Logs:Twilight and Robocops

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Aya Jabir
Vincent Drake


Maddy's Waffle House


Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
The hour was late and Aya sat in a booth near the door, snacking on a small salad dressed with vinaigrette. She was in dark brown tones today and while her head was covered, she was not veiled as she snuck in moments of reading while methodically chewing every bite of the veggies. She carried the gentle scent of roses with her.

Vincent walked it, not with a spring in his step exactly but the old confidence is back, but then again that might not be a good thing, but he's scheming again. He takes a Mt.Dew and looks for a place to sit, "They still need blood bags." he mutters taking a sip of his drink, "Garlic knots, that would also be nice."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
Aya looked over to Vincent, curiosity about his 'blood bags' comment sending her right eyebrow to raise. She looks him over for a moment, "It seems your evening is going well?"

he turns to the source of the voice, "Um, better than it's been." he shrugs, "But I'm back, I'm reinvigorated and plotting ahead." he smiles

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"That's good," she says with a smile back to him. "I've been doing very well, myself. It's been enjoyable meeting many friends here." Whether she meant Philadelphia or Maddy's in specific, her tone and body language left it unclear. She gestures to the seat across from her, "Please, if you would like to join me, I could use the company. I may have read enough today."

She closes her book, it's 'Night Comes to the Cumberlands' by Harry Caudill.

he shrugs and sits down, "Vincent Drake, my friends call me Vinny." he sits and offers a hand, "Nice to met ya."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
She places her right hand over her heart and lowers her head, "Apologies, I limit contact with masculine-presenting people, for spiritual reasons; I hope you still know that it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Drake. I am Aya Jabir; you may have heard of me, if you're a politically-minded person."

he raises an eyebrow but shrugs, retracting the hand, "Never heard of ya," he flat out admits, "You're a politician?" he asks, genuine confusion and curiosity on his face

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
Aya chuckled, her right hand rising to cover her mouth shyly, "Not quite. I am an advocate for peace and justice; I hold no offices, I simply use my voice for people who are silenced by violence." She speaks in a calming tone, gentle. "I hope you won't mind my asking what kind of work do you do?"

"Self Employed," he says, "Currently in reputation management and block chain technology, looking to expand into the entertainment and leisure industry."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"Ahhh. A businessman." She nods, seeming to at least think she understands. "The entertainment industry is a very difficult business to get into, almost as hard as getting out of it, as I understand."

"Thankfully I have a wonderful partner to help me," he says, "Plus I'm looking into getting some hired help, so that will be useful, currently in a foundations stage."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
She listens attentively to Vincent, pushing away her salad. "When you do get some hired help, if I may suggest, be sure to be generous and fair with your workers. Short-term gains will never outweigh long-term strength and fair treatment gets you loyalty that money can't buy." She gives the short elevator pitch on worker's rights with a nod for emphasis. "Loyal workers don't let other workers steal, they don't let others slack. Look out for your workers, and they will look out for you."

he nods, "I'm looking to be a leader that's admired instead of feared. . .although a little fear his healthy," he mutters, "But yes, I plan to reward faithful service and promote based on merit."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"Good, very good. I would avoid fear, honestly. Makes for bad decisions." She reached over to take a sip of her juice. "I'm guessing from your 'blood bag' commentary before, you are here at night for a reason?" Still smiling.

he chuckles, "Maybe, what's your guess?"

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
Aya takes a second sip of juice. "Hmm. Well, there's not many kinds of people who would ask for blood here, as far as I'm aware. So, I'd say, Vampire? Could be a standard hematophage, but I don't think that qualifies for waffles."

"You know what the funny thing is. . .I never liked Twilight as a kid." he laughs, "But yeah, your spot on, I was turned like a month or two ago."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"Oh, ghastly movies. A delight to watch for the cinemasochist, but only because the actors so clearly are there for a paycheck and hate what they're doing." The gentle kind tone is now a lot more humorous and playful, "I never bothered with the books, I have more important reading to do. As for myself, however, I talk to dead people. Other dead people, not like.." She gestures with her hand vaguely towards Vincent, hoping to not have to spell it out.

"So your a medium then?" he asks, "I used to think that was a scam. . .but I've learned that alot of things are real these days," he gives a wry chuckle, "So I'm at the point where I'm believing anything."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"It usually is, I hate to say it." She frowns just slightly, "There are many who say, 'Oh, I can talk to your father' or dead husband or whatever, but it doesn't work like that. It's not like there's an afterlife Contacts List; most of the time, there's nothing left. If there is something left, it's not really them, more like an echo or residue of a part of them." She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, "And they never know the combination to the safe or whatever wacky thing people want to ask.."

"Enjoy life," he says, "As callous as it sounds the dead are past, they'd want us to enjoy what we have rather than focus on them, grief is grief but their is a point to move on."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"In my case, there's no turning it 'off'. I hear them whether they like to or not. So you can understand why I am so motivated to prevent violence; violence leaves ghosts behind like nothing else. But, you don't need to tell me to enjoy life. I try to live as fearlessly as I can."

"Prevent violence, well you have a project on your hands with Philly, somethings on the news every night these days."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
Aya nods in agreement, "Yes. It's a lot of work to do. Especially now that they have those robots. There wasn't enough violence, we needed to make violence mahcines."

"Honestly, I don't think they understand the point of Robot Cop was that it was a bad thing to do to the guy. . .at least that's what I took away from the film, then again we read 1984 and used it as the blueprint for the Patriot Act, so if anything they've just been doing as normal. . .I didn't even realize robot tech was mainstream, where the hell is my robo-butler."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"Seriously!" She exclaims, happily seeing someone gets it. "They couldn't start with a robot that picks up trash or something, at least? Just..." She whistles and uses her hands to mimic running with her fingers, "...straight to the murderbot."

"I mean, people hate the robots at the super market, death robots are more friendly?!" he exclaims, "At least a human cop had some empathy, buried super deep under granite, now the robots don't even have a hint of emotion."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
"Indeed. And all just a way to spare accountability; 'it's no one's fault, it's just a machine that malfunctioned' will be the refrain." She looks to the last few bites of her salad, and pulls the bowl in closer to pick at the remainder with her fork. "In any case, you will possibly see me on the news. I plan to do speeches, perhaps even a rally, try to put some pressure on city hall. I know, compared to others here, it's probably not much. But we do what we can, no?"

"Work with your sphere." he nods, "I honestly don't think I can help much with them, so I'll cheer everyone on from the sidelines."

Jane/Aya - connie (she/her):
Aya chews up the last bits of salad, "You never know. If you keep your eyes out for opportunities to help, you may just find one. Many hands make light work." She fishes in her bag for some cash to cover her meal. "It's been excellent meeting you, Mr. Drake, I hope we get the chance to meet up here again."

he nods and stands up, "Likewise." he says walking to the portal, soda in hand