Logs:Pride Pool Party

From From Dusk till Jawn
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Content Warning

Truth or Dare hitting hard questions, Massive Crush Embarrassment, dangerous amounts of Pride energy, multiple swear induced Frenzy checks


Guy Dagenham, Arthur Phoenix, Valeria Rolan-Ruiz, Vincent Drake, Titania, Ylva Theodulus, Kieron Sinclar, Asbolus, Hannah Candles, Juliet Morrigan


Guy's Gym


Guy:Guy is wearing short trunks with plants and birds on them, and a lifeguard over the shoulder floaty bar.

Most characters haven’t seen him lightly dressed, and so haven’t seen that the tall German is well built with muscle, but lean in a way that speaks to a hard life of physical effort. He runs more to wiriness than beefiness, with the flat, hard muscle of an athlete and swordsman. The Gangrel is covered in scars, ranging from small silver-white marks of blades over his arms, to pink, fleshy and jagged rents of claws and teeth on his shoulders, back, and one of his legs.

He starts the evening chilling in a chair near the pool.

Vinny:Vincent knew of the Gym from Val, and to be honest, with his own dipping into swordsmenship he probablyy needed a place to train and learn from people who actually knew what they where doing, so he decided it would be best to stop being a petty shit and get a gym membership. Phillies shirt and shorts, he looked around the front desk area to see who to ask for membership.

"Where's Val when ya need her." he muttered

Val:"Right here dummy."

She bumps him, carrying a something or other to help set up. She was of close dressed in pool attire, and while not as muscular as her regnant, she was plenty strong in her own right.

"Whatcha need?"

Vinny:"You're on lifegaurd duty?" he asked with a raised brow, "Well...I thought since I'm trying to get good at fighting, I might as well get a gym membership, and you dared me so you know I can't take that lying down."

Guy:A rat crawls up onto the small desk near the entrance of the gym and drags a paper sign onto the counter.

“Pool that way ———>”

Val:"Nah, I just asked to help set up. I'll hang and whatever in just a few. For memberships, um.... Guy was gonna do something. I'd talk to him.

Vinny:"Set up what?" he cocked his head before shrugging, "Ok, I'll ask next time I see him, he here?"

Artie:When people begin to arrive, Artie is already there of course, what else was a co-host for after all? Clad in his vibrant outfit, the wizened is cheerfully setting out trays of food in an array of colors. The menu of course is perfect for the setting, light and sweet fair in the form of fruits alongside bite size savory bites. As usual he has made efforts to fit all sorts of dietary styles from vegan, vegetarian and gluten free to kosher and halal.

Several dispensers of brightly hued punches are set up with labels describing their flavors. He has opted for both adult and alcohol free varieties so everyone can enjoy.

Val:Val points to the food stand.

"That. I'm just hoping he still doesn't hate me. Anyway yeah, Guy is around here somewhere. No clue where."

She starts walking off that way, towards the walking rainbow that way prepping food.

"Got the stuff, where's the best spot to put it?"

Guy:Guy, sitting openly by the pool not far from the bar/food setup, waves to Val, and Vincent when he eventually makes his way over.

Vinny:"Ok, I have questions but I'm more surprised their was a food based event and you didn't ask for garlic bread," he said to Val before walking over to Guy, "So, I know I've been a petty shit but I was wondering if I can get a gym membership, I've been working on combat skills since I can't use my words for everything."

Guy:Guy raises an eyebrow at Vinny, and gestures with a thumb to the big sign on the wall. “Can you follow the rules?”

Val:Val waves! And raises an eyebrow at Vinny.

Vinny:he looks at the list, "Yeah, I can." he said, "Animals as staff...damn it, now I got the mental image of Disney animals helping around in my head."

Guy:“Rats, birds, snakes, mostly. But alright, if you agree to the rules, I’m willing to offer you a membership. I’m still scouting a sword-person instructor, but you’re welcome to the gym facilities and any other classes you’re interested in. Now, as for dues…how would you like to contribute to the Gym?”

Artie:Bopping along quietly to some unheard tune, Artie looks up when the ghoul approaches. "Oh! Uhm... Right here," he replies making his way to an open space on one of the counters.

Val:Val follows along with where Artie gestures.

"Anything else you need help with, or do you want me out of your hair?"

Vinny:"What do Gyms usually charge?" he asked, "Like, is fifty dollars a month ok, or would it be in the hundreds or if it's just supplying something, I make the best damn garlic bread in Philly, just ask Val."

Guy:“Well, if you had a class to instruct, or a service to provide other members, that would be fine, but you can also just pay money. What you feel would be appropriate would be just fine, within your means.”

Artie:The tailor shrugs. "I think I got most of it all ready to go. But you aren't bothering me. I just want peeps to have fun and you're peeps."

Lav:She nods.

"I'm glad I'm peeps. And hey, I am having fun. Thanks for cooking stuff up, Artie."

A look back towards Guy to make sure Vinny hadn't done anything dumb, which he hadn't! And then back to Artie.

"Are we chill? I know last time I saw you, I was a bit of a dumbass."

Vinny:he was about to say money but then had an idea.

"So...I do have a few skills that could be passed on, like I said, can't solve everything with words, but when I can I'm pretty damn good at it, Val can back me up on this, she's seen me do amazing things just by getting a foot in a convo, if people are willing to learn how to be a con artist, I'm more then happy to teach." he offered, "The tounge and mind are muscles just as anything else, I'll be happy to teach people how to use them."

Artie:Artie considers for a moment. "Oh. Yeah. That. We can be cool as long you aren't going to be rude or mean in other people's houses."

Guy:Guy taps his chin. “Well, that’s not really the…aim of the studies here, but if people are interested you could hold a meeting here to teach.”

Val:She nods.

"Sounds good. Yeah, I'm not doing that again. I figured out I was in the wrong."

She nods and offers a fist to bump.

"Glad we are cool. Ima go see if theres anything else I need to do before I can chill in the pool."

Vincent:Vincent shrugged.

"It's what I know best, if people want to learn how to do it, I'd be happy to do a meeting." he looked around, "Pool party?"

Guy:“Yup. Artie brought refreshments if you’re interested. Not a lot of traffic yet, but you’re welcome to hang out.”

Titania:Titania had been meaning to come by the Guym. And well a pool party seemed like a good idea.

She was queer even if, blah blah label's are shit.

For now she was wearing one of her fancy dress outfits. The one thing of difference to her normal outfits is that her eyes are decorated in the pan flag. Which is likely the first time anyone here has seen her outside of blacks and reds.

She wanders down the entrance to the Guym. Grimacing visibly as she enters Guy's territory. Mei wrapped around her neck like a scarf and Columba sitting on her free hand, the other holding at the railing.

Her eyes dart around awkwardly. But she finds a quiet seat to sit at.

Val:Val swims over towards Titania.

"Hey Mei, hey Columba, hey Titania. Nice of you all to join! I love the pan flags!"

Titania:"Um. Hi Ria."

She looks down at her in the pool.

"Thanks. Wanted to. I don't really do color. So."

A shrug.


Apollo:Why is Apollo here? Better question, why isn't Apollo here? Regardless of the answer, he RSVPd as coming and so here he is. Decked out in flip flops, black board shorts covered in red hearts, and a grey lightweight hoody he strolls on in free and easy.

Val:"It looks good regardless. I suck at make-up besides like foundation and maybe some highlighter. Granted I never practice and I could probably do better if I could, ya know?"

She looks to the door with a smile and pauses, then waves at Apollo.

"Fancy seeing you again. Although I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be surprised."

Vinny:Vincent pouted when he realized he did not have his trunks, but went to grab a mountain dew, and just sat on the pool side, letting his legs dip into the pool.

"Ugh, should have brought Avy and Maria." and imagined the partners in swimwear

Titania:She nods her head. Goes to make a comment to Vincent but leaves it.

Not tonight.

Ancient goth just relaxes in her chair and closes her eyes.

Guy:Guy waves to Apollo, looking him over. “Hello there. Don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet.”

Apollo:"Well hi Ria! Fancy seeing you here!" He walks over to the pool, snagging a beer on his way over. "Was our meeting that magical? And what up Vinny, how're you doing?"

Apollo waves back to Guy. "Apollo Gunn. Nice to meet ya."

Val:"You really should have, Vin. Let me finally meet them. Maybe not Avery though, probably gonna be a tad loud for them."

She swims over a tad closer to Apollo, this ADHD gremlin easily distracted.

"Clearly was. But meant a fun night of drinks uh...2 days ago...a day ago...timing nights gets weird. Anyway, he's cool, Guy. And a singer!"

Vinny:he gave a wave to Apollo.

"Doing good, came here for a membership and stumbled on a pool party, wish I brought my trunks." he shrugged, "Yeah, you and Maria I feel would gossip behind my back." he chuckled to Val

Guy:“Pleasure to meet you, I’m Guy Dagenham,” Guy replies with a nod to Apollo.

“A singer, huh?” He says in response to Val. “Fascinating.”

He waves a little to Titania, and smiles softly. “Good to see you.”

Titania:Titania doesn't open her eyes but her smile does widen.

"Evening Guy. Thanks for welcoming me. Onto your territory."

Apollo:Apollo sits on the side of the pool, legs in the water. "Yup, singer, guitarist, all round punk. This a good gym then Vinn? I've been looking for a new one in the city."

Val:"I absolutely would. Here, put your phone and shit down and hop in, you can air dry on the way home. I'll drive ya."

She smiles at Guy, an affection in her eyes that she subtly coughs and looks away, answering for Vin.

"You bet your ass its a great gym! You should join! Olympic level athlete approved."

Vinny:"I don't know, just joined, but the owner's a decent enough guy," he blinked and chuckled, "so if he runs it, should be legit, besides, look it has a pool, that's a point in my book."

Guy:“Thank you for being gracious about visiting. It’s the best security I can offer.”

“It’s also a brand new gym, and I’m looking for new members, so I’d be happy to talk over features and the like.”

Titania:"Im. Trying."

Then with a tilt of her head.

"Do you think we can get a dump truck down here for weight lifting. For those of us outside the norm?"

Apollo:Apollo starts to respond, but ends up raising an eyebrow at Titania's question, then turning to look at Ria with a look that screams "Can she actually do that?"

Val:She laughs.

"I'd be more surprised if she couldn't, Apollo."

She looks at Guy.

"Probably easier to just get like...something denser down here though. I don't think the entrance is gonna fit a whole ass dump truck down here."

Guy:“A dump truck, probably not. We might be able to get some I-beams and rocks down here.”

Titania:"Where's the fun in that. But I get your point."

She smiles continuing to people watch with her eyes closed.

Apollo:Apollo sighs and takes a drink. "Well, that's a helluva thing. Anyway. Yeah, I'd love a tour at some point."

Val:"Ibeams would be fun as fuck."

She nods.

"Well, not to be rude or anything, but what group are you with Apollo?"

Vinny:Vincent splashed with his feet and sipped Mt.Dew

Apollo:"Not rude. I'm a mage. How bout you?"

Guy:Guy shrugs. “When you’re pretty strong, you have to have use heavy stuff to weightlift. Though muscle action doesn’t build more muscle for us.”

Artie:Now with his shoes off, Artie strolls over, the faint scent of food wafting off of him now that he has the whole display set up.

For those who've never met him, Artie looks like a very athletic young guy in his 20's with dark hair. He's built morr like a twunk than a twink, lithely with enough apparent muscle that you'd peg him as a swimmer more than a runner. There's an interesting little glint to his warm brown eyes.

With a cheerful grin, he offers a wave as he joins the circle. "Hi everybody. I'm Artie. Nice to meetcha," he offers as he notices he hardly knows anyone here.

Vinny:"You do realize I would have brought Garlic Bread if you asked yes?" Vincent said to Artie, "I love cooking."

Val:"Oh cool, a mage! Do you know Tommy...er...Bones? They're a bestie of mine!"

Artie:"Whataya mean? I told everyone we were having a pool party. How'd you not know? And garlic bread would be a pretty strong flavor with this menu..." He replies, lips twisting a bit as he considers.

Vinny:he looked at his phone, "You gotta be, guess who didn't charge his phone." he hung his head down

Artie:"Goofball. Always juice your devices before bed." His eyes light up as he says it.

"Is there a cool vampire power for putting blood into your phone for charging?"

Vinny:"Technomancy blood magic," Vincent mused, "That would be cool."

Lav:"Vin, you didn't charge your phone? Do you need my charger?"

She laughs, knowing her bestie well.

Vinny:he handed her his phone, "Yeah...it will need a bit of a charge." he admitted, "Ugh, was busy last night."

Val:She gets out of the pool and takes his phone.

"Sure you were. I'll be right back."

She heads off to go find the charger.

Guy:“I can put Vitae in my motorcycle, but that’s not the same thing…” Guy muses to himself.

Ylva:Titania was essentially dosing in her seat as Ylva arrived. She had been told she could come so she was here.

Of course it was pride and it was ylva so. That means hyper color skirt that is like 3 microns long and a push up bra that might leave something to the imagination.

Her hair and fur was braided, freshly brushed and dusted with unreasonable amounts of body safe glitter. Her make up very. Allot.

She hugs Ria on the way before plopping down with the cool kids.

"Hey I bought meat skewers, vegetables skewers and me for whatever tickles your fancy."

As she puts a box down on the table.

Artie:Artie looks enwondered by the idea, his eyes wide. "... Cooool. So ... Can you guys invent vampire powers? Like... Research and development stuff? Or did people already figure out all of the stuff blood can do?"

Vinny:"When I was turned, I had a few powers unlocked already, heck, seems I started with mastery over Majesty, the charisma one," Vincent offered, "I think Guy's Court, if he does not mind me mentioning, are specialists in learning new ways to use powers, Court of Knowledge I'd call them." he did his best to Translate Covenants to Courts for the Lost

Juliet:"Well well well, this certainly is more entertaining than what I had initially planned tonight. It is positively wonderful to see some new faces, a few familiar ones . . . and of course some that date back a little ways."

Juliet struts on in wearing a crimson suit with matching heels and a black top below. The pink hair woman's eyes move to Guy and she speaks in fluent German.

"What a absolutely wonderful establishment you have here. You have clearly put great effort into it. I sinerely hope you do not mind me dropping by."

Her smile widens ever so slightly before she looks back to the gathered.

"Apologies, I felt it appropriate to compliment the host of such a fabulous event."

Val:Val goes for like 5 minutes and new faces show up. She gives Ylva a huge hug, which doesnt helped that she is soaked from being in the pool and very much wearing pool attire.

Then the Dame Knight shows and she waves, having no idea what language was just spoken.

Guy:“All Vampires can develop new powers—my Order has more distinct and unique abilities,” Guy says with a little smile.

Guy nods to Juliet at her entrance. “Evening. Pleasure to meet you properly, I am Guy Dagenham,” he replies in English. He makes a gesture that seems to encompass his attire, everyone else in the room, and the locale. “Make yourself comfortable.”

Vinny:Vincent sat a bit straighter when he saw his boss was here

Artie:Looking between Vinny then Guy, Artie nods as he absorbs the explanation. "Oh. Ok. That's neat. I guess we sorta have people like that too. I don't know anyone who has made new Contracts but I guess someone could."

Then there's more faces so Artie beams pleased to hear people praising his friend's hard work.

Ylva gets a special glance and wave. "Hey, Ylva!"

Ylva:"Hey Artie it's nice to see you. It's been a wee while wirh everything. How are you?"

Her tails wiggle as she speaks. Happy to be at a pride thing where she can also be her foxy self.

Her paws dip into the water with another little wiggle.

Artie:"I'm great! I got to throw a party with my friends so ' course I'm bappy. But yeah it has been a long while. Sorry about that. I'm glad you're here."

Ylva:"Thanks. I've been being a bit of a shut in. Overworking myself but its all a but more handled now."

Val:Val laughs and pokes Vincent when she returns.

"And you always laugh at me when I do that. Your phone is charging. Anyway, what we talking about?"

Vinny:"Um, Dame-Knight Juliet showed up, Ylva is saying hi to people and Artie was asking about disciplines and I'm just happy to be included." he shrugged, "Although now that I think about, thinking of getting Avery a Pride Present, something that says, you're my favorite fluid demi-sexual."

Juliet:"Dame Knight Juliet Morrigan, a pleasure to put a face to name that comes up every so often from an interesting mutual acquaintance of ours."

She replies to Guy before glances at Vincent.

"Come now, it is a party, I will not be overly strict or critical of anything . . . well unless of course we happen upon rudeness but avoiding that was a pre-requisite for attendance."

Ylva:"It turns out working the equivalent of 5 jobs and having 3 partners is a hecking time."

She says with a chuckle kicking her legs in the pool.

Val:"Oh hey, what about diciplines? Did I miss the cool talk? Dang it."

She nods,waving to the Dame Knight as she looked their way.

"Aw, Avery is demi? Demi people are the best, you just know you're their person. Anyway, they ready to be that out yet?"

Artie to Ylva:"Oh... Sorry. Yeah. I've been there, I do that a lot..." The wizened admits with a sheepish look.

Vinny:Vincent continued to look at the pool

"Well, I don't think they really register that they are queer, merely they are who they are, ya know?" he said, still looking at the pool, "I did not bring my trunks...but it is a pool," he debating, "Ugh, I've been dying to try this," he took off his shirt and threw it behind him, under it he was just as lean and twinky as you would suspect, however he took a breath and no more breathing he was paler and unblusshed and slid down in the pool...and did not come back up...a minute passed

He was sitting at the bottom of the pool, smiling and living his Percy Jackson fantasy, sadly no Percy or Nico cuddling him but hey, this is cool too

Val:"Alright, we got rid of him! Now everyone talk shit about him."

She grins, clearly joking, and starts making faces at him through the water.

Artie:".... I can just make him swim trunks... Do you think he knows that? Or that he could just swim in his underwear..." Artie points out, offering the submerged Vinny a wave.

Vinny:Vinny waved back

Juliet:"With all my knowledge of Mister Drake he probably forgot that."

Val:"Oh yeah, 100%. Wait... do you mean just like...poof they appear??"

Vinny:Vincent came back up and leand against the sides, "Ok, what shit was talked about me while I was gone?"

Val:"Your hair looks bad, uhh, anime is dumb and uhhhhhh, your garlic bread sucks."

Val states confidently, as only a sibling can do.

Artie:Artie thinks. "Uh... Yes. I can do that three different ways, or I could go make some the long way in about 5 minutes. "

Juliet:Juliets moves a hand to her head as she fights a . . . headache . . . yeah that's it. But it seems she wins that rather easily.

Vinny:"Sorry," he said quickly to the boss, "Mind if we try not to swear around her, it," he thought, then looked to Artie, "It's like, Clarity for Vampires, she has a Kith that does not like rudeness, which includes swearing." he explained, then looked to Val, "Sis, my hair is amazing, heck, it's probablly cuter wet." he shacked his head for his hair to sway for good measure

Val:"She can probably say that herself dude. But yeah, sorry Dame Knight...I forgot."

She proceeds to hop in the pool and ruffles his now soaked hair.

"Anyway! Show us Artie. I wanna see some magic.

Juliet:"I am currently winning the war. But yes poking the other side is not something I would like to continue doing if it is possible to do so. I have done my usual each night so my resolve is steeled. I have found this to be a necessary requirement in these modern times."

Artie:The tailor looks curious for a moment. "Oh uh... Ok lemme just... Go get a thing. Hold on." He says trotting over to his stuff for a second.

After a little rummaging he comes back carrying a small tailoring kit and a spare shirt. Taking a seat. He leans in and whispers to the kit.

"Ok. We're gonna show them how cool the magic of things like you can be. Ready guys? It'll be just like when I forged in Arcadia, stuck alone in the dark with tools as my only friends."

Vinny:"Oh, oh, I've been meaning to ask you, can you make me like, a shirt, waistcoat, and pants combo, but it's actually armor," he beamed, "and if not...maybe just swim trunks for now." he said, in case he can't make dresscode armor right now

Juliet:"And a trench coat that you can draw swords out of a pocket dimension?"

Vinny:"Oh my god, that too!?"

Val:"Don't give him ideas."

Val chuckles and swims to the side near Artie, looking in wonder at whatever is about to happen.

Artie:Dipping his hand into the water, Artie lays the shirt aside and puts his wet hand on the shirt leaving a handprint.

"Ok, bud. Unravel for me" he says and the shirt's stitches pop and writhe, wriggling free as the shirt pulls itself apart.

"As in right now? Or in general? Though I guess the answer either way is yes but they wouldn't be forever clothes. And I'm making you swim trunks right now."

Vinny:"Um..in general, I would love casually disguised armor," he nodded, "and trunks would be lovely." he smiled

Guy:“Swearing counts as rudeness? Well…crapbaskets,” Guy says with a little grin. “Twitch voices, everyone. Is ‘die’ too rude too? That’s only half a joke. If we’re ever in the field together I should probably know if I have to threaten to unalive someone into their component anatomies.”

Ylva:"Please. That is actually need to know information. Some of us have potty mouths."

Val:"Ohhhhh shit thats cool as fuckkkkk. Er...coooool. Sorry!!! Er, what Ylva said."

She glanced as Juliet with an apologetic look, just genuinely being excited, before looking back to Artie.

"I always think magic is just like...super cool." Says the one with occult 2 finally.

Juliet:"To be clear . . . reckless, crass or insulting behavior."

Vinny:Vincent, the king of reckless, would break in a cold sweat if not unlbushed

Guy:Guy’s face screws up slightly in thought. So like, one eyebrow and one side of his mouth flex slightly.

“Crass is pretty inexact as a guideline. I’ll err on the side of caution when it comes to describing eating someone alive before demonstrating with a friend of theirs. If it comes up.”

Ylva:"Soooo, what your saying is that I just. Shouldnt talk. Got it."

She slips fully into the pool paddling around.

Artie:Almost absently, the wizened watches the others interact, his nimble fongers moving with unnatural precision before their eyes as he tugs a single strand of thread on a white spool and sends it through the eye of a needle with a single smooth motion. It's uncanny to watch.

"Ok. Vinny. Don't move or I might stitch your bits into your new pants." Artie jokes.

Juliet:"If it makes anyone feel any better, the single loophole to this that I have found is: if I cannot understand it is an insult of some kind, I cannot be offended by it. Essentially, if I do not know something is happening, I cannot properly respond to it."

Val:Val is utterly entranced by the magic, watching every bit.

"Thats coooool."

Vinny:"Shit, fuck, damn, this is a fucking amazing loophole, hell, I bet none of you have any idea what I'm saying do you, fuck damn." Vincent said, in surprisingly fluent Russian, "Should do this more often, Wizards scare me, Titania can be mean, Guy scares me, and Arties hot!" he shouted, "And no one is the wiser." he smirked back in English

Val:"You realize you said Titania, Guy, and Artie there so they know you're talking about them."

Ylva:"Vincent, pretty sure Russian isnt a niche language and im sure at least one other person in this room speaks it."

She says with a chuckle as she paddles, leaving a glittery trail behind her.

Guy:Guy shrugs. “Camp talk only then, got it.”

He watches Artie work, in idle curiosity, checking his phone sitting on a stool sitting next to him, and then picking up a coin and rolling it over his fingers.

“Hey, Vinny’s swearing in Russian!” he says in his best schoolboy voice, sounding surprisingly boyish, actually. “But I won’t say which ones are bad.”

Artie:With the threaded needle, the tailor reaches out to the shirt and begins to stitch it back together. His fingers weaving the fabric swiftly and keenly like a machine spins cloth. The damage disappears beneath his efforts.

Meanwhile the water around Vinny begins to apin until a whirlpoolfunnel forms around the kindred leaving him floating mid air before their eyes in the whirlpool's center.

The stitches of his shorts begin to separate and fall off of him... However before his nudity can be seen, threads of light weave in from the air in a magical girl transformation. His original clothes fall apart and drift to the poolside where they reform undamaged.

The light-threads weave around the rotating Vinny until he is left dressed in sparkly bisexual board shorts.

"Listen, I got that and French under my belt." he shrugged, "Learned Russian as a boy, we Drakes used to be Drakovitches, and I learned French to impress a girl a few years back." then he beamed at the shorts, "How did you know I prefer board shorts!" he shouted, in awe at both trunks and the fact he had a magical girl transformation, "I love it!"

Juliet:She fights off another headache before shaking it away

"Perhaps the point of me informing everyone of that was slightly missed. To do this almost immediately after it is mentioned is pretty obvious what is being done. Then to have it further explained only confirms it."

Val:Val whips around at the whirlpool, eyes going wide.

"Did you just make a whirlpool? Oh no, is he a magical girl now? He's never going to shut up about this Artie, you've doomed us all!"

She chuckles and wades over to Ylva, poking her in the side.

"You're glittering everywhere. Just FYI."

Ylva:"Its body safe glitter!"

She wiggles around in it covering Ria in it.

"I. May have used like three tubs of it. Fur absorbs alot of glitter before it looks. Fabulous!"

Vinny:"Ugh, I want to hug him." he whined in russian

Artie"I'm a tailor. I know style because of my special eyes." Artie explains. "And I guess I shoulda done a power ranger transformation instead..."

Vinny:"No, that was perfect."

Val:"You are a walking...swimming glitter bomb."

She tries to wade out of the glitter, but fails.

"How are you so buoyant with all that fur?"

Ylva:"I am." She says with immesureable pride.

"I imagine because Foxes can swim anyway?"

Wrapping around Ria again to make sure she is all glittery.

"Artie is very good at Tailoring, he helped me out when I first got back and the anatomy didnt really work to shop from normal stores."

Vinny:Vincent leaned against the pool side then had an idea, "Artie, truth or dare?"

Artie:The Summer smiles brightly. "That's what I do! Gotta make sure everyone feels comfortable and looks their best. Just cuz you're freshly free doesn't mean hou can't be uhm... Fresh to death?" His head turns to look at Vinny. "Uh truth I guess?"

Vinny:"What got ya into tailoring?"

Val:"I mean, fair enough Ylva. Anyway, now that I'm sufficently glittered....CANONBALL!"

And she jumps up in the air, 8 whole meters out of the pool, does a flip, realizes she'sactually pretty damn high, and canonballs within a few feet of Vinny, soaking him again.

She comes up sputtering.

"Um, note to self, ow."

Ylva:"One can in fact, never, be sufficiently glittered during Pride. Pretty sure its illegal to not be covered in glitter."

At this she swims over to Vinny trailing her path of Glitter and covers him in glitter.

Juliet:"I mean I think I look pretty good, considering that my vital signs would not read "normal" for a woman my age. Also, I do believe this will be a little rough on the pool filters."

Guy:“You can help me rinse that out of the pool filters later,” Guy says with a smile to show he kids.

To Juliet he says, “I can only imagine what a…drain that must be. And you can’t even swear about it.”

Asbolus:With all the chatter going on - and Ylva's grand splash into the pool - Asbolus' entry into the gym was easy to miss, the Darkling taking his time to give the place a proper once-over before heading towards the pool area. He was dressed in jeans and t-shirt for the moment, a bag with his swimming attire slung over his shoulder.

Artie:"Me. I just like making stuff. Over There I only ever worked the forge or... Other... Stuff... So when I came back I wanted to work with softer materials because it was so different from metal. I guess I overcompensated by going as opposite as I could come up with. But also clothes are a thing I can use to help others express who they are or who they want to be. It is the opposite of what I did There by pulling people out of their shells to be freely themselves."

Juliet"Oh, I can swear and insult people. It simply takes more effort for me to do it."

Val:Val pipes up immedietly, a smile on her face at having a chance to do something for her regnant.

"I can do it. Don't worry about it!"

It was automatic, excited, and frankly a bit fervent. Probably off-putting at best.

Ylva:"Oh absolutely, I can do that. Its biodegradeable so it should really be pretty easy to clean out. But. Yeah I'll help."

She smiles listening to Artie. "Thanks Artie, this way I can dress like a slut and not squish my tails and ears."

Then grimaces slightly not sure if that will count as insulting one self.

Vinny:"I find you can find out alot of a person for their clothes, taste in music, and taste in film." he nodded, noticing he was now covered in glitter but shrugged, "Oh, Maria would have loved this." he mused, "Ok, me next, ask me truth or dare, anyone." he said, excited for a party game

Guy:Guy basks in the stone cold odd exchanges going on, and smiles to himself before responding to Juliet, “That actually brings me around to the big question. How does your Bloodline’s…blood determine how swear a swear is? It clearly can’t be if you find it offensive, because the Bane is already affecting you. Why do swear words not leveled at anyone still trigger it?”

He points a finger in a little, not serious you at Val. “You’re on partying duty, no worrying about the pool while you’re off the clock.”

Asbolus"Good evening, everyone." Asbolus offered, giving a nod to the hosts along with a polite smile. "I presume there are changing rooms around here somewhere?"

Ylva:"Omg its Asbolus."

Ylva then proceeds to jump out of the pool and embrace him in the tightest and also grossest hug. Its all arms and tails and dripping wet glittery Ylva.


Val:She nods slowly at the point.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll chill for now.


She nods, looking a tad....dissapointed? Then waves it off.

"Hey Asbolus! Long time no see!"

Artie:"Hi Bobo! And yeah. There's all kinds of secret spaces here! It used to be a mall so just pick whatever spot you like. Or don't I think everyone's seen a butt here. Even me!" He replies tongue in cheek.

Juliet:"To my knowledge; swear words involve taboos those aspects of our society that make people uncomfortable. These include the usual suspects . . . which I will avoid using for rather obvious reasons."

Vinny:Vincent justs waits untill someone tells him truth or dare

Ylva:"That doesnt exactly sound very fun."

Ylva pipes in because she is being a fucking brat. "Its kinda like Banes I guess. But less personal."

Artie:"Ok Vinny. Truth or Dare?"

Vinny:"Hmm, Truth, because for me that's as dangerous as a dare." he smiled

Asbolus let out an oof at the unexpected hug, looking down to Ylva with a wry smirk. "Good to see you as well, Ylva."

He chuckled at Artie's response, nudging Ylva slightly to let him go. "I'll find somewhere, I imagine." Once he was free of the Courser's glomp he did just that, eyeing his now-glittered shirt along the way.

Guy:“Over through there,” Guy says to Asbolus, pointing to a side hallway. “Past the bathrooms.”

“Hmm. I suppose that creates an interesting dichotomy with those for whom such words are…less offensive than others.”

To Artie he says, “As much as I encourage body positivity and respect for the autonomy of others here, I didn’t go with an open layout for shower and changing facilities—it’s much simpler to have private spaces.”

Artie:"Ok. So you've not been a vampire very long but, what's the one thing you miss most about being a normal human and why?"

Vincent:"Going out in the daytime, just for the fact I missed my birthday lunch with my sister," he said, not really used to talking about Alice in public with other magicals, but he picked truth, "Honestly Artie, I love being a vampire, it feels...natural for me, but the fact that I'm going to go on without her, probs fake my death when I should be aging...it sucks."

Ylva:"Well. Fuck. That got real. Okay."

Ylva jumps back into the pool. Continuing her very gay paddling.

Juliet:"I mean . . . we can still go out in the day time, just not for a very long time."

Val:Val puts a hand on his shoukder, genuinely caring for both Vinny and the unnamed sister.

"We'll handle that bridge when we get there. Promise. She's going through college now which is gonna be a huge help for her. Sound good?"

Guy:he looked at Val and gave a sad smile and nod

“Says you. I could get a tan if my skin wasn’t the first thing to singe off,” Guy returns with a flicker of a grin.

Artie nodded. "I guess that's the sad sort of truth for all of us. The having to hide and leave behind those from before... Buuuy. That's why we're having this party. So we can all be who we are with no hiding!" He exclaims.

With that he reaches fown and pulls off his shirt. "Alright, Shirtholomew. Go over there and lay down!" He tosses it into the air. The shirt animates and does a flip on its way back down before running off to find a good laying down spot.

Artie as one might guess has the abs and chest of an olympian

Val:Val immedietly looks to Vinny to see his reaction.

Juliet:"What on whatever deity you believe ins, flat green earth just happened?"

Artie:"I just had my shirt go find a nice spot to lay down. He decided to do a flip first." Artie shrugs as if that is a sufficient and sensical explanation and something utterly fantastical didn't just happen.

Vinny:Val has seen this face on Vincent before, as he tries not to be too obvious on seeing the abs, he's thirsty for them and might be having some NSFW thoughts rn. If this was an anime he'd have a nosebleed.

Val:Val immedietly pokes his side and whispers, letting the other convos drown it out.

Asobolus:Asbolus emerged from the changing rooms clad in black swim trunks just in time to see Artie's shirt make an artful flip towards its resting place, chuckling to himself as he made his way back to the pool area. Much like the young Wizened he was surprisingly well-built, sporting a few notable scars here and there on his torso and back along with a large burn scar on his right side and a black brand under his left collarbone, the circular mark reminiscent of a stylized camera lens.

Guy:“Vinny, it’s your turn to ask,” Guy murmurs out of the side of his mouth. “Artie’s chest will be there when you get back to it.”

Vinny:and now from that comment, Vinny wants the kraken to take him and never see the light of day. "Truth or dare." he said simply

Ylva:"Hello Artie. Why are you self conscious. Your a cutie patootie. With a bootie."

Lamp:Lamp had heard of this party one way or another and figured she'd stop by and check it out. And if people didnt want her there or something she will leave. She was wearing something abut mire appropriate for the weather. Sandles, Jean shorts that seem to have been stitched together as certain areas of the shorts didn't fully match as well as a white and red t shirt. She waved to those that she knew, and to those she didn't know.


Ylva:"Oooh. Another Lost. Hai."

She waves them over to join the very, very glittery pool.

Val:Val turns and looks and...holy fuck!

"Its you! Hey!!! Nice to see you again uh...Torch? Candle? Brazer? Something like that. Hi!"

Juliet:'Perhaps I am misunderstanding, I seem to recall that Truth or Dare involved wine and or spirits."

Artie:"Huh?" The comic nerd queries, twisting around to try and look back at his own butt. "... It's just a normal butt isn't it? And I'm not as cute as alot of people I know." He rplies giving up on his posterior purusal.

Ylva:"Pretty sure that's never have I ever. The better of the two games."

She looks to Artie.

"Just take the compliment. God damn it."

Artie"We have lots of wine and beer and alcoholic punch." The wizened pipes up, distracted from hearing Ylva's reply.

"Do you want a drink? I can also magic up pretty much any cocktail if you want."

Guy:Guy nods to Lamp as she enters. “Be welcome, thank you for coming. Guy Dagenham, it’s a pleasure. You’re just in time.”

“Dare,” Guy says to Vincent. “With the usual caveats.”

“True, I suppose it’s often a drinking game. But I’m hosting, so I’ll just veto until something good comes up if I have to.”

Asbolus:"Hello again, Lamp. Settling in alright, I hope?" He asked the Torrent with a smile, claiming a spot on the edge of the pool for the moment rather than jumping in right away.


Vinny:"Ok, I dare you too," he thought, "Ya know, the whole Vampire physiology kinda makes this harder to think, um, stay in the bottom of the pool for five minutes?" he said, then swam over to the pool ege near Artie, it was due to Val's pestering but she won't leave him alone unless he does.

"So, um Artie, I was wondering if sometime you wanna get a few beers or something, talk about comics and anime, heard their was a new Transformers." he said, trying to forget the crowdness of the pool

Lamp:She smiled nodding to those who greeted her. Upon seeing the animal staff she got excited and sat nea everyone but was mostly watching the staff with great interest.

"UmmmHi, ImLampNIceToMeetEveryone, Hi."

Val:There was a little fist pump and I'll let you all guess what it was for, anyway.

"Oh shit there's alcohol?!?"

A look to Ylva out of anyone here with a pleading look, asking permission.

Artie:Blinking in surprise, Artie's mouth opens a little before he blushes a deep crimson, or rather molten yellow for the lings, his face literally aglow.

Even non changelings can feel the air get a little warmer in the area. "Oh my gosh, Ylva..."

Guy:Guy shrugs. “I mean, I guess. No one break anything while I’m gone.”

He stands and sets aside the lifeguard float and lowers himself into the pool, laying at the bottom and closing his eyes. Missing all the fun and all that.

Juliet:"I appreciate the gesture, I am however, not thirsty at the moment."

Juliet's eyes are quickly moving back and fourth between people as she does her best to keep up with all the different conversations and the sheer speed at which words are starting to move

Asbolus:Asbolus winced briefly at Ylva's rather enthusiastic compliment, shaking his head with a smirk at the contents of said compliment and Artie's reaction to it. "Well then..."

Ylva:Ylva nods to Val. "Just, be careful."

She then looks to Artie. "What? Youve got Vinny there basically begging at your feet."

Vinny:Vincent wants to die

Lamp:Lamp watched arties face match the natural color of her own... "huh"

Artie:He blinks again. "Well... Yeah but, she said Vinny likes everyone and thinks everyone is cute." He points at Val.

Val:Val smiles and mouths a thank you, patting Vinny's back in support as she goes and attempts to get wasted...which is REALLY hard at stamina 10.

"He does but he thinks you're cuter!"

Vinny:Vincent looks to Val, blinks then just seems to flout in limbo.

"I..um..been trying to curb." Vincent just blinks then shuts his eyes, "I don't ask everyone on-" if he was blushed he would be a bright red, "Sorry." he said

Ylva:"Oh, look at the embaressed cutie pie."

She paddles on her back enjoying herself.

"Artie. Gonna take his currently embaressed state as a queue on what hes thinking right now ?"

Artie:Artie who isn't dumb, simply oblivious to the nuance of romance, looks at Vinny, his mouth twisting a little in thought. "Well he is pretty embarrassed so probably different ways to die... Probably drowning himself right now then remembering he can't drown but wishing he could anyway."

Vinny:Vincent just buries his fance in his arms, leaning on the pool side, in disparated need of his emotional support raven and mafia princess

Ylva:"Hi Lamp, its super nice to meet you. Im sorry you came in right as we are trying to hook up Vinny and Artie."

Asbolus:Asbolus reached over to pat Vincent on the shoulder before looking towards Artie. "His other partners approve from what I know, so if you think you two would click well there's no harm in an evening out as I see it."

Lamp:She continues to be a bit of a wall flower watching and listening to all the Shenanagenry afoot.

She waves to Ylva.

"ItsOk, ImMostlyJustListening. ThoMayIAskWhyThereIsAPersonSittingAtTheBottomOfThePool?"

Ylva:"It was a dare."

Then she looks to Asbolus. "You really gonna leave that super low hanging fruit right there for me?"

Lamp:She looks confused as to one may dare another person to drown but Future people are weird, especially if they are all like vinny...

Artie:Artie looks at Asbolus and blinks. "Out? Like a date? Oh... Well Vinny already comes to my house to hang out sometimes...So... I... Guess I could but I've.... Never whisper gone on a date before..."

Vinny:"Yes...I want to go on a date with you," he said meekly, "I find you cute, fun, and super attractive, at the risk of being torped from embarresment, I got tickets to the new Transformers movie, Avery does not like the movies and Maria has work....would you like to go with me." he offered

Asbolus:"Up to you." He offered to Ylva with a small smirk, then nodded to Artie. "There's a first time for everything."

Ylva:"If you two would Dick really well."

She says quietyly with a chuckle.

"See. A nice date with a cute boy."

Artie:"Um ok I guess we can go. I like movies." He offers with a light smile.

Lamp:"MoviesAre Good."

Ylva:Ylva will just happily continue paddling in the pool.

Lamp:Lamp is currently sitting with some of the animals, if they allow it. She is currently writing things in her phone about each respective animal and what she would name them.

Guy:Guy rises from the bottom of the pool and just sort of big steps up out of the pool. “What did I miss?”

Ylva:"Artie and Vinny are going on a date to see transformers tomorrow."

She says with a little paddle of glitter in Guy's direction.

Guy:“Oh, fun,” Guy says before shuddering in a great spasm to fling the water from him.

(A couple of birds and rats will pause for a time by Lamp, though eventually they’ll let out little cheeps and scamper off like their manager is telling them to get back to work.)

Ylva:Ylva tilts her head and chews at her lip for a moment.

"Um. Thanks. I never thanked you for saving her life. When we had the issue with the Kindred attacking. And the snacking. Kinda got flustered around you."

Guy:“It is my task, to deal with such things,” he says, though he tilts his head slightly. “Sorry if I did anything to unsettle you overly, I didn’t mean that.”

Ylva:"You didn't. It's just. The. Hunger that He gave me was still new to me at the time."

Apollo:Apollo lounges by the pool, reading a book and soaking in the conversations. (Because mag passed out hard last night)

Guy:Guy nods.

“Oh, right. Would you like to do Truth or Dare, Ylva?”

Ylva:"Sure. Truth or dare? Hmm. Let's go with truth to start."

“Hmmm…what historical figure would you like to meet most?”

Lamp:Lamp perks up seeing that all the animals ran off to do their respected jobs.

"UmCanIJoin? IfThatsOk."

Guy:“Of course,” Guy says with a little beckoning wave.

Ylva:"Please Lamp. I would love that."

She takes a moment to answer.

"Vatsyayana, the author of the Kama Sutra." Hannah/ Lamp She/Her — 06/12/2023 9:26 AM Lamp:Lamp walks over sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet in the water kicking slightly as she listened.


Guy:“A very interesting choice, but a good one, I think.” He taps his chin. “I suppose The Hideous Mechanism would be an interesting read for those interested in that sort of info, about vampires. But alas, it’s not really for others to read.”

“Ylva asks someone if they would like to be asked for a truth, or dared to some task, they pick one of the two, and then she dares or questions, and then the person does the task or begs it off, often by drinking some alcohol. Then they ask the next person Truth or Dare.”

Lamp:"AhhhOk, IDontWantToDrinkAlcohol. IsThatOk? AndThankYouForExplainingTheRules."

Ylva:"So. Lamp. Would you like to so truth or dare. No alcohol required."

Lamp:"HmmmmIGuessTruthToStart." She said kicking her legs, the water splashing with the motions.

Ylva:"Hmm. What is the coolest animal you've seen since you got back?"

Guy:Guy listens, interested.

Lamp:She perks up at the question.

"UhhhWildOrCaptive. IWentToAZooRecently.....Sooooo."

Ylva:"That's up to you."

A tilted head to Guy.

"Is this pool going to be here all the time? Hadn't realized how much I missed swimming. Haven't gone since. Ya know."

Lamp:"SoThereIsABirdAtThePhillyZooThatIsExtinctInTheWildThatsPrettyCool. ItsCalledA Guam KingFisher. TheLastWildSpeciesWasLocated1988. DuringWw2ACoupleBrownTreeSnakesGotIntoGuamAndHaveSenseBecomeAnInvasiveSpecies. CausingThe Guam KingFisher ToGoNearlyExtinct....SoooIThinkTheyArePrettyCool.


She had a huge smile on her face.

Ylva:"You really do like your animals huh."

She smiles relaxing back to floating.

Guy:“Sounds like,” Guy says with a small smile. “You should talk to the crows and the rats and the cats around the city—when they aren’t working here of course,” he adds, flashing a little grin.

Lamp:She nodded

"YeaIHave. TheyAlwaysHaveIntrestingStories. OksTruthOrDare?"

She askes.

Guy:“Mmm, Truth. I promise there are few things you’d ask about that would daunt me,” he says with another little grin, though this one is colder and keener, some chill feyness (no not like that) flickering in his eyes.

“Beyond secrets I am sworn to keep I’m pretty open.”

Val:Val wanders back over, two drinks in hand, and sits by the edge of the pool, nearish to her regnant.

Lamp:She waves to Val. Before thinking about her question.


Guy:Guy blinks at the question. “I’m almost 500, I only watch movies that people like.”

“But if I had to pick the movie that I like the most that isn’t popular anymore, I’d say ‘The English Patient’.”

Vinny:"Avatar." Vincent said out of nowhere

Val:"Avatar is good though."

Val sips her drink.

"My turn?"

Vinny:At the affirmation of yes, Vincent smiled and nodded his head, "Sounds good, it's like a 10:30 viewing cause, sun is bad, where would you like to meet up." he beams

Guy:“Sure. Truth or Dare, Val.”


Guy:Guy grins wickedly. “Player’s choice. Footwork drills or a little spar with me. Either way you can show of for our friends here.”

Val:She nods.

"I'm down to spar! Lemme finish my drink first."

He nods. “Sounds good. We’ll move away from the pool a bit, safety first and all.”

Vinny:"Should I get popcorn?"

Guy:“Maybe,” Guy says with a grin as he pads away from the pool a bit.

Val:"Absolutely, Vin."

Val finishes off her drink and grabs her shorts and shirt.

"Aight, how we doing this?"

Guy:Guy shrugs. “Do a few passes, let you warm up a bit, then you can cut loose?”

Val:She nods and has a giant grin on her face. And that of course means that she sets up, is super ready for this, and the first time she goes in to take a swing she immedietly slips on a wet bit of ground and ends up splayed on the floor, but seemingly no worse for wear.

Listen to life guards kids, no running (or fighting) by the pool.

Guy blinks and offers her a hand. “Let’s…try that again, shall we?”

Titania:Titania rolls over in her chair watching even with her eyes closed.

"Do we get to watch you cut loose though Guy Dagenham? That sounds much more fun to watch. No offense Ria."

Guy:Guy grins to Titania. “Come on now, I only just built my little blanket fort here, I can’t roughhouse in it too much yet.”

Val:Val takes the hand, shaking off her hands a bit.

"Yeah, lets. Whoops."

She tries not to look too much in awe at the suggestion of Guy going full out.

Titania:Titania just shrugs.

"But it would just be so fun. Do what you will old friend."

She is trying to be playful and friendly and it's weird. Her hand stroking Mei around her neck.

Guy:Guy chuckles in response to Titania, apparently not bothered by the weirdness. “It would. But you didn’t put this place together.”

He smiles to Val. “Come on. I can make the earth tremble and the night air weep to behold me another night, for now show off my instructing,” he switches to a grin. “It’s a promo for the gym and you get to show off your serious moves.”

Juliet:Juliet glances between the two before she reclines s bit in her seat. A smile upon her lips

Val:She laughs.

"Aight aight. I gotchu."

While she didn't manage to land a solid blow (but got close once!) Val was definetly a way better fighter than she was several months ago. She had good form,a good idea where her body was in space, and even dodged several of Guy's training blows. Plus, by the end she didn't even look winded! And she looked badass! At least in her eyes.

Titania:Titania smiles letting them spar.

A tilt of her head at how Ria is doing.

Guy:To be clear, Ria is really good. She has skill and technique, and she can let it all shine in motions that would strike down most any human opponent. As the practice fight goes on, it’s pretty clear where the refinement of her fighting has its source.

Guy’s style clearly has its influence from a few different places—boxing, karate, capoeira. It’s fluid and defensive and relies on incredible body control and awareness—but the result is that Guy appears to be playing with Ria, effortlessly dancing in and out of range of her punches, shifting weight from foot to foot to hand seamlessly and stepping a dozen feet as easily as a pair.

Asbolus:Asbolus moved from the edge of the pool to watch the sparring match, quietly observing with the eye of one still learning his way around a blade. When the pair were done he offered applause, smiling a touch. "Very impressive, both of you."

Apollo:Apollo closes his book and shifts a bit to watch the sparring. "Oh, hey Sharpe."

Val:Val gives a wide smile at the compliments, jokingly looking at Guy.

"This is where I give a plug to get a gym membership, right? Something something 'in just a few months, you too could be good at sparring'. Heh."

Guy:Guy chuckles to Val. “Yeah, something like that. Good work, by the way, your kicks were much snappier today, good focus.”

Titania:Regardless of how good she is. Titania sets the bar unreasonably high.

"Is that what you want me to do with people?"

Vinny:"I have to admit Val, if anyone would become you're mentor, it would makes since it would be a dude who looks like the protag of some 80's action movie." he chuckled, in Vincent speak, that was a compliment, he's calling Guy cool...oh god it's the end of days

Guy:“Something like that,” Guy says in response to Titania. “Or perhaps starting out assisting, helping give feedback?”

Titania:She nods her head.

"Maybe I can do that. A process. Help them understand how to move their bodies."

Apollo:Apollo gives Vincent a small side eye before asking, "So, if I'm looking for a strength and conditioning regiment, d'you have a teacher for that?"

Val:Val looks super proud at the compliment from Guy, and gets a sip of water.

"See Vin, he's cool. You admit it."

Guy:Guy looks to Apollo. “I admit my personal knowledge on that sort of thing is a bit…old school. Val is probably much more familiar with modern training methods. My fiancée is our medical consultant, I could probably arrange a meeting if you wanted to talk to her.”

Juliet:“Regrettably my expertise comes from the knowledge of the blade and less so from the knowledge of the fists.”

Vinny:"Guy said I could run some social skill classes." Vincent said, just happy to be included in the classes, and read 'social skills' as training people to lie and manipulate like second nature

Val:"I can probably run a couple of those classes. I'm pretty strong, even without Vigor. I'd probably need to ask around for some ideas though...plus gotta do my own training too, but I can probabky do both."

She looks to Guy to see how he sees the idea.

Artie:Artie sits cross legged beside the pool at this point, a big stipid grin on his face. Bis body is practically vibrating. "That was so cool..." He murmurs. "And they didn't even use superpowers! Man the Guym is gonna be the coolest."

Apollo:"I mean, even a weights class would be helpful." He laughs, and flexes to show the bare minimum of muscle. "I'm all speed, no power right now."

Titania:"I can probably teach how to throw a punch but like Guy it won't be anything focused or school based."

Guy:“A guided weightlifting class would be good, I think,” Guy says with a nod, “And it sound like something up Val’s alley, if you’re willing to read up on how to tailor things and make suggestions to people?” he asks the last of Val. “That’s ok, Titania, your raw skill will be insightful, I’m sure. And you might learn things yourself.”

Vinny:"Ngl, it's like a Supernatural community center like the one in Mighty Morphin." Vincent mused

Val:"Yeah, absolutely. And don't worry. Speed and strength are pretty close when it comes to this stuff. You can't go super fast if you aren't already strong. I'll brush up ok some stuff, I got this."

A smile at Guy. Whoop she gets to help!

Titania:Titania nods. It's weird being on somebody else's territory.

Under their control.

Apollo:Apollo grins. "Then I'm in your care, Ria. Don't be too rough on me."

Val:"Not into men, don't worry."

She winks. No she does not have any shame

Vinny:Vincent chuckled at that

Guy:Guy walks over and sits near Titania, but not too near. “How’s things?”

Titania:"That is perhaps the most complex time to ask that question."

She says with a chuckle.

"Im here and queer and still a monster. So? That."

Apollo:"Ah darn, there go my plans to confess undying love after meeting you twice." Apollo shrugs. "Anyway, you asked about someone earlier? I don't really know anyone here yet."

Guy:“Not too bad then,” he says with a little grin to Titania.

Val:"Sorry dude, I'm taken."

She chuckles.

"But uh, yeah. Their name is Bones? All good if you don't know them, but they're a cool person to know. Or uh... shit."

She pauses.

"I don't remember his wizard name but my boss is a wizard too."

Titania:"Much for muchness. Yes. Not the time or place to discuss my problems. It's a pride party."

She shrugs then with a raised eyebrow says.

"Maybe I can. Talk to. You. As a friend. Some time."

Apollo:"I'll keep an eye out for Bones then. I can kinda figure what kind of person they are from the name." He laughs slightly. "Well, halfway at least."

Val:"Oh? How so? Like...well they're an archeologist so yeah, Bones."

Apollo:"Well." He looks around. "How much do you know about mage names?"

Val:"Jack shit to be honest. Something something protection and secrecy."

Guy:Guy smiles and nods to Titania. “Yeah, let’s do that. Somewhere more neutral than here, yeah? The rooftop was pretty nice, wasn’t it?”

Titania:Titania does a chuckle at that. But stays quiet regarding mage names.

Then she nods to Guy.

"Yeah. I think that sounds like a good spot."

Apollo:"So, the barebones. Then, let's go with..." He scratches his chin. "Mage names are a deliberate choice. They say something about you, in addition to providing secrecy. And before you ask what Apollo means to me, that's just my honest to god legal name. You can even look me up online."

Val:"Uhhhh huh. So them being an archeologist and calling themselves Bones lets other people know they're more like...bone oriented or something.......... ignore the innuendo."

Artie:"So mages get to pick their names? That pretty cool. Then again... Doesn't everybody get to pick their name when they first meet people?"

Asbolus:Asbolus belatedly gave Apollo a nod, listening curiously to the talk of names in the magical sense.

Apollo:"Something like that. And no, I never ignore a good innuendo." He smiles. "Everyone gets to pick their name, don't they? People going by their birth name just chose to keep that one."

Asbolus:"Sharpe is my name among the masses, as an example." The Darkling chimed in. "Those in the community know me as Asbolus."

Vinny:"I'm just plain boring Vincent, I need a moniker." Says the man who told his biker henchman to call him Shogun

Artie:"Oh... Wow. I didn't know you had a secret name, Asbolus! That's nifty. I shoulda guessed though. You're smart like that."

Guy:“I lost my name, so I picked a new one when I woke up in the Philly of the future.”

Apollos:"Do you really need a moniker? Vincent is a fine name." He looks slightly questioningly at Guy. "Lost? Like, you forgot it?"

Titania:Titania watches Guy closely at that.

Seeing what he says.

Asbolus:"I think Absolus is a plenty cool name too!"

She grins at the Hunterheart, then sticks her tongue out at Vinny.

"But no Vin. You don't need a moniker. Promise."

Asbolus:"Less a secret name and more what's on my mundane paperwork these days. My birth name is still in use, as it were."

"Thank you." He added to Val with a small smile. "It was given to me during my time away, but I've come to make it my own over time."

Guy:“Oh, yes. There was an extended period of time where I was…part of a duality, you might say, and I had no need for a name. After centuries, I…” He shrugs. “Like not being able to recall a past lover’s eyes anymore,” he finishes softly.

Vinny:Did Vincent wonder what the weight of years will do to him one day, maybe, a vision of a monster in his skin came to mind, he shook his head

Artie:"i picked my last name. When I came back. Over There I didn't have a name... But I remembered that I'm Arthur. It's one of the only things I hung on to while I was gone. And then I needed a last name so I picked Phoenix!"

Titania:Titania gives Guy a nod. With the weight of understanding behind it.

"But now your Guy."

A firm nod as if that is enough.

Apollo:Apollo smiles softly. "The worst feeling."

Val:Val frowns at the stories of the Lost, coupled with a story she knew about her regnant. Darn all you writing painful backstories for your characters.

"Well, hey. Now we all get to be here together. Yeah?"

Vinny:"How long does it usually take," he asked the elders, "before I start feeling the weight?"

Asbolus:"Indeed." He nodded to Val, eyeing Vincent at his question before looking to the elder vampires gathered.

Apollo:"And what's important is living in the present." He nods at Ria.

Guy:“Yes, now I am Guy.”

He gets a far away look, as if thinking back on the long years. “It takes however long it takes. The years were long for me before I was Embraced, you see. Dying was a release, and I reveled in that freedom until I lost much of who I was.” He licks his lips. “I do not recall when I first felt the length of the night grow on my mind.”

Vinny:Vincent nodded, he didn't mention it to Avery or Maria...but he already lost some of his Humanity, when he learned Blood Magic, he could feel it, a small part withering away.

"Can I stave it off...by keeping close to my human side?"

Guy:“The weight of time? No. It’s worse when you’re closer to it. But it’s also easier to remember the things that are important. Otherwise you exist only to keep existing.”

Apollo:"Nothing keeps away the weight of Time, even if it is a lie."

Asbolus:Asbolus glanced downward briefly at Guy's mention of losing who he had once been, far too familiar with such things himself. Once the moment passed he nodded in agreement with Apollo, looking Vincent over. "You learn how to carry it as the years pass, sometime more gracefully than others."

Lav:Val watches quietly, realizing she was definetly the closest to actual human in the room right now. And so she just listened.

Juliet:"Maintaining your humanity allows for certain . . . perks, we shall call them. The older an Elder is the harder it can be on them if they wake up in say an era where things are drastically different. Though some elders keep others around to be there when they wake up to help with the transition."

Guy:Guy shrugs. “Or be willing to submit to the horror of being out of touch. The Beast keeps one’s mind spry while you sleep, but it can fossilize again quickly. I recommend drinking frequently from as many different people as possible, after a long slumber. Worked well enough for me.”

Vinny:"What happens when you lose it all?" he asked, he never did ask what happens when a vamp loses all traces of their former self

Juliet:"You become someone who is no longer productive to any society at all what so ever. Nothing is sacred to you; you will tear everything to shreds. You are lost forever to your beast. Most cities . . . authorized immediate termination without mercy."

Guy:“You are less than less than human…but more than an animal—incredibly dangerous to the Masquerade and likely anyone trying to get rid of you.”

Vinny:he seemed like he was about to ask something, but fought it back, as if not sure if here was the place to ask.

"I...I try to hold onto myself, I have my sister, Avery, and Maria, somehow for some reason, when I'm around them I feel....grounded, normal?" he said, not sure how to word Touchstone merits

Val:"Dang, I didn't even make the list."

Val lightly pokes to lighten the mood, but goes back to being quiet and listening.

Juliet:"Fret not, I can put you on a list."

There does appear to be an amount of humor behind those words, perhaps a joke? Most likely a joke.

Guy:“Some people call them Touchstones. I have certain things, something from my old life, something from my new one.”

He glances to Val, then away. “You could be.”

Apollo:Apollo glances sideways at Ria.

Val:"Um...got it. Yep, sorry."

She nods to her Regnant, then looks at Juliet.

"Um...I feel like I'm good not being on a list in all honesty? I think?"

She sticks her tongue out at Apollo when she notices the glance.

Artie:"... Maybe... That's the thing that makes all of us supernaturals alike. The uhm... Struggle to keep ahold of who you are. I know for me as a Lost, over there you just are an element of a larger story. You become your role, trapped in the everlasting tale and the only thing that lets you get free is asserting who you are and running through the pain of the Thorns. And once you're here... A lot of being is just trying to remember who you are and want to be." The wizened speaks up, his voice quiet but in such close quarters be needn't be loud.

Vinny:he looked at Artie, remembering what Avery told them about being His raven

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, all of you, no one should be force to go through that." he offered the Wizened and all other Lost

Asbolus:Asbolus nodded quietly in agreement with Artie, giving the Wizened a knowing look. "Sometimes you never find that old you, either, but having the freedom to choose who you want to be is a blessing in its own way."

Artie:The tailor nods. "Yeah. I think that's the only beautiful thing to it all. We really get to understand what freedom and choice are. We get to make those choices and sometimes bind away those freedoms. But we know what we're doing when we do." His hand lazily doodles on his folded knee.

"I like seeing who all of my friends pick to be and helping people find what makes em happy. "

Apollo:Apollo rolls his eyes playfully at Ria, then goes back to listening

Val:Ria looks confused at Apollo, trying to figure out what he means.

Vinny:Vincent hums, "I think...I learned alot about freedom when I was fourteen," he sighed, he's said it before but only told Val the whole thing, "My parent's didn't want me and they never really shifted their opinion about it," he breathed, even though he was unblushed, a reflex, "They where either too high or busy, and eventually I just took my sister and left, they where DNA donors not parents."

Val:Val nods to Vin, having heard this before. She visibly tenses in anger when Vin's parents were mentioned.

Asbolus:"Sorry to hear that was the case, but I do applaud you for getting you and your sister out of that situation. I know that wasn't easy for either of you."

Juliet:Juliet for her part maintains the reclined position as she listens not commenting on her own previous life

Apollo:Apollo also elects to not comment.

Artie:Artie starts to laugh a little looking around. "Look at all of us. Talking about sad stuff when we could be doing gay crime."

Val:"Heck yeah! Gay crime. You said you make cocktails, Artie?"

Vinny:and that makes Vincent look at Artie, his eyes would shine if they could.

"Gay crime, well, I wasn't planning on anything but I wanted to test the new camerias at Walmart, oh, how about some Pool hustles, or we could crash a mob wedding."

Asbolus:"That's par for the course, I'd say." Asbolus replied with a small smirk, eyeing the tables at the mention of drinks to see if any of the offerings caught his fancy. "Not opposed to a change in subject, though."

Juliet:"I would prefer not to do crime. I am however, happy to change conversation topics."

Artie:"I can, yeah! It's one of my magic talents. But also theres some cool tropical flavored punches over there already too. I mixed in alcohol to some of em. They're labeled." He says with a smile and wiggle of his ears.

Juliet:"I think it's just an expression. We don't gotta do crime. But we could. Like beating up Mark IIs or something like that."

Val"I'm down for crime, but I'll settle for punch with alcohol. That sounds fantastic."

Vinny""I haven't seen the Marks yet...but I don't think I'm ready for that, barely surrvived the owls." he muttered

Asbolus:"I haven't run into them yet either, but what I've seen and heard about them is more than enough."

Juliet:"The . . . owls?"

Vinny:Vincent looked like he was about to say something, but didn't, not here, he didn't want to bring the mood down further, but his stare was far off, he almost lost Avery that night

Juliet:"Another time then. There seem to be so many topics right now that are just downers. Such navigation is proving to be a tad difficult."

Apollo:"I could use an actual drink after all that. Gimme something strong and sweet, yeah?" He looks towards Artie.

Asbolus:Asbolus made his way over to the tables, getting some of the vegetarian options and one of the aforementioned spiked punches for himself. "Which flavor would you like, Valeria?" He inquired to the ghoul, readying a cup for her as well.

Artie:"Ok!" The smith chimes as he somersaults forward, popping to his feet in a single smooth motion. "How about a Hurricane?" He asks the mage on his way to the makeshift bar.

He wastes little time slicing the garnishes and assembling... Several items that seem not quite right for what he said he was making.

Apollo:"A Hurricane sounds great."

Vinny:"I'll have a Bloody Mary." Vincent joked, "But ah, yeah I'll just get myself a Mt.Dew." he said, climing out of the pool and getting a soda, "Wait...unblushed," he looked at himself, "Nevermind."

Artie:And with the deft hands of a fae craftsman, Artie puts on a show that'd inpress any mixologist as he pours the ingredients and wide arcs and flips and spins the shaker halves extravagantly. (5 suxx on dex expression to show off)

There's even a bit of a rhythm to the shake as he moves the cup back in forth that makes you wanna conga.

And then as he cracks apart the frost metal shakers, he pours a moraculously vibrant and impeccably textured slush that doesn't make sense to have been in there into a tall curvy glass.

With a skip in his step he hands it to Apollo beaming. "There you are. Hope I did it justice."

Val:"Ohhh...good question? Something like...watermelon,strawberry, whatever sorta vibe there is for that. If ya don't mind. Thanks Asbolus."

She happily joins the drinking group.

Apollo:"Cheers." He says, accepting the glass. He considers it for a moment when Artie turns away, but starts drinking it and returns to his book. (Mag commits eep now)

Asbolus:"Quite welcome." After filling her glass with one of the fruitier varieties he moved back to the party at large, handing Ria her glass before retaking his seat.

Once settled he watched Artie do his own bit of magic, smiling at the end. "Very impressive."

Vinny:Vincent watched everyone have a drink and once again wished Maria and Avery where here...so he could have a drink.

Val:"Thank ya kindly."

She takes her glass, offering to toast with Asbolus or anyonr else who wants.

"Why did the coach yell at the vending machine?"

Asbolus:"Quite welcome." He raised his glass in a toast, clinking it against Val's before taking a sip and nodding with approval. He watched Vincent for a moment, eyebrow quirked upwards with a "everything alright?" expression on his face before he glanced towards Juliet.

Juliet:"To get his quarter back."

Artie:With a mild cherry glow in his vheeks, Artie mittered a "Thanks," to Bobo.

Vinny:Vincent saw Asbolus's look

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine just...thristy a bit but I'm gonna have to wait to get home, if ya know what I mean." he rubbed the back of his neck, hemoglobin diet and all

Juliet:"I saw Vincent had that look on his face so I decided to try my hand and take up comedy. It seems my jokes fall flat, it is most likely the age gap."

Val:Val takes a minute to process Juliet's joke, then snorts, trying to hide that fact. Which uh...didn't work.

"I thought it was funny? Does that count?"

Artie:Artie gasps. "I know. You should watch all the Vines. The power of your humor will grow, promise."

Vinny:"Maybe a few comedy specials, John Mulany is amazing."

Val:"Thomas Sanders. Or Zach King. Both of those."

Juliet:"I get the vine joke. Everyone else seems to be saying the names of people. I am assuming they are comedians? And thank you Valeria."

Val:She jokingly salutes.

"I can text you a list later?"

Juliet:"I am still having issues using those "emoticon" things. I understand that they are hieroglyphs but I do not like using them."

Asbolus:Asbolus chuckled quietly, giving Juliet a nod. "They have their purpose, I find. Handy bit of shorthand as needed."

Apollo:"Vine is overrated."

Vinny:"What he said!" Vinny nods with Apollo's words

Val:"Im disowning you." She claims to Vinny.

Asboulus:It's also defunct, isn't it?" Asbolus inquired, eyebrow arched. "I recall hearing about that when I came back to the city."

Vinny:"We're talking Vines as in youtube shorts, right?"

Val:"Now I'm really disowning you. Like...the original Vine platform is defunct, yeah, but youtube shorts and tiktok and instagram and stuff have sorta claimed that niche too. Mostly Tiktok."

Apollo:"They're all overrated."

Vinny:he once again points to Apollo

"Only one I respect is OPS DeVines, use youtube for what it was made for, making AMVs to Linkin Park."

Val:"Now we just can't be friends, Apollo. Vincent, don't listen to his lies!"

She chuckles.

"I say that as a like...occasional content creator, so..."

Apollo"Apollo blinks. "What the hell is an AMV?"

Vinny:"Val, phone." he simply says

Asbolus:"Ah hah." He smirked a touch, nodding to Val. "I looked into getting into narrative podcasting for a time before taking my current position with the theater, so I follow you there."

The mention of an 'AMV' made his eyebrow arch, watching Vincent curiously.

Val:"Ive disowned you. Get it yourself."

A chuckle.

"I mostly just post my stunts and stuff to instagram and that sorta stuff. Although I post super infrequently. I'd definetly follow the Stanford gymnastics team if you wanna watch a bunch of gymnastics stuff."

Vinny:Vincent sighs and goes and get's his phone, pressing the screen a bit before turning the screen to Apollo and Asbolus.

"Anime Music Videos." he smiled

"Oh." Apollo raises an eyebrow. "Anime. I... see. Not really my jam, but it's definitely creative."

"Ah hah." Asbolus watched the video for a moment, giving a nod. "Not my particular cup of tea either, but to each their own."

"Don't get him started on the anime. You'll never hear the end of it. Promise."

She chuckles.

"No, no they won't."

"I'll keep it in mind." Apollo takes a sip of his drink. Then eyes it somewhat suspiciously again. Like REALLY stares at it. Then shrugs and moves on. "Short form videos are the twitter of content production. They reduce complex issues down to nothing, reduce attention span, and are generally detrimental to people."

"Its poisoned, I poisoned it myself for you hating Vine."

She sticks out her tongue, joking.

"Honestly, I just like how easy it is to put down. If its something I wanna know more about, I can google after."

Asbolus:"I've seen a fair bit of information packed into three-minute videos, although I do see your point." He nodded to Apollo. "They can be quite the timesink if you allow them to be."

Artie:Artie looks at Apollo with concern. "I-is it not alright?"

Apollo:"It's almost magical." He takes another sip. "Nice job."

Vinny:"Artie can make magic drinks, I've been looking for magic drugs but this is just as good." Vincent beams, like a puppy that heard treats

Artie:"Oh. Ok." He says looking deeply relieved. He glances to Vinny.

"Someone probably makes magic drugs around. You could ask other groups."

Guy:Guy gets up and gets himself a drink, then sits back in his lifeguard chair.

Asbolus:Asbolus took a moment to focus on his plate, eying Vincent curiously at his comment. "What sort of 'magic' would you be looking for in that circumstance?"

Vinny:"Um, wizard friend of mine said that their where some wizards, Thyrsus or something, who knew how to make magic drugs, we wanted some for a magic high." he said as if he was talking about just getting some weed

Val:Val bites her lip, covering the ear closer to the conversation, and when that didn't work she gently digs her fingernails into her palm, not enough to break the skin but enough to hyperfocus on that.

Juliet:"Perhaps such talk is best in the confines between people who are interested in it. It would appear that your conversation is currently upsetting someone present."

Apollo:Apollo stirs slightly at the mention of magic drugs, but remains silent.

Vinny:"Sorry Val."

Asbolus:Asbolus frowned quietly at Val's reaction, giving her an apologetic look at as he offered her a hand to take if she so wished.

Val:She waves a hand dismissively.

"You guys are literally fine. Don't sweat it. I'm good."

She sips her alcohol, taking away from one addiction by fueling another.

"Just um...probably good for me not to be here for those talks. I'm good though, I promise."

Artie:Artie chews a lip for a second. "Oh. I know. Asbolus. Truth or dare?"

Asbolus:Asbolus nodded, pausing briefly at Artie's question before smirking slightly. "Truth."

Vinny:"More dangerous then dare." Vincent chuckled, watching with intrest

Artie:The smith considers. "Hmm... Something on theme for Pride...." "Oh! Who was the first person you remember having a crush on and what do you think made you like 'em?"

Val:Val turns to listen, a smile on her face for this one.

Asbolus:He took a moment to ponder the question, a small smile forming as the answer arose from the depths of memory. "A classmate by the name of Martyn McGuinness. We were both in Year 7 - which is fifth grade here, I believe - and we bonded over a book series we were reading at the time."

Vinny:"What was the book?"

Artie:Artie looks awed, then briefly confused when he tries to do the math on how year 7 is over here 5th grade. Then awed again.

"That sounds cute. Books are cool when other people know about 'em." Then he blushes a little. "Did you kiss him?"

Asbolus:"The Young Wizards series by Diana Duane. The other wizard series was starting to gain traction at that point but I preferred Duane's writing more."

He chuckled at the follow-up question, shaking his head. "I didn't, no. He was the first inkling that I didn't have the usual interest in girls, though, and that solidified a few years later."

Val:Val claps.

"Thats adorable. I'm glad you figured yourself out."

Artie:The tailor looks slightly disappointed but then perks up, the lighting around them brightening a hair as he does. "Oh! I've seen one a those books! I haven't read it yet though. Is it good?"

Vinny:"That is a rather adorable tale," Viincent offered, "First crushes are always the hardest to work out, first feelings and all, seems that it's up to you to offer next challenge." he said, then looked to Artie and back to Asbolus, never hearing of the books but new recomendations are welcomed

Asbolus:A brief hint of color graced his cheeks for a moment at the applause and Val's comment, with the Darkling smoothly covering it by taking a sip his drink. "Thank you. Affirming that part of myself did wonders for my confidence, although there were a few pitfalls along the way. There was one friend of a friend who swore she could 'fix me'" insert air quotes here "and that was as much of a nightmare as you could imagine."

"Very worth the read, yes. The series was started in the early 80s but she put out another book within the last seven years or so, I'd highly recommend it."

Val:"F- yeah, those are the worst. There's nothing to fix. And even if you slept with people on the way to figuring yourself out, thats chill too. Ya know? It was a step to where you are now."

Apollo:"Fuck those people." Apollo chimes in.

Vinnny"Vincent cringes at the words 'fix'

Val:"No, don't fuck em, thats the point."

She chuckles.

Artie:"She sounds kinda silly. I don't get why gay stuff confuses straight people. Especially girls. If you can like a boy and I like a boy for the same reasons... Why doesn't it make sense? Or even homophobes. Aren't you supposed to want people to think you're attractive? They're the confusing ones." Artie posits staunchly.

Vinny:"People need to learn to share." Vincent offered his 'sage wisdom'

Asbolus:"I've never understood it either, personally." He shook his head quietly, sitting back in his seat. "So much hate for no real reason..."

Juliet:"You . . . " she shakes her head after perhaps having some issues "just answered your own question. Not understanding. That is the answer for hatred."

Val:"Because that's what they're taught a lot of the time, to be honest. But yeah, totally get that. I like girls, straight guys like girls. Lets just like girls together, ya know?"

She nods to Juliet.

Apollo:"Cuz they're fuckin' morons." Apollo says flatly. "Hate ain't a rational feeling. Anyway." He points at the room in general. "Truth or dare."

Vinny:"Dare." Vincent offered himself as tribute, then looked to his boss, "Please, no swearing."

Juliet:"Please . . . stop that." She shakes her head again

Val:Val looks at Juliet, subtly pointing towards the back with a questioning look.

Apollo:"Is it gonna cause an international incident if I don't?" He asks. "Dare you to spin around 10 times then walk in a straight line."

Vinny:"No, but it may cause her to go berzerk and none of us want that." Vincent said before spinning 10 times then walking in a straight line, said line had him walk right into the pool, a single thumb up surficing before he did, "Apollo, truth or dare."

Asbolus:Asbolus kept an eye on Vincent as he wobbled into the pool, checking to see if he needed assistance before chuckling and finishing off his plate, setting it off to the side as he looked toward Apollo,

Val:Val pipes up.

"Hey, dude. One of the rules is be respectful. She just asked you to stop. Lets cool it so it doesnt become an incident."

She jabs a thumb to the sign.

Juleit:"Actually Mister Drake, me entering into frenzy would force me go after the cause of my frenzy. In this case it would be Mister Apollo here and since we are on two different supernatural spheres it would become a dispute that could not be resolved internally and would then become a city issue. In short. I have read that many people need something called a "t l d r" ? So in short. Me frenzy against another supernatural is bad and becomes city issue."

Apollo:"Esti de calice. Fine. Won't swear." He sighs. "Truth."

Vinny:"How did you Awaken?"


Vinny:"I'll allow it," he nodded, "I dare you to.." he considered, "Cannonball."

Apollo:He sighs again. After setting aside his drink and book he stands and pulls his hoodie off in one smooth motion. Under the hoodie he's mildly toned, but underneath each pec is a scar that resembles a demon wing. He takes a running jump and cannoballs into the pool.

Val:Val grabs some punch and brings Juliet over a glass.

"Uh...sorry for cursing so much. I don't usually think about it...it just sorta comes out. Ill work on it. This work for an apology or would you prefer a different flavor?"

Asbolus:"Very solid form." Asbolus commented once Apollo came back up for air, offering a polite round of applause along with a small smile. The scars had been noted, of course, but not inquired about; he had his own to bear, after all.

Juliet:"I only get upset when I must repeat myself several times. I always try my best to be accommodating of other people's personal quirks so I merely ask the same curtesy. I have known the Lost for centuries and am aware that sometimes they develop a few particular odd ones. I have witnessed some peculiar things in my time. Perhaps this century I will become desensitized towards some of these curse words but that has yet to happen."

She pauses and takes the glass.

"Thank you."

Apollo:Apollo bows to Absolus's clapping before he climbs out of the water and snags a towel to dry off with. "Thank you, thank you. Lessee. You" He points at Val. "Truth or dare."

Val:"I gotcha. Its become way more common slang. Not always as vulger but uh...more accents to sentences? If you gimme a bit to Google I can probably explain it more another night if thats something that interests you?"

A slight pause as she was gestured to.

"Uh...lets go truth. Everyone's got the good truth questions today."

Apollo:"How many fights you been in in your life?"

Val:"That ones boring. I lost count in high school. Ask a different one."

Vinny:"I think I recorded some, on a VHS somewhere."

Val:"If you don't I'd be surprised, especially cause your scrawny butt has been the reason for like...a couple dozen of em."

Apollo:He pauses in toweling off his hair. "Hm. Who's the last person you made cry that wasn't caused by physical pain, and how."

Val:"Ylva. I'm a dumbass and stepped on a wrong button and I apologized for it. And now I know better than to hurt her in that way because the Lost are important to me and I wanna make sure I'm a safe person for them."

She shakes her head.

"How come everyone else gets the cool truth questions? That one kinda sucked."

A look to Juliet.

"Um...is sucked a word I can use?"

Juliet:"Sucked has a multitude of meanings and is not truly vulgar thus it will not ignite anything within me. However, that was a very . . . insensitive question to ask someone."

Asbolus:Asbolus paused at the follow-up question, watching Apollo for a moment before nodding in agreement with Juliet. "Believe you're up then to ask, Valeria."

Juliet:"I will instead turn the tables here and open the floor to a question, to me. I will answer an agreed question to the best of my abilities."

Val:"Oh uh...I was actually about to ask you truth or dare actually, Dame Knight?"

Juliet:"Both are poor choices for one in my position. Dealers choice I suppose."

Val:"We will go truth then."

She pauses for a few seconds, figuring out exactly how to word it.

"What's been your favorite moment with your partner? Or the one you like thinking about the most."

Vinny:While his liege lady and Val played the round, Vincent got back out of the pool and decided to blush, once again breathing.

"Hey, Artie, mind if I try one of those magic drinks?" he asked the co-host

Juliet:"Curious. Of all the things you could ask you ask about my romance? I am afraid the answer to such a question might be a tad boring for you. I will endeavor to try and make it a bit more interesting."

She ponders for several moments before speaking.

"I believe the favorite moment would be awaking and seeing them waiting patiently for me to arise after half a century of being asleep. It is in that moment that I know our pledge to each other to spend at least a thousand years together was not one made spur of the moment. It was one that was made between two people whom truly love one another."

Artie:Artie has been busy listening but perks up at his name.

"Ok. What do you want? Same as him or something different?"

Vinny:"Surprise me." he shrugged, giving a miscevious smile, "I trust whatever ya put together will be a delight, tailor, warrior, bartender, you're a man of hidden talents."

Asbolus:"Forging a bond like that is a very rare thing." Asbolus replied with a small smile, a faint bittersweet tinge to his tone. "You're very lucky to have found that."

Val:"I mean...I think romance questions are really cute. I kinda suck at romance but... that was really cute. Like super cute. Thank you for sharing. I think it's your turn then."

Juliet:"I will consider it far more lucky to keep it."

Artie:"Woah. A thousand years? Thats a really long time. How do you... Do that?" He asks, though the look on his face says he didn't phrase that exactly how he wanted.

Popping to his feet, he strikes a kung fu pose. "I'mma secret agent man." He jokes before cartwheeling over to the bar.

Vinny:"Woah, we got a regular James Bond over here guys," he chuckled as he followed him to the bar, "Haven't you heard Artie, magical blood is the key to both eternal life and youth, of course their are drawbacks galore."

Juliet:"Which even the blood has a time limit, Mister Drake. So while a useful tool, it is not the one you should rely on."

She briefly cants her head to the side as she looks at Artie.

"I am afraid I do not quite understand your question."

Artie:Perusing the various fruits and ktems available he gets an idea. "Oh i know..."

Pluvking a mango, an orange, and a pineapple, he sets to work with a knife. Surprising no one watching, the wizened wields a knife like a pro, bis motions sharp, fast and impeccable.

Tossing some ice and the fruit into the shaker, he adds a squeeze of lime and starts shaking all fancy like, doing a little cha cha dance, before giving the shaker a flip in the air, a twirl on bis feet to snag a glass and put it in position, then he catches the shaker, cracks it and lets gravity do the rest.

"And boom. I'm calling it Sunshine Wooder Ice." He says as the icy concoction fills the cup. A smooth philly classic.

Vinny:Vincent took the drink and gave it a lil sniff before tasting it, then, after a satisfied moan, downed it. He blinked and looked to Artie amazed.

"Are you the god of alcohol?" he asked in all seriousness

Artie:"Uhm... Well. I've never dated anyone but... Don't they get like... Annoying sometimes? Or boring maybe? I'm only like 20 something I think so a thousand just... A lot to imagine."

To that he snorts. "No. That's um... Dionysus?"

Juliet:"You are asking an Elder with a etiquette quirk if people sometimes get "annoying"."

She chuckles.

"Of course they do. But that does not diminish their value to you, every fight I have ever had with my beloved has been one over something that we have both been passionate about. Sometimes it was about what to do over a specific person or a specific resource, sometimes it was were to go on vacation. But it is these arguments that convince me that we still care for eachother. When you stop having things you argue about, that is when you know it is over. People fight because they care deeply about things."

Vinny:Vincent, now blushed, turns a shade of crimson when Artie mentions he's never dated before.

"I'm your...first date." he whispered a bit, a slight smile on his face, "Um, er, yeah, any realationship that does not have fights, something is wrong, I've had my share with both Avery and Maria, but we learn from it, make up cuddles and sex ain't bad either." he shrugged with a smirk

Artie:The wizened listens intently, absorbing the idea with a look of focus. "... Mm ok. That makes a lot of sense I guess. Stories about love kinda say the same thing. Equating love to fire. A spark and a passionate burn and all that." He nods. With a little blush he adds to the elder. "You guys sound cute. I hope I get to meet them sometime."

Then he looks at Vinny before looking up, searching his memories. "Yeah I guess so. Hmm... Which one of us is supposed to pay?"

Vinny:Vincent actually didn't think of that, "Hmm, I asked you out, so I think it's only right I'll pay for it." he said after giving it some thought, "I mean, going to see transformers with a hunk, worth every penny." he smiled

Juliet:"You can simply always go Dutch, the tradition of rotation."

Artie:"I thought that meant going halfsies?"

Vinny:"Yeah, means everyone pays for their own part," he said, "It depends on what you want, you're taking pity on this poor boy," he chuckled, "I like to treat people myself or," he made a little scheme, "We already got the tickets, that just leaves soda and popcorn, if you're hungry afterwards I can cook something for you, I'm actually great in the kitchen."

Val:"He is. Like really good. Still won't let me convince him to go to culinary school."

A pause.

"Although I guess you have an excuse now with the whole sunlight allergy."

Asbolus:"Most likely, although nothing says culinary school is mandatory to be a good chef."

Apollo:"It's also hellishly expensive, and more often than not not worth it."

Vinny:"Listen, Val, it was either me or Alice getting the good education and you bet you're ass it goes to Alice."

Juliet:"I am certain that with a proper donation that a School could be 'persuaded' to allow someone to attend night classes only. It is not something that would be overly difficult."

Juliet offers with a casual shrug

"But to get to the most prestigious Culinary school you would need to travel outside of Philadelphia."

Val:"All fair points, yeah. I'm mostly picking on him. He is a good chef though, no arguing that."

Asbolus:"I can handle myself well enough in the kitchen, but admittedly nothing worth writing home about. I do enjoy a good meal out, though."

Vinny:"Some of you may already be aware, but garlic bread is my go to peace offering."

Artie:"I just like cooking and exploring ingredients and flavors. Sometimes I just point at a map and find food from there and try to make it."

Vinny:Vincent clutches his little dead heart.

"Stop it Artie, you're not making this easy." he chuckled

Artie:The wizened tilts his head a little curiously. "Huh? Is... That weird? I just think it's fun. I missed a lot of... Life so I wanna catch up."

Vinny:"Weird, we were just talking how I enjoy cooking, it's down right charming." he laughed

Apollo:Apollo finishes towelling off and snags an eyeliner pen out of his hoodie. "Is adding an egg to instant ramen cooking?"

Asboulus:"I'd say so." Asbolus replied with a smirk.

Apollo:He starts reapplying spiky eyeliner. For someone without a mirror he's doing a fantastic job. "Then I'm a MIchelin starred chef."

Artie:"Oh man. That'd be so cool if you were! I've never gone to the big fancy restaurants. I wanna try the food so much but it looks so uhm... Overpriced?"

Vinny:"I had lobster at the country club once," Vincent mused, "Was a date night with Maria and she wanted me to see how the other half lived."

Apollo:Apollo finishes up the eyeliner and stashes the pen in his hoodie again. "If you wanna make Michelin quality stuff all you need is access to their level of ingredients. The techniques aint that different."

Artie:"Hmm I guess that's true," Artie says with a nod, his eyes zooming in on Apollo's eyeliner.

" Woah. You're good at that."

Juliet:“Most of the food is over priced. However, you are paying for the experience and skill of the chef who prepares the food as well as the staff. Then of course there is the presentation when it comes to fine cuisine.”

Apollo:"You can also just be paying for the Michelin stars." He pulls on his hoodie again, covering up. "Moot point, since there aren't any Michelin starred places in Philly."

"Thanks, got a lot of practice in dive bars with broken mirrors."