. And that you don't have to deal with a Fetch." Charlie says, pouring some Chex Mix into her lap and carefully separating it by type. "If there's anything that you think I can help with, please message me any time. I'm not a Spring, but my therapist has taught me a lot of neat tricks."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva watches her seperating the food with a smile.

"Can i ask you something? Not related to eating but. Another of the issues im struggling with."

Abby (Rena):
"Shoot," Charlie says, popping a tiny breadstick into her mouth. "I'm an open book."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva raises and eyebrow, almost seeming to salivate watching someone eat so freely.

"How, how do you feel about your Mask? Does it feel constricting?"

Abby (Rena):
Charlie shrugs but her face is screwed up in thought. "I don't think about it much? I just kind of am me. Sorry, I'm a bad person to talk to about this. I see myself in the mirror as a, um, a toy and so what I used to look like kinda slips away. And no one in town knew me before I got here, so I don't have my past constraining me."

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva nods. "I understand. Mine just feels like its missing half of itself. No tails, human ears, feet."

She shrugs. "Thanks Charlie I appreciate it. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I better head home, im out of Goblin fruit to snack on and need to make myself some, um. Tea."

Abby (Rena):
"I'd probably feel the same if these wings ever worked," she says, knocking on her prop wings. "But yeah, I wish you safe travels home. And lemme give you my phone number in case you ever need me!"

Ylva - RainbowOctavian [She/Her]:
Ylva smiles pulling a business card out of her mass of tails. "Here." she says passing it over. "We are closed at the moment for obvious reasons but it has my details on it."

Abby (Rena):
And with that, Charlie waves goodbye at her new friend.