First Buds of Spring

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"What is all this juice and all this joy?"
-Gerard Manley Hopkins
Supernal Meaning

First Buds of Spring: Spring is when the planting is done. The winter frosts retreat and the showers of spring promise renewal and rebirth into summer. Without the work begun in Spring, there can be no Autumn harvest. And without the planting, tending, and reaping, there is no food for the long and quiet winter. The first buds of spring were always a promise to the people that rebirth was coming, but also a herald of the work yet to be done.

Balm - Elder Cambyses - Hierophant

Order: Children of the Tree
Path: Thyrsus
Role: Edgetender

Order: Mysterium
Path: Moros
Role: Doorwarden

Weaver - Tale Keeper Epiphanius - Curator

Order: Children of the Tree
Path: Thyrsus
Role: Lorekeeper

Order: Mysterium
Path: Obrimos
Role: Hearthmaster

Charleville - Syndic

Order: Free Council
Path: Acanthus
Role: Farseeker

None - None

Order: None
Path: None
Role: None

Is First Buds of Spring Recruiting?: No. This is an NPC cadre.

What does First Buds of Spring do?: They are a cadre formed to study the Mysteries of the Martyr's Tree, and to help shepherd relations between the Children of the Tree and the consilium in general, the Mysterium in specific.

What are First Buds of Spring looking for?: They choose their numbers by Path, typically, though they are not above taking out of path members who fit with the cadre's mission and goals.

What does First Buds of Spring have to offer?: Very little beyond their accumulated wisdom regarding the Martyr's Tree and the experience of multiple masters.

What can First Buds of Spring do for non-members? General hospitality in the form of housing, food, and companionship. While present, guests will be expected to assist in the duties of the sanctum. Cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, and all the minutae of every day life.

What territory does First Buds of Spring publicly claim? Their sanctum is located in East Kensington, and beyond the area immediately surrounding their sanctum, they have no interest in territorial claims. Enforcing them distracts from their work.

None yet.

Great Rights

The Council of the Wise openly honors all five of the Great Rights.

Right of Crossing:

Walk by our doors, not beyond them without announcing yourself and gaining admittance.

Right of Emeritus:

We adhere to the decisions of the Elder and her emissariate. It has decided to listen to the Consilium and its Council. And it has decided to listen to the Magisterium of the Convocation. We hear them all out, convene, and decide for ourselves what is best. We thank them for their input.

Right of Hospitality:

Let the hungry eat, let the tired rest, let the wounded heal, let the ignorant learn, let the thirsty drink, let the naked be clothed, let the beggar become enriched, let the orphan find family, let the prodigal return. Come to us, stay with us, do these things with us until it is time for you to go.

Right of Nemesis:

Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. Children talk with their hands. Behave as a child and we shall educate you as one. Peace and wisdom come through discussion and consensus. We will prove the point to you, if we must.

Right of Sanctuary:

We are a family and our sanctum is our home. We find it as lovely as you find yours. Please keep it that way.


Lesser Analogues


