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She doesn’t have a plaque at her door or a diploma, but she’s the one that the Crowns drag people to when long trips down Dreaming Roads or excursions into the Thorns leave them tattered mentally as well as physically. She rarely leaves the Freehold, curled up patiently by the throne, patient as the old dog whose sad eyes she wears. If she left, who would look after the newly returned? Who would pull the Playmate out of her fugue when she loses herself in healing others? Freedom is knowing your own mind, and no one is freer in this sense, or so they believe, than Truebalms.

Kith Blessing: When assessing someone’s mental state, a Truebalm counts three successes on an Empathy roll as an Exceptional Success. This is primarily used for determining whether or not the subject is affected by any mental Conditions (positive or negative).

Share the Load: A Truebalm may subsume a target’s mental Conditions or Clarity damage and absorb them as physical damage. This permits her to remove a Condition that is not Persistent (such as Guilty, Swooning or Shaken) or alleviate a Persistent condition (such as Obsession or Broken) for a day. By laying a hand on a target and speaking to her calmly – whether or not the target can actually hear her – the Truebalm rolls Wits + Medicine + Wyrd, spends a Glamour, and consumes the condition as 2 Bashing damage. She may also subsume Clarity damage, trading 1 mild Clarity damage for one bashing damage, and one severe Clarity damage for one lethal damage. This damage may be healed by magical means.

If the target has more than one mental Condition, the Truebalm may alleviate more than one condition in a roll but takes damage for each Condition she alleviates or removes. This may apply to Conditions whether they are detrimental to a character or not – if a Fae Inspires you, are you truly free of their touch?

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