Logs:An Exchange of Knowledge

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The Green Room Cafe


Jeremiah Hamilton: The Green Room is a cafe tucked into the center of the Spring Gardens neighborhood, done up in warm woods and a paint job to match the name. Tables are set up both inside and out, with the interior also hosting a wooden stage - currently unoccupied - and a counter near the front with a view into the kitchen beyond it.

Jeremiah emerged from a door near the entrance which seemed to lead upstairs by all appearances, escorting a young dark-haired woman with a guitar case slung over her shoulder. The pair exchanged a quick hug before she headed out, leaving the Mastigos with a proper smile on his face as he watched his current protégé go.

Tommy Shanks: Tommy walked through the door of Jeremiah's club with a smile on his face. Today, the Obrimos was in a traditional black suit with white undershirt and black tie. It was business style, but not high end.

The satchel was in place, even with the suit, and he rested his arm on it. New to the place, he took it all in and studied the air and atmosphere a bit. (He's got a few spells on him too.)

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah was dressed casually to fit the venue - jeans, sneakers and a black t-shirt with "What a Beautiful Day to Respect Other People's Pronouns" in a pastel rainbow font. Spotting Tommy he smiled and gave a quick salute. "Hey there. Welcome to the Green Room."

Tommy Shanks: "Hello Jay," he returned the salute, "I know you mentioned the club here a few times and I thought that I should come and visit. Very handsome place. Good air to it."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Thanks. We try to make it as welcoming as possible for our guests. Care for something to eat or a drink?"

Tommy Shanks: "If there's a Monday special, I'll take that since it's likely the easiest to prepare for your staff today. And as for a drink, just a Diet Pepsi is good," a bob of his head, as he took a breath and just relaxed whatever spells he had on himself prior. "How are you doing today? And oh, feel free to call me Tommy, since, public space and shite."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "You got it, on both counts." He motioned for Tommy to grab a seat at a table near the door leading upstairs before stepping over to the counter to put in said order, returning with the soda and a water for himself. "Doing pretty well, all told. Just finished a session with one of my students that went swimmingly. Yourself?"

Tommy Shanks: "Had to do a guest lecture today about one of the places in Mexico that I helped discover... so had to look somewhat presentable," a chuckle, " And that went pretty well too, so cool-beans to that," the Obrimos followed the Mastigos with a nod.

A drink of the cola came next before Tommy continued, "Our kind of student, or a traditional student of some sort?"

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Good stuff. You look very sharp, if I may say so." He replied with a grin, nodding as he continued. "The latter, in music. I work with a number of local musicians to help them better develop their talents along with providing a safe place to perform."

Tommy Shanks: "You are a shining light in the darkness, and I mean that. Whether supporting me against some of my self-doubt behaviors, or teaching Klaire, or apparently others," a bob of his head, "Great work. And thank you for the compliment! I was actually here because I was wondering if you'd be willing to teach me, and or if you need any teaching done."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Thank you. I chose the name I did for a reason, and I do my best to make it manifest through my actions." He smiled, perking up a bit with what followed. "Might be game. What do you have in mind?"

Tommy Shanks: "I could probably still fuddle around and get better at walking your path a bit, but a teacher always helps. And I didn't know if there's something that I might be able to help you with as well in either payment or just in kindness."

He thought on that for a moment before smiling, tilting his head towards the door. "Think we can arrange something. Let's talk upstairs, little more private in the studio."

Tommy Shanks: He bobbed his head, "Sounds perfect. I can eat after."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Can bring it up with you if you like. Lord knows I've eaten up there often enough while working on things."

Tommy Shanks: "Oh! Okay!" a grin, as he picked up the order in transit and then followed Jay.

Jeremiah Hamilton: Jeremiah led the way upstairs, revealing the recording studio above the cafe as they passed through the door above. The space was homey in a way, infused with the sort of care that any artisan put into their primary work space. The largest bit of real estate was taken up by a grand piano, accompanied by a collection of other string and brass instruments on one wall and a multitude of music books on another. Another door was on the far wall, closed for the moment.

He tilted his head towards one of the seats with a small side table nearby for his plate before claiming a spot for himself on the piano bench. "I'd definitely be up for helping on the Mind front. What's your current spread at the moment?"

Tommy Shanks: His gaze moved through the stairs and hallway, to be polite, he kept his sight off, but Potentia would still stand out to him.

Looking over to Jay, "Disciple of Mind and Apprentice of Space. Overall, also Mastery of Forces, and Prime with Adept knowledge of Time, Disciple of Spirit and Life, Apprentice of Death and Matter."

Jeremiah Hamilton: Nothing in the space seemed to be imbued or overtly magical, at least at the moment. He nodded at the run-down, mulling quietly. "Might take you up on the Forces side of thing in exchange; currently a Disciple on that front and wouldn't mind going into Adepthood at some point."

Tommy Shanks: "Definitely willing to do what I can to help you," he took a few bites and then a drink, mulling it over, "Really anything I can do to help, regardless of payment back and forth. I think Knowledge should be shared, when possible."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Agreed. Is there a particular degree in Mind that you're aiming for, or a specific effect?"

Tommy Shanks: "Well, the next step would be faster with some help, but possible without it... but if I wanted to be a master? That's where it of course gets difficult. I'd be curious to improve both Mind and Space eventually. I've recently felt myself grow with current events, and wish to continue to push forwards."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Gotcha. Eyeing the next step towards the Watchtower myself, so I follow you there." He nodded, smiling a touch. "Let me know when you want to get started and we can get the ball rolling."

Tommy Shanks: "If you'd like, we can start now, with my helping you, or you helping me, or whatever else you'd like."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "I'm game. Don't have anywhere else I need to be at the moment."

Tommy Shanks: "One of the tips that I learned came from an Adamantine Arrow, referencing how using movements very slowly of a simple move to make it truly muscle memory. For the Arcana of Forces, the Greater Utility allows one to be immune to heat change. Of course, that is also something done by an Initiate effect, right? So One thing we've done is just constantly cast that, over and over, on onesself and then study it's interaction with your own Pattern."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Huh...interesting. Makes sense, though; basically lets you see how the magic intertwines itself before it becomes a permanent part of the pattern."

Tommy Shanks: "Yeah. Exactly. And of course that's in addition to trying out your Disciple effects as well, trying to increase the weight and reps, so to speak. Look at me, a book worm talking about exercise," he shook his head a bit, "Let the stereotypes of the world die," and then he took a breath and tilted his head again to study Jay, "I also did a lot of focus on the mathematics and physics itself, to know how to imagine it, for my point of view. Fallen world physics might be a lie, but it provides us with a framework. "

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Hey, if the metaphor fits I'm not going to knock it." He nodded with a smirk. "Makes sense. I tend to perceive magic in a more auditory sense, weaving the different facets of the spells into a cohesive melody."

Tommy Shanks: "Ah. That makes sense. Especially with the idea of Forces. Energy, sound... all of that... and if you use the thought of all energy is the same at it's root, then all you're doing is harmonizing or maybe using a Key Change to outright transform heat into light, or electricity into sound."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Exactly. It's served me well so far; looked into Forces for the light manipulation side of things primarily, but I've been branching out more into the other aspects of it as of late."

Tommy Shanks: "Creating one's own pyrotechnics for performances?" he mused, "I got into Mind because of the increase in mental faculties, parallel processing, and linguistic uses. Plus, dealing with Spirits, Ghosts, and whatever other things show up in Ruins? Good idea to shield one's mind."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Nah, I don't perform as much myself these days. Leaning into the Shadow Name a bit, one could say." He smiled quietly at that, nodding as Tommy continued. "True enough. Keeping things clear up there is important, especially in the weirder situations we tend to get into."

Tommy Shanks: "Ah. The North Star. Guide by Starlight... Having seen Cookie versus Magpie, I'd be curious to see Jay versus Sirius someday."

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Someday, maybe. I tend to save him for when I work with others to help them progress further on the Path, but he makes appearances now and again."

Tommy Shanks: "I've thought about what Bones would be, but..." A shrug, "I should get going for now. Thank you for the company and a meal." Bones pooped to his feet, "Let me know anytime if you want specific help with an effect or want to give or receive a lesson." He pulled out a twenty for the meal, drink, and tip.

Jeremiah Hamilton: "Very welcome, and will do." He waived off the offered bill with a smile. "On the house, but feel free to put that in the tip jar for the folks downstairs if you feel inclined."

Tommy Shanks: "Sounds good. Be well, friend," and he headed out, putting the bill in the jar in transit.