Logs:Watching Your Words

From From Dusk till Jawn
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North Philadelphia


Vincent Drake: Vincent was doing his rounds, and by rounds randomly wandering North Philly. Wearing sweatpants and a Samurai t-shirt, the fictional Cyberpunk band, he was. . .oh dear he was skipping, listening to his headphones as he seemed to sway to the beat as he moved, what could he be listening to.

"It wasn't me," he said then a second passed, "It wasn't me," he nodded his head, "It wasn't me," ah, Shaggy today

Kenzie: Clack clack clack came the sound of a skateboard rolling down the street despite the threat of the thunder storms! It was at least a nice warm night. Kenzie is dressed in a cropped tank top, cotton shorts and white skate shoes. She has her backpack with her as usual and earbuds in, also listening to music--- also shaggy, and also singing as she went.

Vincent Drake: Vincent did not hear the skateboard, distracted on all accounts, will they crash?, that's all on the skateboarder

Kenzie: Nope, no crash. Kenzie, not seeing Vinny just yet, came close and at the last moment notices its him, and she came to a sudden stop next to him and began to walk in stride with him as if they had been together all evening. She hadn't bothered removing the airpod yet.

Vincent Drake: Vinny took out his earbuds and smiled, "Evening Kenz," he nodded, "Haven't seen ya in a hot minute, how goes, have you surpassed Tony Hawk yet?" he was in a more stable mood then last they met, seemingly well adjusted, for an undead incubus, are vampires ever well adjusted

Kenzie: She takes hers out as well and pockets them in her bag. "What? Who? --- Oh, yeah, no. Not trying though. But, I could probably totally nail that 900 spin. I mean, it can't be -that- hard right?" She was a confident one.

Asbolus: As the pair walked Vincent would spy a familiar face walking in their direction, following the path that the city laid out for him as was his wont. Asbolus was dressed neatly, including a set of thin leather gloves, his pace leisurely but taking in his surroundings with a laser focus.

Vincent Drake: "Well, I'm pretty sure you can, you have this 'she can do anything' vibe," he chuckled before spotting Asbolus and giving him a wave, "Hello actor man, how goes the stage." he shouted over before turning back to Kenzie "So, how goes being a manic pixie hippie queen got any good drum circles to recommend, always wanted to try one."

Kenzie: She eyes the new dude shes never met as she replies to Vinny. "Glendinning Rock Garden is my go to." She straightens up a bit, as if trying to make herself taller as the new man was over a foot taller than her. She had this Chihuahua vibe going now.

Asbolus: Asbolus' attention flickered towards Vincent almost before he began to speak, smiling quietly as he gave the pair a nod. When he spoke his accent was pure London, untouched by his time in the States. "Doing very well. The same for you and your companion, I hope?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire was out walking Rook, sans service vest, who was sniffling things...and then spotted a Kenzie! A sly grin comes from the Sleepwalker as the pup starts pulling in that direction to get to the Mage, Vampire, and Lost that she all knew.

"Kenzie, if you don't pet him I'm afraid he may combust."

Vincent Drake: Vincent laughed as the small group gathered, "Oh, this is great." he looked to Asbolus, "I'm doing well, can't speak for Kenzie here, Kenzie, Asbolus, Asbolus, Kenzie, she's what I call 'queen of the hippies', woodstock royalty." he smiled, as Klaire came he knelt down and offered his hand for Rook to sniff, such a good boi

Kenzie: She was going to be polite, but, dog > human. As her mouth opened to speak, she turns and heads right for rook, sitting on the ground to take and give all the happy puppy love she can give. "Rook! my one true love!"

Asbolus: Asbolus started to reply before Rook understandably stole the show, smiling warmly as he gave Klaire a nod. "Evening. How have you been?"

After a moment's thought he crouched down in an oddly fluid motion beside Kenzie, offering a hand for the pup to sniff gloved though it was.

Klaire Henriette: She smiles.

"Kenzie, Asbolus, Vincent. A pleasure to see you all. I've been alright, busy but alright."

Rook was LOVING the attention, sniffing hands, getting rubs, the only thing that made it better was when Klaire....PULLED OUT TREATS OMG. She passed them out as the others wanted.

Vincent Drake: Vincent took a treat and held out his hand for Rook to take it, "Whose a good boi, whose a good boi, you are, you are." Vinny has entered doggo mode

Kenzie: She side eyes the very tall man a bit. "Hows the weather up there?" She teased softly. Taking treats to buy Rooks love. She finally regards Klaire. "Well, how did the move go? Its been ages since I last saw you. So either everything has changed, or nothing has changed." She laughs softly.

Asbolus: He chuckled at the tease, taking the treat from Klaire and offering it to the pup. "Nothing to write home about, admittedly."

He looked to Klaire at the question, curious to the answer himself.

Klaire Henriette: Rook gobbles up the treats. The problem is he only has ONE attention and THREE friends who each have TWO hands. This is hard but he will try valiantly!

"It took...a lot of trips, but I'm happier now being so close to my family. Especially Ylva. And Rook is getting along well with Tinta too, their cat."

Vincent Drake: "Oh my god, doggo and kitty, in perfect harmony," he swooned, "Ylva is a good person, great ink artist, I hope you two have many years together," he nodded, "Someone needs to watch Avery's back, so let's support our partners while their off doing adventures." he smiled at Klaire, almost beaming, ah, it was too wholesome from a guy like him, universe is losing balance, "So, how is everyone this evening, has fate brought us together to go on a quest. . .I always wanted a quest."

Kenzie: "Yes a quest." She nods. "I am on the hunt for 10 Goolops then return with Goolop hairs so I may receive a headpiece I will never wear."

Vincent Drake: "What's a Goolop, why do you need a headpiece you'll never wear, what's my reward?" he asked, bargining and haggling a quest, like ya do

Klaire Henriette: "I wouldn't say perfect...but they are getting there. But yes, she is a wonderful person and wonderful partner...I can't believe its almost been 6 years."

Asbolus: "Glad to hear it, and that is quite an accomplishment." He nodded to Klaire with a small smile that shifted to a smirk at Kenzie's reply. "A mighty beast, those. Be careful getting too close."

Kenzie: She shrugged to Vinny. "Did you talk to the dude who gives the quest? -- Just accept the party request and you should see it in your quest log." She joked more to Vinny. She smirks to A. "See, he gets it. I knew I would love to hate you and your majestic height."

Vincent Drake: Vincent looked at the air as if staring at someting, then starting to poke the air, as if handling a games UI, "Hmmm, shit, I'm not a high enough level, I also need to level up my gear and skills, maxed out Charisma to the point I've seriously neglected my combat skills, ugh, too many years of playing Dating Sims, forgot the game had combat." he said, super serious tone

Klaire Henriette: She looks very confused at the gamer talk.

"Indeed. I need to plan something for a date but I'm not quite sure what."

Asbolus: "It had its perks and pitfalls. Getting through a grocery trip without having someone ask for help with something on a high shelf is a rarity." He chuckled, eyeing Vincent curiously at the gamer jargon before nodding to Klaire. "A nice dinner out was my usual go-to for that sort of thing. Or maybe an art exhibit or the like she might enjoy?"

Kenzie: She laughs softly. "I don't even ask anymore. I simply climb the shelves to get what I need and toss it into the cart."

Vincent Drake: Vincent started to chuckle at his own antics, "I usually find a nice dinner is a good date, maybe a movie or a show, Phillies season started so if your sports fans you can catch a game, I need to ask Bones to help me see one."

Klaire Henriette: "I do not typically like sports games, but an art museum may work. Ill have to ask if she's interested in going. Unfortunatly everyone in our household is rather short, and so I don't tend to put things up that high outside of decoration purposes."

Asbolus: "Imagine that gets the staff rather cross at you." He smirked to Kenzie, then nodded to Klaire as he idly scritched Rook behind the ear in just the right spot. "I have to keep that in mind with my current roommates as well. Managed well enough so far, though."

Kenzie: "Naaaah, they love me. They make it a game. How soon will Kenzie fall. Or, what Oreo bag is she going for. The real tragedy is top load washers. Talk about face down, ass up---"

Vincent Drake: "I mean, I used to mainly haunt thrift stores and hand me downs from Val's cousins," he then looked to Kenzie, "So, queen of hippies and the shelves, how far is your empire?" he chuckled, if he had mental images of her last few words, he ain't talking

Klaire Henriette: Klaire sighs at the innuendo, but doesn't comment. Rook meanwhile was panting quietly as the Lost got the spot. Sooooo happy.


Asbolus: Asbolus' eyebrow quirked upwards at that mental image, deigning from making any further comment. "His friend Valeria, I presume. We've met a few times."

Kenzie: She was just singing a song and meant no innuendo. For once she wasn't the naughty one like everyone else with their images. She didn't have anything to add at the moment so she drummed idly on her legs with her thumbs.

Vincent Drake: "Yeah, Val helped me out when I was still on the streets," he nodded, "Hey Kenz, have you seen Bones, I've been trying to reach them?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire's face went on a journey. She answered flatly.

"Well...I'm certainly glad she helped you."

She paused to see Kenzie's answer, having not heard from the Mage for a bit herself.

Asbolus: Asbolus watched Klaire for a moment as the flickers of emotion crossed her face, head tilting in a somewhat canine fashion before looking back to Kenzie for her response.

Kenzie: "Who? -- she asked and furrowed a brow. "Thats not a name I've heard in a long time." She Obi Wan'd him. Then in all seriousness. "No, I haven't. I heard hes ok and just busy, but I am pretty sure he was eaten by hippos in the Amazon. I have some evidence of this, but not with me."

Vincent Drake: "Oh. . ." Vinny blinked, genuine concern on his face, does he actually care about people, the scandal, "Well, in that case if you see them, give me a call, their one of the only friends I've made so far. . .fuck." he muttered, then he looked at Klaire's face, "Yeah know what, not even going to prod."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire watched Vinny for a second, almost commenting but taking a slow breath, kneeling down to pet Rook, who wiggles!

"Last I heard, she was on a dig out of town. Kenzie, if you want, I can check up on that, just not out here."

Asbolus: Asbolus offered Klaire a quiet 'can talk later if you like' look, keeping his own focus on the pup for the moment. "Was curious on how they were doing myself. I haven't talked with them in a fair bit."

Kenzie: "Some times people just need some alone time. Some times they think they need to be alone and they need people the most. Things were progressing, moving along. Tommy left and it feels like I hit a brick wall that I can't get beyond. Its sort of honestly made me feel like my time here is done and I should keep moving east and north. Or maybe east and south. Make it back up north for Autumn."

Vincent Drake: "You're leaving Philly?" he raised a brow, "Well, whever you go, may you find good times and good people," he offered, "And if ya ever run through again, I'll give ya a Philly welcomed." he smiled, then turned to Klaire, "Even if she doesn't, I would take ya up on that check, Bones was going to help me with some shit."

Klaire Henriette: She waves a dismissive hand to Asbolus. Appreciated, but not needed the look seemed to reply.

"Kenzie, dear. Remember Aperture." Does that make any sense to the Lost or Kindred, who knows.

"Your life does not revolve around Bones nor Adam, and you are your own woman. I personally enjoy having you here as a close friend, and you have helped me with many of my own problems, so if you wish to talk about things I am here for you."

She offers a hand to hold.

"And I'll try to refrain from guilt tripping you with Rook."

A pause as Vincent makes the request.

"I apologize, but that offer was for Kenzie as she is particuarly close to Tommy. If she doesn't want, I won't do so, as it takes a fair bit of my personal effort."

Asbolus: Asbolus remined quiet for the moment, nodding to Klaire before looking between Vincent and Kenzie.

Kenzie: She takes the offered hand and gives a chaste kiss to the knuckles. "thanks Klaire. I know it doesn't revolve around anyone else. Just--- I dont know. It feels right? One can only sit in Maddy's for so long before one needs a change of scenery. I don't like sitting stagnant."

Vincent Drake: Vincent just leaned back on a nearby building, "I mean, you're intuned to the world right, master of your own Fate, if you hear a call, answer it." was what he had to say, "I finally started to hear the universe, it set me on the right path, for what it's worth your fun to hang out with."

Klaire Henriette: She smiles at the kiss, allowing it without fuss, although Kenzie does end up getting pleading eyes from Rook for his own attention.

"I won't stop you if you must go, but I will miss you. If you need new places to go within the city, I suppose I do need someone to drag me out of the house. Who better than a friend?"

Asbolus: "I can volunteer on that front as well if you'd be interested. I need more of an impetus to do things outside of work myself." He offered with a small smirk. "The city has quite a bit to offer if you know where to look."

Kenzie: "Im a tourist, I don't. Thats the problem." She smirks and eyes Vinny. "I asked that guy, expecting some good spots and he takes me to Pizza."

Vincent Drake: "I thought Pizza was a good spot," he shrugged, "Want to see the parks, Citizen Bank, Franklin Institue, Rocky Statue, you asked me a spot and I took ya to the place not on the brochure, their are tourist spots and then their are the real spots."

Klaire Henriette: A chuckle.

"Pizza can be nice, but there are more intetesting spots. I've found several through investigations."

A bemused pause as she clarifies.

"Not all of them are fit for tourism though, do keep that in mind."

Asbolus: "I've been here for nearly a decade myself and I'm sure I've only scratched the surface. She's a very different beast from London but has her own charms."

Kenzie: "Wait! You're British?! Dude, why didn't you lead with that?!" She was animated and those who knew her knew she is joking. The accent was clear enough.

Vincent Drake: Vincent chuckled, "Never compare two cities, like I've told this one," he motions to Kenzie, "It's an insult to both ladies, and I would never dream a gentlemen would insult a lady," he smiled, "For what it's worth, if ya stay you might bear witness to some. . .changes, I may or may not have an evil plan to save the city, was hoping for an audience." he grinned, a tad sinister

Klaire Henriette: She nods.

"I grew up in Pittsburg, and have been here almost 11 years myself, minus a few Summers and Spring Breaks. It is an interesting culture here, and full of history."

A pause at Vincent.

"Public, and I am a detective Mr. Drake."

Kenzie: "I've been here like 11 weeks. Tops." She laughs softly and shrugs. "I dont know, I just feel like I need more. Or something."

Asbolus: Cue a curious arch of the eyebrow at Vincent's comment, letting Klaire handle that part of the conversation while looking back to Kenzie. "Understandable. I came here with a purpose myself but found myself somewhat adrift once it was completed. Is there something in particular that interests you that you want to pursue?"

Vincent Drake: "Kenz, can I ask you, what do you want out of life?" he asked, lookin her dead in the eye, "What's your passion, your drive, why do you think you're on this earth?" he asked it in a way that seemed. . .well, like it's the most serious question he ever asked, like right now she was the only person their, "What is it you're looking for?"

Klaire Henriette: She rolls her eyes as Vincent deflects, petting Rook, and looking at Asbolus.

"How goes your issue? Getting more manageable?"

Kenzie: "Sex, drugs, Rock and--- no no thats not right. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of --- nope. Damn, plagiarized twice now. Uuuuuh. Fun?" She gives the boys a sly smirk.

Asbolus: "It is, thankfully. Further practice should negate the need for these," he flexed his hand briefly, "but better to be safe than sorry as I see it."

He glanced to Kenzie at her answer, giving a quiet look. "That's a start, perhaps. If you feel adrift, is there something you want to anchor you?"

Vincent Drake: "First three you can find anywhere, American Dream is one of the worlds biggest scams, I suggest you ignore it, as for fun, that can be found anywhere." he chuckled, then looked to Asbolus, "Basically, the real question is, do you want something to hold ya, doesn't have to be a person, can be a thing, a cause, a duty, something, I'm not trying to sell ya to stay, your life, your road, I think I'm more curious, do you even like it here?"

Klaire Henriette: Klaire frowns.

"I really feel like I should leave for this particular talk."

Kenzie: "I mean, Its a city. It has things. Problems, crime, love, romance, interest, apathy, neglect--- Just as any other place. It has no beach though and thats a huge bummer. Also, this snow thing? Now -rain-?! How am I supposed to dress for all of this mess?!" She teased. "Klaire, I'm making jokes. Thats all. Its a way to say I dont know what I am missing, or looking for. But I long for -something.-"

Asbolus: "Ah...therein lies the rub." He gave a knowing nod. "I have a similar issue myself, feeling a need for companionship that I hadn't realized I was missing until I saw it clearly in those around me. I hope you find what it is you seek soon."

Vincent Drake: Vincent had a tiny flinch at 'it's a city', hopefully no one would notice, "Kenzie, personally, I think the Mother has plans for you," he closed his eyes and just seemed to be listening to something, "You have some part, I'm sure of that, in the mean time. . ." he thought for a second and smiled, "I was going to do some round around the City, check on things as it where, if you wanted to see 'the good spots', fine, if you're really going to head out, at least let me show you the best the city has to offer, in the mean time, I hope you keep an open mind and heart to the city, try to listen for her, feel her, you may find what ya seek."

Klaire Henriette: A slow nod, electing to sit down with Rook a bit to the side of the sidewalk.

"Vincent, I am aware you are new to this, but you must learn to have a poker face or have things brush against you less. Speaking or acting like a fanatic in public will draw unwanted attention."

Kenzie: She did look at Vinny with a side eye before laughing to Klaires words. "Uh--- Thank you! I was like, who? what the hell are you going on about now? Dude---" She laughs a bit. "I'll be fine. Im mostly worried about Tommy and I am taking it in a weird way. Things were getting to be so good, and the rug got swept is all. Anyway. Who knows the best ice cream spot?"

Asbolus: The mention of city-as-mother clearly struck a nerve with Asbolus, a feral edge infusing his gaze as it latched onto the Daeva, seeming to slice through every layer of his being until it reached the core. It took a long moment for the sensation to pass, shaking his head as though to clear it.

"There's a solid one a few blocks from here." He eventually replied, the words a little wobbly as he pulled himself back from that mental cavalcade.

Vincent Drake: he looked at the gaze in a surprise blink, then looked at the other two, "I'm . . .I got things to see to, its' been nice chatting, Kenz, I hope ya feel better." he said, putting his earbuds in before running up the wall and parkouring out

Klaire Henriette: Klaire nods. "Ive been to that one myself, its pretty nice."

She looks over Asbolus's face, standing up. "Are you...okay Asbolus, do you need to sit down for a moment?"

And then Vinny ran off and she sighs.

"And do you want me to bring him back?"

Kenzie: She just blinks as everything seemed to explode around her. "What just happened?" She looks around.

Asbolus: Asbolus started to say something before Vince scurried off, instead letting out a sigh with a soft "damn it" woven through it. "I'll be fine. Just need a moment." He replied, lowering himself into a seated position from the crouch he had been maintaining beside Rook. "If you wish, if only do I can apologize."

"An unintentional brush against what grants my own membership to Maddy's." He explained to Kenzie, letting out another slow breath. More detail would be better discussed in a place with fewer ears."

Klaire Henriette: She sighs, calling Rook over to snuggle with the Lost.

"If I may ask, what helps to ease the memories? Although I will ask to walk and talk so I can find an alleyway."

Kenzie begins to feel that Psychic power around Klaire, taking the form of Space this time. Asbolus would feel his Kenning ping.

Kenzie: "Oh, well, This one is fake so---" She teased while pointing to her left ear. She watched Vinny run off and shrugs. "You have nothing to apologize for." She stands and dusts the back of her cotton shorts off before following the two."

Asbolus: Asbolus gave Rook a light hug and a good scritch before standing himself, staying close to the pup as he followed the pair into the alleyway.

"It wasn't that deep of a break, thankfully." He commented, eyeing Klaire as the sense of otherworldly activity went off in his mind. "Just struck a very raw nerve."

Klaire Henriette: The pup was very good at snuggling, and very good at keeping from underfoot. This man needed him and he was a GOOD BOY and do he was gonna halp!

"Im glad it wasnt very deep. I at least want to sit him down before he makes a mistake with his rashness."

As they were in the alley, she took a second to make sure it was deserted and no one was looking before releasing the energy. Vincent would feel the world dropping out from under him for a moment, before suddenly appearing...in an alleyway, momentum conserved but faced towards the end of the alley so he didn't run into a wall.

"Vincent, please don't run."

Vincent Drake: he blinked and looked around, "I. ..well fuck, that's just not fair," he muttered, "I. . .you guys where getting mad and annoyed, so I dipped, didn't want to bug ya'll any further," he said, "Normally I could care less what folks think but. . .well, Avery listens to this one, don't want to get on his bad side."

Kenzie: She watches Vinny reappear and shook her head a bit. "I'm always annoyed and and mad. So---- get used to it."

Asbolus: Asbolus nodded to Klaire, leaning down to pat Rook before straightening back out as Vincent reappeared. "What you said struck a very sharp chord and instinct took over. I hold you no ill will, but ask that you do be more careful with that sort of comparison in my presence."

Klaire Henriette: "No, it is typically not. But neither are most things any of us here can do."

She moves a bit to the side so he was not trapped.

"I am also not upset at you. Worried, but not upset. I wish to speak about that, but your talk with Asbolus takes priority."

Vincent Drake: "Ok, sorry . ..it's just. . .what make me me, if that makes any sense, my. . .i have a link with the City itself, I hear .. .it, twenty four seven, constantly, every car, every neon light, every little detail, always in the background, I learn things."

Kenzie: She looks between them. Arms crossed over her chest.

Asbolus: Asbolus nodded quietly. "Imagine if that city observed your every movement, guided every step as it sent you against its so-called enemies and could wipe disloyal thoughts from your mind with little effort. I was bound to such a 'mother' for who knows how long, so forgive me if the thought raised my hackles."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire stays quiet while they talk.

Vincent Drake: "Sorry, I'm. . .I've only just realized what I am, even among my own, it's still. . .it's more clear to me know and it's. . .honestly been giving me some clarity, like I have a purpose now, I didn't mean to drag up what you went through, that was shitty of me and I'm sorry."

Kenzie: Did she leave? What the hell happened? Kenzie is now standing there eating an ice cream cone, probably from the place around the corner? She just watches for now enjoying the cone.

Asbolus: "Apology accepted. Just...be wiser with your words on the matter and we should have no further issues."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire looks at Kenzie.

"And I didn't get one?"

Rook was still staying dutifully with Asbolus, tongue halfway out of his mouth.

Vincent Drake: "I could use a milkshake."

Klaire Henriette: "No, you can answer Asbolus."

Kenzie: "It seemed tense. I didn't want to intrude." Long lick of her ice cream as she locks eyes with Klaire.

Asbolus: Asbolus glanced to Kenzie, watching her for a moment before he looked back to Klaire and Vincent, awaiting the Daeva's answer.

Vincent Drake: he looked to Klaire, "Answer what, I apologized, he accepted, he said to be wiser with my words, which I'll do?" he said, a tad confused what he needed to answer

Klaire Henriette: "Then tell him you will do so. Don't blow off the conversation."

Kenzie: Lick. Watches. Silence.

Vincent Drake: "But I'm not blowing it off, I aplologized, he accepted, he told me to be careful in the future, which I will do, I don't see what else their is to linger on?" he said, he's not trying to avoid anything or dodge, genuinly confused why it needs to linger

Asbolus: "You know the importance of the spoken word when it comes to me and mine." Asbolus replied, watching the young Daeva.

Kenzie: She looks to Vinny. "They want to hear you say the words bro. Just say the words." Liiiiiiiick.

Vincent Drake: "I, Vincent Drake, will not bring up the City in any intimate manner while I am around Asbolus."

Klaire Henriette: "See, was that very hard?"

Kenzie: She slow claps, careful not to spill ice cream.

Asbolus: Asbolus remained quiet for a moment before nodding, putting a measure of his own power into the promise to make it sacrosanct. "Thank you. I'll hold you to that "

Vincent Drake: "Sorry, I thought Oaths are. . .Avery wants me to be careful with my words."

Kenzie: "Then be careful with words." Lick.

Asbolus: "As you should be. They have power, especially around those that can enforce it."

Vincent Drake: "We good, we all good?"

Kenzie: "The H in Kenzie stands for Happiness." She makes a grump face at him.

(That was a joke. She may grump face, but clearly teasing)

Asbolus: "We are good, yes." He nodded, giving Rook a few pats to affirm that he was alright."

Kenzie: Her phone chirps at her. She takes the last bite of ice cream cone and checks it. "The bat signal has alerted me that I should go get sleep some time tonight." She curtseys to Klaire. "M'lady." She two finger peace sign salutes the other two. "Stay groovey my friends."

Vincent Drake: Vincent saluted Kenzie, "See ya around," he smiled as she departed, "I should get home, need to. . .just relax." he chuckled, "It was nice seeing you sorry." he said, heading home

Asbolus: "Was a pleasure meeting you, Kenzie." He nodded to the departing Acanthus, then looked to Vincent. "Good seeing you as well, Vincent. Hope the rest of the night treats you well."

Klaire Henriette: Klaire nods.

"I want to talk to you later, Vincent. But for now, safe travels home."

She goes too continue walking Rook.