Logs:Multi-Tier Networking

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Alex Shaw, Anna-Marie Cordray, Atalo Ceres, Daniel Hawthorne, Mearcstapa


Atalo's second-hand shop


Atalo Ceres: Relaxing. That's good, and being lazy and settled. That's Cerberus right now, his head resting on Atalo's knee in return for being patted, while the Gangrel works through various sums next to the counter, tapping on a calculator (gasp!), albeit fairly slowly.

Mearcstapa: In walks a Mearcstapa, at a nice stalking pace, as is appropriate, dressed as he usually does. He's smiling tonight, and pauses when he hears the clickity sound of the calculator.

"So you can teach an old man new tricks."

Daniel Hawthorne: Not long after Mearcstapa's entrance Daniel made his way inside the shop, dressed neatly as was his wont with a dark blue scarf snugly wrapped around his neck. He gave both the master of the house and the other patron a nod. "Evening."

Atalo Ceres: "It does seem that way, mm." He gives Maerc a thoughtful look. "I don't know if changelings have any specific tricks there, but, you did get my attention." A faint smile.

This stays as Daniel makes his way and he nods politely. "Good evening Daniel. Hm. How are you both?" Because it's good to be polite to possible customers.

Mearcstapa: The mention of changelings makes Mearc pause, and he glances around to be sure no other customers (beside Daniel) are around. Then he smiles, head inclining slightly. "I have not done anything specific to trick you, or any other vampire within your store, Atalo. I've only presented you with good information to act on. Alex mentioned she's helping you out. I'm glad to hear it."

Then he turns toward Daniel. "Once we're done signifying at one another that we're in the know, I have something to discuss with you as well."

Daniel Hawthorne: The openness between the two gentlemen seemed to catch the young Haunt off-guard, looking towards Atalo curiously for a moment before turning to Mearc. "Alright..."

Atalo Ceres: "You're not the first to call me old man." Atalo notes wryly, but nods. "And understood. And, she is, yes." He turns to smile at Daniel. "Me and Maercstapa have talked, though I did turn to higher ups to check the state of affairs." A cough. "Basically, I feel he and his are trustworthy unless they eventually prove otherwise."

Mearcstapa: "We tend to be civil until or unless cornered." He nods. "And to be fair, as far as I'm aware, the first of yours that I pestered about becoming more up-to-date, technologically was your Sakima, so the higher ups are definitely aware of me."

He glances at Daniel again (though he doesn't make eye contact. But he never has at any point, so...). "I don't know if you were originally intending to show your work at the Museum of Art fashion show, but I have friends working to put on a sort of 'make-up' show, one that is focused on the artistry and not the politics. If you wish to be involved, I can pass along your phone number to those coordinating it."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel nodded slowly at Atalo's response, and the mention of the Sakima smoothed out most of his concern for where this conversation was going. "Understood."

"I would be interested in such, yes." He replied to Mearc, giving a small nod. "When will it be taking place?"

Atalo Ceres: "All of you?" Atalo asks mildly. "We tend to come in shades of variety ourselves, as do people generally. I'd avoid approaching any of you without invitation." He looks between them as the talk about the fashion show. "I have a thought. But I'd need you both to tell me if it's a good one."

Mearcstapa: "In the evening, I'm certain. I don't know if they've ironed out the dates. I'll pass your contact information along; I haven't received permission to share theirs with strangers." This to Daniel, before he nods at Atalo.

"Thoughts are dangerous, but I'm curious about what you're thinking. And no, you're right, not all of us are as quite as civil as I tend to be. But on the whole, what we are means avoiding attention and avoiding trouble, where possible."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Appreciate it. Did I give you my card before?" He nodded to Mearc, then gve Atalo an 'after you' motion with his hand.

Atalo Ceres: Atalo nods to them both. "Those who are more inclined to form contacts. I am willing to offer this as a place for talking, though, I do see a fair few mortal customers. Not always as much as I'd like, mind."

Mearcstapa: "We exchanged cards, yes." Mearc nods, before smiling at Atalo. "I'll admit, I've used your shop for that sort of conversation before, with Lethia, while you were doing inventory. It does make a good neutral ground. For one thing, I'm reasonably certain you don't have the knowledge to set up hidden recording devices here."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not a bad idea overall." Daniel nodded quietly. "Should be doable."

Atalo Ceres: "I take that as factual, though you could also add you don't believe I would if I could." Atalo chuckles quietly. "And Lethia is a rather interesting person, mm." He nods slightly. "But yes, you're both welcome. Spread the word if you're willing."

Mearcstapa: "I don't know you well enough to be sure if you would. You clearly value information enough to ask about me behind my back." He smiles as he says it, though.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Will do." Daniel nodded to Atalo, smirking slightly at the comment from Mearc towards the elder Gangrel.

Atalo Ceres: Atalo smiles wryly, spreading his hands. "Less about you, more about those you represent and the safety of contact. I suspect you'd have done the same in my place."

Mearcstapa: "Almost certainly. I asked a 'higher-up' about the Sakima after meeting her the first time." He chuckles quietly. "I'd say it's common sense, but sense seems uncommon, these days."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Sad but true..."

Atalo Ceres: "So I've witnessed. There's more then one reason I try to keep a low profile." He admits, patting Cerberus in thought. "So many people are foolish and ignorant. I tend to look for those who aren't."

Mearcstapa: Mearc nods slightly. "Well. I hope to remain on the list of those who aren't either, in your eyes."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Agreed. Those sort tend to make messes for the rest of us to clean up."

Atalo Ceres: "Despite a certain degree of pestering." Atalo grins slightly. "You've not given me any reason to think ill of you. And, agreed Daniel. So far the ones I've met recently of that nature can be counted on one hand."

Mearcstapa: "I hope none of those are of my ilk, to your knowledge?" He tilts his head to one side. "If they are, I can talk to them."

Daniel Hawthorne:Yesterday at 12:18 PM Daniel went quiet for the moment, looking towards Atalo to answer the question posed.

Alex Shaw: This is when any bell on the door or electronic chime goes off, as Alex slips into the shop from the dark outside. She's carrying the messenger bag she almost always wears, slung over one shoulder, and she has on a pair of tortoiseshell glasses. Along with her comes the usual vague creepiness that comes with the Nosferatu, but it's not like there probably wasn't a hint of that going on already. She pauses when she finds there are other people in the shop, but then a smile brightens her face. "Oh! Hello," she says cheerfully.

Atalo Ceres: "I'd suggest you don't." Atalo tells Maerc after a moment. "The person in question is prideful, arrogant, and more then willing to try and make others her pawns, from what I've seen. I certainly wouldn't risk my own secrets with her." He looks Alex's way as she enters, then smiles. "Good evening." He offers. "You know Maercstapa, I think? And perhaps Daniel too?"

Mearcstapa: "Lex." His smile brightens at the sight of her. "Look, Atalo's got a calculator. Progress!"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel looked towards the door as it opened, watching Alex for a moment giving her a respectful nod. "Don't believe we've been properly introduced." Once she was in range he offered a hand. "Daniel Hawthorne."

Alex Shaw: "Good evening, Atalo," Alex says with an easy warmth, like they're old friends at this point, though she approaches Mearcstapa to give (or at least offer) him a light hug. "I promise that wasn't even my doing, Mearcstapa," she says. "Either someone else is being a good influence on him too, or he took the initiative, so kudos." She gives Atalo a grin, then moves to take Daniel's hand. "Alex Shaw," she says. "Nice to meet you."

Atalo Ceres: "How do you know I didn't have it alre.. no, alright, I didn't." He admits. "I wanted to try and keep up. And it's easier then those blasted plastic boxes of yours." His mouth twitches in a faint grin. "I didn't realize until tonight that you both knew each other."

Mearcstapa: "Alex and I used to run in similar circles. Even before I moved to Philly, we crossed paths at security conferences." He glances toward Alex, deferring to her what other information she chooses to share on the matter.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel's handshake was firm but not overly so, keeping it short and sweet before reclaiming his hand. "Good to meet you as well."

Alex Shaw: For a Nosferatu, Alex isn't all that strong. Her handshake's pretty much what someone would probably expect to look at her, which is to say light and polite. "Speaking of blasted plastic boxes," says she, as she turns back to Atalo a moment later. "I actually came by to drop some things off related to the upgrades we talked about." She opens the bag slung over her shoulder and takes out a three ring binder, which she offers to Atalo. "I found some information on a few that look like good options, and compiled an overview of them and their pros and cons as I saw it. I put together images of what the screens would look like, with explanations, and tried to make it as simple as possible to avoid overwhelming you with the details you really don't need. We can go over it all later and I'll answer questions. If any of them strike your interest, we can probably arrange for demos with vendors." She gives Mearcstapa a look and a shrug. "that sums up a lot of it, yeah."

Atalo Ceres: "Ah, thank you." He nods, taking the folder and peering at the first page after opening it. "Do you still go to those conferences at times, Mearcstapa?" He asks curiously, glancing at Alex briefly. He drops his eyes to the pages he's studying, reading carefully and a little slowly.

Mearcstapa: "I do--often to give talks about security practices or other aspect of my work. There's several of those talks available on my Youtube chAnnal, which Alex can show you how to get to."

He nods, then pauses thoughtfully, looking between Alex and Daniel. "Itchy brain. Daniel, are you the same 'sort' of vampire as Alex and the Sakima? The...slightly creepy ones?"

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel paused at that, a wry smirk settling into place as he nodded. "I am, yes."

Alex Shaw: "Just don't watch Mearcstapa's videos if you ever want to feel good about how secure a location is, unless someone like him went over that security with a fine toothed comb," Alex adds with a laugh. "You'll realize pretty quickly what a polite fiction a lot of things are, like locks." To Atalo she adds, "you can hold onto that, and read it at your leisure, and then we can go over any questions, or just walk through the processes for using any of them step by step."

She look at Daniel, then at Mearcstapa, and agrees, "yep, that seems right." Then she asks of Daniel, "does it ever bother you still? The way people react? Sorry if that's an overly personal question in this company. Feel free to say so and decline to answer, and I won't be insulted."

Atalo Ceres: Another glance Alex's way. Okay, Atalo might not be the most subtle person ever. "Do you have any control over when conferences happen Maercstapa, and if people can watch through computers?" A slow nod to Alex. "Give me some time? I'll have lots of questions to ask though."

Mearcstapa: "I don't have any control, but I can make extra sure that videos get put online for the conferences I'm at--and can show you existing videos from past conferences. I've offered as much for Alex, since she'll have issues attending the non-local cons, and many talks at even local ones. It means I don't have my partner to sip ginger ale at the parties with..." There's a tone of wistful reminiscence.

Daniel Hawthorne: The smirk stayed in place as he waived off the apology. "No worries, and it does, I'll admit. Been a few years but I'm still getting used to it."

Alex Shaw: "I'm going to miss that," Alex says with a wistful sigh. "Conferences were one of my favorite parts of being in the field I'm in. At least at DEF CON there are enough things going on at night I could still probably have fun, if I could figure out a good way to get there safely." She shrugs. "I'm going to try not to worry about that too much for now." She smiles at Daniel. "Especially since even if I was there, I'd still be creeping people out. There are plenty of creepers, admittedly, but usually they're the sort that make people like me uncomfortable, not the sort made uncomfortable by people like me."

Atalo Ceres: "That's why I wondered if you could use a computer." Atalo muses. "Would that work? And, if I'm there, I can make it so people don't notice you as much, if that helps?" Yes, being unnoticed at a conference! Atalo's on fire tonight!

Mearcstapa: "Teleconferencing is definitely a thing. Trying it in person would be best with a local event like SecureWorld or maybe BSides Harrisburg if you're willing to go a little farther out." He looks like he's deep in thought. "But, if you're not interested, Alex, I'll stop running the thought experiment."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Not that easy to deal with in my line of work either. My sister handles most of the face-to-face work for the most part." He let out a quiet sigh, shaking his head. "You do what you can, though."

Alex Shaw: "Oh, I'm interested," Alex states firmly. "I miss the conference circuit. Plus, it's one of the best ways out there to network and find new business. Something I sorely need, after being out of sight for 4 years." She gives Atalo a smile and says, "I can avoid notice on my own, too. When I want to. But interacting with people's a big part of the point. What's your line of work, Daniel?"

Atalo Ceres: "Mm, and I've not met your sister, I think." He muses. "And, understandable Alex. I'm somewhat glad, as I wouldn't know what anyone was actually saying." A slight grin.

Mearcstapa: Mearc laughs. "Do you know what a padlock is? If so, there's more than one talk that I've given that would be entirely accessible to you."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Haven't brought her by yet, no." Daniel shook his head at Atalo, then looked to Alex, a note of pride slipping into those whispered words as he continued. "Clothing design. We have a studio a few blocks off of Rittenhouse Square."

Alex Shaw: "Really?" Alex asks Daniel with a clear interest. "That's definitely something that I'd be interested in talking with you about more, in the future. May I should come by your studio some time? At the moment I don't have a lot of money, but I do have skills that I can trade." She makes a gesture toward the binder she brought to Atalo. She smiles at Mearc then. "Are you going to teach him about lock shims, Mearcstapa?"

Atalo Ceres: "I've learned that lesson." He smiles at Maerc. "I am trying to get to talk to people better, so it might be a good idea to visit. As long as it's at night, of course."

Mearcstapa: "Most conferences have panels into the evening, and then parties--often loud, hardcore, drinking-y parties--all night long afterward. Erm, not that I am loud, hardcore or particularly drinking-y myself, but. Networking."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Certainly." Daniel took a moment to pull a slim metal card case from his pocket, offering her the neatly-designed card from within with Hawthorne Designs at the top and the name Daniel Hawthorne, the address and number for the business below and a second hand-written number on the back. "Number on the back is my cell; easiest way to reach me directly, although text tends to work better." The wry smirk slipped back into place at that, followed by a brief clearing of his throat that drove the point home.

Alex Shaw: Alex takes the offered card with a wide grin. "I will definitely give you a text some time." Then, "you learn a lot at those parties," Alex adds to what Mearc just said. "Especially about what people are secretly assholes when they let their guards down, so you're better off avoiding actually doing any business with them." She tells Mearc directly, "I got a lot less of that when I would hang out with you and sip ginger ale, which was just a bonus on top of your company. I think some of the awful people tended to assume we were together. Which was just weird when I was still under age, but not as weird as them hitting on me."

Atalo Ceres: "I can, well, we can, drink to blend in if need be." Atalo nods. "Would networking there be of value to my own work here though?"

Mearcstapa: "Wait, what?" There's a look on Mearc's face, like this is the first time he's actively realized people might have assumed he and Alex were a thing. It takes him a moment to process that, before he shakes his head to clear it like an Etch-a-Sketch. "Networking...not sure. I don't know what you're doing here beyond running a thrift shop, honestly."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Considering the charity work you do, networking in those circles isn't a bad idea." Daniel nodded to Atalo. "Get the word out about what you do and see who might be interested in offering further assistance."

Alex Shaw: "That surprises you?" Alex asks with a laugh. "It's unfortunately common for people to assume that a man and a woman can't just be friends." She shrugs, then pulls out her phone and lets her fingers fly over its screen. "It looks like there are actually thrifting conventions," she adds to what Daniel just said. "Both ones where people go to sell, and ones for people who own stores, to learn tricks from each other on getting good merchandise and stuff. At least, that's what it looks like with a cursory search." She looks at Daniel and adds, "in addition to what he just suggested."

Atalo Ceres: "Mostly seeking out charities to sell for." He explains to Mearc. "It offers a greater variety of stock to sell, and does help me try and expand my understanding of modern charities." He pauses. "I do need to tend to inventory for a little while, but I'm about if needed." He nods politely, withdrawing to the back.

Mearcstapa: "...I was nowhere near the idea of dating anyone at that point. Too fresh." He shakes his head. "And that's before we take the complications of my actual preferences into account."

He nods at Atalo as he steps away. "Don't worry, we won't burn the store down."

Alex Shaw: "Or mine," Alex responds to Mearcstapa with a shrug. "Were we unintentionally being each other's beards?" The thought brings an amused grin to her lips. "Have fun, Atalo! Definitely no fires, don't worry."

Mearcstapa: Blink...blink. "While I'm not certain I had the awareness of the potential need for one at that point? Yes, yes we clearly were."

Alex Shaw: That brings a soft laugh. "I was less certain about myself, or where exactly I fell on the spectrum of possibilities," Alex says. "I knew I definitely wasn't straight, since I'd already figured out I was interested in women, but beyond that I wasn't entirely sure." Then she hesitates before adding, "admittedly I'm still not, but now I've just come to the realization that the specifics are less important, and I'll roll with whatever I feel and not try to fit that into a specific box."

Mearcstapa: "Similarly. I think I explained it to someone last night as 'not generally women', but yes, agreed that the specifics are unimportant. 'Queer' works fine for me, if a label is useful, conversationally."

He pauses, and the rest comes out in a quiet rush like when you open a valve to release pressure. "There might be someone right now, details later if at all, it's sort of a thing."

Alex Shaw: "Likewise," answers Alex with a smile. "Not that I've even been on a date in like five years," she adds as the smile fades. "But I'll take queer for sure, or bi I suppose." Then one of her brows raises in a masterful arch. "Oh, hot goss? I'll look forward to it. Whatever the details, and whether I even hear them, I hope it's a situation that makes you happy."

Mearcstapa: "It...it very much does, Alex." He blushes brightly. "But stop Spock-browing me about it!"

Daniel Hawthorne: "Know how that goes on the dating front." Daniel quietly chimed in, giving Alex a nod. "Little hard to...open up these days, shall we say."

Alex Shaw: Somehow Alex's brow climbs even higher, then she laughs and lowers it. "We'll talk about it later," she promises/threatens him, with a smile. "You too?" she asks Daniel, then. "I wasn't really in a place where I even had an option, for a long while. Now... I've got way too much I'm trying to figure out to even be worried about it. I've only really been at this for like... two or three months."

Mearcstapa: "Yes, but you're clever enough to hit the ground running." He's clearly trying to reassure her.

Atalo Ceres: "Learning how to date?" Atalo asks, padding back into the main room. "That's something that's also crossed my mind. With something of care. The world's changed a lot. I need to remember to not call it courting."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Indeed." He nodded into agreement with Mearc. "And if you need any help, feel free to ask. I know it can be...interesting at the start."

Alex Shaw: "I have so many conflicting emotions on the very topic right now," Alex admits with a grimace. "It might be a while before I start actually considering dating, but we'll see. I've got to figure out what my existence is even really going to look like for the near future, before I think it's a good idea to throw dating into the mix."

Mearcstapa: "Respectable." He nods at Alex. "Get roots in your local not-'hold, set yourself up. Yeah, dating's not a priority. Making friends is, though. Atalo and Daniel are a good start from what I can tell, though."

Atalo Ceres: "Friends, that's something I think I'm working on, yes. I'm aware I'm not the most outgoing person."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Understand how that goes. I came into this somewhat...unexpectedly, and it's taken some time to adjust." He nodded quietly. "Happy to help where I can."

Alex Shaw: "As did I," Alex agrees with Daniel. "Unexpectedly, unknowingly, and unwillingly. The situation is what it is, and I'm going to have to learn to adjust, I suppose. But I'm happy to consider people friends, especially when they've never done anything to suggest otherwise." She flashes a smile at Daniel and Atalo.

Mearcstapa: Mearc glances sidelong at Atalo. "You seem to be doing fine to me. A little stuffy, sometimes; I'd guess your original language has formal voice as a feature, and you're trying to use English to express the same level of respect?"

Atalo Ceres: "I came to the city ten years ago, after over a hundred years asleep." He nods at Mearc. "And, that, yes. I'm fluent in English, but sometimes I'm aware I'm quite formal."

Anna-Marie Cordray: In walks a remarkably classy woman. Dressed in a black dress that almost certainly has some designer's label on it, Anna-Marie enters, casting glances here and there. Unlike the last time she met Atalo, she's carrying a cane and walking with a pronounced limp, though he might notice that the cane has a familiar silver head, that could almost be mistaken for a pommel.

"Ah, Mr. Ceres, your shop is as lovely as you are," she says in her remarkably posh accent. She then notices Alex and her perfect mask of a polite smile turns a little more genuine. "Ah! Aren't you Miss Shaw? I have been meaning to discuss matters with you."

She then turns to Mearc and Daniel. "My apologies, allow me to introduce myself. Anna-Marie Cordray, charmed to meet you," She adds with a sweeping bow.

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel smiled back to Alex in return. "Happy to be considered a friend in kind, and consider you one in return."

The young Haunt looked towards the door as it opened, pale eyes looking over the new arrival before he gave a polite nod. When he spoke the words came out just above a whisper, rounded by an almost-British accent that those familiar with the old Bostonian elite would recognize. "Daniel Hawthorne. Pleasure."

Alex Shaw: Alex shudders at the mention of a hundred year nap, but that's something that she's discussed her discomfort about before, and then in walks a new stranger with a new Beast, which hers reacts to in its typical fashion, which means the newcomer almost undeniably a vampire. "That's me," she says a wary look and a glance at Atalo, then back at Anna-Marie. "Nice to meet you, Ms Cordray," she answers with no more wariness than was in the look a moment before. "What can I help you with?"

Mearcstapa: The freckly non-Kindred in the room gives Anna-Marie a slow up-down look, nodding to himself before glancing at Atalo. It's his shop, after all. "A friend?"

Atalo Ceres: Atalo stills, eyes going to Anna-Marie. Cerberus' head raises from his basket in the back and he growls faintly, but quietens at a gesture from Atalo. "She's someone I know." He tells Mearcstapa, spreading the fingers of one hand and tapping them lightly. He regards Anna-Marie quietly, frowning. "I may owe you an apology." He offers after a moment, not seeming terribly keen on this. "Everyone. This is Anna-Marie, as she's introduced herself."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "An apology? Whatsoever for?" Anna-Marie asks, casting a surprised looking expression his way. She turns back to Alex, sizing her up. "I was just here to offer you a job, though that should wait until we're alone or at least with family only."

"And 'tis a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hawthorne. And your friend there."

Daniel Hawthorne: The mention of family made the point rather plain, with Daniel looking towards Alex to see how she wanted to handle the matter.

Alex Shaw: Alex visibly bristles at the family comment, but puts on exactly the sort of smile familiar to people who work in customer service everywhere. "If you need with something of the sort I'm in business providing, I'd be happy to discuss that with you," she says with practiced politeness. "My friend is actually in a similar line of work," she says with a glance toward Mearcstapa. "And we work together on ventures from time to time. Unless your need for secrecy runs deeply on this, he's safe to talk to in front of."

Mearcstapa: Mearc nods slightly, and finally steps forward to offer his hand, placing himself between Alex and Anna-Marie protectively. There's a soft almost-rustling sound in the air as he introduces himself. "Janus Mearcstapa."

Atalo Ceres: "For being rude to you, simply." Atalo responds to Anna-Marie. A nod towards Alex. "I'm working on the papers you gave me." A light smile. He stays somewhat in the background, patting Cerberus as he observes.

Anna-Marie Cordray: Anna-Marie puts her hand on her chest, a teary look on her face, "well! Thank you! You're a dear for saying that."

She clasps her hands as she faces Alex and Mearc. "Well, Miss Shaw, some of it is of a rather personal nature, so I'd rather not share it aloud. I'd hate to be spilling company secrets. You understand, don't you, Mr. Mearcstapa?" She says, trying to force eye-contact with Mearc.

Daniel Hawthorne: The young Haunt continued to remain quiet for the moment, watching the exchange with a small frown.

Alex Shaw: "Then we should probably speak another time," Alex says politely. "I'd leave you my business card, but I haven't had any printed yet. I suppose that should be moved closer to the top of my list of priorities." She does put a hand lightly on Mearcstapa's shoulder, like she's trying to reassure him about the whole situation.

Or, possibly, to claim him as hers. At least in the eyes of one other vampire.

Mearcstapa: Mearc lets out a soft huff, very clearly looking off to one side and not at Anna-Marie. "And people think we're the rude ones..."

He seems to relax a little at Alex's touch, letting her hand stay there. "You're a hammer, aren't you?"

Atalo Ceres: Atalo frowns himself, moving to Mearc's other side from Alex and also patting him lightly on the shoulder, though his hand doesn't linger like Alex's. He knows him less well, after all. "Accept my apologies Maercstapa, given this happened in my store." He glances at Anna-Marie. "A respect for boundaries is encouraged."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "No, no! The apology should be mine. I didn't know he was yours." Anna-Marie says, stepping back, hands raised. "My apologies Mr. Mearcstapa," she says, giving him a frown perfectly engineered to look genuine, "I do hope I can make it up to you."

Alex Shaw: Alex lowers her hand and continues to allow a smile for Anna-Marie. "I tend to spend plenty of time around the usual stomping grounds," she tells the Mekhet. "It's a good way to meet new people, and when nobody is around, I can work on some of my coding projects. That might be a good place to look for me later, if you want to discuss business more privately." She turns to Atalo and asks, "do you have any questions about the information I brought you, while I'm here? Otherwise I may be on my way shortly."

Mearcstapa: Mearc tilts his head to one side, then the other. "Have a good night, Alex. You know how to catch me, if you would like to."

And then his attention returns to Anna-Marie. Her hands, this time. "I own myself, thank you, but Alex is someone who I've known longer than she's been a part of anything you'd call family, even euphemistically."

Atalo Ceres: "Not yet Alex, but thank you." He smiles, giving a light nod. "I'll look through fully so I only need to ask you questions once. Thank you for your visit." He glances between Maercstapa and Anna-Marie. "She's still learning how things are in this city, but, I think progress is being made." A wry smile to the Changeling.

Anna-Marie Cordray: Anna-Marie rifles through her purse to hand over a lush embossed business card to Alex. "Do stay in contact, Miss Shaw. I will need to speak with you. Regarding matters of parentage, if you understand my meaning." She places both hands on her cane, watching Mearc's eyes drift to avoid hers. It was a fun game, really. "You are right, Mr. Ceres, this city is a bit of an enigma to me. You have such interesting localisms."

"And Mr. Mearcstapa, no one in this country owns themselves."

Alex Shaw: Alex takes the offered card, glances at it, then slides it away into a pocket on the bag she wears slung over a shoulder. "I'm sure we'll end up speaking soon," she tells Anna-Marie before turning to face Mearcstapa. "Let me know when everything we need to do that experiment we discussed comes in, at the very least," she tells him. Then she waves goodbye and starts moving toward the door.

Daniel Hawthorne: "Was good meeting you, Alex." There was a brief moment where one could tell he almost said something else, a bit of old formality set aside as he gave his fellow Haunt a nod. "Look forward to hearing from you."

Mearcstapa: "I feel like we're using very different metrics to discuss 'ownership', which would bother me more if it was a conversation I actually felt like engaging you in, but I feel like the fundamental difference in viewpoint here is going to to be a potential barrier in effective communication." There's a bit of a pause, and the ghost of a smile. "Now I understand something Lethia said about 'lower life forms' much better. Thank you for the lesson."

Atalo Ceres: "Be well Alex." He tells her as the Haunt leaves, nodding at Mearcstapa. "I should get back to inventory, but Cerberus will be here to keep you company while you're browsing." With a not so subtle hint the dog can get Atalo's attention if Mearc needs it. "Stay safe Maercstapa. And, good evening Daniel, Anna-Marie."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "Ah, unable to leave proper etiquette aside I see, Mr. Hawthorn," Anna-Marie says, a cat-like smile gracing her features. "And, Mr. Mearcstapa, I want to be very clear that I never said 'lower life forms'. But with those words said, how much pretense should I drop about matters? You seem not all together uninformed."

Daniel Hawthorne: "Old habits die hard." He replied to Anna-Marie, an almost overly-polite smile accompanying the words. "What can I say."

Alex Shaw: Alex pauses to glance back, but everyone seems to be at least relatively fine, so she gives Anna-Marie a last considering look and then slips out. She gets not more than a step outside the front door before her presence just stops being something anyone's mind worries itself over.

Lethia Rose: Lethia shambles in, clove cigarette between her teeth as she texts someone on her phone. Her hair is now a pastel blue, and in a ponytail to show off her new undercut. She looks up at the crowd of people and blinks blankly in surprise. "I heard someone say my name, who summoned me?"

Mearcstapa: "Speak of the Devil, and verily she shall appear. Lethia, I enjoyed your party Sunday night. Have you met Anna-Marie Cordray? She's apparently new in town and apparently still adjusting." Mearc's smile grows at the sight of the Daeva, before he glances at a spot over Anna-Marie's shoulder. "As for how much you should drop the pretense? I know something about who I'm associating with. I don't think I've ever met the day shift who work here, nor do I think I'd find them as interesting, for example."

Anna-Marie Cordray:Yesterday at 5:36 PM "Yes, hello! Commissioner Anna-Marie Cordray, if we're being more open," she says, eying over Mearc like he's an unfamiliar hors d'oeuvre. "You are Ms. Lethia then? You look stunning, if I dare say so."

She cranes her head to look over her shoulder at Daniel. "Mr. Hawthorn, if you ever want back in, I'm sure I can find a place for you."

Daniel Hawthorne: "I'm quite content where I am currently, but thank you for the offer." The overly polite smile lingered as he replied, then turned his attention to Lethia's arrival and gave a nod. "Evening."

Lethia Rose: Lethia nods in greeting to the room before reflexively stubbing out her cigarette on her boot. "Evening Mearcstapa, glad to hear it. Evening Mister Hawthone. And it's nice to meet you Miss Anna-Marie. You're the new Invictus, right?" She pronounces 'Invictus' like someone fluent in Latin would.

Mearcstapa: "Commissioner. I will remember that, in the future." He nods, sticking his hands in his pockets and relaxing just slightly. "If we're making corrections to our introductions, I favor just 'Mearcstapa'. It's my name, and doesn't need a courtesy title."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "The new Invictus in this town, yes," she says it the proper way of the organization, church Latin instead of Roman. It comes out her mouth like a crisp hundred dollar bill. "I'm not new to the organization as a whole but I feel that perhaps we shouldn't be this open around kine." She says, giving a pointed look at Mearc. "And I'll keep that in mind, Janus."

Lethia Rose: Lethia smiles gently. "My Miss Cordray, it's impolite to refer to someone in a way they've just said they don't prefer, don't you think? Besides, Mearcstapa here isn't kine, and is definitely in the know. Maybe even more than you are."

Mearcstapa: He gives Lethia a brief smile. "I believe the rudeness was part of the point of the exercise. Or perhaps she took me repeating her title to be sure I remembered it as me simply addressing her as such, and she was doing the same. In which case, fair play, but that wasn't the intention. Kine is used to refer to mundane humans, then?"

Anna-Marie Cordray: "Ghoul, I presume then? Or something farther afield?" Anna-Marie's predatory look flicks up and down Mearc, like he's meat on a spit. "and it's Commissioner, not Miss. Kindred deserve titles, Ms. Lethis."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel's eyes opened up a touch at the turn of phrase used, a rare bit of surprise from the young Haunt. "It is, yes." He said in reply to Mearc, nodding quietly as he kept an eye on the other two.

Lethia Rose: "Kine is an archaic term for cattle, Mearcstapa." Lethia brushes a lock of hair back behind her ear as she looks Anna-Marie up and down with a faint smile playing on her lips. "And you are correct, Ms. Cordray, kindred worthy of respect do deserve titles. As for what Mearcstapa may be, I leave it to him to tell you."

Mearcstapa: "For cattle." He shakes his head slightly. "Unexpected, I suppose, but I can't see that term being one that the Sakima would use much, herself. No, I don't intend to tell you what I am, other than a person who owns himself."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "The Sakima does what she wants," Anna-Marie says with a non-committal shrug. "If she wishes to isolate her principality from the outside world further, that is on her."

She then looks over Lethia with a smirk on her face. "Dearie me, you are fascinating aren't you. What title do you carry in the..." she pauses, her brain whirring for a guess, "Circle mayhaps?"

Lethia Rose: "Crone," Lethia says with a friendly, happy smile.

Mearcstapa: Mearc looks thoughtful. "Perhaps I should offer you the gift of my absence. Lethia, I hope you remain well. Commissioner Cordray, this has been a very educational meeting. Thank you."

Daniel Hawthorne: Daniel gave Mearc a quiet nod. "Was a pleasure seeing you again, and I look forward to hearing from you on the matter we discussed."

Anna-Marie Cordray: "Oh, certainly, seeing Mr. Ceres's other friends is always an informative experience!" Anna-Marie says, pulling out her business card and giving it to him with a flourish, "If you ever need favor with people in the higher echelons, feel free to give a call."

"And Crone Lethia it is then. I don't suppose the ordo has seen fit to give you a title in your short time there, Mr. Hawthorn?"

Lethia Rose: "See you round, Mearcstapa." Lethia waves to the Changeling as he leaves. Turning back to the conversation she gives Daniel her full attention.

Mearcstapa: He accepts the business card, but doesn't offer his own, giving Daniel a small nod. "It'll be likely one of my associates will reach out to you directly. I am hardly a person who should be involved with that sort of planning." And with a final nod, he exits.

Daniel Hawthorne: Back to the polite smile Daniel went, shaking his head quietly. "Not one that you would find significance in, Commissioner."

Anna-Marie Cordray: She gives an elegant bow to Mearc as he leaves. "I assure you. I'm always interested in how to address people directly. Especially in a new city with new titles."

Lethia Rose: Lethia just shrugs. "Might as well give up on this one, Comish. The Ordo has always been the most secretive, ever since the flappy bastard himself."

Daniel Hawthorne: He smirked a touch, giving a small nod. "Mister Hawthorne will be sufficient. Thank you for asking, however."