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Revision as of 05:12, 5 April 2020 by Apocalycious (talk | contribs)
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Unstoppable Force
Cory looks like the sort of person who'd fly off the handle at a moment's notice- sharp features, rough stylings, lots of ink. The fact that she moves carefully- deliberately, every movement considered and chosen- flies in the face of that. It's like watching a very polite tiger move through a china shop, doing her best not to shatter every last scrap of porcelain in reach. Her hair is cut stylishly short and swept different ways every night, and she is as comfortable showing up in a tailored suit as she is in biker leathers and torn clothing.

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Sledge: She is my friend.

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RP Hooks
Myrmidon: Cory stands as the Myrmidon for the Carthian Movement. Got beef with another Carthian? She's the one supposed to make sure you guys settle it properly. It's a job some think she's not ready for, but she's determined to prove that impression false.
Oppositionist: Cory is an adrenaline junkie and adores competition fueled by real power. Want someone to race, box, swim, climb with? She's your gal.
Wait, SHE'S Coriana De La Croix?!: Coriana De La Croix is a well respected name in the city and her covenant. It's not unusual to be surprised to find out that Cory is Coriana, or that the tattooed, flat-toned thug has more clout than she seems. Looking for Coriana? That might make for an interesting scene.

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Full Name: Coriana "Cory" De La Croix
Occupation: Martial Artist
Birth: Not Advertised
Nationality: French Créole
Age: Appears 25
Height: 5' 7"
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Carthian
Position: Myrmidon
Status: City | Carthian
Family: Mac Lochlainn
Coterie: Not Advertised

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Played By: Vorpal