Logs:Timey Wimey Waffles

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Content Warning

Confusing Magic Time Jargon


Izumi Masaki,Tommy Shanks,[Adam Harken]]




Izumi was already waiting at Maddy's though a bit impatiently as was tradition. She's wearing a silly t-shirt today that says "Middle Earth's Mordor Family Fun Run. "One does not simply walk" on it. Besides that she's wearing black leather pants that are pretty form fitting

Tommy Shanks was femme presenting tonight as she walked into the restaurant through the portal.

Today's outfit was one of their white sundresses with white tennis shoes and a brown sweater on top of it.

They grabbed their carafe of coffee and a mug and smiled when she saw Umi, "Hey you!"

"Hey Tommy, darling. I want to ask something: am I intimidating to hang out with? I briefly explained what we can do to someone the other day and they said they weren't ready to hang out with someone who's mastered part of existence."

"That happens a lot to the Awakened," she said, shifting over to Bones on the walk over, "Our ability, especially at Mastery or multi-mastery, can change the world. Many of our cousins in the supernatural are much more limited. No paradox, and there's always some cost, and yet when we can unmake something at the molecular level, or just change someone's destiny? Make them human again for a day? That is all... lots of them wish for that."

"Have you made someone human for a day? I mean I could do it at my understanding but I'm not sure how healthy that would be for them. It feels cruel in all honesty."

"That's why I haven't, no. The idea came to me though, thinking about defending from one of the Lost or the Kindred's attacks," she sat and prepped her coffee with some tableside creamer and Splenda.

"I spend time with many of them, so if another were to attack, what could I do besides outright kill them with fire or lightning or the creative universal energies? Well.... what if they were never Lost."

"I feel like there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed and that might be one of them. Though I suppose it would be a mid fight decision and not one that I would really dwell on at the time. Basically if I can't win using my strongest attack, the best shot is to weaken and then follow up." -she sighs-

"I don't kill. Or rather, I don't kill unless it's the last choice. If I have any other options that I could do to restrain, or change their mind, or anything like that... I much prefer."

"Well time would allow you a few moments to understand if that were something that's possible. So tell me about robocops, have you tried forces or matter on them?"

"I haven't gone directly against them. I assume there's something the Seers built in to hold their own against us, Umi-Sama, though I'd talk to Lesja, or Fox, or Charleville or someone about it. They've seemed to all had direction encounters."

"Annikah mentioned that their husband needed some help with them and wanted to know if these was anything one of us could do. I told her that it depends on what exactly they're made out of. If they're mostly robots I can do something like an EMP or even if they've got a decent amount of matter I can probably do something. I didn't mention mind because it felt like Victoria was already getting uncomfortable."

"Oh Annikah, she's a peach and a half. I love hanging out with her. Honestly, if they need help with them, as a Sentinel, I should probably reach out as it's related to my investigation..."

"Yeah that was kind of an odd appointment for you. Don't get me wrong I'm proud of you . . . it just feels tactical to me."

"It is entirely tactical. I'm the least political creature in this entire city, I think. I don't want political anything! I just want to do my research, find my artifacts, learn more about magic. and yet, here I am, as I was promoted for doing a good job."

actually steeples her fingers together in thought, honestly a strange thing to see. Outside of her diligent training training it was rare to see the woman actively putting forth this kind of energy. There a few moments of silence before she finally breaks it "Do you feel safe?"

"No. Why would I feel safe? This city is not safe with the problems at large, and I"m this close to a breakthrough with the dreams and symbols."

"I meant in the position you're in. I don't know, I haven't peered into the future beyond my normal but as the great Han Solo said "I've got a bad feeling about this"."

"My name as the official investigator into this?" she chortled a bit, "Why do you think I've put so much thought into defense recently?"

"Then maybe I should be around more often. No one has seen what I am actually able to do."

The portal spat out another of the awakened, dressed in fine clothes and nodding his head to a beat only he can hear in his head, "But my dreams are just as empty," Thespis sings as he approaches the counter, "As my conseince seems to be." he smiles to the staff and orders some bacon and chocolate milk

"I can defend against most troubles, protection from others is... welcome but not needed? If that makes sense."

A large drink of her coffee and then Adam walked in, no wait, that was Thespis, "Hey Thesp."

"We might have to spar some time so I can test that, but I'll need to know what stage you want me in. I go from one to five . . . five can be problematic in all honesty." -she gives a bit of an awkward laugh- "Hey the Thesp, what's the word on the streets?"

he walks over smiling, "Evening ladies," he nods as he walks over, "May I join you two?" he asks and turns to Izumi, "Well, I'm joining a cadre and adopted a kitten, looking for a spot on Always Sunny for my client, honestly, things are looking up and this will be my first Philly Superbowl."

"Please do, sweetie," a smile to Thespis.

TO Umi, "Uh... WHat would you describe a 3?"

"I'm looking for one of those myself but haven't met too many other awakened to actually see how it goes. A girl can dream I suppose." -She looks back to Tommy- "That would most likely be enhanced sword or polearms, magical usage is confirmed at that level."

"....a Two?" she whimpered slightly at her girlfriend.

Thespis nods and takes a seat next to Bones, "So, if I may ask, what's the topic, if it's personal then I can leave." he offers with a nod and a smile

"Weaponry usage confirmed thus sword and polearms are on the table, magical usage unlikely." -She looks over to Thes- "How I view my personal various threat levels per scale."

An arm moved around her cadremate in a quick hug and a kiss to his cheek, "Hey sweets. How's Freddy?" and then they released him and drank more coffee.

Then she focused on Izumi, while also answering Thespis, "My safety as a sentinel, the reason why I was made a sentinel, my ability to defned myself, and the level at which she scales a spar. Still with weapons at a two? Is a 1 the only unarmed? Or do I need to find some singapore canes?"

"I see," he smiles at the kiss and leans back, "Freddy is fine-so I'm sweets now?" he chuckles, "I've left some tools in LA, gave them to the few friends I had as keepsakes before I left, ordered some new equipment from Phyx," he turns to Bones, "Thank you for the recommendation Doc, you have an eye for talent." he nods, "MP5 and combat knife, customized of course."

"Level one is you may select my loadout. I can fight you with weapons or barehanded but I am not allowed to use magic."

TO give Izumi an idea of Tommy/Bones' capabilities, she gave a detailed description of the self-defense classes that she's had, and the belts/ranks she's been awarded. Both unarmed and with weapons, the classes are at a professional level.

"I'm actually better at Archery, after being taught about it, or knife and axe throwing..."

Thespis gives a whistle, "Smart, gorgeous and can kickass, clearly I have chosen the right cadre." he compliments before turning to Izumi, "I tend to gravitate to quick and efficient, if a fight lasts for five minutes then something is wrong."

"I . . . would have to actively hinder myself to allow you for a fair fight. I would need to downgrade my own abilities for you to hone your's. I have mastered the skills that you speak of and some arts of combat that come with them."

"So you both went and formed a Cadre without even asking me huh? I am wounded." -she makes playful sad face-

"With Aperture. We're looking to make a Perfected Path Cadre. I'm an Obrimos, He's Mastigos, She's Acanthus. WE're trying to find a THyrsus and a MOros to join. Hopefully also of different orders. It wasn't so much avoiding you, as I"m already in that slot."

he nods, "I'm sorry, you would make a wonderful addition, but Bones fills the Obrimos, what we're looking for is a Thyrsus of the Arrow and Moros of the Children." he says, "We do have a name pending, Children of Veritas was the current place holder if I remember?" he asks turning to Bones

"Or of the Ladder or of the Arrow for the SHaman or Necromancer side of things. Just a mixture of orders and paths to have all views somewhat reflected... as for the name, need to run it by Kenzie. Though I do like Veritas."

"I think this place might just be cursed for me. I'll have to look into that." -She looks reflectively out a window-

Thespis looks at Izumi, as if trying to study her, "Why would you say that?" he asks, "What about the city seems to curse you?"

"I don't recall saying "city". I said "this place" since I'm 0 for two right now."

"So... zero for two when asking about cadres in this diner?"

"Ah," he nods, "Sorry," he turns to Bones, "I mean, does it need to be perfected?" he suggests, "That was the ideal. . .but she would proved a good combat role?" he offers the thought

"We would have to ask Aperture her view first, before changing. It is somethign to consider among us, as she is one of my girlfriends."

"I don't want some pity bullshit. If you guys have your ideal, you have your ideal."

he nods, "Just a thought I was airing." he says, "I hope you find your Cadre, anyone you join would gain a powerful member."

"I mean we should probably go on more than one date for it to be a done deal but yes, I have great affection for you. Though sometimes there are choices in our lives where we can't let our hearts hold the ultimate domain. If you want a perfect cadre that's your thing. I don't like perfection because that means one thing and one thing only; the end. There is nothing after perfection. You can't get higher and the ones you leave behind stay behind."

"They call it perfected or what not, but I think it's a tactical choice. Cover all the paths, experts at all the arcana, so on and so forth..." She studies Umi's reactions and bobbed the head, "By also adding different orders, it keeps chaos, keeps a fractured distance versus lockstep."

"My old Cadre was Guardians one and all, we each had a role for both the Cadre and Kirk's cult," he explains, "But in the end we were all Guardians, Paths may have differed but it was a echo chamber, Bones is of the Mysterium and Aperture is of the Council, with them I have two different challenges to my beliefs and to keep my mind sharp defending them." he smiles

"In a world were we can create perfection because of what we are, I find flaws to be the most beautiful thing about us they are not just unwelcomed nuisances, they're integral parts of our lives. We all have unique combinations of flaws and struggles that make us who we are. They make each of us special, unique, and beautiful. I'm not perfect. If I picked up a gun and tried to shoot it I'm pretty sure I'd shoot the ground. I can't lie for shit so I do my best to always tell it like it is. I suck with computers and I'm ironically a Master of Forces. I can't tell you the most basis of a science equation or hide well in an alley because I make too much noise. I'd get lost here constantly if not for my GPS because I have no street smarts. But I'm not ashamed that I'm bad at this stuff because I know other people who are good at them."

"That's beautiful," she said simply, and her face flushed.

Thespis nods to her words, "My flaws ended up getting people dead." he says, looking down to his hands, "Your words are true, flaws keep us human. . .but sometimes the cost is great."

"Would you rather be inhuman, your humanity for power? I don't know what happened in your past though there is one thing I can say with certainty." -She pauses and simply smiles, her voice breaks ever so slightly- "Sometimes we fuck up and it really really sucks. But a perfect world? That's not something I'd fight for. It's not a world I'd want because if it existed I wouldn't have met any of you."

"...I work to perfect the world, truth be told. I wish to destroy the lie, find the absolute Truth of hte universe and perfect it for all. Bring Atlantis back, but better," a glance to Thespis, "Make Atlantis Great Again."

"Thank you for proving my point. I know this will be an unpopular statement but I already said this is one of my flaws, I can't lie. Atlantis was a failure for if it was truly perfect, we would not be where we are now. Wouldn't our lives -be- perfect if it had been so great? There's nothing wrong with wanting the lie gone and giving people the option to awaken. That's admirable, choices are important in all things. But you want to bring back something that failed once and try again? I don't understand the logic if you want perfection. Is a failure by definition, imperfect?"

he glances at Bones and shakes his head, "Your optimism is cute." he simply says before taking a sip of his chocolate milk, "I concur with Izumi, Atlantis failed and I am of the opinion a new one will just make new Exarchs." he says, putting his thoughts to the matter plain

"Actually it just occurred to me, how certain are we that this is the first cycle?"

"WE aren't. It's also possible that the Atlantis I wish to build is the original fucking Atlantis, and that is what shatters everything."

"Honestly, we don't and that's what scares me," he says, "What if the Atlantis we know was the second, third, the tenth-" he nods, "Exactly, we don't and if your Atlantis is the original, it makes the Exarchs." he puts his cup down

"I may be one of the Exarchs."

"If you were an exarch you'd want the lie to remain in place, the lie gives all the Ten Exarchs strength."

"Yes, but the me now, and the me then, could be vastly different and I could fall to Madness"

Thespis blinks, "Ok, can we agree that we are overthinking this?"

"So you think you're Gate now? The Abyss?"

"WHen we're talking the shattering of Time, Fate, and Prime," each of the Arcana were said in the High Speech, "WHo knows."

"If you become an Exarch. . .then N'kai is watching the wrong Tragedy," he sighs, "Just remember me when your on your throne." he smiles

"It would take General, Father, and Prophet to shatter all three of those. Even in that case that's Half of the Major and only one of the Minors. I don't think Gate can be released by three and even if they COULD, that's a really fucking stupid idea."

"I'm talking about if Atlantis is built in the future is the First Atlantis. When it breaks, it shatters through time, space and magic, and those that became the exarchs are not born yet or haven't become the exarchs yet, in their own timelines."

Thespis continues to drink his chocolate milk, "Let me ask you this then," he says finally, "If that is the case, do any of our lives matter?" he asks, "It sound predetermined that way, does that mean every sacrifice, every sin, every struggle I've held to. . .doesn't matter?"

"That question is only answerable by the person asking it."

"Fate can be broken, Unmade, or Made. Currently someone is fucking with all of my fate threads by chaning the fate around me, and not my own."

"Then fuck with it back. This shit isn't hard."

"Working on figuring out who it is."

"In a room full of smart people the chaotic bolt of lightning needs to solve the problem, really?"

Thespis moves quickly, leaning close to Bones so that their faces as merely an inch apart, his eyes reflecting an intensity, "Fate is a fickle mistress Bones, she's caring but sadistic, I crawled my way to this city on a road of broken glass, but it lead me to you and Aperture, so in that regard she blessed me." he says moving back to his original position, "Don't let someone play your Fate, find the threads."

"Just fucking erase your threads. If your threads aren't around they can't fuck with them."

"Perhaps. Veiling them, Cut through them and destroy them with Unamking, or so on and so forth. For now, I'll keep an eye out for magics, and I am dating one Acanthus, and Cadremates with another."

Thespis stood up, "I'm afraid it's time for me to depart," he nods, "Ladies, as always your company has been a pleasure."

The Mystagogue stood as well, "Umi, have a wonderful night. Thespis, can you escort me back to the Sanctum?"

he puts out an arm, "I would be happy to."

-she frowns at the way that was said- "Goodnight Tommy-chan. Goodnight Thespis. I'm going to play in the rain."