Logs:Dog Meets Hunterheart

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Disaster Darkling House


Asbolus: Since moving into the soon-to-be-motley-house Asbolus had spent some time making his corner of it his own, shifting most of the more personal belongings from the Hollow he had been living in into his room at the house. On this particular evening he had returned from work and laid claim to one corner of the couch, dressed comfortably with a cup of tea sitting on the side table beside him and a book in hand.

Jack Martingale: Jack had informed the rest of his soon-to-be-motley that he was going to acquire a dog. Of course he did. In a vague, 'yeah this is gonna happen at some point' kinda way.

What he may not have done was inform either Alex or Asbolus until the two of them/possibly the group chat got a oh fuck so dog is a thing now. and is also only kind of a dog text, and has since clearly been keeping whatever this not-actually-a-dog at the back of the house where the Disaster Darklings have their rooms.

But. There's some snorfling noises in the kitchen, and the sound of Jack's voice, low and soothing. Nails clack across the tile, and while neither the dog-thing nor Jack are visible yet, the both of them are clearly downstairs.

Asbolus: The sounds got the Darkling's ears to perk up - metaphorically, at least - and the book was set down by the tea as Asbolus looked curiously towards where they came from. "Need a hand, Jack?"

Jack Martingale: Clackclackclack go the nails across the tile, in Asbolus's direction, and Jack lets out a hurried "Be nice, Moss" as a...creature comes into view. It's canine adjacent, at least - but seems to be made up of grass and moss and spiny leaves. About the size of a lab, with a grassy tail that's waves furiously as it blinks deep green eyes at Asbolus.

"HELLLLOOOOOOOO," the hedgebeast howls, before rushing forward to sniffle snorfle Asbolus's feet and legs. Jack steps into view, his charcoal silhouette flickering nervously as he winces at the noise. "Moss..." he mutters with a shake of his head, and steps forward to grab at Moss's bright yellow harness, pulling her back a little.

"Sorry," he gives Asbolus an apologetic smile.

Asbolus: If he was a less-alert man Asbolus likely would have rocketed out of his seat at Moss' arrival, but while he did look surprised it was more at the verbal howl and the dog's appearance than her sudden approach.

"It's alright." He replied with a smile, letting the pup get settled before holding out a hand. "Where did you find them?"

Jack Martingale: "Hello - hello - hello," Moss repeats, straining to sniff Asbolus's hand.

"At the fuckin'...shelter, of all places...dunno how the fuck she got there, I guess she was lost...?" Jack eases up on her harness and Moss rockets forward to thoroughly lick the other Darkling's hand, coating it in a layer of sticky, vaguely sweet-smelling drool.

"Lost," the hedgebeast repeats, "Jack took me hooooooooome!" She trails off in a quieter howl before sitting back on her haunches.

Asbolus: "Most likely...imagine whoever brought her in only saw the mask and took her in." Asbolus nodded, not seeming to mind the tongue-lashing while he scritched the pup behind the ear with the other hand. "Indeed, and we're glad to have you. I'm Asbolus, very good to meet you, Moss."

Jack Martingale: "Asbolus. Is this home for you too?" Moss cocks her head. As she speaks, the tips of what looks like rows and rows of sharp teeth can be seen in an otherwise dark mouth. "I have smelled you but I haven't seen you. Until now!"

Asbolus: "It is, yes." He nodded as he sat back, nabbing a napkin from the side table to wipe the sap-drool off of his hand. "I'm in another part of the house from Jack and the others."

Jack Martingale: "Big house," Moss agrees, and hops up on the couch, turning once, twice, before flopping down directly where Asbolus had been sitting with a contented huff.

Jack shakes his head with a smile. "Yeah...there were a bunch of good dogs - I mean they're all good dogs, but I couldn't leave her there."

Asbolus: Asbolus smirked as Moss flopped down, gently scratching her behind the ears as he reclaimed a seat beside her. "Naturally. She's quite the sweetheart besides..."

Jack Martingale: "Not when she's hungry..." Jack mutters, and perches on the arm of the couch beside her, following Asbolus's scritches with some of his own.

"How've you been, 'Bo? Feel like all of us keep missing each other even though we live together..."

Asbolus: "Indeed...odd how that works. Things have been going well overall, though. Getting settled into work at the theater, arranging things here...honestly can't complain. Yourself?"

Jack Martingale: "Not too bad, t'be honest. Spending more'n a few nights...out, lately, I don't like spending the night here without Mearc or Lux. And both of them have been busy, too...but I keep myself entertained well enough. Or." Jack grins. "Find someone to help me with the entertaining, as the case may be."

Asbolus: "Understandable." He nodded, smirking at Jack continued. "Ah hah...take it that's been going well overall, then?"

Jack Martingale: "Very well." A scribbly blush drifts across Jack's cheeks as his smile widens. "I don't know that any of them will end up here, though. It feels...a little strange, to invite more casual partners to the house I share with my fiancees as well as the rest of the motley..."

Asbolus: "Glad to hear it. I haven't been looking actively myself, I'll admit, but if something worthwhile comes about I'm happy to see where it takes me."

"I can see that." He nodded quietly. "For what it's worth I don't have an issue with it if you decide to. It's your home just as much as it is ours."

Jack Martingale: "Yeah I take a little more of an active approach," Jack says with a grin. "Though that doesn't mean shit doesn't sneak up on me. And yeah, I don't think anyone'd have an issue, it's just...a lot to handle for a more casual partner. Even if none of you are home, still a lotta people, and not everyone who I'm fucking is ready to meet Mearc and Lux, you know? It's a relationship step." He shrugs. "And honestly, it means I sometimes get to spend the night in a swanky high rise in center city, so. Not complaining"

Asbolus: "Not a bad thing, that." He replied with a small smirk. "Indeed it is. Denotes a certain level of seriousness, if anything."

"Certainely can't blame you there...must make for a rather pleasant evening."

Jack Martingale: "The view's pretty great - and he's French, he's got the most incredible accent..." The scribbles on Jack's cheeks darken, and that just-before-a-rainstorm scent that makes up part of Jack's Mantle strengthens, drifting around the living room. "Are you interested in looking more actively? Between me an' Lux I'm sure we'd find you someone for a great night, at least..."

Asbolus: "Ah...that I am familiar with. There was a reason I learned French while I was at university, and not because of any coursework..." He chuckled at that, pausing to think a moment at the question asked. "Can't say that anything would really happen that evening, considering my usual take on such things, but I would like to get out more in general, and you two have proven to be stellar wingpeople before." He said the last part with a smile, shifting his hand to start scritching Moss under the chin.

Jack Martingale: "Oh fuck, I better not ever get you two in a room together, I might not be able to handle it..." Jack laughs. "I mean yeah - 's literally part of my job, to help people with their desires. I am happy to drag you out more..."

Asbolus: "Feel free to let me know when you're heading out, then. If I'm not handling business elsewhere I'd love to come."

Jack Martingale: "I mean. I've got fuck-all happening tonight...Sunday night shouldn't be too crazy wherever we go...?" Jack raises his eyebrows.

And then pulls out his phone to send a text.

Asbolus: "Nor I; was planning on reading but not much else." Asbolus nodded, smirking a touch as Jack went to pull his phone out. "Who are you getting a hold of?"

Jack Martingale: "My Frenchman. Seeing if he wants to meet us somewhere." Jack flashes Asboslus something of a wicked smile.

Asbolus: "Ah hah..." He smiled in return. "Suppose I should be getting dressed, then?"

Jack Martingale: "Maybe. I should probably change, too...I was thinking, there's this - I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out - this like, lowkey goth bar that's chill as fuck and has decent music. Not as crazy as Vertigo tends to be..."

Asbolus: "Sounds like an idea to me. Not the oddest place I've been to over the years." With one last scritch to Moss Asbolus got up from the couch, grabbing his cup of tea from the side table to tend to it in the kitchen. "Dress shirts and slacks sort of place or something a little more casual?"

Jack Martingale: "Either or - if Renault shows up he'll be dressed up, he always is, I ended up throwing on some leather last time I went. It's kinda classy though, I guess overdressed is better than underdressed?" That's real helpful, Jack. He gives Asbolus an apologetic smile.

Asbolus: "Think I can work with that. Back in a moment." And off he went to finish off his tea in the kitchen before heading to his room to get dressed for the occassion.

Jack Martingale: Jack says a few soft words to Moss, coaxing her from her very comfortable position on the couch to go back upstairs for a bit. When he returns downstairs without the dog, he's in tight black pants and a long sleeved button down that's got alternating velvet and sheer stripes. It's a little baggy, and he's got it about a third unbuttoned. The kind of casual carelessness that he does so well.

Asbolus: If there was one benefit to working at the theater it was a much-improved selection of dress clothes, and when Asbolus emerged a few minutes later he looked rather dashing in a pair of black dress slacks and a wine-dark dress shirt, taking a moment to finish rolling up the sleeves neatly to the elbows along the way. "Very nice..." He nodded with approval at Jack's ensemble, smiling a touch.

Jack Martingale: "Hot," is Jack's response, giving Asbolus a once-over and a grin. "Y'wanna take my bike? I promise I don't drive too fast..."

Asbolus: "Thank you, and sounds good to me. Still haven't gotten a car of my own yet...should probably remedy that at some point."

Jack Martingale: "SEPTA's so fucking miserable, dunno how I managed before." Jack shakes his head, and grabs his leather jacket on the way out the door.

"No, I do know, I wasn't in any shape for driving most of the time..." A shake of his head and he hands Asbolus one of the helmets locked to the handlebars, putting the other one on himself.

"Hold on -" That's basically all the warning he gives before he starts the bike and peels out of the parking spot.

Immediately followed by The Power of a Good Accent