Logs:Meet the Bestie

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Olivia Greene, Vincent Drake


Maddy's Wafflehouse


Liv sat in a booth at Maddy's, waiting impatiently for the vampire Vincent to come talk to her about... something. She wasn't quite sure what, but she'd met him at Maddy's once before, and while she didn't exactly trust him, she trusted that Maddy's wards would hold.

Vincent walks in, serious suit on. He smiles when he see's her and sits down, a mountain dew brought over once he sits, the perks of only ordering the one thing every damn time.

"So," he begins, "Your Liv." he says sizing her up, "Yeah, I see how this happened," he mutters and takes out a notebook, "Mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"That will entirely depend on why you wanted to talk to me." She takes a sip of her coffee. It's decaf, she discovered that caffeine affects her way more since returning from Arcadia, but she's always enjoyed the taste. V "What is your primary source of income?"

"No no no that isn't how this works. I gave you a condition. I am not going to answer your questions until I at least know why you're asking them. You claimed to be done with your little infernal problem, and other than that we've talked, what, once? What is this about?"

he turns is head like a pouting child who got caught, "You're dating my best friend. . .Val." he admits,

Liv laughs. "So you decided to come in here all serious like and ask me a bunch of questions like I'm at a goddamn job interview? I mean I'll give you one thing, you definitely care about her."

he smiles and shrugs, "She's like a sister to me and my actual sister, as far as I'm concerned she's family so think of this as the most important job interview of your life." he chuckles, "So, primary source of income?"

"Fine, I'll humor you. I work at the Green Room."

he winces at that, "Oh. . .well then, any evil ex's to look out for, she doesn't have to battle seven in order to date you does she?"

"I haven't seen any of my exes for almost six years, but last time I checked none of them hated me."

"Ok, so no Scott Pilgrim battles," he mutters, "Now then, important for Val, no drug shit, I don't think so but just want to check."

"Oh god no. Given what kind of effects they can have on the Lost. I don't even drink, but that's just because I can't stand the taste."

"Oh," he smiles brightly, "Your Lost, one of my partners is Lost, have you met Avery?"

"We've been on a few patrols together, but that's about it."

"Avy's great," he says wistfully before shaking his head, "Ok, so what do you like about Val?"

“She’s kind, she’s unafraid to speak her mind, and this is kinda secondary but she totally kicks ass.”

he nods, "So. . .ok I'm going to admit, I can't find anything wrong so I don't know what to do next," he laughs, "Um. . .hi, I'm Vinny, i'm the protective asshole she calls best friend." he says extending a hand

Liv shakes the hand jovially. “Liv, equally protective, though I choose to hope that I’m not an asshole.”

he laughs at that, "Yeah know, Val was certain that you hated her, told her she was nuts."

“Oh that’s just the sapphic experience. I’ve been there.”

Vinny nods, "Did not know Lesbians assume their crushes hate them. . .that is really a universal thing then, I still think my partners hate me on some level." he gives a soft chuckle

“Not necessarily hate but it’s a trope that sapphic folks are bad at recognizing when women are flirting with them. And it’s pretty true, in my experience at least. It’s definitely happened to me before.” Liv takes another sip of her coffee. “As for you and your partners, I think that’s something you guys should try to work out on your own. Or with a therapist if need be.”

"I have self worth issues I've been realizing," he sighs, "But I have two partners which is more than most so that's a good sign."

“I’m sure you’ll figure things out eventually.”

"Oh," he says as if forgetting something, "Sorry about this but it's obligatory," his eyes go red and he shows his fangs, "Hurt her and I will kill you." he says, then flashes a smile

Liv chuckles. "Duly noted, but consider that it goes both ways. I don't have a threatening little display like you though."

"Perks of being a vampire." he chuckles, "That and the super powers, super blood, and forever to make money."

"Oh that's not to say I don't have perks at my disposal too. Anyway, as awkward as this conversation was, I'm glad you approached me and talked to me here instead of just stalking me from the shadows. Much more polite on your part."

"I considered stalking but figured Val would beat the shit out of me if I did." he says in all honesty,

"I'm one of the more martially capable Changelings, and a pretty decent scout besides. It's definitely for the better you didn't try to follow me."

that gives a laugh, "I've already pissed off a few changelings, so I don't need another one mad at me," he shrugs, "I know like. . .2 others who kinda like me, 2 who I think don't trust but tolerate me, and 2 who I think dislike me." he smiles, "and 1 who adores me."

"That's just how people are. Sometimes they like you sometimes they don't. It happens."

"Yeah, but when their your partners coworkers, might as well be a family," he shrugs and chuckles, "It's like hearing their brother doesn't like you, ya know?"

"I suppose it might be weird to have them connected to you like that, yeah." Liv's phone buzzes and she checks it quickly. "Sorry to leave so abruptly, but I have a shift coming up. I should head out. Nice to know Val has such loyal friends."

he nods, "Nice meeting ya."